Adding a method to an instance: solution

Kirby Urner urner at
Sat Mar 3 11:14:04 EST 2001

Bryan Mongeau <bryan at> wrote:

>In case anyone is wondering:

Yeah, Paul sent that to me too.  I had no idea about the 'new' 

  >>> import new
  >>> dir(new)
  ['__doc__', '__name__', 'classobj', 'code', 'function', 
  'instance',   'instancemethod', 'module']
  >>> print new.__doc__
  Functions to create new objects used by the interpreter.

  You need to know a great deal about the interpreter to use this!

I'll have to see what else I can find out about it, play
with it some.

Thanks again for asking your question -- good opportunity 
to spin my wheels re this Python stuff!


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