Python compiler

Paul Prescod paulp at
Sat Jun 30 15:13:59 EDT 2001

Eric Merritt wrote:
>  I wasn't trashing java as a language (or python for
> that matter) they are both good languages, python
> being better in my opinion. My complaint was about
> speed. Most of the time the speed of java and python
> is adiquate, but sometimes I require speed. Also it
> would be nice to get a big speed increase by just
> compiling. Anyhow, I did not meen it as a complaint
> just a nice thing to have.

Well, there are Java compilers now (in fact there have been for a long
time) but I would say that if what you need is speed, the best solution
is often to code in Python and then rewrite your inner loops in C. Or
even profile your Python and then optimize it. You'll be amazed how much
speed you can squeeze out if you concentrate on your problem areas.
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