python development practices?

Anthony Baxter anthony at
Tue Oct 30 23:58:19 EST 2001

>>> pzw1 at wrote
> > [unit tests, XP, blah blah blah]

> hmm.. this seems to be the uniform response to my questions, and it was 
> what i had surmised before even posting.  is there really no middle 
> ground?  are there no real development groups using python with high 
> time-to-market pressures and imperfect process?  i find it hard to 
> believe that someone or some group hasn't evolved a way of dealing with 
> this...

If you play with them for real a bit, you'll find that unit tests actually
_improve_ your time to market - the time you need to spend writing them and
keeping them up to date is more than outweighed by the savings in debugging
and bughunting.

And that's not even mentioning the massive massive wins you get when you
want to refactor some code - the unit tests mean you can be assured that 
your refactoring is correct.


Anthony Baxter     <anthony at>   
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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