Overriding UserList methods

Daniel Klein danielk at aracnet.com
Sun Mar 4 23:54:02 EST 2001

I must be missing something, cos I can't figure out how to override a method
using the UserList module. Here is some code:

import UserList
class MyList(UserList.UserList):
      __def __init__(self):

    def append(self, object):

Understandably, this goes into a recursive frenzy until it hits the stack
limit. :-(

The only way I could get this to work was to give the method another name, ie

    def add(self,object):   ## This works but I would rather use 'append'
        self.append(object)   ## as the method name.

So how can I override the append() method so that I can add my specialized code
to it?

Daniel Klein

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