Pls. help me recreate shell trick

Eddie Corns eddie at
Mon Nov 26 11:16:20 EST 2001

Nicola Musatti <objectway at> writes:

>Thanks to both Fernando and Daniel for your suggestions. However, I
>probably didn't explain myself very clearly. My aim is not only to
>provide display only, debug mode for external commands, but also for
>possibly disrupting Python statements. One example could be:

>import shutil

A very simple minded solution:

def protect (func, *args):
    if debug:
        print '!!Calling',func.__name__,'with',args
        apply (func, args)

Then just use:

  protect (shutil.copy, src, dest)

after setting debug.  It would be trivial to add code to ask the user whether
to go ahead and do the command as well.


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