ftpmirror.py problems

Cary Coulter cwc_NO at sound_NO.net
Sun Mar 25 18:46:49 EST 2001

I am trying to use ftpmirror.py to duplicate various subdirectories.
When I test the replication between two hosts on my local network,
everything works like expected.

However, I am having problems replicating hosts residing on the
internet to my local system.  My local system is on a private network
(192.168...) behind a Linux firewall using IP Masq.  In this
environment, I am experiencing "hangs" in the ftpmirror.py
application.  I have to kill it with ^C.

I can normally download 10-40 files before this happens.  It seems to
be more prone if the files are smaller (can download in 3-5 seconds on
a cable modem) rather than the 10+ MB files.

Is anyone else experiencing this behavior?  Since it seem to work well
beween two local hosts, I am suspicious of the firewall and IP Masq.
I would be grateful for any pointers anyone can give to help remedy
this situation.

I am relatively new to Python. I really like what I see but I'm not
ready to debug this application.  I assume it really works and that
the problem is something else.

Thanks in advance for your input

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