Embedding Python 2.0 and 2.1? Memory usage, Embedded systems and Leakage.

Tim Peters tim.one at home.com
Tue May 15 01:11:02 EDT 2001

[Warren Postma]
> ... [questions I can't answer, because it would take work <0.5 wink>] ...
> ...
> If anyone else is interested in making a 2.1 subset with deterministic
> "perfect" heap management, I woud like to hear from you, because it's
> possible we can work together on this.

What Python needs here is a general protocol for module finalization (whether
builtin or external, Python or C).  That would be useful for many "odd"
reasons.  As-is, few of the many modules under the Modules/ directory ever
get a *chance* to clean up, so various Python objects pointed to by C statics
never get decref'ed one last time, so they never get free()'ed either.

Make the heap cleanup work a matter of principled design rather than
platform-specific subset hackery, and I bet you could get more mindshare and
get the changes into the core distribution.

needs-a-pep-ly y'rs  - tim

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