Speedup hint for users of viewcvs package

Neil Schemenauer nas at python.ca
Fri Mar 30 17:15:05 EST 2001

Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:
> one might think about going straight with mod_python anyway...

No, you want mod_fastcgi.  Witness:

  $ ab -n 20 http://spud/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/
  Requests per second:    2.33
  Transfer rate:          20.02 kb/s received

  $ ab -n 20 http://spud/cgi-bin/viewcvs.fcgi/
  Requests per second:    58.31
  Transfer rate:          501.57 kb/s received

It took about 15 minutes and 15 lines of code to convert
viewcvs.cgi to viewcvs.fcgi.  I have no idea why more people
don't know about FastCGI.


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