Einstein's Riddle

Mark Yudkin myudkin at compuserve.com
Tue Mar 13 01:48:57 EST 2001

Rather than looking at America sites for information about emu's, consider
that it's an AUSTRALIAN flightless bird, and there's more to it than eating

"Alex Martelli" <aleaxit at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:98i5880pl2 at news2.newsguy.com...
> "Boris Popov" <no-spam-popov at bigserver.com> wrote in message
> news:98gp5b$1u0oi$1 at ID-75892.news.dfncis.de...
> > "Bruce Elrick" <belrick at home.com> wrote in message
> > news:3AABE712.499CCF4C at home.com...
> > > I swear there is no evidence that any of them own a fish.  The German
> > > owns an emu.
> > >
> > > Bruce
> >
> > I am missing something then. I thought my table satisfies all given
> > statements and it has fish right under the german...
> >
> > -Boris
> > P.S. What's emu ?
> A large flightless bird, whose meat is appreciated by more and
> more connaisseurs (it's red meat, reasonably tasty, quite soft,
> light in cholesterol & fats).  You can get a LOT of information
> about it from the American Emu Association, http://www.aea-emu.org/.
> (Particularly with the many recent scares about "mad cow's disease"
> aka BSE, emu meat has received a huge market boost -- it's now
> quite common for supermarkets around here to offer it, restaurants
> to feature it in several dishes, etc).
> Any association with Europe's "Economic and Monetary Union" is,
> one can hope, totally coincidental (some people WOULD argue that
> _that_ EMU _is_ 'owned' "by the German", but that's a base and
> unsubstantiated canard...).
> Alex

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