Static typing (was Re: Java guy interested in Python)

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Sun Mar 11 15:01:08 EST 2001

"Tim Peters" < at> wrote in message
news:mailman.984334635.27345.python-list at
> [Rainer Deyke]
> > When I type 'int i;' in C++, what I really mean is "'i' behaves like an
> > integer variable.".
> Since that's all "int i;" *can* mean in C++, seems tautological <wink>.

Surely you're joking, Mister Peters?

    class int {
            int(const char*=0);
            const char* data() const;

    int i;

Isn't this perfectly legal C++, meaning something very different from
"i behaves like an integer variable"...?  int is no "reserved word",
after all.

Back to "built-in" int...:

> > The limited range of type 'int' is part of its defined semantics,
> > as is its fast performance.
> I expect you'll search in vain for a promise in the std that ints are
> <wink>. says "plain _int_s have the natural size suggested by the
architecture of the execution environment", and it would take
quite a sea-lawyer to assert that the 'natural' size in this context
is any BUT the one providing the best performance on said
execution-environment's architecture.  But I think you are right
that this is not QUITE a "promise":-).


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