Can Python replace Visual Basic? Should it?

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Tue Mar 6 12:31:51 EST 2001

"Brad Bollenbach" <bbollenbach at> wrote in message
news:3q8p6.12338$hn5.1798569 at
> > Why do you focus on 'used to use'?  One may perfectly well keep using
> > some VB (&c) for tasks it's particularly well-suited to, while using
> > Python wherever feasible (and, indeed, using both in the same project
> Certainly. And for all intents and purposes "used to use" isn't necessary,
> but the question happened to be directed (as its subject suggests) at
> who _have_ replaced VB with Python. :)

If only those who HAVE replaced answer, you'll get answers slanted
in favour of replacing -- which may be what you're after!-)

> But realistically, I just wanted to emphasize my interest in hearing
> from those who have or currently are using VB or one of the other Win32
> visual development tools. Personally, I'm a former VB programmer now
> in Powerbuilder and am unhappy with both, again based on my dislike of
> that obscure the programmer's view of what's going on.
> I could explain _why_ I don't like the 40,000 foot views of IDE's, but
> that's another thread.

You're definitely preaching to the choir, as far as I'm concerned,
on the 'IDEs which hide things' theme.


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