C callbacks ? Re: Is Stackless Python DEAD?

Frederic Giacometti frederic.giacometti at arakne.com
Tue Nov 6 10:06:40 EST 2001

"Gordon McMillan" <gmcm at hypernet.com> wrote in message
news:Xns91515922BE028gmcmhypernetcom at
> John S. Yates, Jr. wrote:
> > On 5 Nov 2001 13:53:28 GMT, amk at localhost.debian.org (A.M. Kuchling)
> > wrote:
> But making Python *truly* stackless means getting rid of all recursions,
> and that is an enormous task. If you don't do that, you've got a
> language feature that doesn't work in some apparently random
> set of circumstances.

But how do you process callbacks to Python from C code (extensions or
embeded python)?

One has to return to C after executing the Python code, and than C has to
return to Python after executing the remainer of its code...

I see maintaining hybrid behavior (iterative / recursive calls to the
interpreter, and 'recursion tolerance') as a requirement...


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