March 2001 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Mar 1 00:09:25 EST 2001
Ending: Sat Mar 31 23:37:13 EST 2001
Messages: 4487
- long int behaviour
Tim Peters
- shadow.h
Chris Gonnerman
- PyQt file locations
Frank Miles
- Performance when working directory is slow network drive
Sean Reifschneider
- d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[:]
Donn Cave
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
Parzival Herzog
- Intersesting Questions involving extending and embedding
Fredrik Lundh
- is and == (is not other_thread)
Fredrik Lundh
- Python + MySQL + qt
Gerhard Häring
- is and == (is not other_thread)
Robin Thomas
- "import X" and "from X import y" produce different results, Why?
Parzival Herzog
- d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[0:1]
Robin Thomas
- "import X" and "from X import y" produce different results, Why?
Fredrik Lundh
- "import X" and "from X import y" produce different results, Why?
Robin Thomas
- writing a C function to manipulate python lists
Michael Vanier
- "import X" and "from X import y" produce different results, Why?
Alex Martelli
- d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[0:1]
Konrad Hinsen
- CPAN functionality for python - requirements
Bruce Sass
- To the point of defeat.....IDLE
Deon Garrett
- Stream interfaces
Dave Harris
- PIL setup troubles
Walter Pleyer
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Martin von Loewis
- writing a C function to manipulate python lists
Martin von Loewis
- COMMERCIAL: BlackAdder v1.0Beta2 Available
Phil Thompson
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
Thomas Heller
- Allow anything in identifiers?
Sverker Nilsson
- [Distutils] Re: CPAN functionality for python - requirements
John J. Lee
- [Distutils] Re: CPAN functionality for python - requirements
Thomas Heller
- writing a C function to manipulate python lists
Dave Cole
- ignore - just a test
Daniel Orlowski
- is and == (is not other_thread)
Remco Gerlich
- ANN: GuestBook 1.0.0
Colin Meeks
- how can i copy a sublist
Daniel Orlowski
- [Distutils] Re: CPAN functionality for python - requirements
Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)
- python performance
Burkhard Kloss
- [ANNOUNCE] Webware for Python 0.5
Chuck Esterbrook
- Stream interfaces
Thomas Gagne
- [ANNOUNCE] pyAda, first public release
Brad Clements
- how can i copy a sublist
David Porter
- how can i copy a sublist
Burkhard Kloss
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Alex Martelli
- how can i copy a sublist
Chris Gonnerman
- d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[0:1]
Alex Martelli
- Collection interfaces
Lloyd Kvam
- is and == (is not other_thread)
Grant Griffin
- [ANNOUNCE] pyAda, first public release
John English
- Allow anything in identifiers?
Thomas Wouters
- To the point of defeat.....IDLE
Steve Holden
- python performance
Paul Miller
- python performance
Alex Martelli
- Py_INCREF / DECREF not needed in simple C functions?
Owen F. Ransen
- [ANNOUNCE] pyAda, first public release
Larry Kilgallen
- Allow anything in identifiers?
Neil Cerutti
- Py_INCREF / DECREF not needed in simple C functions?
Alex Martelli
- how can i copy a sublist
Alex Martelli
- command line command structure representation
Bruce Edge
- Combinations of n Lists
Alex Martelli
- PEP 227 (was Re: Nested scopes resolution -- you can breathe again!)
Alex Martelli
- [Distutils] Re: CPAN functionality for python - requirements
Thomas Heller
- [HAL2001-Announce] Decision Day take 2 (fwd)
Thomas Wouters
- str behaviour
Igor V. Rafienko
- str behaviour
Jay O'Connor
- long int behaviour
Timothy Grant
- Unit testing data; What to test
Alex Martelli
- d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[:]
Jeremy Hylton
- d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[:]
Jeremy Hylton
- Hypergeometric distribution ?
Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Erik Max Francis
diverdown at
- PEP 227 (was Re: Nested scopes resolution -- you can breathe again!)
Jeremy Hylton
- SetProgramName, needs the quotes of Windows paths?
Owen F. Ransen
- Newbie createing .PYC for import
Larry Bates
- Collection interfaces
Alex Martelli
- Hypergeometric distribution ?
William Park
- PEP 227 (was Re: Nested scopes resolution -- you can breathe again!)
Alex Martelli
- Allow anything in identifiers?
Sverker Nilsson
- Combinations of n Lists
Tim Hochberg
- Newbie createing .PYC for import
Oleg Broytmann
- sre bug with \b in locale mode
Oleg Broytmann
- Newbie createing .PYC for import
Steve Holden
- PEP 227 (was Re: Nested scopes resolution -- you can breathe again!)
Joshua Marshall
- [ANNOUNCE] pyAda, first public release
David Starner
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Joshua Marshall
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Fredrik Lundh
- writing a C function to manipulate python lists
Fredrik Lundh
- PEP 227 (was Re: Nested scopes resolution -- you can breathe again!)
Robin Becker
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Warren Postma
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Sverker Nilsson
- Newbie createing .PYC for import
David Bolen
- [Q] Question from Python tutorial
Young-Jin Lee
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Fredrik Lundh
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Tim Peters
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Tim Peters
- [Q] Question from Python tutorial
Jay O'Connor
- [ANNOUNCE] pyAda, first public release
Terry Westley
- [Q] Question from Python tutorial
Young-Jin Lee
- [Q] Question from Python tutorial
Mark Jackson
- [Q] Question from Python tutorial
Jay O'Connor
- Stream interfaces
Dave Harris
- Can SAX parser return <!-- COMMENTS --> ???
Bruce Fleming
- [Q] Question from Python tutorial
William Park
- [Q] Question from Python tutorial
Richie Sum
- [Python-Dev] Re: d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[:]
Guido van Rossum
- [Distutils] Re: CPAN functionality for python - requirements
Bruce Sass
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Tim Peters
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Tim Peters
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Jeremy Hylton
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Tim Peters
- Performance when working directory is slow network drive
Mark Hadfield
- d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[:]
Guido van Rossum
- Has anyone been able to convince Bruce Eckel to write "Thinking in Python"
Chris Richard Adams
- [Q] Inspect variables during execution?
Daehyok Shin
- [Distutils] Re: CPAN functionality for python - requirements
Bruce Sass
- Looking for better Tkinter's listbox widget
gradha at
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Joshua Marshall
- Command-line interface to the Online Oxford English Dictionary.
- Has anyone been able to convince Bruce Eckel to write "Thinking in Python"
Bruce Eckel
- str behaviour
Tim Peters
- [Q] Inspect variables during execution?
Fredrik Lundh
- CPAN functionality for python - requirements
Bruce Sass
- [OT - JOB AD] Python / XML / Distributed Systems Developer
Frank Stolze
- Performance when working directory is slow network drive
Sean Reifschneider
- [OT - JOB AD][REPOST] Python / XML / Distributed Systems Developer
Frank Stolze
- [Python-Dev] Re: d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[:]
Thomas Wouters
- catching a del
Dan Parisien
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Tim Peters
- docs for mysqldb
Ian Parker
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Tim Peters
- Newbie: Casting Int to string....
Digital Hyakugei
- Lower bounds of lists
Dan Parisien
- Newbie: Casting Int to string....
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
William Tanksley
- Lower bounds of lists
- Newbie: Casting Int to string....
joconnor at
- catching a del
Werner Schiendl
- PEP 227 (was Re: Nested scopes resolution -- you can breathe again!)
Tim Peters
- Tkinter: image doesn't exist.
David Allen
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Tim Peters
- catching a del
Gregory Jorgensen
- compile() source code from a string
Costas Menico
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
Mark Hammond
- define a new func on the fly?
Bruce Edge
- compile() source code from a string
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
- define a new func on the fly?
David Allen
- Best way to string compare a python object in a getattrofunc?
Greg Ewing
- Lower bounds of lists
Chris Gonnerman
- Collection interfaces
Greg Ewing
- define a new func on the fly?
Gregory Jorgensen
- Hypergeometric distribution ?
Ivan Frohne
- Collection interfaces
Greg Ewing
- define a new func on the fly?
Donn Cave
- Help with finding how much memory a variable is using
Dave Cole
- Performance when working directory is slow network drive
David Bolen
- define a new func on the fly?
Bruce Edge
- Lazy construction of Python proxies for C parse tree
Dave Cole
- Newbie: Casting Int to string....
David Bolen
- [ANNOUNCE] Webware for Python 0.5
Don Tuttle
- define a new func on the fly?
Christopher Li
- [ANNOUNCE] Webware for Python 0.5
Chuck Esterbrook
- Intersesting Questions involving extending and embedding
- compile() source code from a string
Costas Menico
- is and == (is not other_thread)
Greg Ewing
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Nathan Gray
- becomes Interactive, new issue today
editor at
- python irc channel?
Martin Brown
- PEP 227 (was Re: Nested scopes resolution -- you can breathe again!)
Greg Ewing
- define a new func on the fly?
Costas Menico
- Collection interfaces
- Collection interfaces
- define a new func on the fly?
Costas Menico
- Lower bounds of lists
Greg Ewing
- Stream interfaces
- define a new func on the fly?
Greg Ewing
- Thank you for the replys!
Digital Hyakugei
- python irc channel?
Sean Reifschneider
- define a new func on the fly?
Joshua Marshall
- becomes Interactive, new issue today
Paul Magwene
- define a new func on the fly?
Tim Peters
- python irc channel?
Erno Kuusela
- python irc channel?
Gerhard Häring
- is and == (is not other_thread)
Grant Griffin
- Cannot find win32gui.IsIconic()
Hirsch, John
- compile() source code from a string
Chris Gonnerman
- becomes Interactive, new issue today
Don Tuttle
- Collection interfaces
Randy A. Ynchausti
- compile() source code from a string
- Py_INCREF / DECREF not needed in simple C functions?
Owen F. Ransen
- To the point of defeat.....IDLE
Deon Garrett
- "import X" and "from X import y" produce different results, Why?
Parzival Herzog
- [Python-Dev] Re: d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[:]
Donn Cave
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
Parzival Herzog
- Lower bounds of lists
Bruce Sass
- define a new func on the fly?
Gregory Jorgensen
- d = {}; d[0:1] = 1; d[0:1] = 2; print d[0:1]
Donn Cave
- "import X" and "from X import y" produce different results, Why?
Tim Roberts
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Tim Roberts
- Intersesting Questions involving extending and embedding
Fredrik Lundh
- Tkinter: image doesn't exist.
Fredrik Lundh
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Fredrik Lundh
- str behaviour
Christian Tanzer
- [Q]: How can I get the logged in users username on Win32?
- Py_INCREF / DECREF not needed in simple C functions?
Fredrik Lundh
- How can I get the logged in users username on Win32?
Fredrik Lundh
- Performance when working directory is slow network drive
Fredrik Lundh
- Stream interfaces
Dave Harris
- Calling win32ui from Tkinter app......
Martin Franklin
- CGI & Python (error)
- [Distutils] Re: CPAN functionality for python - requirements
Jack Jansen
- playing with IP's
Langa Kentane
- Collection interfaces
Alex Martelli
- Bug in Py_Finalize() ?
Owen F. Ransen
- catching a del
Tino Wildenhain
- Lower bounds of lists
Alex Martelli
- Newbie: Casting Int to string....
Tino Wildenhain
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Carl Banks
- catching a del
Alex Martelli
- multipart/form-data submission with httplib + MimeWriter?
Steve Purcell
- PEP 227 (was Re: Nested scopes resolution -- you can breathe again!)
Robin Becker
- playing with IP's
Langa Kentane
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Martin von Loewis
- python-dev summary 2001-02-15 - 2001-03-01
Michael Hudson
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
Thomas Heller
- compile() source code from a string
Costas Menico
- How can I get the logged in users username on Win32?
Rolander, Dan
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packag ed program.
Rolander, Dan
- Communicating with serial port
Peter Blom
- CGI & Python (error)
Chris Gonnerman
- CGI & Python (error)
Colin Meeks
- Intersesting Questions involving extending and embedding
Oleg Broytmann
- extended slices and buffer objects ????
Mats Wichmann
- Splitting comp.lang.python
Nick Jacobs
- Intersesting Questions involving extending and embedding
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Martin von Loewis
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Martin von Loewis
- WDDX in Python.
Digital Hyakugei
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Martin von Loewis
- [ANNOUNCE] Webware for Python 0.5
Geoff Talvola
- Splitting comp.lang.python
Mikael Olofsson
- Has anyone been able to convince Bruce Eckel to write "Thinking in Python"
Mark Pilgrim
- Newbie createing .PYC for import
Rich Somerfield
- Editing Python source as XML?
Steven Haryanto
- Has anyone been able to convince Bruce Eckel to write "Thinking in Python"
Greg Landrum
- Communicating with serial port
Werner Schiendl
- define a new func on the fly?
Bruce Edge
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Lloyd Sommerer
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Martin von Loewis
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Robin Becker
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Martin von Loewis
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Martin von Loewis
- PEP 227 (was Re: Nested scopes resolution -- you can breathe again!)
Russell E. Owen
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Martin von Loewis
- newbie: meta question
Lloyd Sommerer
- Can SAX parser return <!-- COMMENTS --> ???
Martin von Loewis
- PyRun_SimpleFile - impossible to call it under Windows?
Owen F. Ransen
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Martin von Loewis
- WDDX in Python.
Martin von Loewis
- Editing Python source as XML?
Martin von Loewis
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Mark Pilgrim
- feature wish
Dan Parisien
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Carl Banks
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- [Distutils] Re: CPAN functionality for python - requirements
Sean Reifschneider
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- [Distutils] Re: CPAN functionality for python - requirements
Aahz Maruch
- Slice operation changes
Robin Thomas
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Aahz Maruch
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
- feature wish
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- becomes Interactive, new issue today
Sean Reifschneider
- feature wish
Oleg Broytmann
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
Thomas Heller
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Tim Peters
- Tkinter: image doesn't exist.
David Allen
- Editing Python source as XML?
Dave Kuhlman
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
Tim Peters
- str behaviour
Igor V. Rafienko
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packag ed program.
Rolander, Dan
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Tim Peters
- create new statement?
Bruce Edge
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Mark Pilgrim
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Bug in Py_Finalize() ?
Owen F. Ransen
- extended slices and buffer objects ????
Tim Peters
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Donn Cave
- python-dev summary 2001-02-15 - 2001-03-01
Tim Peters
- [Webware-discuss] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Webware for Python 0.5
Terrel Shumway
- create new statement?
Steve Purcell
- create new statement?
Tim Peters
- create new statement?
Bruce Edge
- how to get the last interactive command enetered
- Collection interfaces
Simon Callan
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Mark Pilgrim
- docs for mysqldb
Leonardo B Lopes
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
- Stream interfaces
Thomas Burns
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Warren Postma
- Bug in Py_Finalize() ?
Tim Peters
- Python 2.1 beta 1 documentation online
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Editing Python source as XML?
Neil Hodgson
- create new statement?
Bruce Edge
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Magnus Lie Hetland
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Magnus Lie Hetland
- cataloging words in text file
Stephen Boulet
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Weird Language Features
Warren Postma
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Tim Peters
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
Paul Jackson
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Tim Peters
- ImportError with extensions in python2.1 installed in home dir
tan at
- How can I get the logged in users username on Win32?
Mark Hammond
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
Tim Peters
- Communicating with serial port
Mark Hammond
- cataloging words in text file
Grant Edwards
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Russell E. Owen
- cataloging words in text file
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Mark Pilgrim
- Can I capture console output from an os.system() call?
Brian Geddes
- Python 2.1b1 released
Guido van Rossum
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
John W. Baxter
- cataloging words in text file
Grant Edwards
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Tim Peters
- Python, ASP, ADO, and Image string/binary problems
Shonn Gilson
- cataloging words in text file
Grant Edwards
- Unresolved symbols in MSVCRT.DLL when running a py2exe packaged program.
- python-dev summary 2001-02-15 - 2001-03-01
Michael Hudson
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Aahz Maruch
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Thomas Wouters
- cataloging words in text file
Aahz Maruch
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Carel Fellinger
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Robin Becker
- Communicating with serial port
Roger Burnham
- Intersesting Questions involving extending and embedding
Thomas Wouters
- python-dev summary 2001-02-15 - 2001-03-01
Nathan Gray
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Tim Peters
- python-dev summary 2001-02-15 - 2001-03-01
Tim Peters
- Crashed PythonWin. How can I fix it?
Costas Menico
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Aahz Maruch
- Hitting two targets: OO + group theory (pedagogy)
Kirby Urner
- shortcut for 'self' wish
Costas Menico
- Crashed PythonWin. How can I fix it?
Neil Hodgson
- shortcut for 'self' wish
Will Ware
- shortcut for 'self' wish
Terry Reedy
- To the point of defeat.....IDLE
Steve Holden
- python irc channel?
Timothy Grant
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
L Sommerer
- Editing Python source as XML?
Steven Haryanto
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Paul Jackson
- Adding a method to an instance
Bryan Mongeau
- Collection interfaces
Steve Wart
- Editing Python source as XML?
David Ascher
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Donn Cave
- shortcut for 'self' wish
Kirby Urner
- Adding a method to an instance
Kirby Urner
- PyRun_SimpleFile - impossible to call it under Windows?
Gerhard Häring
- Bug in Py_Finalize() ?
Owen F. Ransen
- Editing Python source as XML?
Adam Logghe
- cataloging words in text file
Gerhard Häring
- Adding a method to an instance
Kirby Urner
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Michael Chermside
- Adding a method to an instance
Bryan Mongeau
- Collection interfaces
James A. Robertson
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Kirby Urner
- no zlib in Python 2.0
Conrad Mukai
- Adding a method to an instance
Kirby Urner
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Mark Pilgrim
- Adding a method to an instance
Kirby Urner
- cataloging words in text file (fwd)
Dr. David Mertz
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Mark Pilgrim
- ANNOUNCE Mailman 2.0.2 (important privacy patch)
Barry A. Warsaw
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Tim Peters
- Adding a method to an instance
RajGopal Srinivasan
- Can I capture console output from an os.system() call?
Steve Lamb
- [ANNOUNCE] Webware for Python 0.5
Yann Schwartz
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Robin Becker
- how to get the last interactive command enetered
Martin von Loewis
- Bug in Py_Finalize() ?
Tim Peters
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Martin von Loewis
- PyRun_SimpleFile - impossible to call it under Windows?
Owen F. Ransen
- Any documentation about Python daemons?
gradha at
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Tim Peters
- Any documentation about Python daemons?
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Python 2.1b1 released - debug versions?
Owen F. Ransen
- PyRun_SimpleFile - impossible to call it under Windows?
Owen F. Ransen
- cataloging words in text file
Aahz Maruch
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
- playing with IP's
- Collection interfaces
Richard MacDonald
- syslog broken on FreeBSD?
Gabriel Ambuehl
- Hitting two targets: OO + group theory (pedagogy)
David C. Ullrich
- Adding a method to an instance: solution
Bryan Mongeau
- Adding a method to an instance
Jay O'Connor
- Can I capture console output from an os.system() call?
Alex Martelli
- Hitting two targets: OO + group theory (pedagogy)
Kirby Urner
- Adding a method to an instance: solution
Kirby Urner
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Tim Hochberg
- Hitting two targets: OO + group theory (pedagogy)
David C. Ullrich
- how to get the last interactive command enetered
- Adding a method to an instance
Duncan Booth
- Bug in Py_Finalize() ?
Owen F. Ransen
- Hitting two targets: OO + group theory (pedagogy)
Kirby Urner
- Intersesting Questions involving extending and embedding
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Steve Holden
- Intersesting Questions involving extending and embedding
- no zlib in Python 2.0
- Hitting two targets: OO + group theory (pedagogy)
David C. Ullrich
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Donn Cave
- Missing the functional mind set
Daniel Klein
- Adding a method to an instance
Rainer Deyke
- IDLE: Refreshing Class Browser
Daniel Klein
- Bug fix releases (was Re: Nested scopes resolution -- you can breathe again!)
Aahz Maruch
- Missing the functional mind set
Rainer Deyke
- Missing the functional mind set
Daniel Klein
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Tim Peters
- Missing the functional mind set
Mark Pilgrim
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Kirby Urner
- Bug fix releases
Guido van Rossum
- Opposite of PyLong_FromString
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Missing the functional mind set
Erik Max Francis
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Robin Becker
- Missing the functional mind set
Kirby Urner
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- Bug fix releases
Guido van Rossum
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Steve Holden
- [development doc updates]
Fred Drake
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- Bug fix releases
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Tim Peters
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Guido van Rossum
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Steve Holden
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Tim Peters
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- Bug in Py_Finalize() ?
Tim Peters
- Missing the functional mind set
Aahz Maruch
- IPC9 hotel room share
Ken Seehof
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
D. Michael McFarland
- Python 2.1b1 released
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Bug fix releases
Aahz Maruch
- Opposite of PyLong_FromString
Kalle Svensson
- Bug fix releases
Aahz Maruch
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Tim Peters
- Bug fix releases
Erno Kuusela
- Missing the functional mind set
Magnus Lie Hetland
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Jeremy Hylton
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Alex Martelli
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Tim Peters
- Thanks, will check it out (WDDX in Python)
Digital Hyakugei
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Jeremy Hylton
- Beginer
- Missing the functional mind set
Rainer Deyke
- Collection interfaces
- Intersesting Questions involving extending and embedding
- Hitting two targets: OO + group theory (pedagogy)
Kirby Urner
- Collection interfaces
- Missing the functional mind set
Kirby Urner
- CGI & Python (error)
Richard van de Stadt
- multipart/form-data submission with httplib + MimeWriter?
Richard van de Stadt
- Beginer
Don Tuttle
- Java guy interested in Python
Kyle Wayne Kelly
- Java guy interested in Python
andreas at
- moshe zadka's birthday party now at ipc9
- GC and extension types
David Abrahams
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Don Tuttle
- python cgi syntax highlighter
Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy
- Clearing Screen
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Tim Peters
- Any documentation about Python daemons?
- writing a C function to manipulate python lists
Michael Vanier
- Collection interfaces
Randy A. Ynchausti
- jython question: accessing protected superclass methods
Michael Vanier
- Help with finding how much memory a variable is using
Kirk S
- Bug in Py_Finalize() ?
Owen F. Ransen
- python cgi syntax highlighter
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Amit Patel
- Java guy interested in Python
Ken Seehof
- GC and extension types
Neil Schemenauer
- Help with finding how much memory a variable is using
Neil Schemenauer
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Alex Martelli
- Python 2.1b1 released - debug versions?
Owen F. Ransen
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Michael Hudson
- how to get the last interactive command enetered
Martin von Loewis
- GC and extension types
Martin von Loewis
- How to broadcast socket
Jörgen Tapani
- what refers to an object
Torsten Gallmeister
- python cgi syntax highlighter
Chris Armstrong
- jython question: accessing protected superclass methods
Mats Wichmann
- screen + sound access
Chris Armstrong
- Static class methods
Chris Armstrong
- urllib.urlopen and proxies
Paul Moore
- Missing the functional mind set
Steve Purcell
- Clearing Screen
Walter Hofmann
- How to broadcast socket
Chris Gonnerman
- Can SAX parser return <!-- COMMENTS --> ???
Piet van Oostrum
- multipart/form-data submission with httplib + MimeWriter?
Steve Purcell
- Java guy interested in Python
Steve Purcell
- Bug in Py_Finalize() ?
Owen F. Ransen
- PyRun_SimpleFile - impossible to call it under Windows?
Owen F. Ransen
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Don Tuttle
- Concurrency and shelve
Michael Ströder
- sql query results to xml
Scott Hathaway
- PyQt Impressive
Bruce Wolk
- how to get the last interactive command enetered
- Hitting two targets: OO + group theory (pedagogy)
Steve Holden
- Subclassing builtin types
Steve Holden
- Subclassing builtin types
Daniel Klein
- Subclassing builtin types
Alex Martelli
- Subclassing builtin types
Daniel Klein
- CGI & Python (error)
David Fuess
- Bug fix releases
John W. Baxter
- Concurrency and shelve
Erno Kuusela
- should i or shouldnt i?
- Missing the functional mind set
Kirby Urner
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
John W. Baxter
- Hitting two targets: OO + group theory (pedagogy)
David C. Ullrich
- Missing the functional mind set
Steve Williams
- IP Math anyone?
Doug Stanfield
- Collection interfaces
- Collection interfaces
James A. Robertson
- Performance when working directory is slow network drive
Mark Hadfield
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Rainer Deyke
- should i or shouldnt i?
Juergen Bocklage
- Performance when working directory is slow network drive
Mark Hadfield
- Python COM server to VB interface
- Missing the functional mind set
Alex Martelli
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- shortcut for 'self' wish
Alex Shindich
- screen + sound access
Francois Forest
- Static class methods
Alex Shindich
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
François Granger
- Need a free lancer python programmer - to do bots
Mário Gilberto Eichler Junior
- Concurrency and shelve
Michael Ströder
- Concurrency and shelve
Erno Kuusela
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Steve Williams
- Static class methods
Sven Peters
- CGI & Python (error)
Walter Hofmann
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Thomas Wouters
- Concurrency and shelve
Erno Kuusela
- [ANNOUNCE] txObject ATK 1.3.5 Python released
Thomas Hazel
- [ANN] 0.1
Kalle Svensson
- Need a free lancer python programmer - to do bots
Kevin Douglas
- Need a free lancer python programmer - to do bots
Kevin Douglas
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Robin Becker
- suggestions for more docs (was Re: Bug fix releases)
Grant Griffin
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
A.M. Kuchling
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Delaney, Timothy
- Static class methods
Alex Shindich
- Name of the Script
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Mats Wichmann
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Greg Ewing
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Greg Ewing
- Name of the Script
Alex Shindich
- Newbie question about nested lists and constructor functions...
- Thinking Pythonically (was Re: gah! I hate the new string syntax)
Paul Jackson
- Static class methods
Chris Tavares
- Static class methods
Alex Shindich
- A counter-proposal to __future__ in PEP 236
Thomas Wouters
- Name of the Script
- syslog broken on FreeBSD?
Thomas Wouters
- Newbie question about nested lists and constructor functions...
Chris Gonnerman
- Java guy interested in Python
phys137 at
- Newbie question about nested lists and constructor functions...
Norm Lyons
- suggestions for more docs (was Re: Bug fix releases)
Tim Peters
- Overriding UserList methods
Daniel Klein
- Newbie question about nested lists and constructor functions...
Terry Reedy
- Newbie question about nested lists and constructor functions...
Chris Gonnerman
- Overriding UserList methods
Mark Wilson
- Overriding UserList methods
Chris Gonnerman
- Overriding UserList methods
Steve Holden
- Need a free lancer python programmer - to do bots
Steve Holden
- Python COM server to VB interface
Steve Holden
- Subclassing builtin types
Steve Holden
- Collection interfaces
Randy A. Ynchausti
- Overriding UserList methods
Daniel Klein
- Java guy interested in Python
Cameron Laird
- Couple questions about Tkinter
- Missing the functional mind set
Steve Purcell
- ftp a list to a remote server
Steve Holden
- ftp a list to a remote server
Austin Wilson
- Test Your Web Apps - article at LinuxQuality
Michael D. Crawford
- Need a free lancer python programmer - to do bots (flowing water and open systems)
Kevin Douglas
- tokenizer.c crashes in 2.1b1
Owen F. Ransen
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Ype Kingma
- Q: Operator precedence
Pearu Peterson
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- Help with finding how much memory a variable is using
Rich Somerfield
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Simon Brunning
- Can SAX parser return <!-- COMMENTS --> ???
Martin von Loewis
- HDF4
- Editing Python source as XML?
Alexandre Fayolle
- Editing Python source as XML?
Alexandre Fayolle
- Test Your Web Apps - article at LinuxQuality
Julian Midgley
- [Advertisment] Re: Test Your Web Apps - article at LinuxQuality
Doug Fort
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Jere Kahanpaa
- supporting asyncronous messages
Joshua Spoerri
- tokenizer.c crashes in 2.1b1
Owen F. Ransen
- Questions from a beginner
Alison Myers
- Questions from a beginner
Cameron Laird
- Questions from a beginner
Alex Martelli
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 5)
Oleg Broytmann
- Python 3000. Here we go again.
Thaddeus L. Olczyk
- Python 3000. Here we go again.
Thaddeus L. Olczyk
- Questions from a beginner
- Name of the Script
Paul Moore
- ftp a list to a remote server
Chris Gonnerman
- urllib.urlopen and proxies
Chris Gonnerman
- Open Source
Alton Luder III
- Open Source
inverted zero
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Grant Edwards
- Little problem with the "+" operator
- iis and python
- Open Source
Oleg Broytmann
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Mats Wichmann
- help
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Oleg Broytmann
- iis and python
Doug Fort
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Grant Edwards
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Raymond Hettinger
- suggestions for more docs (was Re: Bug fix releases)
Brett g Porter
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Steve Purcell
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Alex Martelli
- urllib.urlopen and proxies
Siggy Brentrup
- Name of the Script
Alex Martelli
- iis and python
Max Møller Rasmussen
- Static class methods
Daniel Klein
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Siggy Brentrup
- Name of the Script
Pearu Peterson
- Thank you!!
- Access to sybase API
- urllib.urlopen and proxies
Paul Moore
- Access to sybase API
Carsten Gaebler
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Thomas Wouters
- Overriding UserList methods
Thomas Wouters
- create new statement?
Bruce Edge
- Name of the Script
Paul Moore
- Thank you!!
- Can SAX parser return <!-- COMMENTS --> ???
piet at
- Name of the Script
Steve Purcell
- Q: Operator precedence
Raymond Hettinger
- Static class methods
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Steve Holden
- Can SAX parser return <!-- COMMENTS --> ???
Steve Holden
- Missing the functional mind set
Darren New
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Steve Holden
- Java guy interested in Python
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Robin Becker
- Questions from a beginner
Terry Reedy
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Steve Holden
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Erik Max Francis
- Coroutines, and memory leaks
David Given
- Q: Operator precedence
Joshua Marshall
- Name of the Script
David Given
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Alex Martelli
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Joshua Marshall
- Coroutines, and memory leaks
Will Ware
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Johann Hibschman
- Coroutines, and memory leaks
Grant Edwards
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Jay O'Connor
- Python & mySQL
Colin Meeks
- Graphical python development tool for Linux?
Håkan Karlsson
- Python & mySQL
Doug Fort
- Access to sybase API
- Suffering For Your Art
Dethe Elza
- Python and Tcl (was: Questions from a beginner)
Cameron Laird
- jython question: accessing protected superclass methods
Ben Hutchings
- Trouble running a Grayson Example
David Lees
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 5)
Michael Hudson
- package/namespace confusion
Bruce Edge
- python cgi syntax highlighter
Dave LeBlanc
- ANNOUNCE: Python - The RPG
Michael Hudson
- Name of the Script
Alex Martelli
- Static class methods
Michael Hudson
- Coroutines, and memory leaks
Michael Hudson
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Fredrik Aronsson
- Coroutines, and memory leaks
Kalle Svensson
- Revenge - Careful there
Kenneth Loafman
- str behaviour
David Bolen
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Andrew Markebo
- Revenge - Careful there
Kenneth Loafman
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Russell E. Owen
- Revenge - Careful there
Kenneth Loafman
- OT: TUX issue 6 released
python at
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Timothy Grant
- MySQL-python build griefs
Will Ware
- PIL for the Mac?
Tom Loredo
- PIL for the Mac?
Tom Loredo
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Python 2.1b1 bug for HPUX11
Norman Shelley
- Static class methods
Joshua Marshall
- Python COM server to VB interface
- MySQL-python build griefs
Harry George
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Huaiyu Zhu
- iis and python
Satheesh Babu
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Erno Kuusela
- MySQL-python build griefs
Mark Wilson
- MySQL-python build griefs
Will Ware
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Skip Montanaro
- Suffering For Your Art
Steve Holden
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Skip Montanaro
- Trouble running a Grayson Example
Robert Roy
- iis and python
Steve Holden
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Steve Holden
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Steve Holden
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Steve Holden
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Steve Holden
- Simple Tkinter question
Mike Callahan
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Steve Holden
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Steve Holden
- MySQL-python build griefs
Will Ware
- PIL and Windows file formats?
Erik Max Francis
- Python 2.1 beta 1 documentation online--extending on Windows doc.
- OOPSLA 2001 call for participation
Laura Hill
- MySQL-python build griefs
Mark Wilson
- PIL and Windows file formats?
Steve Holden
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Greg Ewing
- Python 2.1 beta 1 documentation online--extending on Windows doc.
Steve Holden
- National Intruments GPIB
Ken Koller
- PIL and Windows file formats?
Christopher Lee
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Brad Bollenbach
- Static class methods
Alex Shindich
- Processing XML
Timothy Grant
- PIL and Windows file formats?
Erik Max Francis
- (no subject)
neelima g
- Python & mySQL
Wayne Izatt
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Frank Sergeant
- Simple Tkinter question
David Lees
- Python & mySQL
Gerhard Häring
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Russell Nelson
- (no subject)
neelima g
- (no subject)
neelima g
- Hang in embedded Python (Windows) app
Dave Fassett
- (no subject)
neelima g
- Trouble running a Grayson Example
Wayne Izatt
- (no subject)
neelima g
- (no subject)
neelima g
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Tim Hammerquist
- (no subject)
neelima g
- iis and python
Wayne Izatt
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Wayne Izatt
- the demise of 'from foo import * and its implications?
Remco Gerlich
- Static class methods
Alex Martelli
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Thaddeus L. Olczyk
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Alex Martelli
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Nathaniel Gray
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- win32, GUI AppBar class
Keith Farmer
- polymorphjsm &c (was Re: I come to praise .join, not to bury it...)
Alex Martelli
- Access to sybase API
Dave Cole
- Python and Printing
- python cgi syntax highlighter
Rafal Smotrzyk
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Paul Moore
- Python 2.0 on CrayT3E
Balint Aradi
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Skip Montanaro
- Access to sybase API
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Erno Kuusela
- Open Source Organic Chemistry software project
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
- IEEE 754 conformance in Python
CY Jair
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Bernhard Reiter
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Steve Holden
- Static class methods
Daniel Klein
- [ Cry for help ] Please bugtest my full-text indexer
Thomas Weholt
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Erno Kuusela
- iis and python
- National Intruments GPIB
Tim Hochberg
- Static class methods
Daniel Klein
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Mike C. Fletcher
- urllib.urlopen and proxies
Paul Moore
- feature wish
Remco Gerlich
- Overriding UserList methods
Daniel Klein
- resize a tkinter window to the size of a gif
Scott Hathaway
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Michael Hudson
- Tkinter eventmask ?
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Gerhard Häring
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Clarence Gardner
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Laura Creighton
- absolute namespace for callbacks?
Bruce Edge
- absolute namespace for callbacks?
Werner Schiendl
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- absolute namespace for callbacks?
Bruce Edge
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Brad Bollenbach
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Grant Edwards
- absolute namespace for callbacks?
Grant Edwards
- Processing XML
Martin Skott
- absolute namespace for callbacks?
Werner Schiendl
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Werner Schiendl
- which IDE?
Håkan Karlsson
- Trouble running a Grayson Example
David Lees
- absolute namespace for callbacks?
Mitch Chapman
- Pickling arbitrary character strings on Windows
Nicholas K. Sauter
- Pickling arbitrary character strings on Windows
Werner Schiendl
- absolute namespace for callbacks?
Darren New
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Alex Martelli
- absolute namespace for callbacks?
Alex Martelli
- Pickling arbitrary character strings on Windows
Erik Max Francis
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
John W. Baxter
- absolute namespace for callbacks?
Warren Postma
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Brad Bollenbach
- urllib.urlopen and proxies
Siggy Brentrup
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Laura Creighton
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?...and generalities :)
Brad Bollenbach
- Proposal: allow '?' and '!' in identifiers
Tim Rowe
- Proposal: allow '?' and '!' in identifiers
Tim Rowe
- XML Module problems
Tim Rowe
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Michael Hudson
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Brad Bollenbach
- setjmp.h
Bob Purvy
- Questions from a beginner
Cameron Laird
- Ingres module?
Brian E Gallew
- Long Shifty Bits
- Clearing history from readline module
Bruce Edge
- Long Shifty Bits
Michael Hudson
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?...and generalities :)
Clark C. Evans
- Long Shifty Bits
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Long Shifty Bits
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Clark C. Evans
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Donn Cave
- Proposal: allow '?' and '!' in identifiers
Dave Kuhlman
- Long Shifty Bits
Tim Hochberg
- FW: Need help with Tkinter bind statement
Mellor, Mike
- Remote script execution with Python ...
Robert Gahan
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
J.J. Dukarm
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?...and generalities : )
Brad Bollenbach
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Roy Smith
- wierd tkinter window issue
Scott Hathaway
- tokenizer.c crashes in 2.1b1
Ben Hutchings
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Werner Schiendl
- FW: Need help with Tkinter bind statement
John Shankland
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- Run Scripts
Andrea Ciuffoli
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Ben Hutchings
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Grant Edwards
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- Windows98+Idle0.6+ 32 bit color HW or SW problem?
Gerrit Muller
- Processing XML
Timothy Grant
- package/namespace confusion
Ben Hutchings
- package/namespace confusion
Bruce Edge
- from Tkinter import *
Timothy Grant
- Long Shifty Bits
Nathan Gray
- Need help with Tkinter bind statement
John Grayson
- Missing the functional mind set
Michael Chermside
- Run Scripts
Steve Holden
- Python and Printing
Ben Hutchings
- Open Source Organic Chemistry software project
Greg Landrum
- Open Source Organic Chemistry software project
Steve Holden
- class object access in class definition?
Lars Damerow
- from Tkinter import *
David Porter
- polymorphjsm &c (was Re: I come to praise .join, not to bury it...)
Carel Fellinger
- How to installing NumPy?
Nuzhet Dalfes
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Steve Holden
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Steve Holden
- Open Source Organic Chemistry software project
Will Ware
- Overriding UserList methods
Steve Holden
- Remote script execution with Python ...
Ben Hutchings
- from Tkinter import *
Matthew Dixon Cowles
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Steve Holden
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Greg Ewing
- How to installing NumPy?
Warren Focke
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Mike C. Fletcher
- Windows98+Idle0.6+ 32 bit color HW or SW problem?
Mark Wilson
- How to installing NumPy?
Christopher Lee
- IEEE 754 conformance in Python
Tim Peters
- Overriding UserList methods
Chris Gonnerman
- sorting on IP addresses
Justin Sheehy
- Open Source Organic Chemistry software project
James Logajan
- C/C++ extension: subclassing an extension type with Python code?
Regular Expression
Sean Reifschneider
- Python, ASP, ADO, and Image string/binary problems
Shonn Gilson
- The in opperator -- How do I use it?
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?...and generalities : )
Christian Tanzer
- tokenizer.c crashes in 2.1b1
Owen F. Ransen
- Hang in embedded Python (Windows) app
Owen F. Ransen
- Retrofitting 2.1b1 "No buffer space available" fix to 2.0
u263183593 at
- The in opperator -- How do I use it?
Brad Bollenbach
- sorting on IP addresses
Mark Pilgrim
- How to use <>?
Victor Louie
- sorry....never mind
Victor Louie
- How to use <>?
Tim Hammerquist
- NumPy's undocumented type code
Nadav Horesh
- How to use <>?
Alex Martelli
- The in opperator -- How do I use it?
Alex Martelli
- tokenizer.c crashes in 2.1b1
Alex Martelli
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?...and generalities : )
Alex Martelli
- Python, ASP, ADO, and Image string/binary problems
Alex Martelli
- Static class methods
Alex Shindich
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Nick Jacobs
- C/C++ extension: subclassing an extension type with Python code?
Alex Martelli
- sorting on IP addresses
Alex Martelli
- Ingres module?
Hamish Lawson
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- class object access in class definition?
Werner Schiendl
- [Distutils] Using boost with distutils (fwd)
Pearu Peterson
- GadFly and working with Python 2.0?
Pieter Claerhout
- wxPython+py2exe+win98 ImportError: DLL load failed: A device attached to the system is not functioning
Clark C. Evans
- GadFly and working with Python 2.0?
Eugene Leitl
- supporting asyncronous messages
Martin von Loewis
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- GadFly and working with Python 2.0?
Oleg Broytmann
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- Python 2.1b1 bug for HPUX11
Martin von Loewis
- polymorphjsm &c (was Re: I come to praise .join, not to bury it...)
Alex Martelli
- XML Module problems
Martin von Loewis
- class object access in class definition?
Remco Gerlich
- Python, ASP, ADO, and Image string/binary problems
Shonn Gilson
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Alex Martelli
- How to installing NumPy?
Harald Rosemann
- wxPython+py2exe+win98 ImportError: DLL load failed: A device attachedto the system is not functioning
Thomas Heller
- ScriptControl (was Re: Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?...and generalities : ))
Alex Martelli
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Alex Martelli
- Using a jar with jython
- GadFly and working with Python 2.0?
Eugene Leitl
- urllib.urlopen and proxies
Paul Moore
- Remote script execution with Python ...
- How to Xml escaping of characters above 7 bit ascii.
Syver Enstad
- GadFly and working with Python 2.0?
Eugene Leitl
- finding and listing the differences between two files
Chris Richard Adams
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- Using a jar with jython
Simon Brunning
- urllib.urlopen and proxies
Siggy Brentrup
- How to installing NumPy?
Christopher Lee
- How to installing NumPy?
Nuzhet Dalfes
- Open Source Organic Chemistry software project
Konrad Hinsen
- Can Python 1.5.2 code run on Python 2.x?
Glen Mettler
- Using a jar with jython
- How to Xml escaping of characters above 7 bit ascii.
Martin von Loewis
- learning C
Laura Creighton
- advice on infrastructure for porting an application
Eugene Leitl
- XML Module problems
Martin Skott
- finding and listing the differences between two files
Lyle Johnson
- learning C
Werner Schiendl
- Python script for deMSWordification?
kelvin.chu at
- Python script for deMSWordification?
Werner Schiendl
- Using a jar with jython
- Python script for deMSWordification?
Werner Schiendl
- Python script for deMSWordification?
Oleg Broytmann
- Python, ASP, ADO, and Image string/binary problems
Alex Martelli
- how to move a window with overrideredirect(1) in tkinter
Scott Hathaway
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Mats Wichmann
- Python script for deMSWordification?
Gerhard Häring
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Alex Martelli
- Python 2.1b1 bug for HPUX11
Norman Shelley
- ANNOUNCE PAGE 0.1.1 - Drag and Drop GUI Generator.
Don Rozenberg
- Easy way to get the X selection (as text)?
Christopher Arndt
- from Tkinter import *
Timothy Grant
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Grant Edwards
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Grant Edwards
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Grant Edwards
- Easy way to get the X selection (as text)?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Tom Satter
- Setting interactive flag inside a script?
Lee, Rick
- Extracting cell contents from html tables
Stephen Boulet
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- tokenizer.c crashes in 2.1b1
Owen F. Ransen
Owen F. Ransen
- XML Module problems
Martin Skott
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Rainer Deyke
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
- Python 2.1b1 dumps core
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Grant Griffin
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Grant Edwards
- Can Python 1.5.2 code run on Python 2.x?
Steve Holden
- Name of the Script
David Bolen
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Grant Griffin
- Overriding UserList methods
David Bolen
Grant Edwards
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Steve Holden
- cursor.execute fails under mxODBC
bill_tolbert at
- Can Python 1.5.2 code run on Python 2.x?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- ScriptControl (was Re: Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?...and generalities : ))
Mark Hadfield
- Remote script execution with Python ...
Robert Gahan
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Mike C. Fletcher
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Grant Edwards
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
- UserDict and items()
Oliver Hofmann
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
- Name of the Script
Tim Hochberg
- National Intruments GPIB
Peter Herth
- National Intruments GPIB
Dietmar Schwertberger
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Steve Williams
- Python 2.1b1 dumps core
Thomas Wouters
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Grant Edwards
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Tim Rowe
- setjmp.h
Thomas Wouters
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
- Java guy interested in Python
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Paul Jackson
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
William Park
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Delaney, Timothy
- Copying objects
Christian Theune
- Copying objects
Christian Theune
- UserDict and items()
Steve Holden
- cursor.execute fails under mxODBC
Steve Holden
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Don Dwiggins
- Remote script execution with Python ...
Steve Holden
- Extracting cell contents from html tables
David Porter
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Steve Holden
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Terry Reedy
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Don Dwiggins
- learning C
Remco Gerlich
- Open Source
Kalle Svensson
- pipe problems
Leonardo B Lopes
- learning C
Kalle Svensson
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
- learning C
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Tim Hammerquist
- sorry....never mind
Greg Ewing
- Static class methods
Greg Ewing
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Ken Seehof
- Article on Rhino and Jython
Weiqi Gao
- Automagic type conversions, was: Re: I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Rainer Deyke
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Rainer Deyke
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Brad Bollenbach
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Brad Bollenbach
- parallel port
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Steve Holden
- National Intruments GPIB
Dmitri A. Sergatskov
- writing a C function to manipulate python lists
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Steve Holden
- class object access in class definition?
Lars Damerow
- Simple Tkinter question
Mike Callahan
- class object access in class definition?
Steve Holden
- News from Python9!!!
Don Tuttle
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Greg Ewing
- News from Python9!!!
Chris Gonnerman
- is it possible to use Tkinter on linux
Erik Max Francis
- Unicode getting in the way...
Dan Maas
- Long Shifty Bits
Nathaniel Gray
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
James Logajan
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Damian Menscher
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Nathaniel Gray
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Erik Max Francis
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Donn Cave
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
- class object access in class definition?
Lars Damerow
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Gregory Jorgensen
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Remco Gerlich
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Gregory Jorgensen
- UserDict and items()
Remco Gerlich
- about environment variable.
Johan Jonkers
- News from Python9!!!
Martin Franklin
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Steve Purcell
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Tim Hammerquist
- LONG_BIT error when compiling python2.0
Enrico Spinielli
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Steve Holden
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Andrew MacIntyre
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Jari Oksanen
- Name of the Script
David Bolen
- win32com:MakePy -- Early Binding without the size jitters?
Clark C. Evans
- Name of the Script
Paul Moore
- pipe problems
Werner Schiendl
- virtual hosting in Zope
Anton A. Zotov
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
matthias.oberlaender at
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Pat Knight
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Werner Schiendl
- kbhit() and getch() question
Jeremy Reed
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Werner Schiendl
- learning C
Werner Schiendl
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Jeremy Reed
- Unicode getting in the way...
Martin von Loewis
- LONG_BIT error when compiling python2.0
Martin von Loewis
- learning C
Werner Schiendl
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Steve Holden
- urllib.urlopen and proxies
Paul Moore
- Added namespaces; now nothing works!
Thomas Weholt
- Added namespaces; now nothing works!
Thomas Weholt
- cdrecord output capture
Morelli Enrico
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Gaute B Strokkenes
- urllib.urlopen and proxies
Siggy Brentrup
- News from Python9!!!
Will Ware
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Nicola Musatti
- virtual hosting in Zope
Martin Skott
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Steve Holden
- m2crypto
Magnus Heino
- NumPy's undocumented type code
Konrad Hinsen
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Daniel Klein
- Playing with .zip or .tar.gz files
Chris Withers
- virtual hosting in Zope
Chris Withers
- Playing with .zip or .tar.gz files
Chris Withers
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Remco Gerlich
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
- Memory leaks in VC6 2 line Python 2.1b1 apps?
Owen F. Ransen
- tokenizer.c crashes in 2.1b1
Owen F. Ransen
- News from Python9!!!
Gregor Hoffleit
- News from Python9!!!
Lyle Johnson
- virtual hosting in Zope
Arpad Kiss
- Napster Zapstered - Downloads Mastered! Get them HERE! FREE!
glhzxo at
- Finding the TCL directory
Thomas Heller
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Cameron Laird
- Ldap / Python help
Pablo Pernot
- I got 2.1b to dump core.
Laura Creighton
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Grant Edwards
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Glenn W Jackman
- Can Python 1.5.2 code run on Python 2.x?
Laura Creighton
- mxODBC on Windows 2000?
Rob Earl
- Extracting cell contents from html tables
Stephen Boulet
- Can Python 1.5.2 code run on Python 2.x?
Erik Max Francis
- Some simply python/Tkinter problems
Julie Torborg
- Documentation/Examples about the htmllib?
Hermann Himmelbauer
- Ldap / Python help
Warren Postma
- "Wrap" a python-cgi
Hermann Himmelbauer
- Memory leaks in VC6 2 line Python 2.1b1 apps?
- news from python9!!!
Fredrik Lundh
- Another Tkinter question
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Robin Becker
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Grant Edwards
- Get terminal size in perl and python
Egbert Bouwman
- cursor.execute fails under mxODBC
Rob Earl
- How to call C function in shared library?
Oleg Krivosheev
- "Wrap" a python-cgi
Kalle Svensson
- Get terminal size in perl and python
Steve Lamb
- Get terminal size in perl and python
Kalle Svensson
- pipe problems
Leonardo B Lopes
- Another Tkinter question
Matthew Dixon Cowles
- Ldap / Python help
Michael Ströder
- Apache and os.fork() in CGI-Binaries
Simon Budig
- Ldap / Python help
Michael Ströder
- How to call C function in shared library?
Kalle Svensson
- signal
Andrea Ciuffoli
- Documentation/Examples about the htmllib?
Doug Fort
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Tim Churches
- news from python9!!!
Don Tuttle
- Get terminal size in perl and python
Grant Edwards
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Mark Hadfield
- polymorphjsm &c (was Re: I come to praise .join, not to bury it...)
Carel Fellinger
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Emile van Sebille
- is it possible to use Tkinter on linux
- Python Helps Disney Write a New Script
John Schmitt
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Emile van Sebille
- cursor.execute fails under mxODBC
Louis Luangkesorn
- mxODBC on Windows 2000?
Bill Tolbert
- Database with Python ??
Thomas Mundt
- Get terminal size in perl and python
Kalle Svensson
- How to installing NumPy?
Warren Focke
- How to call C function in shared library?
Oleg Krivosheev
- Database with Python ??
Frank Miles
- UserDict and items()
Oliver Hofmann
- free high school teacher summer workshops
Shriram Krishnamurthi
- Database with Python ??
William Park
- Get terminal size in perl and python
Donn Cave
- Get terminal size in perl and python
Skip Montanaro
- I got 2.1b to dump core.
Michael Hudson
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Damian Menscher
- about environment variable.
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
- learning C
Paul Wright
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Greg Ewing
- Database with Python ??
Skip Montanaro
- learning C
Greg Ewing
- class fields vs __getattr__
Joshua Marshall
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
- class fields vs __getattr__
Dave Cole
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Jan Dries
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Aahz Maruch
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Tim Hammerquist
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Grant Edwards
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Aahz Maruch
- from Tkinter import *
Aahz Maruch
- I get lost with "signal"
Andrea Ciuffoli
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Michael Powe
- kbhit() and getch() question
Chris Gonnerman
- signal
Steve Holden
- Name of the Script
David Bolen
- learning C
- Apache and os.fork() in CGI-Binaries
Matt Harden
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
David Bolen
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Steve Holden
- from Tkinter import *
Kevin Cazabon
- from Tkinter import *
David Bolen
- from Tkinter import *
Rainer Deyke
- learning C
Rainer Deyke
- Coroutines, and memory leaks
Aahz Maruch
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Paul Jackson
- "Wrap" a python-cgi
Ben Hutchings
- learning C
Chris Gonnerman
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
James Logajan
- is it possible to use Tkinter on linux
Wayne Izatt
- python, swig and typemaps..
Grzegorz Dostatni
- Memory leaks in VC6 2 line Python 2.1b1 apps?
Owen F. Ransen
- Another Tkinter question
- "Wrap" a python-cgi
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Gregory Jorgensen
- learning C
Gregory Jorgensen
- Coroutines, and memory leaks
- Apache and os.fork() in CGI-Binaries
Erno Kuusela
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Tim Churches
- Database with Python ??
Ruediger Maehl
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- polymorphjsm &c (was Re: I come to praise .join, not to bury it...)
Huaiyu Zhu
- "Wrap" a python-cgi
Ben Hutchings
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- from Tkinter import *
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Michael Hudson
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Hamish Lawson
- OODB question
chris lamb
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Werner Schiendl
- OODB question
Steve Purcell
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Werner Schiendl
- OODB question
Arpad Kiss
- learning C
Werner Schiendl
- learning C
Werner Schiendl
- Name of the Script
Paul Moore
- learning C
Werner Schiendl
- pipe problems
Werner Schiendl
- class fields vs __getattr__
Alex Martelli
- win32com:MakePy -- Early Binding without the size jitters?
Alex Martelli
- OODB question
Alexandre Fayolle
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Clark C. Evans
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Michael Hudson
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Alex Martelli
- virtual hosting in Zope
Oleg Broytmann
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Alex Martelli
- COM support (was Re: Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?)
Alex Martelli
- Pmw.Blt and python 2.0/2.1
David Buscher
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Michael Hudson
- Problems with C API
David OGwynn
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Alex Martelli
- kbhit() and getch() question
Chris Gonnerman
- COM support (was Re: Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?)
Werner Schiendl
- Tk Tree Widget
Eugene Leitl
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Alex Martelli
- BCD or fixed point numbers
Steve Holden
- UserDict and items()
Alex Martelli
- BCD or fixed point numbers
Steve Holden
- Remote script execution with Python ...
Alex Martelli
- win32com:MakePy -- Early Binding without the size jitters?
Paul Moore
- BCD or fixed point numbers
jacek czerwinski
- learning C
Chris Gonnerman
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Steve Holden
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Dave Brueck
- Python In A Nutshell
Don Tuttle
- Foot in yourself shoot [was: learning C]
Steve Holden
- COM support (was Re: Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?)
Steve Holden
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Steve Holden
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Steve Holden
- Foot in yourself shoot [was: learning C]
Werner Schiendl
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Aahz Maruch
- getting the field names from a resultset on Windows with mxODBC
Scott Hathaway
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Mike C. Fletcher
- COM support (was Re: Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?)
Alex Martelli
- architectural issues cot'd; which http server to embed?
Eugene Leitl
- win32com:MakePy -- Early Binding without the size jitters?
Alex Martelli
- Setting an attribute on a Python object from C
G. Sumner Hayes
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Aahz Maruch
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Alex Martelli
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Alex Martelli
- Problems with C API
Martin von Loewis
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Alex Martelli
- Python RMI?
Daniel Klein
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Alex Martelli
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
- Memory leaks in VC6 2 line Python 2.1b1 apps?
Craig Holman
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Steve Purcell
- embedding python: where to put imported modules
Renzo Tomaselli
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
François Granger
- Updated edition of Programming Python out
Simone Paddock
- Python RMI?
Aahz Maruch
- I don't get it (Extending C/C++)
Moritz Voss
- Python & Wireless Apps
- I don't get it (Extending C/C++)
Michael Hudson
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Hamish Lawson
- Divorcing Command Line and GUI
Timothy Grant
- help needed with forms' parameters handling
Petar Karafezov
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Mark Pilgrim
- IPC9 quotes wanted
A.M. Kuchling
- [mod_python] help needed with forms' parameters handling
Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy
- Divorcing Command Line and GUI
Harry George
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Peter Schneider-Kamp
- function access to caller's symbols?
Lance E Sloan
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Python & Wireless Apps
Jeff Collins
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Dave Brueck
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Donn Cave
- is it possible to use Tkinter on linux
Grant Edwards
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Tim Hochberg
- Dictionary attributes and functions
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Jay O'Connor
- PIL & XPM saving?
David Given
- cdrecord output capture
Carel Fellinger
- XML Module problems
Tim Rowe
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- segfault with PY file but ok with PYC
Niki Spahiev
- FW: Need help with Tkinter bind statement
Mike Clarkson
- XML Module problems
Sean Mc Grath
- News from Python9!!!
Thomas Wouters
- news from python9!!!
Thomas Wouters
- how to make a function thread-safe ?
j vickroy
- Python In A Nutshell
LLewin at
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
François Granger
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
François Granger
- Dictionary attributes and functions
j vickroy
- Dictionary attributes and functions
Tim Hochberg
- Dictionary attributes and functions
Michael Chermside
- how to make a function thread-safe ?
Harry George
- how to make a function thread-safe ?
Aahz Maruch
- I get lost with "signal"
Andrew Markebo
- help needed with forms' parameters handling
Tino Wildenhain
- Dictionary attributes and functions
Carel Fellinger
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Alex Martelli
- Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?
Brad Bollenbach
- Pythonwin Initialization
Costas Menico
- Pythonwin Initialization
Steve Holden
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Alex Martelli
- function access to caller's symbols?
Alex Martelli
- Divorcing Command Line and GUI
Alex Martelli
- Setting an attribute on a Python object from C
Steve Holden
- Any documentation about Python daemons?
gradha at
- IPC9 quotes wanted
Trent Mick
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Tim Hammerquist
- [ANN] Boost.Python - C++ binding library updated
David Abrahams
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Steve Holden
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Steve Holden
- Name of the Script
David Bolen
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Robin Becker
- from Tkinter import *
David Bolen
- A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)
Stefan Franke
- Python In A Nutshell
Don Tuttle
- Remote script execution with Python ...
David Bolen
- getting the field names from a resultset on Windows with mxODBC
David Bolen
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
John W. Baxter
- Divorcing Command Line and GUI
David Bolen
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
John W. Baxter
- how to make a function thread-safe ?
Aahz Maruch
- Python In A Nutshell
Aahz Maruch
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Aahz Maruch
- getting the field names from a resultset on Windows with mxODBC
Scott Hathaway
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Thomas Wouters
- Python In A Nutshell
Grant Edwards
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Timothy Grant
- true newbie
Elaine Sweeny
- true newbie
Laura Lewin
- true newbie
Steve Holden
- class func & var name overlap
Changsen Xu
- class func & var name overlap
Paul Prescod
- tkinter, activepython, win32
- tkinter, activepython, win32
Paul Prescod
- class func & var name overlap
Steve Holden
- LWP session problems
Xeno Campanoli
- Memory leaks in VC6 2 line Python 2.1b1 apps?
Owen F. Ransen
- Python In A Nutshell
Don Tuttle
- Python In A Nutshell
Laura Lewin
- true newbie
David Lees
- Python In A Nutshell
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Dave LeBlanc
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Chris Watson
- Static class methods
Alex Shindich
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Thomas Wouters
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Thomas Wouters
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Paul Prescod
- How to efficently build a nested dictionary
Carsten Gaebler
- Ldap / Python help
Michael Ströder
- How to efficently build a nested dictionary
Emile van Sebille
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Erno Kuusela
- import headaches/gripes
Costas Menico
- import headaches/gripes
David Fuess
- Sucking in a text file
Simon Faulkner
- How to efficently build a nested dictionary
Aahz Maruch
- mxODBC on Windows 2000?
Brett Haydon
- architectural issues cot'd; which http server to embed?
Brett Haydon
- is it possible to use Tkinter on linux
Ken Moffat
- Sucking in a text file
Chris Gonnerman
- Python In A Nutshell
Daniel Klein
- Python In A Nutshell
Don Tuttle
- Python In A Nutshell - suggestions
Louis Luangkesorn
- help (nonEnglish)
Lloyd Hugh Allen
- cursor.execute fails under mxODBC
Brett Haydon
- architectural issues cot'd; which http server to embed?
Eugene.Leitl at
- How to efficently build a nested dictionary
Carel Fellinger
- finding and listing the differences between two files
Cliff Crawford
- I don't get it (Extending C/C++)
Owen F. Ransen
- import headaches/gripes
Paul Prescod
- Memory leaks in VC6 2 line Python 2.1b1 apps?
Craig Holman
- tkinter, activepython, win32
Don Tuttle
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Mats Wichmann
- How do I check return value of popen2.* ?
gradha at
Sandipan Gangopadhyay
- Problems writting a wrapper around linux' ssh command
gradha at
- How to efficently build a nested dictionary
Carsten Gaebler
- How to efficently build a nested dictionary
Carsten Gaebler
- Private class and instance methods?
Erik Max Francis
- tkinter, activepython, win32
Don Tuttle
- How to efficently build a nested dictionary
Carsten Gaebler
- How to efficently build a nested dictionary
Carsten Gaebler
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Barry A. Warsaw
- For french speaking Pythoneer
François Granger
- ANN: Linux version of Installer for Python 2
Gordon McMillan
- ANN: Linux version of Installer for Python 2
Gordon McMillan
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Tim Peters
- Python In A Nutshell
Alex Martelli
- import headaches/gripes
Pearu Peterson
- How to efficently build a nested dictionary
Carel Fellinger
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Kurt B. Kaiser
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Tim Peters
Sandipan Gangopadhyay
- How do I check return value of popen2.* ?
Gregory Jorgensen
- IPC9 notes
Andrew Kuchling
- How to efficently build a nested dictionary
Alex Martelli
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Pearu Peterson
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Tim Peters
- Problems writting a wrapper around linux' ssh command
Gregory Jorgensen
- Problems writting a wrapper around linux' ssh command
Dan Maas
- Tkinter focus_get()
- Private class and instance methods?
Mark Pilgrim
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Tim Churches
- Python In A Nutshell
Hamish Lawson
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
James Logajan
- ANNOUNCE: GladeBase
Brian Kelley
- Python In A Nutshell
Alex Martelli
- Tkinter focus_get()
Matthew Dixon Cowles
- Setting an attribute on a Python object from C
Alex Martelli
- [ Cry for help ] Please bugtest my full-text indexer
Gerhard Häring
- Problems writting a wrapper around linux' ssh command
gradha at
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Alex Martelli
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Alex Martelli
- Memory leaks in VC6 2 line Python 2.1b1 apps?
Tim Peters
- Python In A Nutshell
Remco Gerlich
- UserDict and items()
Remco Gerlich
- Poll'able Queue objects.
Chris Watson
- import headaches/gripes
Gordon McMillan
- Python, ASP, ADO, and Image string/binary problems
Mark Hammond
- Crashed PythonWin. How can I fix it?
Mark Hammond
- PyRun_SimpleFile - impossible to call it under Windows?
Mark Hammond
- newbie needs help installing NumPy, reference material.
noah luken
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Pearu Peterson
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Dave LeBlanc
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Amit Patel
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Erik Max Francis
- Private class and instance methods?
Erik Max Francis
- loading Python20.dll during run-time under Windows
Vadim Zeitlin
- LWP session problems
Ng Pheng Siong
- win32com:MakePy -- Early Binding without the size jitters?
Mark Hammond
- kbhit() and getch() question
Mark Hammond
- Setting Exception data.
Ivan Munoz
- LWP session problems
Xeno Campanoli
- Problems writting a wrapper around linux' ssh command
Gregory Jorgensen
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Clarence Gardner
- Python 2.0 and Tcl/Tk 8.3.2?
Thomas A. Bryan
- running the Setup
Thomas A. Bryan
- import headaches/gripes
Costas Menico
- Questions from a beginner
Shriram Krishnamurthi
- Pythonwin default directory init
Costas Menico
- Problems writting a wrapper around linux' ssh command
Paul Magwene
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Gregory Jorgensen
- Open Source
Thomas A. Bryan
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Tim Peters
- grabbing return codes from os.system() call
Tim Peters
- Buffer Objects...
Grzegorz Dostatni
- Python & Wireless Apps
Steven Adams
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Tim Peters
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Kevin Cazabon
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Alex Martelli
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Alex Martelli
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- mod_python or MoinMoin problem.
Seo ji won
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Erik Max Francis
- loading Python20.dll during run-time under Windows
Robin Becker
- Color curses and Python 2?
Jim Dennis
- map - lambda - problem
Gregor Lingl
- question , Does pytyon excist on a pda, like psion?
- RPM Module?
Özgür Caner
- true newbie
Gregor Lingl
- supporting asyncronous messages
Joshua Spoerri
- question , Does pytyon excist on a pda, like psion?
Matthias Huening
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
"Jürgen A. Erhard"
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
- eXtreme Programming Conference XP2001
Michele Marchesi
- map - lambda - problem
Alex Martelli
- any interest in type-scoped static constants?
Paul Miller
- Going ZODB
Steven Haryanto
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Paul Prescod
- map - lambda - problem
Carel Fellinger
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Paul Prescod
- question , Does pytyon excist on a pda, like psion?
Paul Prescod
- DOS python?
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Michael Hudson
- Drag & Drop in Jython
- any interest in type-scoped static constants?
Aahz Maruch
- Memory leaks in VC6 2 line Python 2.1b1 apps?
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Rainer Deyke
- Python In A Nutshell
Colin J. Williams
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Tim Peters
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Tim Peters
- Color curses and Python 2?
A.M. Kuchling
- Python and ObjectSpace Voyager
- Urgent Question about Python licensing
Dave LeBlanc
- Einstein's Riddle
Steve Graham
- mod_python or MoinMoin problem.
Dave LeBlanc
- any interest in type-scoped static constants?
Paul Miller
- Questions about no more nested imports
Dave LeBlanc
- Einstein's Riddle
Erik Max Francis
- Questions about no more nested imports
Paul Prescod
- any interest in type-scoped static constants?
Aahz Maruch
- Questions about no more nested imports
Remco Gerlich
- any interest in type-scoped static constants?
Paul Prescod
- ANNOUNCE: tclpython-2.0
Jean-Luc Fontaine
- Questions about no more nested imports
Michael Hudson
- Going ZODB
John Wiegley
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Alex Martelli
- Einstein's Riddle
Boris Popov
- supporting asyncronous messages
Martin von Loewis
- XML Module problems
Martin von Loewis
- segfault with PY file but ok with PYC
Martin von Loewis
- Poll'able Queue objects.
Dan Maas
- Pythonwin default directory init
Mike C. Fletcher
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Rainer Deyke
- Setting Exception data.
Martin von Loewis
- Python 2.0 and Tcl/Tk 8.3.2?
Martin von Loewis
- Einstein's Riddle
Bruce Elrick
- supporting asyncronous messages
Dan Maas
- Einstein's Riddle
Boris Popov
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Michael Hudson
- random number between -maxint and +maxint
Dan Parisien
- Chinese text GIF file generation
hungjunglu at
- Einstein's Riddle
Gregory Jorgensen
- Einstein's Riddle
Boris Popov
- Einstein's Riddle
Boris Popov
- any interest in type-scoped static constants?
Paul Miller
- Chinese text GIF file generation
William Park
- any interest in type-scoped static constants?
Alexander Semenov
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Alex Martelli
- any interest in type-scoped static constants?
Paul Prescod
- Pythonwin default directory init
Mark Hammond
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Erno Kuusela
- Problems writting a wrapper around linux' ssh command
Erno Kuusela
- Chinese text GIF file generation
hungjunglu at
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Michael Hudson
- Chinese text GIF file generation
hungjunglu at
- Revive the types sig?
Paul Prescod
- Einstein's Riddle
Sven Peters
- Questions about no more nested imports
Dave LeBlanc
- Python In A Nutshell
Robert L Hicks
- Chinese text GIF file generation
William Park
- loading Python20.dll during run-time under Windows
Paul Moore
- random number between -maxint and +maxint
Gregory Jorgensen
- random number between -maxint and +maxint
Emile van Sebille
- Questions about no more nested imports
- Problems writting a wrapper around linux' ssh command
gradha at
- Subclass factories?
- Chinese text GIF file generation
hungjunglu at
- Einstein's Riddle
Brian Harvey
- Pythonwin default directory init
Costas Menico
- sql query results to xml
Uche Ogbuji
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Jeremy Hylton
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Michel Pelletier
- Subclass factories?
Jeff Epler
- looking for old python books
- Going ZODB
A.M. Kuchling
- sql query results to xml (fwd)
Dr. David Mertz
- popen problem
Marco Catunda
- (no subject)
- Einstein's Riddle
Tim Peters
- From SETL to Python translation
cyberian bear
- Python In A Nutshell - suggestions
Laura Lewin
- random number between -maxint and +maxint
Tim Peters
- Python In A Nutshell
Laura Lewin
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Kevin Cazabon
- We have your Wafers Ge, InP, GaAs, SOI, ZnO, ZnS, ZnSe, Sapphire & More!
Chris Baker
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Tim Peters
- programming h----ng
Everton reid
- Going ZODB
John Wiegley
- Einstein's Riddle
Kevin Cazabon
- Poll'able Queue objects.
Grant Edwards
- Python In A Nutshell
Jim Hill
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Ka-Ping Yee
- List removal
Langa Kentane
- looking for old python books
David Lees
- Einstein's Riddle
Boris Popov
- PyRun_SimpleFile - impossible to call it under Windows?
Owen F. Ransen
- Poll'able Queue objects.
Dan Maas
- From SETL to Python translation
Tim Peters
- font problem
Stephen L Arnold
- popen problem
Tim Peters
- Einstein's Riddle
Petasis George
- Einstein's Riddle
- Einstein's Riddle
Petasis George
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Uche Ogbuji
- question , Does pytyon excist on a pda, like psion?
- Revive the types sig?
Tim Peters
- Einstein's Riddle
Michael DeBusk
- from Tkinter import *
Thomas Wouters
- Einstein's Riddle
Gregory Jorgensen
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Alex Martelli
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
Alex Martelli
- Python and ObjectSpace Voyager
Duncan Grisby
- any interest in type-scoped static constants?
Alex Martelli
- Einstein's Riddle
Alex Martelli
- Einstein's Riddle
Gregor Lingl
- question , Does pytyon excist on a pda, like psion?
Duncan Booth
- Problems writting a wrapper around linux' ssh command
gradha at
- Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...
Werner Schiendl
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Jacek Generowicz
- Problems using python.sty to document a module
Dave Cole
- true newbie
Daniel Yoo
- Problems using python.sty to document a module
Steve Purcell
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Alex Martelli
- Einstein's Riddle
- I have no idea
Brendhan Horne
- I have no idea
Emile van Sebille
- Building Python on Win32
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Paul Prescod
- I have no idea
Chris Withers
- Tkinter with PIL crashing on large images - help
Joel Gould
- Pyro Mailing list
Jesus Cea Avion
- Tkinter with PIL, Image Corruption - please help
Joel Gould
- Easiest way to get Berkley DB 3.x running on Windows
Thomas Weholt
- I have no idea
Remco Gerlich
- Einstein's Riddle
Andreas Leitgeb
- ZODB and OSX
Robert L Hicks
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 12)
Oleg Broytmann
- I have no idea
Daniel Yoo
- finding and listing the differences between two files
Thomas Wouters
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Jeff Epler
- Python In A Nutshell - Numpy essential
Louis Luangkesorn
- learning C
Alan Gauld
- Private class and instance methods?
Daniel Klein
- I have no idea
Carel Fellinger
- "!=" is bad form. Re: sorry....never mind
Barry A. Warsaw
- looking for old python books
Louis Luangkesorn
- Packages, modules and exceptions
Ng Pheng Siong
- Writing docu
Ng Pheng Siong
- Embedded Python and sharing Data?
Karl Bellve
- Chinese text GIF file generation
hungjunglu at
- I have no idea
Carel Fellinger
- file - codecs - unicode ???
Sébastien Libert
- Einstein's Riddle
Paul Miller
- Color curses and Python 2?
Jim Dennis
- Packages, modules and exceptions
Steve Purcell
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Amit Patel
- learning C
Werner Schiendl
- [ANNOUNCE] European Python Meeting
Marc Poinot
- Einstein's Riddle
David Murphy
- Einstein's Riddle
- Apache and os.fork() in CGI-Binaries
Simon Budig
- Einstein's Riddle
- Einstein's Riddle
Donal K. Fellows
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Alex Martelli
- Well-edited material (was: Python In A Nutshell)
Cameron Laird
- Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions)
Cameron Laird
- PyEval_CallObject and threads
- (no subject)
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Terry Reedy
- PyEval_CallObject and threads
- Einstein's Riddle
Gregory Jorgensen
- Tkinter canvas double buffering
jason petrone
- PyEval_CallObject and threads
Tim Peters
- Einstein's Riddle
Gregory Jorgensen
- Einstein's Riddle
Gregory Jorgensen
- PyEval_CallObject and threads
- binary comparison of file object
Lee, Jaeho
- continue/else functionality
Chris Richard Adams
- continue/else functionality
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Crashed PythonWin. How can I fix it?
costas at
- continue/else functionality
William Park
- continue/else functionality
Chris Richard Adams
- This math scares me
costas at
- Tkinter canvas double buffering
Fredrik Lundh
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- Problems writting a wrapper around linux' ssh command
Erno Kuusela
- This math scares me
Dan Maas
- This math scares me
Fredrik Lundh
- This math scares me
Terry Reedy
- This math scares me
William Park
- This math scares me
costas at
- PyArg_ParseTuple on steroids?
Grant Munsey
- sent a note to Lemburg
Louis Luangkesorn
- binary comparison of file object
Werner Schiendl
- This math scares me
Fredrik Lundh
- Packages, modules and exceptions
Niki Spahiev
- binary comparison of file object
Fredrik Lundh
- This math scares me
Louis Luangkesorn
- This math scares me
Werner Schiendl
- ANNOUNCE Mailman 2.0.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- file - codecs - unicode ???
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Help with Regular Expressions
Raymond Hettinger
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- This math scares me
Remco Gerlich
- tkinter entry index
- tkinter entry index
Fredrik Lundh
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Barry A. Warsaw
- IPC module
Alexei Zalivine
- wxPython UI refresh
Wiwih Gunadi
- Process details
Timothy Grant
- tkinter entry index
- import headaches/gripes
Tom Loredo
- ZODB and OSX
Tom Loredo
- Help with Regular Expressions
Tim Peters
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Guido van Rossum
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Barry A. Warsaw
- (Port-induced?) memory leak in 2.0
Bob Purvy
- Pythonwin default directory init
Mark Hammond
- ANNOUNCE Mailman 2.0.3
Robin Becker
- syntax exploration tool
Nikolas Kauer
- (Port-induced?) memory leak in 2.0
Jeremy Hylton
- Einstein's Riddle
Dave Simons
- PyEval_CallObject and threads
Tim Peters
- Python, threads, and signals (oh my!)
Jason Lowe
- Help with Regular Expressions
Raymond Hettinger
- This math scares me
Matthew Dixon Cowles
- This math scares me
Costas Menico
- Very Cool
Brendhan Horne
- FOLLOWUPS!!!!!!!
Paul Prescod
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Alexander Gavrilov
- sql2xml available
Scott Hathaway
- ANNOUNCE Mailman 2.0.3
Thomas Wouters
- This math scares me
John W. Baxter
- This math scares me
John W. Baxter
- This math scares me
Andrew Koenig
- Einstein's Riddle
David Murphy
- Python, threads, and signals (oh my!)
Rick Lee
- This math scares me
Tim Peters
- Easiest way to get Berkley DB 3.x running on Windows
Robin Dunn
- New list for Discussion of Python's Numeric Model
Moshe Zadka
- Want to catch pywintypes.api_error
- Einstein's Riddle
Mark Yudkin
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Steve Holden
- learning C
Steve Holden
- Python In A Nutshell - Numpy essential
Steve Holden
- Very Cool
Remco Gerlich
- Einstein's Riddle
Rob Brown-Bayliss
- Stupid Python trick
Ben Wolfson
- PyEval_CallObject and threads
Stefan Migowsky
- learning C
Alex Martelli
- Einstein's Riddle
Alex Martelli
- Subject with SMTPLIB?
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Alex Martelli
- Subject with SMTPLIB?
Fredrik Lundh
- Einstein's Riddle
Tim Peters
- This math scares me
Werner Schiendl
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Jacek Generowicz
- Einstein's Riddle
Alex Martelli
- Subject with SMTPLIB?
Gregory Jorgensen
- file - codecs - unicode ???
Fredrik Lundh
- file - codecs - unicode ???
Sébastien Libert
- This math scares me
Tim Peters
- module importing and variable syntax
Jeff Davis
- module importing and variable syntax
Fredrik Lundh
- module importing and variable syntax
Steve Purcell
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Alex Martelli
- This math scares me
Ken Seehof
- What's wrong with me/Python ?
Alexander Stirzel
- Compiling python under Windows
- What's wrong with me/Python ?
Matthias Huening
- What's wrong with me/Python ?
Alexander Stirzel
- What's wrong with me/Python ?
Jere Kahanpaa
- Atomic Event.{wait,clear}
David Given
- Pmw.Blt and python 2.0/2.1
David Buscher
- This math scares me
Werner Schiendl
- Very Cool
Brendhan Horne
- Writing redirected e-mail to file
Jacobus van der Merwe
- This math scares me
Neelakantan Krishnaswami
- Want to catch pywintypes.api_error
Mark Hammond
- This math scares me
David Fuess
- module importing and variable syntax
Alex Martelli
- Writing redirected e-mail to file
David Porter
- win32all buld 137 win32gui fails
Syver Enstad
- Einstein's Riddle
Thomas Wouters
- Converting a text data file from positional to tab delimited.
Lee Joramo
- What's wrong with me/Python ?
Remco Gerlich
- Converting a text data file from positional to tab delimited.
Emile van Sebille
- main in mac?
- main in mac?
Just van Rossum
- main in mac?
Just van Rossum
- main in mac?
Just van Rossum
- NumPY: Reading/Writing Arrays To/From Files
Ben Held
- win32all buld 137 win32gui fails
Don Tuttle
- main in mac?
David Porter
- This math scares me
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- string.find() ?
Jay Collins
- Threads and subprocesses
Lego Andy
- main in mac?
Just van Rossum
- string.find() ?
Jay Collins
- Converting a text data file from positional to tab delimited.
Alex Martelli
- Einstein's Riddle
J. A. Durieux (reply from
- module importing and variable syntax
Aahz Maruch
- Einstein's Riddle
Thaddeus L Olczyk
- Einstein's Riddle
- Digest Number 1883
William Ryu
- This math scares me
Alex Martelli
- Einstein's Riddle
Boris Popov
- This math scares me
Steve Williams
- NumPY: Reading/Writing Arrays To/From Files
Janko Hauser
- Converting a text data file from positional to tab delimited.
Emile van Sebille
- Einstein's Riddle
Donal K. Fellows
- This math scares me
David C. Ullrich
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
- Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)
- Sortin dictionaries in python
costas at
- main in mac?
- What's wrong with me/Python ?
Erik Max Francis
- This math scares me
Nicola Musatti
- Sortin dictionaries in python
Oleg Broytmann
- Compiling python under Windows
Gerhard Häring
- main in mac?
- newsgroup postings: cursor.execute fails under mxODBC
M.-A. Lemburg
- Want to catch pywintypes.api_error
- learning C
Grant Edwards
- Private class and instance methods?
- PyArg_ParseTuple on steroids?
- Python In A Nutshell - Numpy essential
Louis Luangkesorn
- Color curses and Python 2?
Radovan Garabik
- Sortin dictionaries in python
Corran Webster
- From SETL to Python translation
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- This math scares me
Tim Churches
- Subject with SMTPLIB?
Gerhard Häring
- This math scares me
Fredrik Lundh
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Jacek Generowicz
- Python interacting with Java Script webpage?
William Dandreta
- Tkinter with PIL crashing on large images - help
Fredrik Lundh
- Missing libX11.a on AIX
Dan Moran
- IPC9 quotes wanted
Garry Hodgson
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Fredrik Lundh
- Editing Python source as XML?
Andrew Markebo
- Einstein's Riddle
Yoann Padioleau
- win32all buld 137 win32gui fails
Mark Hadfield
- Newbie: Is there a more pythonic approach?
Lloyd Sommerer
- learning C
Werner Schiendl
- This math scares me
Werner Schiendl
- This math scares me
John W. Baxter
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Paul Moore
- Einstein's Riddle
Howard Brazee
- Python2C
Michael Lindrum
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Cameron Laird
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- deleting IMAP messages using imaplib
- This math scares me
Edward Jason Riedy
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Alex Martelli
- This math scares me
Werner Schiendl
- This math scares me
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- This math scares me
Edward Jason Riedy
- Yet another Python vs. Perl speed issue/question
nanotech at
- Einstein's Riddle
- How do I get Win32 to locate DLLs elsewhere (not really a Python thing)?
Jason D. Smith
- This math scares me
Steven D. Majewski
- win32all buld 137 win32gui fails
Don Tuttle
- Yet another Python vs. Perl speed issue/question
Paul Prescod
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- How do I get Win32 to locate DLLs elsewhere (not really a Python thing)?
Robin Dunn
- Unpickling from strings
Marcin Chady
- Missing libX11.a on AIX
Simon Kesenci
- Divorcing Command Line and GUI
David Bolen
- deleting IMAP messages using imaplib
Donn Cave
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- This math scares me
Darren New
- Yet another Python vs. Perl speed issue/question
Paul Prescod
- This math scares me
Edward Jason Riedy
- deleting IMAP messages using imaplib
- Unpickling from strings
Fredrik Lundh
- Python2C
Fredrik Lundh
- syslog broken on FreeBSD?
Fredrik Lundh
- Einstein's Riddle
Brian Harvey
- Einstein's Riddle
Steve Holden
- How do I get Win32 to locate DLLs elsewhere (not really a Python thing)?
Skip Montanaro
- Unpickling from strings
Marcin Chady
- This math scares me
Steve Holden
- How do I get Win32 to locate DLLs elsewhere (not really a Python thing)?
Jason D. Smith
- smtplib
- This math scares me
Neelakantan Krishnaswami
- PyQT-2.3 compile fails...
Pierre Fortin
- Poll'able Queue objects.
David Bolen
- win32all buld 137 win32gui fails
Syver Enstad
- Going ZODB
David Bolen
- This math scares me
John W. Baxter
- Unpickling from strings
Doug Fort
- This math scares me
David Bolen
- Want to catch pywintypes.api_error
David Bolen
- Einstein's Riddle
Remco Gerlich
- Console column Width
Nathan Heagy
- Where can I find Docs on how to use the debugger please?
cmfinlay at
- Where can I find Docs on how to use the debugger please?
Daniel Klein
- Problems with Irix (stack overload)
David OGwynn
- What's wrong with me/Python ?
Don O'Donnell
- Where can I find Docs on how to use the debugger please?
Paul Prescod
- Einstein's Riddle
- cursor.execute fails under mxODBC
Louis Luangkesorn
- Help doing simple threading
David Lees
- Perl test
Aahz Maruch
- This math scares me
Aahz Maruch
- Help doing simple threading
Aahz Maruch
- [Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases
Aahz Maruch
- This math scares me
Tim Roberts
- Subject with SMTPLIB?
Tim Roberts
- PyQT-2.3 compile fails...
Boudewijn Rempt
- Einstein's Riddle
Petasis George
- Yet another Python vs. Perl speed issue/question
Christian Tanzer
- Einstein's Riddle
Paul Winkler
- Unpickling from strings
Fredrik Lundh
- Unpickling from strings
Michael Ströder
- Perl test
Alex Shindich
- file - codecs - unicode ???
Sébastien Libert
- Unpickling from strings
Fredrik Lundh
- Atomic Event.{wait,clear}
Tim Peters
- This math scares me
jurgen.defurne at
- Console column Width
Michael Hudson
- This math scares me
Werner Schiendl
- Unpickling from strings
Paul Robinson
- zipfile: how to find out if a zipinfo object is a directory or file
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Jacek Generowicz
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Jacek Generowicz
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Duncan Booth
- Embedded Python and sharing Data?
Martin von Loewis
- Atomic Event.{wait,clear}
David Given
- This math scares me
Martin von Loewis
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Jacek Generowicz
- zipfile: how to find out if a zipinfo object is a directory or file
Chris Withers
- Process details
Martin von Loewis
- Newbie: Is there a more pythonic approach?
Martin von Loewis
- main in mac?
Doug Hellmann
- Einstein's Riddle
- Einstein's Riddle
Yoann Padioleau
- Einstein's Riddle
Andreas Leitgeb
- Help doing simple threading
Andreas Jung
- windows script host and python
Mike Carifio
- Better string.translate?
Stowasser Harald
- Python interacting with Java Script webpage?
Gerhard Häring
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Alex Martelli
- [Q]: How can I get the logged in users username on Win32?
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
- How can I get the logged in users username on Win32?
Werner Schiendl
- Better string.translate?
Steve Purcell
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Garry Hodgson
- main in mac?
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Paul Prescod
- "Scary Math" Solver
Dave Brueck
- PyQT-2.3 compile fails...
Pierre Fortin
- gadfly problem
Rick Pasotto
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Paul Prescod
- Einstein's Riddle
Howard Brazee
- Atomic Event.{wait,clear}
Aahz Maruch
- Python interacting with Java Script webpage?
Syver Enstad
- This math scares me
John W. Baxter
- Speeding up glob.glob?
Rob Hooft
- Can you please post this opening somewhere on your website?
Mark Tokay
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- ANN: First alpha release of Jython-2.1
Finn Bock
- Einstein's Riddle
Donal K. Fellows
- String comparison
Alexander Stirzel
- String comparison
Fredrik Lundh
- Packages, modules and exceptions
Ng Pheng Siong
- Buffered/Unbuffered on HP-UX (was: Yet another Python vs. Perl speed issue/quest
nanotech at
- Newbie: Is there a more pythonic approach?
Fredrik Lundh
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Paul Moore
- main in mac?
Fredrik Lundh
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Harry George
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Fredrik Lundh
- How can I get the logged in users username on Win32?
Fredrik Lundh
- Einstein's Riddle
David Rush
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Cameron Laird
- Einstein's Riddle
Brian {Hamilton Kelly}
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Fredrik Lundh
- windows script host and python
Paul Moore
- Einstein's Riddle
Brian {Hamilton Kelly}
- String comparison
Tino Wildenhain
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Nicola Musatti
- Buffered/Unbuffered on HP-UX (was: Yet another Python vs. Perl speed issue/quest
Christian Tanzer
- main in mac?
Steven D. Majewski
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Emile van Sebille
- Packages, modules and exceptions
Steve Purcell
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Darren New
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Steven D. Majewski
- Instant Hacking and Instant Python
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Joshua Marshall
- loading Python20.dll during run-time under Windows
Vadim Zeitlin
- wxPython UI refresh
Vadim Zeitlin
- syslog broken on FreeBSD?
Tage Stabell-Kulo
- [ANNOUNCE] Using Mix-ins with Python
Chuck Esterbrook
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Don Dwiggins
- Dynamic construction of a print format string
Bruce Edge
- Cameron Laird Quote on -- Probably old news to y'all, but new to me.
Warren Postma
- Dynamic construction of a print format string
Fredrik Lundh
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Darren New
- Dynamic construction of a print format string
Warren Postma
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Cameron Laird
- Dynamic construction of a print format string
Warren Postma
- cursor.execute fails under mxODBC
M.-A. Lemburg
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Steven D. Majewski
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Harry George
- Python, threads, and signals (oh my!)
Donn Cave
- This math scares me
Terry Reedy
- Dynamic construction of a print format string
Daniel Dittmar
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Paul Prescod
- New windows installer for mxODBC works (was: cursor.execute fails under mxODBC)
Louis Luangkesorn
- Expect -- or popen2 -- or what?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
Michael Hudson
- Fw: reading binary data
Ken Seehof
- This math scares me
Terry Reedy
- tiny extension crashes
John J. Lee
- Update: New mxODBC 2.0.0 Windows Installer Build
M.-A. Lemburg
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- This math scares me
Fredrik Lundh
- reading binary data
Francois Forest
- reading binary data
Fredrik Lundh
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Quinn Dunkan
- windows script host and python
Syver Enstad
- BCD applications (was: This math scares me)
Cameron Laird
- Package
Syver Enstad
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Tim Peters
- Cameron Laird Quote on -- Probably old news to y'all, but new to me.
Syver Enstad
- Package
Fredrik Lundh
- Thoughts about extensions to the Python language
Carlos Ribeiro
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Fredrik Lundh
- tiny extension crashes
Fredrik Lundh
- compile / exec
Ken Seehof
- Expect -- or popen2 -- or what?
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Thoughts about extensions to the Python language
Jeremy Hylton
- windows script host and python
Mike Carifio
- This math scares me
Werner Schiendl
- [Q]: How can I get the logged in users username on Win32?
Mark Hammond
- Python, threads, and signals (oh my!)
Jason Lowe
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- Dynamic construction of a print format string
Bruce Edge
- Thoughts about extensions to the Python language
Fredrik Lundh
- reading binary data
Alex Martelli
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Alex Martelli
- This math scares me
Quinn Dunkan
- compile / exec
eric wilson
- Cameron Laird Quote on -- Probably old news to y'all, but new to me.
Paul T. Miller
- shadow password library
Timothy Grant
- Console column Width
Nathan Heagy
- wxPython UI refresh
Wiwih Gunadi
- Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions)
Tim Rowe
- DOS python?
Tim Rowe
- Einstein's Riddle
Tim Rowe
- Package
Anbuselvam Palusamy
- Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions)
Laura Lewin
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Michael Chermside
- compile / exec
eric wilson
- Einstein's Riddle
Brian {Hamilton Kelly}
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Neelakantan Krishnaswami
- Spreadsheet-like array in Tkinter??
- Package
Robin Thomas
- on Windows
Don Dwiggins
- Images in a MySQL Database ?!?!
- Status of IDLE
Costas Menico
- Help doing simple threading
David Lees
- Help doing simple threading
David Bolen
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Kris J. Zaragoza
- tiny extension crashes
Greg Jorgensen
- PythonWorks: opinions sought
Steve Holden
Kyler Laird
- wxPython UI refresh
Robin Dunn
- PEP 6: Patch and Bug Fix Releases
Aahz Maruch
- [Q] Bug in Python?
Daehyok Shin
- RPM Module?
Sean Reifschneider
- news from python9!!!
Sean Reifschneider
- [Q] Bug in Python?
Brian Quinlan
- Better string.translate?
Stowasser Harald
- This math scares me
John W. Baxter
- [Q] Bug in Python?
John W. Baxter
- Better string.translate?
Steve Holden
- Cameron Laird Quote on -- Probably old news to y'all, but new to me.
Just van Rossum
- Better string.translate?
Steve Purcell
- HTMLparsing abnormal html pages
asle at
- Regular Expressions and Python 1.5.2
Alexandre Fayolle
- Better string.translate?
Alex Martelli
- WebBrowser as a panacea (was Re: wxPython UI refresh)
Alex Martelli
- Process details
Quinn Dunkan
- Regular Expressions and Python 1.5.2
Alexandre Fayolle
- reversing a dictionary (newbie)
Christopher Brewster
- [Q] Bug in Python?
Duncan Booth
- Regular Expressions and Python 1.5.2
Duncan Booth
- Regular Expressions and Python 1.5.2
Matt Dunford
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- reversing a dictionary (newbie)
Steve Purcell
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions)
Alex Martelli
- Cameron Laird Quote on -- Probably old news to y'all, but new to me.
Alex Martelli
- This math scares me
Alex Martelli
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Alex Martelli
- tiny extension crashes
Alex Martelli
- Problem with string.translate
David Fuess
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- Cameron Laird Quote on -- Probably old news to y'all, but new to me.
Paul Prescod
- Raise exception in caller's stack frame
Paul Prescod
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Doug Hellmann
- Problem with string.translate
Ulf Engström
- Help doing simple threading
Andreas Jung
- Umlaut and Tkinter
Michael Husmann
- Linuxconf modules in python
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Paul Prescod
- Einstein's Riddle
Warren Postma
- Thoughts about extensions to the Python language
Carlos Ribeiro
- This math scares me
Fabio Olive Leite
- Pattern talk (was: Who's minister of propaganda this week?)
Cameron Laird
- Random Access Files
Colin Meeks
- Random Access Files
Steve Purcell
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- Lexical synchronization (was: Who's minister of propaganda this week?)
Cameron Laird
- news from python9!!!
Steve Williams
- Cameron Laird Quote on -- Probably old news to y'all, but new to me.
Cameron Laird
- This math scares me
John W. Baxter
- This math scares me
Aahz Maruch
Cameron Laird
- reversing a dictionary (newbie)
Tim Hochberg
- building python for multiple targets
Bruce Edge
- ANNOUNCE: The Snack Sound Toolkit v2.0.7
Kare Sjolander
- Cameron Laird Quote on -- Probably old news to y'all, but new to me.
Larry Smith
- Raise exception in caller's stack frame
Paul Prescod
- building python for multiple targets
Bruce Edge
- Instant Hacking and Instant Python
Marcos Sánchez Provencio
- Process details
Timothy Grant
- Random Access Files
Fredrik Lundh
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Ken Seehof
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Don Dwiggins
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Grant Edwards
- This math scares me
Terry Reedy
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Darren New
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Johann Hibschman
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Darren New
- This math scares me
Aahz Maruch
- python-dev summary, 2001-03-01 - 2001-03-15
Michael Hudson
- redirecting stdio
Bruce Edge
- Python Programming on Win32 (was: Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions))
Don Tuttle
- building python for multiple targets
Harry George
- wxPython/Tkinter/pyGTK
Padraig Brady
- Off-python-topic: Cron jobs on
Chris Richard Adams
- ReportLab commercial toolkit enters beta testing
Andy Robinson
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- PyImport_ImportModuleEx() ?
Charlie Barrows
- Tkinter : resizing Text widget with main window
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Dynamic append in a dictionnary object ...
- Newbie: Is there a more pythonic approach?
Lloyd Sommerer
- decss
Jay Collins
- Process details
Quinn Dunkan
- Dynamic append in a dictionnary object ...
Aahz Maruch
- Dynamic append in a dictionnary object ...
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- reading binary data
Tom Loredo
- reading binary data
Tom Loredo
- windows script host and python
Syver Enstad
- decss
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Python and ADO
Syver Enstad
- This math scares me
Fabio Olive Leite
- Should I close after popen??
Ken Seehof
- Python and ADO
Geoff Talvola
- wxPython/Tkinter/pyGTK
- Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions)
Ken Seehof
- Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions)
Ken Seehof
- Python Programming on Win32 (was: Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions))
Laura Lewin
- Communicating with serial port
Mike Callahan
- Python2C
Michael Lindrum
- Should I close after popen??
Andrew Markebo
- Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions)
Manoj Plakal
- Should I close after popen??
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- inverse of asctime
Grant Griffin
- Python Programming on Win32 (was: Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions))
Don Tuttle
- reversing a dictionary (newbie)
David Bolen
- Python and ADO
Don Tuttle
- Python Programming on Win32 (was: Magnitude of the wx* market (was: Python In A Nutshell - suggestions))
Laura Lewin
- PEP 6: Patch and Bug Fix Releases
Aahz Maruch
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Darren New
- Announcement: Python Programming: Taming the Snake.
python at
- This math scares me
Steve Holden
- Should I close after popen??
Andrew Markebo
- wxPython/Tkinter/pyGTK
Lyle Johnson
- Should I close after popen??
Andrew Markebo
- Python and ADO
Alex Martelli
- Off-python-topic: Cron jobs on
John W. Baxter
- inverse of asctime
Andrew Markebo
- Should I close after popen??
Andrew Markebo
- Cookies
Ken Seehof
- tiny extension crashes
John J. Lee
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Carel Fellinger
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Neelakantan Krishnaswami
- reading binary data
Chris Gonnerman
- on Windows
Chris Gonnerman
- Umlaut and Tkinter
Kevin Russell
- Spreadsheet-like array in Tkinter??
Kevin Russell
- inverse of asctime
Grant Griffin
- Python & XSLT?
John E. Barham
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Blake Winton
- How do I avoid the Tkinter 30 msec polling loop.
Paul Jackson
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Graham Hughes
- Cookies
Greg Jorgensen
- tempfile.tempdir
- Cookies
Simon Kesenci
- tempfile.tempdir
David Porter
- Should I close after popen??
Donn Cave
- Python and ADO
Syver Enstad
- Python & XSLT?
Paul Prescod
- Announcement: Python Programming: Taming the Snake.
Fredrik Lundh
- tiny extension crashes
Greg Jorgensen
- Python2C
Fredrik Lundh
- This math scares me
jurgen.defurne at
- This math scares me
jurgen.defurne at
- PEP 6: Patch and Bug Fix Releases
Tim Peters
- Announcement: Python Programming: Taming the Snake.
jurgen.defurne at
- Announcement: Python Programming: Taming the Snake.
Jim Hill
- Basic information requested
Jamie MacIsaac
- Should I close after popen??
Andrew Markebo
- Basic information requested
Alexandre Fayolle
- Basic information requested
Jamie MacIsaac
- OO-Browser
Eugene Leitl
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Cookies
Martin Skott
- How do I get Win32 to locate DLLs elsewhere (not really a Python thing)?
Francois Forest
- os.spawnv problem
Reinhold Koch
- Basic information requested
jay graves
- Folding mode in win32all 138?
Mikael Lexén
- os.spawnv problem
Steve Purcell
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Pieter Nagel
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Pieter Nagel
- Einstein's Riddle
- Basic information requested
Daniel Yoo
- [Very Long (11K)] Numeric PEPs, first public posts
Moshe Zadka
- How do I get Win32 to locate DLLs elsewhere (not really a Python thing)?
- windows script host and python
- Basic information requested
Cameron Laird
- Python and ADO
Gerhard Häring
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Alex Martelli
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Alex Martelli
- Cookies
Alex Martelli
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- Basic information requested
Alex Martelli
- Python with the VBA recording capabilities
Francois Forest
- Little problem with the "+" operator
Alex Martelli
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Harri Pasanen
- Complete Docs for Python Programming (was several other things)
Spicklemire, Jerry
- [Q]: How can I get the logged in users username on Win32?
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Pieter Nagel
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Aahz Maruch
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- This math scares me
John W. Baxter
- Python style questions
Cary O'Brien
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
John W. Baxter
- Python with the VBA recording capabilities
Alex Martelli
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Gordon Williams
- windows script host and python
Alex Martelli
- PyImport_ImportModule
Charlie Barrows
- Python style questions
Dick Streefland
- Python style questions
Aahz Maruch
- Python style questions
- Yet another C++ binding (using Extension Classes)
Brian Kelley
- Off-python-topic: Cron jobs on
Fredrik Lundh
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Alex Martelli
- C++ and Python
Karl Bellve
- Yet another C++ binding (using Extension Classes)
Lee, Jaeho
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Joshua Marshall
- How can install Tkinter on linux.
Fredrik Lundh
- PyImport_ImportModule
Fredrik Lundh
- OO-Browser
Fredrik Lundh
- redefining stdout
Mark Limber
- Python style questions
Joshua Marshall
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Aahz Maruch
- redefining stdout
Fredrik Lundh
- Python style questions
Cary O'Brien
- OO-Browser
Eugene Leitl
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Darren New
- Cookies
Ken Seehof
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Joshua Marshall
- on Windows
Don Dwiggins
- Killing threads
costas at
- PythonCOM connectableserver
Masog, David
- Python style questions
Fredrik Lundh
- Python style questions
Fredrik Lundh
- How can install Tkinter on linux.
- X properties
Brian E Gallew
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Fredrik Lundh
- relational/boolean operator overloading
Renzo Tomaselli
- KeyboardInterrupt in IIS?
fluxent at
- relational/boolean operator overloading
Aahz Maruch
- Cookies
Ken Seehof
- Killing threads
Joshua Marshall
- Killing threads
Steve Purcell
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Darren New
- Should I close after popen??
Ken Seehof
- Cookies
Martin Skott
- How do I avoid the Tkinter 30 msec polling loop.
Paul Jackson
- Killing threads
Dave Brueck
- Extending Python: rewriting a single method in C
hernan.foffani at
- can a class intantiate itself to None?
Timothy Grant
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
James_Althoff at
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Joshua Marshall
- Killing threads
Joshua Marshall
- socket.ssl for win32
Robin Dunn
- can a class intantiate itself to None?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Cookies
Ken Seehof
- can a class intantiate itself to None?
Alex Martelli
- Python style questions
François Granger
- Yet another C++ binding (using Extension Classes)
Alex Martelli
- PyImport_ImportModule
Charlie Barrows
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not to bury it...)
Mike C. Fletcher
- X properties
Martin von Loewis
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Garry Hodgson
- Python creator: Perl users are moving to Python
Daniel Klein
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- md5 passwords
Timothy Grant
- Python style questions
Alex Martelli
- Cookies
Greg Jorgensen
- Using INRIA's Thot toolkit from Python?
Howard B. Golden
- Catching exceptions in Tkinter's mainloop
Mike Callahan
- redefining stdout
Thomas Wouters
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Timothy Grant
- Type mismatchings and the rank newbie
John Brawley
- socket.ssl for win32
Robin Dunn
- Type mismatchings and the rank newbie
Jeremy Hylton
- Extending using Numeric, a quest for patterns
Greg Landrum
- Type mismatchings and the rank newbie
Timothy Grant
- Type mismatchings and the rank newbie
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Type mismatchings and the rank newbie
Kalle Svensson
- PythonCOM connectableserver
Mark Hammond
- KeyboardInterrupt in IIS?
Mark Hammond
- Cookies
Ken Seehof
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Ken Seehof
- Killing threads
Aahz Maruch
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Simon Budig
- Newbie confusion about 'return'
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Carel Fellinger
- revamping K-12 math curriculum
Kirby Urner
- Python style questions
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Aahz Maruch
- Cookies
David Bolen
- How do I get Win32 to locate DLLs elsewhere (not really a Python thing)?
David Bolen
- HTMLparsing abnormal html pages
Mark Pilgrim
- HTMLparsing abnormal html pages
Aahz Maruch
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Tim Peters
- Newbie confusion about 'return'
Bruce Sass
- HTMLparsing abnormal html pages
Aahz Maruch
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Tim Peters
- Newbie confusion about 'return'
Aahz Maruch
- HTMLparsing abnormal html pages
Mark Pilgrim
- image handling
Michael Hall
- profile module behavior
Joe Murray
- Should I close after popen??
Donn Cave
- socket.ssl for win32
Don Tuttle
- Guido on SlashDot
Jeff Bauer
- Should I close after popen??
Donn Cave
- ZPT, a next-generation template technology
Hamish Lawson
- Console printing
Costas Menico
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Simon Budig
- Console printing
Emile van Sebille
- Deleting dictionary items
Will Newton
- Meta-class inheritance problem (Python2.0 bug?)
Lorien Dunn
- ZPT, a next-generation template technology
Martien Verbruggen
- socket.ssl for win32
Robin Dunn
- ZPT, a next-generation template technology
Aahz Maruch
- Newbie question about import and dir
Bob Purvy
- socket.ssl for win32
Don Tuttle
- This math scares me
Aahz Maruch
- More accurate summations [was Re: This math scares me]
Edward Jason Riedy
- md5 passwords
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Neelakantan Krishnaswami
- how to indent blocks in vi using << and >>
- ZPT, a next-generation template technology
Emile van Sebille
- ODBC for Python 2?
Brian Alexander
- Cookies
Greg Jorgensen
- Console printing
Costas Menico
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Grant Griffin
- ODBC for Python 2?
Aahz Maruch
- More accurate summations [was Re: This math scares me]
Edward Jason Riedy
- How can I get perl module for python?
- Thoughts about extensions to the Python language
Grant Griffin
- MS Access query fails on Date/Time field
Louis Luangkesorn
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Tim Peters
- Meta-class inheritance problem (Python2.0 bug?)
Lorien Dunn
- Python style questions
Terry Reedy
- md5 passwords
Carey Evans
- Thoughts about extensions to the Python language
Pearu Peterson
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Alex Martelli
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Alex Martelli
- how to indent blocks in vi using << and >>
Sean Reifschneider
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Sean Reifschneider
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Tim Peters
- Should I close after popen??
Andrew Markebo
- Python style questions
François Granger
- Python style questions
François Granger
- Deleting dictionary items
Andreas Jung
- Deleting dictionary items
Emile van Sebille
- embedding a Python debugger in an app?
Paul T. Miller
- ZPT, a next-generation template technology
Thorsten Roskowetz
- image handling
Fredrik Lundh
- Thoughts about extensions to the Python language
Mitch Chapman
- Python style questions
François Granger
- This math scares me
Grant Edwards
- More accurate summations [was Re: This math scares me]
Grant Edwards
- Catching exceptions in Tkinter's mainloop
Richard Townsend
- Thoughts about extensions to the Python language
Roy Smith
- This math scares me
Aahz Maruch
- Looking for web indexer in python
Roy Smith
- ZPT, a next-generation template technology
Andrew Kuchling
- [Very Long (11K)] Numeric PEPs, first public posts
Rainer Deyke
- Debugging Python extensions (was Re: image handling)
Edward C. Jones
- How can install Tkinter on linux.
Phil Fraering
- [Newbie]python,tkinter,tcl/tk 8.3
Gilles Gosselin
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Looking for web indexer in python
Gerhard Häring
- Python style questions
Rainer Deyke
- image handling
David Allen
- can a class intantiate itself to None?
David Allen
- Python style questions
François Granger
- How do I avoid the Tkinter 30 msec polling loop.
David Allen
- Should I close after popen??
David Allen
- image handling
Kevin Cazabon
- Meta-class inheritance problem (Python2.0 bug?)
Gordon McMillan
- Deleting dictionary items
Carl Banks
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
- text file to array and back
Andreas Kremer
- md5 passwords
Timothy Grant
- installing 2.x over the top of 1.5.2
Timothy Grant
- How to get a frame's size
John Shankland
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
Carel Fellinger
- How do I avoid the Tkinter 30 msec polling loop.
Mike Clarkson
- Alternative documentation formats?? (chm and info)
Andrew Markebo
- How do I avoid the Tkinter 30 msec polling loop.
Mike Clarkson
- Accessing /dev/mixer under Linux
Andreas Jung
- image handling
Andreas Jung
- Interactive startup file
Brendhan Horne
- Interactive startup file
Tim Peters
- Interactive startup file
William Park
- module to do euler path and topological sorting in python
cyberian bear
- Interactive startup file
Brendhan Horne
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Michael Chermside
- Looking for web indexer in python (fwd)
Dr. David Mertz
- reading stdinput
Michael Hall
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Thomas Bellman
- Meta-class inheritance problem (Python2.0 bug?)
Lorien Dunn
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Paul Prescod
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Steve Williams
- module to do euler path and topological sorting in python
Mike C. Fletcher
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Steve Williams
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
- More accurate summations [was Re: This math scares me]
John W. Baxter
- reading stdinput
Neil Schemenauer
- installing 2.x over the top of 1.5.2
Harry George
- Meta-class inheritance problem (Python2.0 bug?)
David Abrahams
- How do I get Win32 to locate DLLs elsewhere (not really a Python thing)?
Tim Roberts
- windows script host and python
Tim Roberts
- reading stdinput
Sheila King
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Sheila King
- installing 2.x over the top of 1.5.2
Timothy Grant
- Meta-class inheritance problem (Python2.0 bug?)
Tim Peters
- HTMLparsing abnormal html pages
Tim Roberts
- Should I close after popen??
Donn Cave
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Sheila King
- reading stdinput
Sheila King
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
- PEP 42 and Py2.1
Raymond Hettinger
- Cameron Laird Quote on -- Probably old news to y'all, but new to me.
Neil Hodgson
- Meta-class inheritance problem (Python2.0 bug?)
Lorien Dunn
- How do I avoid the Tkinter 30 msec polling loop.
Paul Jackson
- How do I avoid the Tkinter 30 msec polling loop.
Paul Jackson
- standalone
Vyacheslav Danovich
- How to get a frame's size
Fredrik Lundh
- Help with 500 error on cgi script
Sheila King
- HTMLparsing abnormal html pages
Steve Purcell
- Help with 500 error on cgi script
Sheila King
- standalone
Steve Purcell
- Help with 500 error on cgi script
Steve Purcell
- Cameron Laird Quote on -- Probably old news to y'all, but new to me.
Alex Martelli
- Help with 500 error on cgi script
Sheila King
- Help with 500 error on cgi script
Michael Ströder
- windows script host and python
Eduard Hiti
- Help with 500 error on cgi script
Steve Purcell
- Alternative documentation formats?? (chm and info)
Hernan M. Foffani
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- windows script host and python
- Console column Width
Michael Hudson
- PEP 42 and Py2.1
Aahz Maruch
- How do I avoid the Tkinter 30 msec polling loop.
Aahz Maruch
- standalone
Ken Seehof
- What has become of PEP224 ?
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Amit Patel
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Amit Patel
- Efficiency of UserString
Oliver Hofmann
- [Python-Dev] Revive the types sig?
Paul Prescod
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Michael Chermside
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Michael Chermside
- What has become of PEP224 ?
Aahz Maruch
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Jason Orendorff
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Paul Prescod
- installing 2.x over the top of 1.5.2
Gerhard Häring
- ANNOUNCE: moodss-14.1
Jean-Luc Fontaine
- ANNOUNCE: tclpython-2.0.1
Jean-Luc Fontaine
- Help with 500 error on cgi script
Sheila King
- Help with 500 error on cgi script
Sheila King
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- Deleting dictionary items
Will Newton
- Serial Port on Unix
Tino Wildenhain
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Tim Peters
- Help with new scope problem
Luis Cortes
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Darren New
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Daniel Klein
- Get Python2 Win32 working with Apache
- Thoughts about extensions to the Python language
Tim Rowe
- Thoughts about extensions to the Python language
Tim Rowe
- What has become of PEP224 ?
Guido van Rossum
- Subsetting a dictionary
Will Newton
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- NOT A scope problem
Siggy Brentrup
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Help with new scope problem
Emile van Sebille
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Michael Chermside
- [Announce] jywiki
Brian Zhou
- Using ActiveX Control from Python
Hirsch, John
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Carlos Ribeiro
- Help Rewriting/Refactoring/Rethinking Parsing Algorythm
Boopy Bootles
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Carlos Ribeiro
- Subsetting a dictionary
Eric Hagemann
- Get Python2 Win32 working with Apache
Sheila King
- Subsetting a dictionary
Emile van Sebille
- Subsetting a dictionary
Emile van Sebille
- Help Rewriting/Refactoring/Rethinking Parsing Algorythm
Terry Reedy
- Subsetting a dictionary
Terry Reedy
- Help with new scope problem
Carel Fellinger
- Deleting dictionary items
Terry Reedy
- Wrong reasons to enhancing the language
Carlos Ribeiro
- stripping punctuation from tuples
Louis Luangkesorn
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Vadim Chugunov
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Tim Peters
- text file to array and back
Kevin Russell
- Help Rewriting/Refactoring/Rethinking Parsing Algorythm
Mike C. Fletcher
- Jython and jpythonc2
Douglas du Boulay
- Wrong reasons to enhancing the language
- Python style questions
Don O'Donnell
- Help Rewriting/Refactoring/Rethinking Parsing Algorythm
Tim Peters
- newbie needs help installing NumPy, reference material.
Travis Oliphant
- PEP 42 and Py2.1
Tim Peters
- Python In A Nutshell - Numpy essential
Travis Oliphant
- stripping punctuation from tuples
Bruce Wolk
- Dragon Macros (was: RE: Help Rewriting/Refactoring/Rethinking Parsing Algorythm)
Mike C. Fletcher
- installing 2.x over the top of 1.5.2
Sean Reifschneider
- Writing PEPs (was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer)
Aahz Maruch
- stripping punctuation from tuples
Brian Quinlan
- Problems with 2.0 cgi scripts
Sheila King
- Who am I: can a class instance determine its own name?
Alex Martelli
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- Tkinter Support
- Tkinter : resizing Text widget with main window
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Killing threads
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- stripping punctuation from tuples
Wayne Izatt
- Using ActiveX Control from Python
Mark Hammond
- How to find out about free space on a given drive?
Dinu Gherman
- Tkinter Support
Paul Prescod
- Help Rewriting/Refactoring/Rethinking Parsing Algorythm
Mike C. Fletcher
- relational/boolean operator overloading
Renzo Tomaselli
- How to find out about free space on a given drive?
Steve Purcell
- Deleting dictionary items
Remco Gerlich
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Extending using Numeric, a quest for patterns
Konrad Hinsen
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Twan van der Schoot
- Tkinter Canvas inheritance
Markus von Ehr
- HTML escape in Python 1.5.2
- More accurate summations [was Re: This math scares me]
jurgen.defurne at
- Einstein's Riddle
Steve Graham
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Alex Martelli
- stripping punctuation from tuples
Alex Martelli
- Tkinter Canvas inheritance
Frank Niessink
- Dragon Macros (was: RE: Help Rewriting/Refactoring/Rethinking Parsing Algorythm)
Anders Schneiderman
- Looking for web indexer in python
Thomas Weholt
- Executing a "dir" using PyRun_String??? URGENT!!!
Ben Held
- The order of classes
Daniel Klein
- The order of classes
Remco Gerlich
- [Pythonwin] Scintilla ID(L)Eal
- Tkinter Support
- I lost characters at read
Eduardo Ferro
- Tkinter Support
- newbie - infinite loop
Paul Brian
- The order of classes
Daniel Klein
- How to find out about free space on a given drive?
Cameron Laird
- Problems with 2.0 cgi scripts
Aahz Maruch
- Killing threads
Dave Brueck
- newbie - infinite loop
Remco Gerlich
- newbie needs help installing NumPy, reference material.
Pete Shinners
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 19)
Oleg Broytmann
- Python In A Nutshell - Numpy essential
Pete Shinners
- newbie - infinite loop
Terry Reedy
- newbie - infinite loop
Mike C. Fletcher
- newbie - infinite loop
Pete Shinners
- PLT is moving
Matthias Felleisen
- Python-related standards
Andrew Kuchling
- newbie - infinite loop
Alex Martelli
- Who's minister of propaganda this week?
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Killing threads
Aahz Maruch
- newbie - infinite loop
Paul Brian
- Python T-shirts
Guido van Rossum
- text file to array and back
Andreas Kremer
- Python-related standards
Aahz Maruch
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
John W. Baxter
- Serial Port on Unix
Chris Withers
- [ANNOUNCE] More Python tamers
Marc Poinot
- name of tmpfile
Jonathan Soons
- Python-related standards
Moshe Zadka
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Remco Gerlich
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
Luis Cortes
- Killing threads
Dave Brueck
- [ANNOUNCE] More Python tamers (Europeen Python Meeting in Bordeaux)
M.-A. Lemburg
- The most important modules
Martyn Quick
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Don Dwiggins
- VPython/Tk app works on single processor but not dual
Fred Yankowski
- Evaluating the contents of a string
Aaron Ginn
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Aahz Maruch
- Subsetting a dictionary
Will Newton
- Subsetting a dictionary
Will Newton
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
Aahz Maruch
- Subsetting a dictionary
Aahz Maruch
- Subsetting a dictionary
Will Newton
- PEP 42 and Py2.1
Raymond Hettinger
- Evaluating the contents of a string
Matt Barnett
- name of tmpfile
Timothy Grant
- windows script host and python
Don Dwiggins
- Evaluating the contents of a string
Timothy Grant
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Jeremy Hylton
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Jeremy Hylton
- HTMLparsing abnormal html pages
Tim Roberts
- Python style questions
Michael Hudson
- [Very Long (11K)] Numeric PEPs, first public posts
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Python style questions
Joshua Marshall
- [Very Long (11K)] Numeric PEPs, first public posts
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Organizing Python
Dave LeBlanc
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
Lee, Jaeho
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Joshua Marshall
- pwd behaviour when new users are added
Timothy Grant
- Subsetting a dictionary
Aahz Maruch
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Fredrik Lundh
- [Very Long (11K)] Numeric PEPs, first public posts
Moshe Zadka
- Writing PEPs (was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer)
Aahz Maruch
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Moshe Zadka
- Python style questions
Michael Hudson
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Eduard Hiti
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Eduard Hiti
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
Paul Schwartz
- [Pythonwin] Scintilla ID(L)Eal
Neil Hodgson
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
Grant Griffin
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Tim Rowe
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Tim Rowe
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Tim Rowe
- Organizing Python
Martin Skott
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
Mark Hammond
- Wrong reasons to enhancing the language
Russell E. Owen
- Python-related standards
Andrew Kuchling
- Python-related standards
Moshe Zadka
- (no subject)
Brad Jennings
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Steve Holden
- windows script host and python
Alex Martelli
- Cookies
Ken Seehof
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Aahz Maruch
- Wrong reasons to enhancing the language
Aahz Maruch
- [Very Long (11K)] Numeric PEPs, first public posts
Aahz Maruch
- Organizing Python
s713221 at
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Jeremy Hylton
- Cookies
David Bolen
- HELP - beginner to programing/python
- (no subject)
Remco Gerlich
- HELP - beginner to programing/python
Timothy Grant
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
James_Althoff at
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Will Newton
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Remco Gerlich
- Problems with 2.0 cgi scripts
Sheila King
- Paring down diskspace required by a Python-2.0 installation
Sheila King
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Tim Peters
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Tim Peters
- PEP 241: Metadata for Python Software Packages
Carey Evans
- VPython/Tk app works on single processor but not dual
Les Schaffer
- Paring down diskspace required by a Python-2.0 installation
Andreas Jung
- HELP - beginner to programing/python
Louis Luangkesorn
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Carlos Ribeiro
- This math scares me
Greg Ewing
- Serial Port on Unix
Sean Reifschneider
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Twan van der Schoot
- Wrong reasons to enhancing the language
Tim Peters
- This math scares me
Tim Peters
- Catching exceptions in Tkinter's mainloop
Mike Callahan
- list.sort(cmpfunc) question
Joshua Marshall
- So what's wrong with __future__? (Was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks ...)
Huaiyu Zhu
- Serial Port on Unix
Sandipan Gangopadhyay
- Tkinter : resizing Text widget with main window
Rick Pasotto
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Neil Schemenauer
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
John W. Baxter
- setting Scrollbars in PMW ScrolledFrame
Erika Skoe
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
John W. Baxter
- Pep 238 Why new // operator (Non-integer Division)
John W. Baxter
- Cookies
Steve Holden
- Python style questions
Tim Roberts
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Greg Ewing
- [Very Long (11K)] Numeric PEPs, first public posts
Steve Holden
- relational/boolean operator overloading
Greg Ewing
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Tim Peters
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Clark C. Evans
- relational/boolean operator overloading
Aahz Maruch
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not to bury it...)
Clark C. Evans
- slightly OOT: packaging Python 2.1b1 in RPM
Steven Haryanto
- HTML escape in Python 1.5.2
Tim Roberts
- Collection interfaces
- [Very Long (11K)] Numeric PEPs, first public posts
Alex Martelli
- Collection interfaces
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Alex Martelli
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Alex Martelli
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Fredrik Lundh
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Fredrik Lundh
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
Fredrik Lundh
- Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer
Steve Holden
- HELP - beginner to programing/python
- Tkinter : resizing Text widget with main window
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Python2.0 rpm's don't have IDLE?
Martin Brown
- HELP - beginner to programing/python
Remco Gerlich
- Sequence-spreading
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- Serial Port on Unix
Chris Withers
- Sequence-spreading
Remco Gerlich
- Collection interfaces
Randy A. Ynchausti
- HELP - beginner to programing/python
Stephen R. Figgins
- Setting file attributes on file creation.
Chris Withers
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Remco Gerlich
- relational/boolean operator overloading -> PEP 207
Renzo Tomaselli
- [Very Long (11K)] Numeric PEPs, first public posts
Moshe Zadka
- Sequence-spreading
Alex Martelli
- Thinking Outside the Box
Oleg Broytmann
- xml,sax,EntityResolver
Achim Domma
- Writing PEPs (was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks; a counter-offer)
Hernan M. Foffani
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- The most important modules
Kalle Svensson
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not to bury it...)
Alex Martelli
- How to find out about free space on a given drive?
Dinu Gherman
- Whois client?
Bill Bell
- Collection interfaces
James A. Robertson
- Tkinter - catching window delete
- Whois client?
Michael Ströder
- Python style questions
Michael Hudson
- pdb with threads & PyEval_CallObject
- The most important modules
Lyle Johnson
- HELP - beginner to programing/python
- Collection interfaces
Tak To
- Collection interfaces
- The most important modules
Remco Gerlich
- re.match
Michael P. Soulier
- relational/boolean operator overloading -> PEP 207
Aahz Maruch
- The most important modules
Aahz Maruch
- python suitability for large critical run forever apps
Bruce Edge
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Aahz Maruch
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Aahz Maruch
- python suitability for large critical run forever apps
Aahz Maruch
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not to bury it...)
Steven Burr
- Python and ADO
Geoff Talvola
- New PEP: The directive statement
Michael Chermside
- Little red lines in PythonWin!
Bill Bell
- Using ActiveX Control from Python
Paul Moore
- python suitability for large critical run forever apps
Oleg Broytmann
- The most important modules
robin at
- Jython and IDE/debugger
Steinar Eriksen
- Little red lines in PythonWin!
Bill Bell
- IIS forgetting PythonPath?
fluxent at
- New PEP: The directive statement
Timothy Grant
- Thinking Outside the Box
Terry Reedy
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Fred Pacquier
- Regular expressions and non-standard character set
Petri Mikael Kuittinen
- Python2.0 rpm's don't have IDLE?
- re.match
Fredrik Lundh
- Should __future__ statements ever be phased out?
Hamish Lawson
- Should __future__ statements ever be phased out?
Moshe Zadka
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Fredrik Lundh
- Sequence-spreading
- Tkinter Problem
O'Rourke Clodagh-corour01
- python suitability for large critical run forever apps
Doug Fort
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Bill Scherer
- Regular expressions and non-standard character set
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Fwd: Re: Tkinter : resizing Text widget with main window
johngrayson at
- Regular expressions and non-standard character set
Fredrik Lundh
- Porting problem
Bob Purvy
- re.match
Michael P. Soulier
- Wrong reasons to enhancing the language
Russell E. Owen
- Tkinter : resizing Text widget with main window
Russell E. Owen
- Saving history in interactive Python
Timothy Grant
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Russell E. Owen
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
Tim Rowe
- New PEP: The directive statement
Grant Griffin
- Insertin **keywords into a class
C. Porter Bassett
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Cameron Laird
- re.match
Ken Seehof
- Can Python execute a compiled C program
Carl Moser
- Catching exceptions in Tkinter's mainloop
Richard Townsend
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Donn Cave
- Small bug in PIL
Edward C. Jones
- Can Python execute a compiled C program
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Insertin **keywords into a class
Ken Seehof
- Insertin **keywords into a class
Mike C. Fletcher
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
Fredrik Lundh
- Various issues regarding thread
Gabriel Ambuehl
- Sequence-spreading
Joshua Marshall
- Sequence-spreading
Ken Seehof
- re.match
Michael P. Soulier
- Can Python execute a compiled C program
Fredrik Lundh
- New PEP: The directive statement
Clark C. Evans
- Little red lines in PythonWin!
David Bolen
- Should __future__ statements ever be phased out?
Paul Prescod
- Insertin **keywords into a class
Fredrik Lundh
- File Descriptor Modes
O'Rourke Clodagh-corour01
- Sequence-spreading
Remco Gerlich
- Thread join example
seung-won hwang
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- Sequence-spreading
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
Moshe Zadka
- Thread join example
Wesley J. Chun
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Ben Hutchings
- re.match
Martin von Loewis
- Insertin **keywords into a class
Ben Hutchings
- re.match
Martin von Loewis
- File Descriptor Modes
Martin von Loewis
- re.match
Fredrik Lundh
- python suitability for large critical run forever apps
Cary O'Brien
- python suitability for large critical run forever apps
Cary O'Brien
- Einstein's Riddle
Greg Kobele
- New PEP: The directive statement
Fredrik Lundh
- (no subject)
Jeff Kunce
- Insertin **keywords into a class
Tim Hochberg
- File Descriptor Modes
Fredrik Lundh
- re.match
Michael P. Soulier
- New PEP: The directive statement
Aahz Maruch
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Aahz Maruch
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
Jose Isaias Cabrera
- This math scares me
Neelakantan Krishnaswami
- Standalone executables
Mark Carroll
- windows script host and python
Don Dwiggins
- Wrong reasons to enhancing the language
William Tanksley
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
Paul Prescod
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Ben Hutchings
- Little red lines in PythonWin!
Neil Hodgson
- New PEP: The directive statement
Fredrik Lundh
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
Ben Hutchings
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
Fredrik Lundh
- Insertin **keywords into a class
John J. Lee
- New PEP: The directive statement
Aahz Maruch
- re.match
Fredrik Lundh
- Insertin **keywords into a class
Fredrik Lundh
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
Andrew Kuchling
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Alex Martelli
- deleting files from a script
- Using ActiveX Control from Python
Hirsch, John
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- Little red lines in PythonWin!
David Bolen
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Dave Kuhlman
- PEP 242 Released
Paul F. Dubois
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Alex Martelli
- New PEP: The directive statement
Delaney, Timothy
- deleting files from a script
Greg Jorgensen
- comp.lang.python.numeric? (was Re: Numeric PEPs, first public posts)
Huaiyu Zhu
- urllib.urlopen doesn't accept Unicode strings.
Syver Enstad
- InteractiveConsole locals parameter
Bruce Edge
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Aahz Maruch
- stripping punctuation from tuples
Louis Luangkesorn
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- relational/boolean operator overloading -> PEP 207
Greg Ewing
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Carlos Ribeiro
- This math scares me
Tim Peters
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Delaney, Timothy
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Neelakantan Krishnaswami
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
Tim Peters
- Base 2 to long integers and back
- New PEP: The directive statement
Nathan Gray
- pwd behaviour when new users are added
Jeff Epler
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Carlos Ribeiro
- Little red lines in PythonWin!
Dave LeBlanc
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Aahz Maruch
- Should __future__ statements ever be phased out?
Steve Holden
- Stupid String Question
Brian & Colleen
- Saving history in interactive Python
Costas Menico
- Standalone executables
Don Tuttle
- Cookies
Timothy O'Malley
- Base 2 to long integers and back
Brian Quinlan
- Base 2 to long integers and back
- Base 2 to long integers and back
Pearu Peterson
- Base 2 to long integers and back
Fredrik Lundh
- slightly OOT: packaging Python 2.1b1 in RPM
Steven Haryanto
- Base 2 to long integers and back
Fredrik Lundh
- XLink/XPointer processing in Python
Lars von Wedel
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Huaiyu Zhu
- Base 2 to long integers and back
Andy Salnikov
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Huaiyu Zhu
- Tkinter Problem - NameError
O'Rourke Clodagh-corour01
- Help: Rich comparison in derived class, but not in base (boost.python)
Pearu Peterson
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Huaiyu Zhu
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Clark C. Evans
- Regular expressions and non-standard character set
Oleg Broytmann
- Problem posting an app to Vaults of Parnassus
Steve Pike
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- OT: Re: re.match
Oleg Broytmann
- Collection interfaces
- Collection interfaces
- Tkinter Problem - NameError
Fredrik Lundh
- New PEP: The directive statement
piet at
- Pick Systems D3 Database
Juan Huertas
- New PEP: The directive statement
piet at
- Bug or feature?
Markus Reitz
- Checking the type
Markus Reitz
- Tkinter Problem - NameError
O'Rourke Clodagh-corour01
- Checking the type
Nils Hensel
- reversing a dictionary (newbie)
piet at
- Checking the type
Oleg Broytmann
- Pick Systems D3 Database
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Carlos Ribeiro
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Robin Thomas
- Checking the type
Moshe Zadka
- Checking the type
Remco Gerlich
- Checking the type
Emile van Sebille
- Bug or feature?
Remco Gerlich
- Bug or feature?
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- Collection interfaces
James A. Robertson
- Collection interfaces
Troy Brumley
- [Newbie] line separators in file-output
Daniel Orlowski
- New PEP: The directive statement
Joshua Marshall
- Access Issues
O'Rourke Clodagh-corour01
- Html entities
Syver Enstad
- Pick Systems D3 Database
Daniel Klein
- HTML escape in Python 1.5.2
Arnold Weis
- Checking the type
Alex Martelli
- Html entities
Doug Fort
- Access Issues
Benoit Dupire
- [Newbie] line separators in file-output
Steve Purcell
- [Newbie] line separators in file-output
Duncan Booth
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
Erno Kuusela
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
- Html entities
Fredrik Lundh
- re.match
Fredrik Lundh
- New PEP: The directive statement
Fredrik Lundh
- Access Issues
Fredrik Lundh
- Html entities
Alex Martelli
- Saving history in interactive Python
Bruce Edge
- Checking the type
Alex Martelli
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Alex Martelli
- win32net, documentation
Sibylle Koczian
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Alex Martelli
- python and mysqldb
Robert Kasunic
- Rich comparison in derived class, but not in base (boost.python)
Alex Martelli
- python suitability for large critical run forever apps
Garry Hodgson
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Fred Pacquier
- python and mysqldb
Matthias Huening
- help for newbie
Henri Valeins
- os.system output
Jonathan Soons
- Standalone executables
Mark Carroll
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Rainer Deyke
- Cookies
Ken Seehof
- os.system output
Steve Purcell
- python and mysqldb
Robert Kasunic
- pdb with multithreads & PyEval_CallObject
- os.system output
Kalle Svensson
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Cameron Laird
- help for newbie
Kalle Svensson
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Fred Pacquier
- Stupid String Question
Fredrik Lundh
- Stupid String Question
Nils Hensel
- Regular expressions and non-standard character set
Fredrik Lundh
- Stupid String Question
Siggy Brentrup
- Little red lines in PythonWin!
Dave LeBlanc
- Standalone executables
Dave LeBlanc
- re.match
Bob Cannard
- PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines
Barry A. Warsaw
- re.match
Fredrik Lundh
- learning python...
- re.match
Dave Brueck
- pwd behaviour when new users are added
Timothy Grant
- IDE with vi key bindings
C. Porter Bassett
- learning python...
- help building extension with C++
Dave Seidel
- learning python...
Ken Seehof
- learning python...
Daniel Klein
- learning python...
Simon Kesenci
- learning python...
Bubba Brains
- Substitute for join()
Daniel Klein
- learning python...
Joshua Marshall
- Substitute for join()
Matthew Dixon Cowles
- learning python...
Timothy Grant
- Substitute for join()
Siggy Brentrup
- Substitute for join()
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Substitute for join()
Steve Purcell
- learning python...
Remco Gerlich
- Substitute for join()
Daniel Klein
- learning python...
Benoit Dupire
- learning python...
Aahz Maruch
- learning python...
- learning python...
- New PEP: The directive statement
Huaiyu Zhu
- learning python...
Benoit Dupire
- Dynamically reloading extension modules
Ken Seehof
- What IDE are you'all using for Python 2.1 for Windows?
Tim Rowe
- The most important modules
Tim Rowe
- python suitability for large critical run forever apps
Tim Rowe
- I'm sure there's a good reason!
Tim Rowe
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Twan van der Schoot
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Andreas Jung
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Andreas Jung
- PEP 242 Released
Terry Reedy
- os.system output
Andreas Jung
- I'm sure there's a good reason!
Emile van Sebille
- urllib.urlopen doesn't accept Unicode strings.
Martin von Loewis
- Simple regex that has me banging my head against a wall
Timothy Grant
- learning python...
Lee, Jaeho
- I'm sure there's a good reason!
Tim Peters
- learning python...
Don Tuttle
- socket programming
Kevin X Lin
- Simple regex that has me banging my head against a wall
William Park
- Simple regex that has me banging my head against a wall
Kalle Svensson
- learning python...
LLewin at
- Dynamically reloading extension modules
Timothy Grant
- Simple regex that has me banging my head against a wall
Timothy Grant
- I'm sure there's a good reason!
Remco Gerlich
- Simple regex that has me banging my head against a wall
Emile van Sebille
- learning python...
Wesley Chun
- Simple regex that has me banging my head against a wall
Drew Csillag
- Simple regex that has me banging my head against a wall
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Delaney, Timothy
- Dynamically reloading extension modules
Ken Seehof
- New PEP: The directive statement
Delaney, Timothy
- I'm sure there's a good reason!
Ken Seehof
- learning python...
Daniel Klein
- Dynamically reloading extension modules
Ken Seehof
- What is being compared?
Daniel Klein
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Delaney, Timothy
- New PEP: The directive statement
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Mark Hammond
- Puzzling input problem
Stephen R. Figgins
- socket programming
Brian Quinlan
- Little red lines in PythonWin!
Mark Hammond
- starting Java VM using JNI?
Wieger Wesselink
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
Mark Hammond
- win32net, documentation
Mark Hammond
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
Tim Peters
- New PEP: The directive statement
Neil Schemenauer
- What is being compared?
Tim Peters
- What is being compared?
Ken Seehof
- New PEP: The directive statement
Neil Schemenauer
- Is there python code highlighting in emacs ?
John McMonagle
- New PEP: The directive statement
Tim Peters
- urllib.urlopen doesn't accept Unicode strings.
Aahz Maruch
- Simple regex that has me banging my head against a wall
Aahz Maruch
- Please rate these Python books
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- Catching exceptions in Tkinter's mainloop
Mike Callahan
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Clark C. Evans
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Clark C. Evans
- Please rate these Python books
Don Tuttle
- CGIPython on BSD/OS (BSDI) ?
Chris Gonnerman
- JPython1.1 jpythonc2 applet problems
Douglas du Boulay
- learning python...
Don Tuttle
- Please rate these Python books
alan runyan
- Is there python code highlighting in emacs ?
Paul Winkler
- Puzzling input problem
Chris Gonnerman
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Andrew Henshaw
- Puzzling input problem
Stephen R. Figgins
- Is there python code highlighting in emacs ?
John McMonagle
- Stupid String Question
Brian & Colleen
- Standalone executables
Don Tuttle
- Is there python code highlighting in emacs ?
John McMonagle
- Please rate these Python books
Timothy Grant
- learning python...
Daniel Klein
- Dynamically reloading extension modules
- New PEP: The directive statement
Bruce Sass
- Dynamically reloading extension modules
-, anyone?
Steve Holden
- re.match
Steve Holden
- New PEP: The directive statement
Neil Schemenauer
- XLink/XPointer processing in Python
Adam Logghe
- DCOracle Error
Kamlesh.Vazirani at
- Collection interfaces
- Collection interfaces
- socket programming
Caltech News Server
- Good Editor?
- Good Editor?
- Good Editor?
Alex Martelli
- re.match
Fredrik Lundh
- learning python...
Fredrik Lundh
- Puzzling input problem
Alex Martelli
- urllib.urlopen doesn't accept Unicode strings.
Alex Martelli
- New PEP: The directive statement
Alex Martelli
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Fred Pacquier
- Good Editor?
Fred Pacquier
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Alex Martelli
- New PEP: The directive statement
Bruce Sass
- Standalone executables
Thomas Heller
- New PEP: The directive statement
Moshe Zadka
- automatic cookie handling with urllib?
- automatic cookie handling with urllib?
Doug Fort
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- Good Editor?
Greg Jorgensen
- Standalone executables
Alex Martelli
- Evaluating the contents of a string
Carey Evans
- automatic cookie handling with urllib?
Steve Purcell
- PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines
Clark C. Evans
- I'm sure there's a good reason!
Ralph Corderoy
- Why Python/Jython?
Andreas Freier
- Why Python/Jython?
Steve Purcell
- re.match
Steve Holden
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Alex Martelli
- New PEP: The directive statement
Carlos Ribeiro
- Accessing Oracle from Python remotely ?
Bill Scherer
- What is being compared?
Michael Hudson
- Good Editor?
Nick Efford
- Please rate these Python books
Nick Efford
- Collection interfaces
Troy Brumley
- Why Python/Jython?
Andreas Jung
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Mark Hammond
- Good Editor?
Fred Pacquier
- Please rate these Python books
Steve Lamb
- Good Editor?
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- Good Editor?
Steve Lamb
- tempfile problem on win98
Steven Adams
- Good Editor?
Emile van Sebille
- tempfile problem on win98
Emile van Sebille
- tempfile problem on win98
Emile van Sebille
- Text printing under Windows
Gabriele Favalessa
- Good Editor?
Kemp Randy-W18971
- Python 2.1 and MySQL 3.23.33 on Windows
David Brown
- learning python...
Harry George
- Cross-platform serial port access
David Brown
- Standalone executables
Mark Carroll
- Is there python code highlighting in emacs ?
Harry George
- bug in threading
Oleg Orlov
- Is there python code highlighting in emacs ?
Dan Schmidt
- learning python...
Lloyd Sommerer
- PEP 242 Released
Konrad Hinsen
- Pretty-printing ugly blocks of SQL?
Steve Purcell
- Cross-platform serial port access
Grant Edwards
- email address verification
Holland King
- Jython is cool?
Michael Bacarella
- email address verification
Fredrik Lundh
- New PEP: The directive statement
Remco Gerlich
- New PEP: The directive statement
Remco Gerlich
- Text printing under Windows
Werner Schiendl
- [ANNOUNCE] Article: Using Mix-ins with Python
Chuck Esterbrook
- Good Editor?
Brian Langenberger
- Jython is cool?
Neil Schemenauer
- Good Editor?
Werner Schiendl
- Good Editor?
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- Cross-platform serial port access
David Brown
- learning python...
Remco Gerlich
- New PEP: The directive statement
Fredrik Lundh
- Creating Python Data Server
Bruce Edge
- Good Editor?
Don Tuttle
- Transparent GIFs in PIL
Marcos Sánchez Provencio
- Good Editor?
Lee, Jaeho
- New PEP: The directive statement
Aahz Maruch
- email address verification
Darren New
- bug in threading
Aahz Maruch
- Jython is cool?
Aahz Maruch
- os.system output
- Checking the type
Michael Spencer
- extending the built in dictionary type
Robin Becker
- Good Editor?
Don Tuttle
- Curses under python 2.0
Christian Theune
- Python 2.1 and MySQL 3.23.33 on Windows
Gerhard Häring
- Transparent GIFs in PIL
Steve Purcell
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Yvon Boulianne
- Good Editor?
- Transparent GIFs in PIL
Oleg Broytmann
- Help with creating Python COM
Charlotte Williams
- Sockets in Python
- Cross-platform serial port access
Grant Edwards
- Transparent GIFs in PIL
Steve Purcell
- Transparent GIFs in PIL
Steve Purcell
- Help with creating Python COM
Paul Robinson
- Why Python/Jython?
Cameron Laird
- Jython is cool?
Cameron Laird
- Transparent GIFs in PIL
Oleg Broytmann
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Tim Churches
- New PEP: The directive statement
James_Althoff at
- Good Editor?
Timothy Grant
- python2 & curses
Christian Theune
- python2 & curses
Christian Theune
- New PEP: The directive statement
Grant Griffin
- Python and emacs
Don Dwiggins
- Good Editor?
Ken Seehof
- Catching exceptions in Tkinter's mainloop
Richard Townsend
- Python and emacs
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Automatic install of ActivePython
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Checking the type
Ken Seehof
- Debug and NonDebug versions of Python.DLL loading...
Karl Bellve
- Why Python/Jython?
Alex Martelli
- Python and emacs
Alex Martelli
- providing a python shell from an app, with app defined objects available.
Bruce Edge
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Alex Martelli
- Good Editor?
Bruce Sass
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
John Schmitt
- Standalone executables
Gordon McMillan
- New PEP: The directive statement
Piet van Oostrum
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Cameron Laird
- Puzzling input problem
Stephen R. Figgins
- Why Python/Jython?
- Python and emacs
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- expanding a variable
Jonathan Soons
- Python and emacs
Kalle Svensson
- Catching exceptions in Tkinter's mainloop
Mike Callahan
- Good Editor?
Grant Edwards
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Grant Edwards
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Timothy Grant
- InteractiveConsole locals parameter, solved, but UGLY!
Bruce Edge
- New PEP: The directive statement
Andrew Kuchling
- Why Python/Jython?
Andrew Kuchling
- expanding a variable
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
William Park
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Mike C. Fletcher
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Joshua Marshall
- expanding a variable
Kalle Svensson
- Automatic install of ActivePython
Paul Prescod
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
- ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
- PEP 240 scares me
Pearu Peterson
- Is a "good thing"? (long)
Mike Clarkson
- Accessing Python stuff thru OLE...
jurberg Last Name
- Automatic install of ActivePython
Dale Strickland-Clark
- PEP 240 scares me
Rainer Deyke
- XLink/XPointer processing in Python
Uche Ogbuji
- New PEP: The directive statement
Aahz Maruch
- Why Python/Jython?
Joshua Macy
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Oliver Korpilla
- Why Python/Jython?
Cameron Laird
- Einstein's Riddle
Michael Klein
- Python and emacs
Oliver Korpilla
- Is a "good thing"? (long)
Andrew Kuchling
- Curses under python 2.0
Andrew Kuchling
- New PEP: The directive statement
Bruce Sass
- gah! I hate the new string syntax
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Is a "good thing"? (long)
Mike Romberg
- Multiple Processes on Unix with Python
Nickson Fong
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users : )
Fredrik Lundh
- PyUnit in Python 2.1 standard library
Doug Fort
- Good Editor?
Brad Bollenbach
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Alex Martelli
- PEP 240 scares me
Alex Martelli
- Checking the type
Fredrik Lundh
- LONG_BIT problem
Gil Hauer
- On your own? 2929
sknhom at
- CGI for generating xml pages
lance.hill at
- Python and emacs
Don Dwiggins
- CGI for generating xml pages
lance.hill at
- Scrolling tkinter Canvas
Daniel Chamberlin
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Emile van Sebille
- Standalone executables
Don Tuttle
- PyUnit in Python 2.1 standard library
Don Tuttle
- Einstein's Riddle
Emile van Sebille
- Digest Number 1946
Bill Bell
- Good GUI for Python
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Yvon Boulianne
- CGI for generating xml pages
Sandipan Gangopadhyay
- Functionalism, aesthetics Was:(RE: I come to praise .join, not
Steve Holden
- Please rate these Python books
Steve Holden
- Good Editor?
Steve Holden
- Good Editor?
Steve Holden
- Good Editor?
Steve Holden
- Good Editor?
Steve Holden
- Why Python/Jython?
Steve Holden
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
David Lees
- Good Editor?
Nathaniel Gray
- Why Python/Jython?
Steve Holden
- Good Editor?
Nathaniel Gray
- Why Python/Jython?
Steve Holden
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Yvon Boulianne
- email address verification
Steve Holden
- extending the built in dictionary type
Steve Holden
- Jython is cool?
Yvon Boulianne
- extending the built in dictionary type
Steve Holden
- Multiple Processes on Unix with Python
Donn Cave
- Python and emacs
Steve Holden
- Good Editor?
Emile van Sebille
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Steve Holden
- PEP 240 scares me
Steve Holden
- Puzzling input problem
Kevin Cazabon
- PyUnit in Python 2.1 standard library
Steve Holden
- Good Editor?
Steve Holden
- New PEP: The directive statement
Tim Peters
- Ruby will overtake Python within four years.
prashant patel
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Nathaniel Gray
- Collection interfaces
- Multiple Processes on Unix with Python
Nickson Fong
- IPC module
Chris Gonnerman
- New Tkinter and PIL documentation (free)
John Shipman
- Sockets in Python
Wayne Izatt
- PEP 240 scares me
Pearu Peterson
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Wayne Izatt
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
John Schmitt
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Nathaniel Gray
- extending the built in dictionary type
Alex Martelli
- Multiple Processes on Unix with Python
Donn Cave
- Why Python/Jython?
Alex Martelli
- Digest Number 1946
Fredrik Lundh
- Scrolling tkinter Canvas
Fredrik Lundh
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Michel Pelletier
- Ruby will overtake Python within four years.
Neil Hodgson
- learning python...
Patrick Curtain
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Clark C. Evans
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- Good GUI for Python
Bryan Mongeau
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- extending the built in dictionary type
Robin Becker
- automatic delegation (was Re: PEP 245: Python interfaces)
Alex Martelli
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- Digest Number 1946
Alex Martelli
- Cross-platform serial port access
David Brown
- Python 2.1 and MySQL 3.23.33 on Windows
David Brown
- Text printing under Windows
Konrad Koller
- close(), exceptions and problems
Antti Kuntsi
- email address verification
Tino Wildenhain
- win32net, documentation
Sibylle Koczian
- automatic delegation (was Re: PEP 245: Python interfaces)
Clark C. Evans
- Please rate these Python books
Robin Becker
- ANN: SPAG - for your amusement
- PartialInterfaces ? Re: Checking the type
Clark C. Evans
- Tkinter - Widget Colours
O'Rourke Clodagh-corour01
- Tkinter - Widget Colours
O'Rourke Clodagh-corour01
- Tkinter - Widget Colours
O'Rourke Clodagh-corour01
- Ruby will overtake Python within four years.
Dinu Gherman
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users : )
Moshe Zadka
- Tkinter - Widget Colours
Alex Martelli
- PartialInterfaces ? Re: Checking the type
Alex Martelli
- Slightly Off-Topic: Python featured in Severance: Blade of Darkness
Thomas Weholt
- Collection interfaces
Troy Brumley
- VPython/Tk app works on single processor but not dual
Les Schaffer
- newbe how to read in a string?
William Famy
- Python MPI
Eugene Leitl
- newbe how to read in a string?
Emile van Sebille
- Tkinter - Widget Colours
johngrayson at
- Good GUI for Python
Rolander, Dan
- email address verification
Holland King
- Slightly Off-Topic: Python featured in Severance: Blade of Darkness
Harvest T. Moon
- Standalone executables
Rolander, Dan
- Tkinter - Widget Colours
Grant Edwards
- newbe how to read in a string?
Chris Gonnerman
- newbie question
- Tkinter - Widget Colours
Cameron Laird
- Python Module for Server-side Includes (SSI)
Michael Ströder
- tempfile problem on win98
Steven Adams
- New PEP: The directive statement
Joshua Marshall
- Puzzling input problem
Stephen R. Figgins
- Slightly Off-Topic: Python featured in Severance: Blade of Darkness
Paul T. Miller
- newbe how to read in a string?
Joshua Marshall
- email address verification
Holland King
- email address verification
Cameron Laird
- newbie question
Cameron Laird
- How to use map
apardon at
- New PEP: The directive statement
Emile van Sebille
- newbe how to read in a string? the solution
William Famy
- tempfile problem on win98
Emile van Sebille
- Install Python on Apache
- newbe how to read in a string?
Janko Hauser
- newbe how to read in a string?
Grant Edwards
- sharing data between modules
Bruce Edge
- VPython/Tk app works on single processor but not dual
Fred Yankowski
- File in a directory
Oliver Marugg
- email address verification
Cameron Laird
- Slightly Off-Topic: Python featured in Severance: Blade of Darkness
Chris Withers
- Python T-shirts
Aahz Maruch
- Good GUI for Python
Lyle Johnson
- Is a "good thing"? (long)
Gerd Woetzel
- Slightly Off-Topic: Python featured in Severance: Blade of Darkness
Fredrik Lundh
- Ruby will overtake Python within four years.
mkx at
- File in a directory
Fredrik Lundh
- tempfile problem on win98
Fredrik Lundh
- Tkinter - Widget Colours
Fredrik Lundh
- Is a "good thing"? (long)
Andrew Kuchling
- Reportlab Enterprise Reporting suite - downloads available
Andy Robinson
- Help with creating Python COM
Charlotte Williams
- sharing data between modules
Aahz Maruch
- newbie question
Moshe Zadka
- sharing data between modules
Moshe Zadka
- I want to dynamically reload a module...
Benoit Dupire
- Installing python on a virtual server account.
Lloyd Sommerer
- Python MPI
Karsten Petersen
- How to use map
Alex Martelli
- wxImageList use in wxPanel
- Commercial Products in Python?
- newbe how to read in a string?
Alex Martelli
- pyncurses documentation??
Alex Berger
- Commercial Products in Python?
Victor Muslin
- LONG_BIT problem
Christopher Li
- wxImageList use in wxPanel
- sharing data between modules
Bruce Edge
- Digest Number 1936
Estevão Cavinato
- PyUnit in Python 2.1 standard library
Don Dwiggins
- python suitability for large critical run forever apps
ssthapa at
- TimeoutSocket exceptions handling
Bill Bell
- Python T-shirts
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Slightly Off-Topic: Python featured in Severance: Blade of Darkness
Mike C. Fletcher
- newbie question
Cameron Laird
- Catching exceptions in Tkinter's mainloop
Richard Townsend
- newbe how to read in a string?
Chris Gonnerman
- [development doc updates]
Fred Drake
- newbie question
Moshe Zadka
- Commercial Products in Python?
Georg Mischler
- pyncurses documentation??
Andrew Kuchling
- Yet another bison wrapper in pure python
Christopher Li
- Good GUI for Python
Seth Shikora
- Python Script to dial a VPN connection, automate VPN routing table updates.
Warren Postma
- Daemonizing a python programme.
Timothy Grant
- New PEP: The directive statement
Darren New
- TimeoutSocket exceptions handling
Aahz Maruch
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Darren New
- New PEP: The directive statement
Aahz Maruch
- Subject: Re: VPython/Tk app works on single processor but not dual
Arthur_Siegel at
- Python Script to dial a VPN connection, automate VPN routing table updates.
Rolander, Dan
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Michel Pelletier
- Install Python on Apache
Neil Hodgson
- newbe how to read in a string?
William Famy
- VPython/Tk app works on single processor but not dual
Arthur_Siegel at
- Anyone using weakrefs?
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- newbie question
Cameron Laird
- Curses under python 2.0
Christian Theune
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Clark C. Evans
- XML/XSLT for newbies
lance.hill at
- Python Script to dial a VPN connection, automate VPN routing table updates.
Joel Lucsy
- static methods
Clark C. Evans
- PyUnit in Python 2.1 standard library
Stephen R. Figgins
- [wxPython] FW: Accessing Python stuff thru OLE...
Robin Dunn
- VPython/Tk app works on single processor but not dual
Les Schaffer
- New PEP: The directive statement
Bruce Sass
- re.match
Bob Cannard
- Jython is cool?
- New PEP: The directive statement
Carlos Ribeiro
- static methods
Paul Prescod
- Python 2.1b2 released
Guido van Rossum
- Good GUI for Python
Paul Prescod
- Install Python on Apache
Cameron Laird
- Subject: Re: VPython/Tk app works on single processor but not dual
Fred Yankowski
- Commercial Products in Python?
Mark Hammond
- Good Editor?
Andrew Kuchling
- Python Script to dial a VPN connection, automate VPN routing table updates.
Mark Hammond
- help for newbie
Jeff Epler
- Python Script to dial a VPN connection, automate VPN routing table updates.
Darren New
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Alex Martelli
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Alex Martelli
- Daemonizing a python programme.
Coy Krill
- PyUnit in Python 2.1 standard library
Stephen R. Figgins
- Pretty-printing ugly blocks of SQL?
Satheesh Babu
- wxImageList use in wxPanel
Robin Dunn
- newbe how to create 2 __init__ in a class ?
William Famy
- Commercial Products in Python?
Andy Robinson
- syslog beeps and logs to console.... sometimes!?
Bruce Edge
- newbe how to create 2 __init__ in a class ?
Paul Prescod
- Good GUI for Python
David Lees
- Install Python on Apache
Gerhard Häring
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Tim Hammerquist
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Steve Lamb
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Steve Lamb
- newbie IDLE, Tkinter
Nick Perkins
- Python Script to dial a VPN connection, automate VPN routing table updates.
Dale Nagata
- static methods
Aahz Maruch
- Installing python on a virtual server account.
Sheila King
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Petr Swedock
- New Tkinter and PIL documentation (free)
Don Tuttle
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
- static methods
- New PEP: The directive statement
Tim Peters
- Installing python on a virtual server account.
Gerhard Häring
- Please rate these Python books
Brett Haydon
- New PEP: The directive statement
Tim Peters
- Install Python on Apache
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Raymond Hettinger
- Python 2.1b2 SRPM (was: Re: Python 2.1b2 released)
Sean Reifschneider
- Python T-shirts
Sean Reifschneider
- New PEP: The directive statement
Tim Peters
- New PEP: The directive statement
Tim Peters
- New PEP: The directive statement
Tim Peters
- Collection interfaces
pnwlhc at
- How 2 get rid of console
Bill Walker
- Evidence on................YOUR COMPUTER................Get rid............. . 1926
oddxcb at
- How 2 get rid of console
Moshe Zadka
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- learning python...
- New PEP: The directive statement
Martin von Loewis
- Is a "good thing"? (long)
Martin von Loewis
- [Python-Dev] Anyone using weakrefs?
Fredrik Lundh
- I want to dynamically reload a module...
Martin von Loewis
- Please rate these Python books
Fredrik Lundh
- XML/XSLT for newbies
Martin von Loewis
- How 2 get rid of console
Martin von Loewis
- Why Python/Jython?
Mike Clarkson
- [Python-Dev] Anyone using weakrefs?
Martin von Loewis
- close(), exceptions and problems
Erwin S. Andreasen
- Install Python on Apache
Piet van Oostrum
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Martin von Loewis
- problems installing tkinter 2.0 on linux
Michael Hearne
- Please rate these Python books
Jonathan Soons
- Python script to create HTML gallery, thumbnails
- New PEP: The directive statement
Joshua Macy
- static methods
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- newbe how to read in a string?
Steffen Ries
- reading single bits?
Alex Berger
- [ANN] HappyDoc 1.4 released
Aahz Maruch
- File in a directory
Oliver Marugg
- Commercial Products in Python?
James C. Ahlstrom
- python, perl, lisp, tcl / got a decision to make, can you give me a view point please ? and a joke for python users :)
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines
Aahz Maruch
- New PEP: The directive statement
Aahz Maruch
- close(), exceptions and problems
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- difference between script and prompt ! looking for the Problem
William Famy
- difference between script and prompt ! looking for the Problem
Emile van Sebille
- How 2 get rid of console
- static methods
Grant Edwards
- New Websites Reviewed & Internet Searches at
- [ANN] HappyDoc 1.4 releasedh
Doug Hellmann
- difference between script and prompt ! looking for the Problem
William Famy
- difference between script and prompt ! looking for the Problem
Emile van Sebille
- New Tkinter and PIL documentation (free)
John Shipman
- [Python-Dev] Anyone using weakrefs?
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- static methods
Robin Thomas
- Komodo
Daniel Klein
- [Ann] Python module for Perforce Source Code Management System API/Windows
Grant Munsey
- Best Python documentation ->HTML?
Brian Glendenning
- static methods
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Michel Pelletier
- static methods
Chris Gonnerman
- [Python-Dev] Anyone using weakrefs?
Tim Peters
- "object" vs "dynamic" programming styles
Edward C. Jones
- static methods
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- reading single bits?
Carlos Ribeiro
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Tim Peters
- Daemonizing a python programme.
Timothy Grant
- are you being watched 5286
udtgxg at
- [Python-Dev] Anyone using weakrefs?
Emile van Sebille
- New PEP: The directive statement
Tim Peters
- newbe how to read in a string?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- "object" vs "dynamic" programming styles
Just van Rossum
- New PEP: The directive statement
Tim Peters
- syslog beeps and logs to console.... sometimes!?
Erno Kuusela
- Best Python documentation ->HTML?
Erik Max Francis
- static methods
Clark C. Evans
- [Python-Dev] Anyone using weakrefs?
Denys Duchier
- Numeric 18.4 released
Paul F. Dubois
- RFC: PEP243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
Sean Reifschneider
- static methods
Grant Edwards
- dynamically reload a module...Solution
Benoit Dupire
- time to invest ???
Yvon Boulianne
- Collection interfaces
- static methods
- time to invest ???
Emile van Sebille
- Python script to create HTML gallery, thumbnails
Tony Collins
- static methods
Grant Edwards
- Collection interfaces
James A. Robertson
- printing columns question
Victor Louie
- Collection interfaces
Troy Brumley
- static methods
- Referencing a container object's attributes
Tim Churches
- time to invest ???
Brett Haydon
- Referencing a container object's attributes
Tim Churches
- Please rate these Python books
Brett Haydon
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- time to invest ???
- Python script to create HTML gallery, thumbnails
John D. Gorman
- Referencing a container object's attributes
Dave Cole
- printing columns question
Emile van Sebille
- New Tkinter and PIL documentation (free)
John D. Gorman
- time to invest ???
Grant Edwards
- static methods
Rick Lee
- time to invest ???
- Python Mega Widgets rpm spec file?
rodrigc at
- time to invest ???
py.list at localhost.localdomain
- "object" vs "dynamic" programming styles
- time to invest ???
py.list at localhost.localdomain
- Python Mega Widgets rpm spec file?
Erik Max Francis
- So what's wrong with __future__? (Was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks ...)
Tim Peters
- Collection interfaces
- win32com, handling byref
Clark C. Evans
- Good Editor?
François Granger
- time to invest ???
Sheila King
- Python Mega Widgets rpm spec file?
- Commercial Products in Python?
Patrick Bothe
- Collection interfaces
Mats Olsson
- static methods
Alex Martelli
- Referencing a container object's attributes
Alex Martelli
- Referencing a container object's attributes
Alex Martelli
- Collection interfaces
James A. Robertson
- Collection interfaces
James A. Robertson
- Newbie needs help to find bug in his first Perl program
Ron Stephens
- close(), exceptions and problems
Erwin S. Andreasen
- Comparing efficiency in sending mail
Sheila King
- "object" vs "dynamic" programming styles
Alex Martelli
- Coding choices
Daniel Klein
- Newbie needs help to find bug in his first Perl program
Emile van Sebille
- Newbie needs help to find bug in his first Perl program
Aahz Maruch
- Coding choices
Aahz Maruch
- Comparing efficiency in sending mail
Robin Thomas
- Newbie needs help to find bug in his first Perl program
Erik Max Francis
- difference between script and prompt ! looking for the Problem thx
William Famy
- static methods
Paul Prescod
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Magnus Lie Hetland
- static methods
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Python classes on east coast?
Robert Hicks
- Good GUI for Python
Hakan Karlsson
- Is it possible to sort a dictionary?
Victor Louie
- sorting dictionaries?
Victor Louie
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Alex Martelli
- boolean values in COM / VB / Python
John J. Lee
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- Python classes on east coast?
Tim Peters
- Newbie needs help to find bug in his first Perl program
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- Is it possible to sort a dictionary?
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- win32com, handling byref
Mark Hammond
- problems
Cary Coulter
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Alex Shindich
- problems
Chris Gonnerman
- So what's wrong with __future__? (Was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks ...)
Timothy Grant
- Jython and jpythonc2
Douglas du Boulay
- Comparing efficiency in sending mail
Darren New
- Python script to create HTML gallery, thumbnails
- Collection interfaces
- static methods
Rick Lee
- Jython and IDE/debugger
Mike Clarkson
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Clark C. Evans
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Carlos Ribeiro
- Good GUI for Python
Lyle Johnson
- Collection interfaces
James A. Robertson
- Python script to create HTML gallery, thumbnails
Lyle Johnson
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- Newbie needs help to find bug in his first Perl program
Ron Stephens
- Python classes on east coast?
Steve Williams
- time to invest ???
Grant Griffin
- problems
Cary Coulter
- Good GUI for Python
Boudewijn Rempt
- static methods
Christian Tanzer
- So what's wrong with __future__? (Was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks ...)
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Alex Shindich
- Python ready to replace perl (was Re: Install Python on Apache)
Fritz Heinrichmeyer
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Clark C. Evans
- file locking
- Yet Another PEP: Interface Adapter Mechanism __adapt__
Alex Martelli
- Python ready to replace perl
Oleg Broytmann
- ANNOUNCE: Distutils upload patch (PEP243)
Sean Reifschneider
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Martin von Loewis
- So what's wrong with __future__? (Was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks ...)
Martin von Loewis
- Threading legality/morality
Syver Enstad
- file locking
Steve Purcell
- "Compiler" 1.2
Andreas Otto
- WANTED: chairs for next Python conference
Guido van Rossum
- win32com:MakePy -- Early Binding without the size jitters?
Clark C. Evans
- file locking
Alex Martelli
- RFC: PEP243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
Nathaniel Gray
- win32com:MakePy -- Early Binding without the size jitters?
Clark C. Evans
- Is a "good thing"? (long)
Gerd Woetzel
- static methods
Alex Martelli
- Python ready to replace perl (was Re: Install Python on Apache)
Moshe Zadka
- Python T-shirts
Duncan Booth
- python 2.0 rpm for redhat 7.0?
Bob Kummerfeld
- portable string localization and resource bundles...
Clark C. Evans
- How to set PYTHONHOME ???
Philippe Rodriguez
- Please rate these Python books
Nick Efford
- Is this an inconsistency?
apardon at
- Is this an inconsistency?
Remco Gerlich
- portable string localization and resource bundles...
Steve Purcell
- Python script to create HTML gallery, thumbnails
C.C. Ang
- ANN: PythonWorks Pro 1.2
- [VW] lesson browser (was Re: Collection interfaces)
Troy Brumley
- Help how do I read `word' variables from a binary file?
- Help how do I read `word' variables from a binary file?
David Fuess
- Help how do I read `word' variables from a binary file?
- Help how do I read `word' variables from a binary file?
Steve Purcell
- How to set PYTHONHOME ???
Sheila King
- CfP: Babel01 Workshop on Multi-Language Infrastructure and Interoperability
Andrew Kennedy
- close(), exceptions and problems
Jeff Epler
- Best Python documentation ->HTML?
Colin J. Williams
- python 2.0 rpm for redhat 7.0?
Dave Brueck
- Lists and Files
David Andreas Alderud
- Daemonizing a python programme.
William Annis
- So what's wrong with __future__? (Was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks ...)
Joshua Marshall
- daemon app in win32
Michael Bauer
- Lists and Files
Duncan Booth
- SNMPY now working against net-snmp 4.2, python 2.0
Anthony Baxter
- Lists and Files
Steve Purcell
- daemon app in win32
Steve Purcell
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- So what's wrong with __future__? (Was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks ...)
Aahz Maruch
- Threading legality/morality
Aahz Maruch
- Lists and Files
David Andreas Alderud
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Dan Schmidt
- PEP 240 scares me
"Jürgen A. Erhard"
- time to invest ???
Cameron Laird
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Oleg Broytmann
- portable string localization and resource bundles...
Alex Martelli
- warrior geeks
Garry Hodgson
- daemon app in win32
Michael Bauer
- Good GUI for Python
Ken Seehof
- comp.lang.python.numeric? (was Re: Numeric PEPs, first public posts)
Aahz Maruch
- Namespaces question
Chris Withers
- So what's wrong with __future__? (Was Re: Why "from __future__" stinks ...)
Timothy Grant
- warrior geeks
Ken Seehof
- portable string localization and resource bundles...
Fredrik Lundh
- WinNT problem with Python and Cygwin Bash
Don Dwiggins
- daemon app in win32
Dave LeBlanc
- CfP: Babel01 Workshop on Multi-Language Infrastructure and Interoperability
Dave LeBlanc
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
James_Althoff at
- Is it possible to sort a dictionary?
Dave LeBlanc
- warrior geeks
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Is it possible to sort a dictionary?
Alex Martelli
- RFC: PEP243: Module Repository Upload Mechanism
Dave LeBlanc
- Please rate these Python books
Fredrik Lundh
- warrior geeks
Garry Hodgson
- python, OS X, and fcntl
Johann Hibschman
- warrior geeks
Tim Churches
- Some Basic Questions about Python
Bill Walker
- Building "non-standard" standard extensions
Paul Moore
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Dave LeBlanc
- python, OS X, and fcntl
Steven D. Majewski
- Daemonizing a python programme.
Coy Krill
- Python MPI
Eugene.Leitl at
- close(), exceptions and problems
Antti Kuntsi
- Biggest float number?
C. S. Xu
- Why Python/Jython?
Steve Holden
- Biggest float number?
Joshua Marshall
- Release 2.0.1: Heads Up
Moshe Zadka
- fixing map(None, [1,2,3]) ?
Mike Coleman
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Michel Pelletier
- Some Basic Questions about Python
Moshe Zadka
- Biggest float number?
Moshe Zadka
- PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines
Andrew Kuchling
- win32net, documentation
David Bolen
- fixing map(None, [1,2,3]) ?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- close(), exceptions and problems
Jeff Epler
- how to write a text file search & replace script
edwardt at
- Namespaces question
Aahz Maruch
- warrior geeks
Aahz Maruch
- Oatmeal (was warrior geeks)
Ken Seehof
- warrior geeks
Delaney, Timothy
- fixing map(None, [1,2,3]) ?
Mike Coleman
- boolean values in COM / VB / Python
Lloyd Kvam
- warrior geeks
Delaney, Timothy
- warrior geeks
Paul Prescod
- Some Basic Questions about Python
Ken Seehof
- fixing map(None, [1,2,3]) ?
Ben Wolfson
- PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines
Aahz Maruch
- Is it possible to sort a dictionary?
Carel Fellinger
- fixing map(None, [1,2,3]) ?
Donn Cave
- Newbie needs help to find bug in his first Perl program
Jeff Epler
- math.choice attribute error
- ftplib and zipfile question
- extending the built in dictionary type
Aahz Maruch
- close(), exceptions and problems
David Bolen
- math.choice attribute error
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- CfP: Babel01 Workshop on Multi-Language Infrastructure and Interoperability
Fergus Henderson
- warrior geeks
Neil Hodgson
- Is it possible to sort a dictionary?
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- WinNT problem with Python and Cygwin Bash
David Bolen
- warrior geeks
Robin Dunn
- math.choice attribute error
Brian Quinlan
- python or smalltalk for persistence-based app?
Phil Mitchell
- compiling questions, a la lisp
Pete Shinners
- Good GUI for Python
Ken Seehof
- Linux GPS program
Russell Nelson
- compiling questions, a la lisp
Tim Peters
- warrior geeks
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
Greg Ewing
- fixing map(None, [1,2,3]) ?
Neil Schemenauer
- HTTP redirect via Python?
John E. Barham
- Biggest float number?
Pearu Peterson
- math.choice attribute error
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- compiling questions, a la lisp
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines
Barry A. Warsaw
- Is this an inconsistency?
apardon at
- fixing map(None, [1,2,3]) ?
Remco Gerlich
- Pickling functions
- sitemap and ftp
Oliver Vecernik
- how to write a text file search & replace script
Simon Brunning
- HTTP redirect via Python?
Erno Kuusela
- Python and emacs
Cedric Adjih
- HTTP redirect via Python?
Christian Thurner
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- math.choice attribute error
Remco Gerlich
phqktrcmuhul at
- Pickling functions
Steve Purcell
- unique items in lists
- PIL-resize, aspect ratio
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- running code from "Scripting The Web with Python"
Eugene Leitl
- unique items in lists
Remco Gerlich
- running code from "Scripting The Web with Python"
Hamish Lawson
- R: unique items in lists
- Namespaces question
Erno Kuusela
- Executing external programs
- Namespaces question
Chris Withers
- Building Python with Alpha Compaq compiler
Krzysztof Murzyn
- Threading legality/morality
Syver Enstad
- sitemap and ftp
Martin Fräulin
- Implicit Type Conversion buffer -> string
Stephan Herschel
- running code from "Scripting The Web with Python"
Eugene Leitl
- Python wrapper for TkHTML?
Mike Clarkson
- Warning.............please read.................................................................... . 1857
klxsyi at
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- Reading e-mail body (newbie)
Jacobus van der Merwe
- R: unique items in lists
Remco Gerlich
- Hot breakfast foods (was Oatmeal (was warrior geeks))
Keith F. Woeltje
- Reading e-mail body (newbie)
Kalle Svensson
- Linux GPS program
Bernhard Reiter
- Netscape and Python
O'Rourke Clodagh-corour01
- Changing every other instance of <B> in a file
Lars Klæboe
- Netscape and Python
Kalle Svensson
- Reading e-mail body (newbie)
Sheila King
- file locking
Steve Holden
- who is my caller?
Clark C. Evans
- Changing every other instance of <B> in a file
Emile van Sebille
- who is my caller?
Emile van Sebille
- Executing external programs
Daniel Klein
- Is it possible to sort a dictionary?
Carel Fellinger
- compiling questions, a la lisp
Cameron Laird
- dynamic web pages?
Dr. Peter Dintelmann
- Linux GPS program
Jay R. Ashworth
- Changing every other instance of <B> in a file
Lars Klæboe
- Bayes Tools for Python ?
Robert Kiendl
- who is my caller?
Remco Gerlich
- Combining Lists
- unique items in lists
Radovan Garabik
- Combining Lists
Emile van Sebille
- who is my caller?
Emile van Sebille
- Combining Lists
Klaus Bruns
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Clark C. Evans
- Changing every other instance of <B> in a file
Jonathan Soons
- C++ and Python
- python, OS X, and fcntl
Robert Hicks
- PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines
Aahz Maruch
- Regular expressions and non-standard character set
Petri Mikael Kuittinen
- Threading legality/morality
Aahz Maruch
- who is my caller?
Clark C. Evans
- Changing every other instance of <B> in a file
Carel Fellinger
- Regular expressions and non-standard character set
Oleg Broytmann
- who is my caller?
Emile van Sebille
- who is my caller?
Emile van Sebille
- warrior geeks
Jonathan Soons
- win32: Pipes opened with popen3 cant be closed!
Nahuel Greco
- dynamic web pages?
Robert Kiendl
- Newbie question : string processing with RE
Patrick.Bussi at
- stripping cr/lf, lf, cr
- Eat this one
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- Changing every other instance of <B> in a file
Lars Klæboe
- dynamic web pages?
Cameron Laird
- Why not Tcl/Tk?
Grant Edwards
- Combining Lists
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- Whats in your $PYTHONSTARTUP$ ?
Paul Magwene
- Curses...
Vincent A. Primavera
- Running external command in sequential order
Cameron Laird
- Changing every other instance of <B> in a file
Lars Klæboe
- Uploading a file via POST ?
Oliver Hofmann
- Whats in your $PYTHONSTARTUP$ ?
Oleg Broytmann
- Eat this one
Steve Purcell
- warrior geeks
Robin Becker
- stripping cr/lf, lf, cr
Lyle Johnson
- stripping cr/lf, lf, cr
Jeff Sandys
- stripping cr/lf, lf, cr
Steve Purcell
- Uploading a file via POST ?
Steve Purcell
- Why not Tcl/Tk?
Cameron Laird
- Eat this one
Aahz Maruch
- large arbitrary binary data in python
Wayne Cuddy
- Why not Tcl/Tk?
Hamish Lawson
- boolean values in COM / VB / Python
John J. Lee
- newbie IDLE, Tkinter
Randy Hawley
- Yet Another PEP: Query Protocol Interface or __query__
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- large arbitrary binary data in python
Steve Purcell
- PEP 240 scares me
Skip Montanaro
- who is my caller?
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- C++ and Python
- WinNT problem with Python and Cygwin Bash
Don Dwiggins
- large arbitrary binary data in python
Steve Purcell
- macro file (containing C def's) for source navigator?
- Threading legality/morality
John J. Lee
- Eat this one
Neil Schemenauer
- large arbitrary binary data in python
Neil Schemenauer
- Linux GPS program
Russell Nelson
- Linux GPS program
Russell Nelson
- Netscape and Python
John J. Lee
- R: unique items in lists
Bob Cannard
- Python scripts as Drop targets in Windows Explorer
Syver Enstad
- dynamic web pages?
- Threading legality/morality
Syver Enstad
- PEP 240 scares me
Alex Martelli
- Threading legality/morality
Syver Enstad
- Linux GPS program
Jay R. Ashworth
- wxPython: How to get a child by name?
- PEP 240 scares me
Paul Prescod
- Python scripts as Drop targets in Windows Explorer
Dave LeBlanc
- Need Help with mxODBC Connection String
Owen Ap Owen
- How does one set a value via win32com
Richard Weth
- order by instead of two queries
Leonardo B Lopes
- StandaloneZODB at
Jeremy Hylton
- Changing every other instance of <B> in a file
Bob Kline
- Python scripts as Drop targets in Windows Explorer
Syver Enstad
- order by instead of two queries (Apologies)
Leonardo B. Lopes
- order by instead of two queries
Bob Kline
- python, OS X, and fcntl
Johann Hibschman
- Good Editor? (What's the big deal with syntax colouring?)
- Changing every other instance of <B> in a file
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- wxPython: How to get a child by name?
Robin Dunn
- Newbie question : string processing with RE
Syver Enstad
- PEP 240 scares me
Moshe Zadka
- Where is the DBI module?
Owen Ap Owen
- Threading legality/morality
Moshe Zadka
- WANTED: chairs for next Python conference
Warren Postma
- daemon app in win32
Syver Enstad
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
nanotech at
- How to increase PythonWin v2.0: COM browser limits?
Syver Enstad
- wavlets?
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
Paul Jackson
- Collection interfaces
Lex Spoon
- daemon app in win32
Ben Hutchings
- win32: Pipes opened with popen3 cant be closed!
David Bolen
- Some Basic Questions about Python
Bill Walker
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
Ken Seehof
- wavlets?
Grant Munsey
- Completing the thread with latest program versions
Ron Stephens
- daemon app in win32
Michael Bauer
- Jython and JPython Questions...How similar to Python, Tkinter?
Ron Stephens
- close(), exceptions and problems
Jeff Epler
- Semi-final code as text...
Ron Stephens
- Threading legality/morality
Erno Kuusela
- Where is the DBI module?
- CfP: Babel01 Workshop on Multi-Language Infrastructure and Interoperability
- newbie IDLE, Tkinter
Steve Holden
- Help with regular expression backreferences
David Lees
- Where is the DBI module?
Steve Holden
- Controling the execution of external programs on Win2K
- types.AnyType - describing interfaces with sequences of types
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Problems installing MySQLdb...
trace s. ruggles
- Newbie question : string processing with RE
Terry Reedy
- newbie question
jurgen.defurne at
- Python ready to replace perl (was Re: Install Python on Apache)
Fritz Heinrichmeyer
- Collection interfaces
Phil Earnhardt
- wxPython: How to get a child by name?
- large arbitrary binary data in python
Carey Evans
- AW: How does one set a value via win32com
Stefan Migowsky
- R: unique items in lists
Remco Gerlich
- Where is the DBI module?
Daniel Dittmar
- mailman location spoofing
Robin Becker
- Python and SWIG - passing object pointer param to an embedded script.
Andrew Bonello
- Jython and JPython Questions...How similar to Python, Tkinter?
Steve Purcell
- Help with regular expression backreferences
Steve Purcell
- I'm sure there's a good reason!
piet at
- Jython and JPython Questions...How similar to Python, Tkinter?
Steve Purcell
- Jython and JPython Questions...How similar to Python, Tkinter?
Mike Clarkson
- Example using ConfigParser
Jacobus van der Merwe
- Jython and JPython Questions...How similar to Python, Tkinter?
Ype Kingma
- Name of a method of an instance
Richard Philips
- types.AnyType - describing interfaces with sequences of types
- warrior geeks
Andrew MacIntyre
- Name of a method of an instance
Christian Tismer
- Making entrys work with tkinter.
Brian Elmegaard
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
Remco Gerlich
- Making entrys work with tkinter.
Tomasz Lisowski
- Uploading a file via POST ?
Lars von Wedel
- dynamic web pages?
Andreas Jung
- diff lists
Oliver Vecernik
- Defining class files
Neil Benn
- Using urlopen with a proxy server requiring authentication
egmanoj at
- dynamic web pages?
Andreas Jung
- list vs tuple
- Converting an integer base 10 to a binary number
Peter Stöhr
- types.AnyType - describing interfaces with sequences of types
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Argument to Tkinter mainloop
Mike Callahan
- list vs tuple
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- diff lists
Mike C. Fletcher
- Python scripts as Drop targets in Windows Explorer
Michael Linnemann
- files in PMW
Laura Creighton
- Biggest float number?
Paul Barrett
- files in PMW
Simon Brunning
- list vs tuple
Simon Brunning
- NumPY: Reading/Writing Arrays To/From Files
Grant Griffin
- diff lists
Oliver Vecernik
- list vs tuple
- list vs tuple
Aahz Maruch
- list vs tuple
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- Linux GPS program
Bernhard Reiter
- Linux GPS program
Bernhard Reiter
- Speed problems with Python vs. Perl
Georg Umgiesser
- wavlets?
John J. Lee
- Speed problems with Python vs. Perl
Fredrik Lundh
- Speed problems with Python vs. Perl
Matthias Huening
- Speed problems with Python vs. Perl
Tim Hochberg
- help with passing arguments to published objects a la Zope
Eugene Leitl
- Python assembler
Eddie and Babs
- Speed problems with Python vs. Perl
Christopher A. Craig
- list vs tuple
Erik Max Francis
- How does one set a value via win32com
Alex Martelli
- list vs tuple
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Semi-final code as text...
Alex Martelli
- Collection interfaces
Lex Spoon
- help with passing arguments to published objects a la Zope
Fredrik Lundh
- learning python...
- StandaloneZODB at
Robin Becker
- Speed problems with Python vs. Perl
Fredrik Lundh
- OO Windows Registry API
york at
- General CGI advice...
Vincent A. Primavera
- learning python...
Steve Lamb
- Boost documentation.
Jacek Generowicz
- What *instance* called me & proxy methods
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- The Scale widget
Hans Kristian Ruud
- StandaloneZODB at
Jeremy Hylton
- Python assembler
Mike C. Fletcher
- Pure Gold!! 2239
g1a2j at
- General CGI advice...
Eugene Leitl
- Speed problems with Python vs. Perl
Bob Kline
- diff lists
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- list vs tuple
Brian Quinlan
- Python assembler
Steve Holden
- Is inheritance broken?
Jonathan Claggett
- Speed problems with Python vs. Perl
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Boost documentation.
Jacek Generowicz
- list vs tuple
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- diff lists
Ken Seehof
- list vs tuple
- Is inheritance broken?
Neil Schemenauer
- What *instance* called me & proxy methods
Ken Seehof
- Python and Dock Apps...
Adam Gurno
- R: unique items in lists
Bob Cannard
- Boost documentation.
Jacek Generowicz
- How to update status bar in wxPython?
Steven Sartorius
- list vs tuple
Mark Pilgrim
- Is inheritance broken?
Skip Montanaro
- Setting sleep interval less than 10 mS on a Linux PC?
David Lees
- list vs tuple
David Bolen
- What *instance* called me & proxy methods
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Creation d'un NG francophone sur Python
François Granger
- ANNOUNCE: Python Mock Objects
- list vs tuple
Fredrik Lundh
- KeyBoardInterrupt error
Jason Straw.
- Printing mixtures in integers and strings
Neil Benn
- Is inheritance broken?
Jonathan Claggett
- list vs tuple
Alex Martelli
- list vs tuple
Aahz Maruch
- Boost documentation.
Alex Martelli
- list vs tuple
Alex Martelli
- diff lists
Alex Martelli
- The Scale Widget
johngrayson at
- Is inheritance broken?
Joshua Marshall
- Is inheritance broken?
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines
Barry A. Warsaw
- daemon app in win32
Niki Spahiev
- warrior geeks
François Granger
- diff lists
Carel Fellinger
- Is inheritance broken?
Jonathan Claggett
- list vs tuple
Ken Seehof
- Python and SWIG - passing object pointer param to an embedded script.
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
Paul Jackson
- Changing every other instance of <B> in a file
Erwin S. Andreasen
- list vs tuple
Ken Seehof
- Is inheritance broken?
Skip Montanaro
- Recommendations for Python Books
Wong Da Qiang
- Setting sleep interval less than 10 mS on a Linux PC?
Dan Maas
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
nanotech at
- list vs tuple
Steve Holden
- Launching apps on Win32 from Python
aboufer at
- Is inheritance broken?
Ype Kingma
- Is inheritance broken?
Ype Kingma
- Is inheritance broken?
Johann Hibschman
- Recommendations for Python Books
Luke L
- daemon app in win32
Ben Hutchings
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
Ben Hutchings
- How to update status bar in wxPython?
Robin Dunn
- What *instance* called me & proxy methods
Emile van Sebille
- Controling the execution of external programs on Win2K
Ben Hutchings
- Setting file attributes on file creation from ZipFiles (solved)
Chris Withers
- i need help on builtin function math
Marcus Konermann
- i need help on builtin function math
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- What *instance* called me & proxy methods
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- setvbuf() ??
Wayne Cuddy
- Recommendations for Python Books
Corey Woodworth
- setvbuf() ??
Steve Holden
- list vs tuple
Sheila King
- An Invitation from the Asia-Pacific Rim
- Threading legality/morality
hungjunglu at
- setvbuf() ??
Bruce Wolk
- setvbuf() ??
Roland Schlenker
- Is inheritance broken?
Rainer Deyke
- list vs tuple
Sheila King
- Which Python version is better on Win32
- FYI: PEP 246: Object Adaptation
Clark C. Evans
- Which Python version is better on Win32
Steve Holden
- PIL-resize, aspect ratio
Kevin Cazabon
- OO Windows Registry API
Chris Gonnerman
- list vs tuple
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- KeyBoardInterrupt error
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- Recommendations for Python Books
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- Boost documentation.
- warrior geeks
s713221 at
- Jython and JPython Questions...How similar to Python, Tkinter?
Mike Clarkson
- Various issues regarding thread
Aahz Maruch
- newbie question
Dave LeBlanc
- Python GUI with Swing
- Collection interfaces
Phil Earnhardt
- Recommendations for Python Books
Syver Enstad
- Python scripts as Drop targets in Windows Explorer
Syver Enstad
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Martin von Loewis
- list vs tuple
- Building "non-standard" standard extensions
Martin von Loewis
- Recommendations for Python Books
- OO Windows Registry API
Tim Couper
- htmllib samples
Oliver Vecernik
- setvbuf() ??
Alex Martelli
- htmllib samples
Fredrik Lundh
- i need help on builtin function math
Alex Martelli
- Is inheritance broken?
Alex Martelli
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
Alex Martelli
- i need help on builtin function math
Ruediger Maehl
- how to write an error message in a file....
Ralf Claus
- Is inheritance broken?
Alex Martelli
- diff lists
Remco Gerlich
- Réf. : Re: Why not Tcl/Tk?
Patrick.Bussi at
- Numeric question, putting one matrix into another
Jorn Verwey
- types.AnyType - describing interfaces with sequences of types
- Numeric question, putting one matrix into another
Konrad Hinsen
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
Fredrik Lundh
- how to write an error message in a file....
Ralf Claus
- Gaussian line profile using numeric python
Geoff Low
- asyncore
- A newbie question on ftplib.
Fredrik Lundh
- Boost documentation.
Alex Martelli
- Gaussian line profile using numeric python
Konrad Hinsen
- A newbie question on ftplib.
Srihari Vijayaraghavan
- Python scripts as Drop targets in Windows Explorer
Michael Linnemann
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
Carel Fellinger
- Newbie Tkinter problem
- Converting an integer base 10 to a binary number
Alex Martelli
- BLT extensions with BeOpen Python 2.0
Martyn Quick
- python-dev summary, 2001-03-15 - 2001-03-29
Michael Hudson
- asyncore
Doug Fort
- How to update status bar in wxPython?
Steven Sartorius
- Recommendations for Python Books
Keith F. Woeltje
- htmllib samples
Doug Fort
- C++ and Python
Alex Martelli
- CGI XML-RPC ( demo?
Eugene Leitl
- Is it possible to sort a dictionary?
Alex Martelli
- Réf. : Re: Newbie question : string processing with RE - Thanks
Patrick.Bussi at
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Alex Martelli
- [development doc updates]
Fred Drake
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
piet at
- Quoted identifiers in Python?
Eddie and Babs
- Defining class files
Steve Holden
- Defining class files
Simon Brunning
- CGI XML-RPC ( demo?
Fredrik Lundh
- Defining class files
Fredrik Lundh
- Whats in your $PYTHONSTARTUP$ ?
Randall Hopper
- Defining class files
Alex Martelli
- boolean values in COM / VB / Python
Alex Martelli
- CGI XML-RPC ( demo?
Eugene Leitl
- Basic Question: 2.0 --> 2.1 do extensions need to be recompiled?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Defining class files
Carel Fellinger
- Whats in your $PYTHONSTARTUP$ ?
Steve Purcell
- setvbuf() ??
Alex Martelli
- (no subject)
Sourin Sarkar
- Basic Question: 2.0 --> 2.1 do extensions need to be recompiled?
Fredrik Lundh
- Converting an integer base 10 to a binary number
Daniel Klein
- Gaussian line profile using numeric python
Tim Hochberg
- Printing "%"
- Quoted identifiers in Python?
Erik Max Francis
- Printing "%"
Erik Max Francis
- Threading legality/morality
Andrew Kuchling
- Converting an integer base 10 to a binary number
Bob Kline
- Is inheritance broken?
Jonathan Claggett
- Printing "%"
Kalle Svensson
- Printing "%"
Bob Kline
- Printing "%"
Steve Purcell
- setvbuf() ??
Donn Cave
- BLT extensions with BeOpen Python 2.0
John J. Lee
- Defining class files
John J. Lee
- how query function args
david winkler
- how query function args
david winkler
- Looking for Python equivalent to a Perl'ism
David Lees
- Gaussian line profile using numeric python
John J. Lee
- Python GUI with Swing
- Recommendations for Python Books
Oliver Korpilla
- NumPY: Reading/Writing Arrays To/From Files
John J. Lee
- how query function args
david winkler
- Linux GPS program
John J. Lee
- forcing dictionary order
Bob van der Poel
- Accessing variables in __main__ from modules....
nanotech at
- Linux GPS program
John J. Lee
- how query function args
Joshua Marshall
- Quoted identifiers in Python?
Eddie and Babs
- Evaluating *EVERYTHING*
David Allen
- how query function args
David Allen
- forcing dictionary order
Steven D. Majewski
- forcing dictionary order
Daniel Dittmar
- --------- MUST READ----------------- 3562
qwuhlw at
- forcing dictionary order
Bob Kline
- Printing mixtures in integers and strings
Doug Gorley
- Printing mixtures in integers and strings
Emile van Sebille
- NumPY: Reading/Writing Arrays To/From Files
Dave LeBlanc
- Quoted identifiers in Python?
Emile van Sebille
- Quoted identifiers in Python?
Emile van Sebille
- Building "non-standard" standard extensions
Dave LeBlanc
- Python scripts as Drop targets in Windows Explorer
Dave LeBlanc
- Quoted identifiers in Python?
Remco Gerlich
- wavlets?
- Looking for Python equivalent to a Perl'ism
Roland Schlenker
- Which Python version is better on Win32
Dave LeBlanc
- setvbuf() ??
Remco Gerlich
- htmllib samples
Dave LeBlanc
- CGI XML-RPC ( demo?
Dave LeBlanc
- Looking for Python equivalent to a Perl'ism
Andrew Kuchling
- Accessing variables in __main__ from modules....
Roland Schlenker
- Looking for Python equivalent to a Perl'ism
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Recommendations for Python Books
Wong Da Qiang
- Evaluating *EVERYTHING*
Aahz Maruch
- Quoted identifiers in Python?
Eddie and Babs
- Zope: dtml-with and dtml-sqltest
Lee Harr
- Python assembler
Michael Hudson
- htmllib samples
Fredrik Lundh
- KeyBoardInterrupt error
Michael Hudson
- Best Python documentation ->HTML?
Michael Hudson
- Linux GPS program
Jay R. Ashworth
- Linux GPS program
Jay R. Ashworth
- Is it possible to sort a dictionary?
Carel Fellinger
- macro file (containing C def's) for source navigator?
Michael Hudson
- Newbie needs a little help with Tkinter
Corey Woodworth
- diff lists
Michael Hudson
- Python GUI with Swing
Luke L
- Accessing variables in __main__ from modules....
Carel Fellinger
- Accessing variables in __main__ from modules....
Carel Fellinger
- diff lists
Tim Peters
- diff lists
Michael Hudson
- NumPY: Reading/Writing Arrays To/From Files
Tom Loredo
- diff lists
Steven D. Majewski
- Updated edition of Programming Python out
Alan Miller
- Text printing under Windows
Alan Miller
- issues with mixing and matching python packages
John Schmitt
- I come to praise .join, not to bury it...
François Pinard
- Should I close after popen??
François Pinard
- Python and BLT Graph - win98
Giovanni Montana
- [Q] Python wrapper for ArcView Shapelib?
Daehyok Shin
- list vs tuple
- list vs tuple
- latitude/longitude/mapping Python script
Will Ware
- dtml-with and dtml-sqltest
alan runyan
- max filename size
- Looking for Python equivalent to a Perl'ism
David Lees
- forcing dictionary order
Remco Gerlich
- Python 2.0 vs 68k Mac
Malte Forkel
- Python 2.0 vs 68k Mac
Malte Forkel
- list vs tuple
- Evaluating *EVERYTHING*
Steve Purcell
- max filename size
Steve Purcell
- Where are the examples/samples?
- issues with mixing and matching python packages
Fredrik Lundh
- Python GUI with Swing
- Where are the examples/samples?
Fredrik Lundh
- Converting an integer base 10 to a binary number
Stolker, Wim
- printing columns question
Tim Roberts
- Creation d'un NG francophone sur Python
Michael Spencer
- latitude/longitude/mapping Python script
Dinu Gherman
- Python GUI with Swing
Steve Purcell
- htmllib samples
Romuald Texier
- Jython and Win2000
- Performance hit for ALLOW_THREADS macros?
eric jones
- Printing mixtures in integers and strings
Daniel Dittmar
- Where are the examples/samples?
Daniel Dittmar
- [Q] Python wrapper for ArcView Shapelib?
Bernhard Herzog
- NumPy loop efficiency
Sébastien de Menten
- HTML Tidy and Python wrapper
Paul Brian
- BLT extensions with BeOpen Python 2.0
Martyn Quick
- Creation d'un NG francophone sur Python
Steve Purcell
- HELP urllib POST can't get it to work
mike mcleod
- Gaussian line profile using numeric python
Konrad Hinsen
- NumPy loop efficiency
Konrad Hinsen
- HELP urllib POST can't get it to work
Oleg Broytmann
- HELP urllib POST can't get it to work
Siggy Brentrup
- HELP urllib POST can't get it to work
Oleg Broytmann
- Fetch object in imaplib
- HELP urllib POST can't get it to work
mike mcleod
- NumPy loop efficiency
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- list vs tuple
Alex Martelli
- General CGI advice...
- NumPy loop efficiency
Konrad Hinsen
- diff lists
Alex Martelli
- PEP: Use site-packages on all platforms
Moore, Paul
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Alex Martelli
- htmllib samples
Alex Martelli
- how query function args
Alex Martelli
- NumPy loop efficiency
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Couple of simple questions
- converting python to latex
Olivier Laurent
- What version of Berkley DB are used in Zope?
Thomas Weholt
- Where are the examples/samples?
Bob Kline
- Is inheritance broken?
Alex Martelli
- BLT extensions with BeOpen Python 2.0
Norman Charnley
- Printing mixtures in integers and strings
- Creation d'un NG francophone sur Python
Cameron Laird
- Creation d'un NG francophone sur Python
François Pinard
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- [Distutils] PEP: Use site-packages on all platforms
Thomas Heller
- Updated edition of Programming Python out
- list vs tuple
Fredrik Lundh
- Evaluating *EVERYTHING*
Grant Edwards
- triple-quote :-)
Hernan M. Foffani
- Creation d'un NG francophone sur Python
Grant Edwards
- Jython and Win2000
Kris J. Zaragoza
- Creation d'un NG francophone sur Python
Grant Edwards
- mxODBC chokes on dates! Any Help?
Owen Ap Owen
- Creation d'un NG francophone sur Python
Grant Edwards
- Is there a bug tracker program written in Python?
scott at
- Linux GPS program
Russell Nelson
- best practice? null/None vs 'None' vs '' (in web/sql)
fluxent at
- Python 2.0 vs 68k Mac
- micro navigation
Oliver Vecernik
- Is there a bug tracker program written in Python?
Moshe Zadka
- Python GUI with Swing
- Why not an __assign__ method?
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Application distribution with python
Lyle Johnson
- HELP urllib POST can't get it to work
Gilles Lenfant
- best practice? null/None vs 'None' vs '' (in web/sql)
Robin Thomas
- Best Python documentation ->HTML?
Dave Kuhlman
- Use site-packages on all platforms
Pete Shinners
- Why not an __assign__ method?
Pete Shinners
- Application distribution with python
Anbuselvam Palusamy
- Should I close after popen??
David Bolen
- best practice? null/None (correction)
Robin Thomas
- mxODBC chokes on dates! Any Help?
David Bolen
- Working with soaplib...
Gabriel Ambuehl
- email address verification
Steve Holden
- Speedup hint for users of viewcvs package
Peter Funk
- Why not an __assign__ method?
Grant Edwards
- Speedup hint for users of viewcvs package
Gabriel Ambuehl
- Why not an __assign__ method?
Ype Kingma
- restricted execution
- Application distribution with python
Thomas Heller
- Getting all the *files* from a directory -- A better way??
- Should I close after popen??
Jeremy Hylton
- htmllib samples
Mark Pilgrim
- Why not an __assign__ method?
Robin Thomas
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Dry Ice
- Python scripts as Drop targets in Windows Explorer
Syver Enstad
- Python scripts as Drop targets in Windows Explorer
Syver Enstad
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Moshe Zadka
- Should I close after popen??
François Pinard
- Threading legality/morality
Syver Enstad
- best practice? null/None (correction)
Alex Martelli
- mxODBC chokes on dates! Any Help?
Owen Ap Owen
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
David Allen
- Use site-packages on all platforms
Syver Enstad
- Just in time debugging idioms
Syver Enstad
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Dry Ice
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Grant Edwards
- Should I close after popen??
David Bolen
- Speedup hint for users of viewcvs package
Neil Schemenauer
- list vs tuple
Neil Schemenauer
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Hamish Lawson
- Converting an integer base 10 to a binary number
François Granger
- Creation d'un NG francophone sur Python
François Granger
- max filename size
François Granger
- ReportLab 1.06 Released
Robin Becker
- ANN: mxODBC Database Interface Version 2.0.1
M.-A. Lemburg
- Creation d'un NG francophone sur Python
- best practice? null/None vs 'None' vs '' (in web/sql)
Erno Kuusela
- Speedup hint for users of viewcvs package
Michael Ströder
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
- newbie variables question
Michael Hall
- Speedup hint for users of viewcvs package
Erno Kuusela
- best practice? null/None (correction)
Andy Todd
- mxODBC chokes on dates! Any Help?
pmj769 at
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Grant Griffin
- New ZODB package
A.M. Kuchling
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Grant Griffin
- Is there a bug tracker program written in Python?
Neil Schemenauer
- Why not an __assign__ method?
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- mxODBC chokes on dates! Any Help?
- Fetch object in imaplib
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Jason Cunliffe
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Grant Edwards
- Linux GPS program
Jay R. Ashworth
- newbie variables question
Chris Gonnerman
- very basic, how do you find square roots?
- newbie variables question
Alex Martelli
- list vs tuple
- list vs tuple
- very basic, how do you find square roots?
Trent Mick
- very basic, how do you find square roots?
Erik Max Francis
- very basic, how do you find square roots?
Sandipan Gangopadhyay
- list vs tuple
Fredrik Lundh
- list vs tuple
Fredrik Lundh
- list vs tuple
- list vs tuple
Moshe Zadka
- HTML Tidy and Python wrapper
Satheesh Babu
- Working with soaplib...
Fredrik Lundh
- Evaluating the contents of a string
Andrew Markebo
- Couple of simple questions
Rikard Bosnjakovic
- newbie variables question
Emile van Sebille
- unable to install MySQLdb (version 0.3.5 ) using ActivePython (build 203) on Win 98
robin and jim
- Gaussian line profile using numeric python
John J. Lee
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- list vs tuple
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Newbie Dictionary Question
Gary Walker
- Starship Compiler Question
Bill Walker
- Problem stopping Tkinter apps
David Fuess
- Where are the examples/samples?
Jonathan Soons
- HTML Tidy and Python wrapper
Robert Amesz
- restricted execution
Steve Purcell
- Newbie Dictionary Question
Quinn Dunkan
- list vs tuple
Tim Peters
- list vs tuple
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Billy vs. Idle
- I want to learn PYTHON!
- I want to learn PYTHON!
Erik Max Francis
- list vs tuple
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
John J. Lee
- list vs tuple
- C++ and Python
Rémi yyyy
- very basic, how do you find square roots?
- list vs tuple
- list vs tuple
Tim Peters
- I want to learn PYTHON!
samschul at
- list vs tuple
Bruce Sass
- list vs tuple
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Moshe Zadka
- very basic, how do you find square roots?
Bill Walker
- list vs tuple
- Newbie Dictionary Question
Gary Walker
- list vs tuple
- list vs tuple
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- list vs tuple
Chris Tavares
- list vs tuple
- list vs tuple
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- list vs tuple
Bruce Sass
- list vs tuple
- list vs tuple
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- Problem stopping Tkinter apps
David Allen
- list vs tuple
Emile van Sebille
- Newbie Dictionary Question
David Allen
- Threading legality/morality
Aahz Maruch
- list vs tuple
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
jason petrone
- Converting an integer base 10 to a binary number
Robert Amesz
- Gaussian line profile using numeric python
Robert Amesz
- list vs tuple
Bruce Sass
- list vs tuple
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Tim Peters
- I want to learn PYTHON!
- list vs tuple
Darren New
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Grant Edwards
- PEP 245: Python interfaces
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Guido van Rossum
- PEP 240 scares me
- list vs tuple
Darren New
- HTML Tidy and Python wrapper
Dave LeBlanc
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Louis Luangkesorn
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
David Lees
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Emile van Sebille
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Emile van Sebille
- Conditional operator in Python?
Erik Max Francis
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Pete Shinners
- Conditional operator in Python?
Emile van Sebille
- Couple of simple questions
Greg Jorgensen
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Sheila King
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
David Lees
- Conditional operator in Python?
Sheila King
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Dry Ice
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Sheila King
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Stephen R. Figgins
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Carlos Alberto Reis Ribeiro
- Conditional operator in Python?
Tim Peters
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Tim Peters
- Conditional operator in Python?
Grant Edwards
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Tim Peters
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
John W. Baxter
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
William Tanksley
- PythonLabs Team Moves to ActiveState
Don Tuttle
- list vs tuple
Carl Banks
- Good GUI for Python
Ken Peek
- Conditional operator in Python?
Roy Smith
- Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Chris Gonnerman
Last message date:
Sat Mar 31 23:37:13 EST 2001
Archived on: Sun Oct 27 14:51:30 EDT 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).