A counter-counter-proposal for PEP 236: #pragma( nested_scopes)

Martin von Loewis loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Fri Mar 2 09:12:06 EST 2001

"Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik at pythonware.com> writes:

> We're talking about two kinds of "directives" here:
> -- Source code encoding, which needs to be specified at the at
> the top of the source file, since it affects the tokenizer/parser
> (cf. XML encodings).  As specified, "directive" doesn't cut it.

Why is that? A directive must appear at the beginning of the source

> -- Experimental compiler features, which if successful will become
> standard in the next release.  Again, "directive" doesn't work, since
> it makes "experimental" stuff look "optional".

There are certainly other categories. For example, Tim Peters
suggested that users may want to declare "optimize for size, not
speed", on a per-module basis; that would not change the language at
all, and it won't become standard in the next release, either.

As another item, where would "all strings are Unicode" fit? It's not a
source encoding, and it won't become standard in the next release,
either. The -U option does not work for it, either, since it should be
a per-module setting.


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