'twander' 2.29 Released
Tim Daneliuk
tundra at tundraware.com
Fri Dec 20 00:40:08 EST 2002
Terry Reedy wrote:
> I've don't remember previous announcements: I think I'll give this a
> try.
This is the first public release.
> For anything very involved, I might prefer scripting in Python if the
> macro lang is something different. But with the source, I presume I
> can.
The macro language is not Python. It is truly a "macro" string
substitution language designed to ultimately emit a string
which can be executed by the native command interpreter.
However, it can kick off a Python program (with arguments) since
this one of the "strings" a command interpreter knows
how to execute.
> I just thought of one. Windows Explorer lets me mark (select) several
> files and delete all. But in the cookie dir, I would like to mark
> (select) the few I want (that have userids or whatever for sites I
> regularly ) and delete all the rest (hundreds or even thousands).
This should be pretty straightforward to do. My way of doing this
would be to keep copies of the cookies you want in a backup directory.
Then write a "twander" macro that nukes the whole directory and then
copies the backups into the cookie directory.
>>Who Might Like "twander"?
> ...
> 6. Someone who want a program that will work both on Windows and *nix,
> and whose personal configuration file is portable (instead of being
> locked in the Windows registry).
Absolutely. Although "twander" configuration files will vary somewhat
between Unix and Win32, they can be easily maintained via user-defined
variables which can be used to globally configure the file:
# Uncomment one of these two as appropriate
# COPY = cp # Unix
# COPY = copy # Win32
# Now define a command. Format is:
# Keystroke Command-Name Command-String
c MyCopy [COPY] [DSELECTION] destination
([DESELECTION] is a reference to a variable which hold the name
of the item currently selected in the GUI at the time the command runs.)
Tim Daneliuk
tundra at tundraware.com
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