Pickling arbitrary character strings on Windows

Nicholas K. Sauter nksauter at lbl.gov
Tue Mar 6 12:23:57 EST 2001

It would be good to be able to pickle strings containing arbitrary ASCII
characters, for example to encode data at the C level.  But on Windows
it is impossible to do a binary unpickle of a string that has an
embedded ASCII 26 (octal 032).  This example code tells the whole story:

from pickle import dump,load

def myfunc(i):
    pro = "I_am_a_" +chr(i)+ "string"
    f = open('try.bin','w'); dump(pro,f,1); f.close()
    g = open('try.bin','r'); str = g.readline()# i=10 is a linefeed
(that's OK)
    print "read string",i,len(str),"characters"

if __name__=="__main__":
    for i in xrange(256):

Some obvious workarounds are to use formatted output (dump(pro,f,0)) or
to use Unix instead of Windows.  But is there any way to implement a
practical binary string pickle on Windows?

Nick Sauter, LBNL
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