Mod python advice

Jeff Davis jdavis at
Tue May 15 00:16:27 EDT 2001

I really like python, but I haven't used it much on the web (a couple CGIs).
I can use mod_python, but it seems to be focused on writing an apache 
module. I recently noticed its built-in handlers, such as publisher and 
cgihandler, but cgihandler is 'not recommended...long term' 
( and the others seem somewhat foreign.

I am going to be taking on a pretty large project; will I be better off 
using publisher, or might cgihandler be a better choice? Or is there some 
other tactic people have found useful (like Zope maybe)? It is important 
that I retain the ability to access all of python's features, and I would 
also like to be able to import python modules written in C if I need to.

Any advice is appreciated.


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