What's the best way to implement a real-world SOAP server?

Geoff Talvola gtalvola at nameconnector.com
Tue Jun 19 11:29:37 EDT 2001

At 09:14 PM 6/18/01 -0700, Jim Severino wrote:
>Hello everyone
>I see that Actzero's SOAP.py provides a SOAPServer class that
>implements a request handler which handles object and function
>registration as well as the network side of things through the
>imported BaseHTTPServer class. This works for development and testing,
>but what about real-world implementations, where a SOAP server may be
>expected to handle hundreds of requests per second? Doesn't the
>BaseHTTPServer only execute one request at a time?
>I would like to know what people think would be a suitable SOAP server
>(that works with Python modules, of course) for a "real-world"
>environment. The ideal server would implement simultaneous processing
>of multiple requests, database connection pooling.... all of the
>things that a good webserver setup implements.
>I was looking at mod_python + Apache, but I don't see how one can go
>about using SOAPServer with them, since SOAPServer provides its own
>HTTP server.
>I may be missing something obvious. Please tell me if I am.

Here's one option:

Webware lets you write servlets that do XML-RPC, and Webware provides an 
efficient threaded application server and lets you do database connection 
pooling, etc.

If you can get by with XML-RPC, this works great as-is.  If you really need 
SOAP, it should be pretty easy to write a SOAPServlet base class just like 
the XMLRPCServlet class that is already in Webware.  I've thought about 
writing it myself, but XML-RPC suits my purposes just fine so I haven't 
bothered.  But this would be a nice addition to Webware.

If you want to try this, I recommend going to 
http://webware.sourceforge.net/ and getting the tip of CVS, as I think the 
XML-RPC functionality has been enhanced significantly in CVS since the last 
Webware release.  Also I recommend joining the webware-discuss mailing list.


- Geoff Talvola
   gtalvola at NameConnector.com

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