Lower bounds of lists

Bruce Sass bsass at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Fri Mar 2 01:49:48 EST 2001

> > It seems an odd choice, as humans count from one, and Python in
> > other respects seems quite logical and well thought out.
> Humans count from 1.  Hackers count from 0.

Not really - it's an index (the offset from the start), not a count.

If you are at the start of something, the offset is 0.

> C does it that way.  So, in general, does assembler, and the internal
> representation of unsigned integer numbers runs from 0 to (2^bits)-1,
> where bits is the number of bits of data storable.
> Counting from 0 is counter-intuitive to humans, but so is much of
> computer science.  Ultimately, it's because Guido wanted it that way.

Consider this... maybe you are not really counting, you are actually
building a list then referring to the items in it.

Once you get your head in the right space it all becomes clear.


- Bruce

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