Trouble with Parsing XML

Martin von Loewis loewis at
Thu Jun 7 07:08:46 EDT 2001

Benjamin Schollnick <junkster at> writes:

> EXPAT does give me a few of the objects data back, but not all of them.

Not sure what you mean. All entites that you have in the document are
reported, as far as I can tell. Which ones are missing in your output?
For reference, I get

Start : multistatus             attrs:  {}
Start : response                attrs:  {}
Start : href            attrs:  {}
Start : propstat                attrs:  {}
Start : prop            attrs:  {}
Start : displayname             attrs:  {}
Start : summary                 attrs:  {}
Start : entityowner             attrs:  {}
Start : dsref           attrs:  {u'handle': u'User-2'}
Start : displayname             attrs:  {}
Start : username                attrs:  {}
Start : parents                 attrs:  {}
Start : dsref           attrs:  {u'handle': u'Collection-10'}

> Can anyone verify that EXPAT is operating properly?  

Since I don't know what your script does on your installation, I
cannot verify this.

> I'm assuming this is a Programmer (my) error, but I'm not familiar
> enough with EXPAT to decide on what is the problem.

It might be neither-nor - I cannot see any problem.


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