Help needed: SOAP torture
Whitney Williams
whitney at
Tue Jan 8 13:28:57 EST 2002
It's been a long week...
Can anyone point me to a working example of a Python-based SOAP server (or
an API from which one can be built) that can interoperate with M$ Soap
clients? The various libraries I have tried are either incomplete or don't
seem to work with the SOAP 2.0 SDK clients ( came closest, but it
refuses to honor client requests).
I had assumed I could at least get a Windows <=> UNIX prototype working
without reading 30000 pages of docs and writing my own xml parser -- was
this foolish?
PS: Has anyone successfully built m2crypto-0.07-snap1 with swig-1.3.10?
SWIG's complaining all over the place.
Whitney Williams <whitney at>
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