Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...

Laura Creighton lac at
Tue Mar 6 10:57:31 EST 2001

Werner Schiendl <ws-news at> writes:
>If you have a good reason to choose C over C++, take the K&R book the others
>Otherwise you should consider going straight to C++.
>This will save you hours of headache with C memory stuff, string handling,
>and so on.

This leaves the novice with the idea that C programmers, by and large
all became happy C++ programmers and are pleased as punch with the
new language.  The reason to learn C is to eventually learn C++.
This is misleading.

There are a very large number of people who think that C
is a terrific language; extremely good at what it does, and well worth
studying, in part to understand what it is that a language designer
does when he *gets* *it* *right*, while also believing that studying C++ is 
of particular use when you want to see what happens when a language 
designer *gets* *it* *wrong*.  Or when forced to do so at gunpoint.  

Laura Creighton

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