MatPy question

Glenn R Fulford glennfulford at
Thu Nov 22 23:08:26 EST 2001

"Huaiyu Zhu" <huaiyu at> wrote in message
news:slrn9vntn4.5im.huaiyu at
> On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 19:25:01 -0800, Glenn R Fulford
> <glennfulford at> wrote:
> If you have tried to solve differential equations with a difference method
> in Fortran you'd have felt the pain of indexing from one.  More
> specifically, if you divide an interval into n, the nodes would be most
> naturally labelled [0, 1, ..., n].  There are many other situations, but I
> won't repeat them.
Good example. I have solved DEs with finite difference and found it a bit
anoying. That is where Fortran900 is good, where you can declare where you
want the arrays so start from.
> Huaiyu

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