PEP 245: Python interfaces

James_Althoff at James_Althoff at
Mon Mar 26 13:49:31 EST 2001

I would like to propose a change to PEP 245.  Instead of calling for the
"Interfaces package" to be turned into a standard Python "type" (as stated
in PEP 245), I think "interface objects" should be (i.e., remain)
instances of a true "Interface class" (_not_ a built in type) so that the
(unfortunate) split between "types" and "classes" in Python does not grow
any wider.  This would leave open the possibility for someone to subclass
the "Interfaces class" if necessary to add methods and fields to extend its
initial functionality.


                    Michel Pelletier                                                                               
                    <michel at digicool.c        To:     python-list at                                       
                    om>                       cc:                                                                  
                    Sent by:                  Subject:     PEP 245: Python interfaces                              
                    03/22/01 11:02 PM                                                                              


I'm the author of PEP 245, a framework and syntax for interface objects in

It has just recently been made a PEP, and I'd like to solicite some more
input from the community (you).

For those of you who don't know the formal defintion of "interface", don't
worry (there isn't one!).  There are, however, a lot of agreed and
disagreed upon definitions out there in the world, and PEP 245 is one
particular take on the situation, based on pioneering work done by the
Type-sig and Jim Fulton over the last couple of years.

There is a Wiki (referenced in the PEP) for formal discussion and, of
course, this newsgroup, which I will hanging out in for the next few days
answering any questions about the proposal.




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