Python, Unix sendmail, and multiple recipients

William Park opengeometry at
Tue Oct 16 15:34:26 EDT 2001

Kemp Randy-W18971 <Randy.L.Kemp at> wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for the quick responses.  As soon as I emailed the
> question, I got two answers from the Python community in under five
> minutes.  If only the other lists I subscribe to were so prompt!

If you're already on Unix system, then it begs the question why write
Python script to something that cries out for shell, ie.
    $ for i in 'a at' 'b at' ...
    > do mutt $i ...
    > done

William Park, Open Geometry Consulting, <opengeometry at>
8 CPU cluster, Linux (Slackware), Python, LaTeX, Vim, Mutt, Tin

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