To Jive: (was Tkinter and wxWindows)
Laura Creighton
lac at
Sun Dec 15 03:37:52 EST 2002
> What are the pluses and minuses of Tkinter and wxWindows for Python GUI's?
> --
Since I don't have a working email address for you, here is from
Prabhu, author of MayaVi about your video Memory problem:
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 11:18:10 +0530
To: Laura Creighton <lac at>
From: Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at>
Subject: Re: Prabhu meet Jive, would be MayaVi user
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>>>>> "LC" == Laura Creighton <lac at> writes:
Jive> I installed it under Windows 2000. It doesn't work right on
Jive> my computer. The window leaves tracers when you move it, and
Jive> I got a message saying something about "out of video memory".
LC> Jive, meet Prabhu, author of MayaVi. My conclusion: The only
LC> fix is to buy more memory.
LC> Correct, Prabhu?
Or maybe a better video card? I really dont know too much about Win2k
to comment on the error message. If its any help VTK uses OpenGL so
its possible that installing MayaVi using the setup.exe file is not
optimal. However, I have not had bug reports of this kind. The
problem could also have something to do with your color depth. Maybe
try to use MayaVi with a 16bpp screen. That way you might have more
video memory. So its likely a hardware related issue or a driver
related one or a configuration one.
BTW, the MayaVi 1.2 win32 installer was built on Win2K. So it does
work fine on the few machines that I checked.
p.s. I'm not sure I have Jive's correct email address, the one in my
CC is from bbdb but I have no idea if that works.
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