Compiling python extensions on Windows

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Sun May 27 16:51:28 EDT 2001

"Richard P. Muller" <rpm at> wrote in message
news:3B115E7C.C70E4A8D at
> (2) If not, I have access to several other build environments
> (Codewarrior, Microsoft VisualStudios). Does anyone know which
> environment was used to build Python2.1 on windows? Are there easy to

Microsoft VC++6.0 is the compiler currently used for that.

> follow instructions anywhere for the build (I assume that "./configure"
> doesn't work on windows)?

The distutils make this VERY easy.  See my post of May 25 to this
group, titled "extending Python with C anywhere", and followups for
a couple of justified criticisms of the C example code I posted -- but
the distutils script WAS OK, and VERY simple indeed...:

import sys
from distutils.core import setup, Extension

bill_ext = Extension('bill', sources=['bill.c'])

setup (name = "bill",
       ext_modules = [ bill_ext ]
::: end-of-file

if your module bill lives in file bill.c.


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