`~/.pythonrc' `from __future__ import'

Thomas Bellman bellman at lysator.liu.se
Mon Jul 8 20:56:30 EDT 2002

Tim Peters <tim.one at comcast.net> wrote:

> [François Pinard]

>> Moreover, this option only works for division, it does not apparently
>> activate generators, for instance.

> Yes, -Q is specific to division, as will become clear if you read the PEP
> 238 "Command Line Option" section.

>> I would rather have all future features available all the time when I
>> write interactively, yet I guess why some people would prefer not.

> There's no way to do that, short of fiddling Python's source code.

Well...  At least under Unix there is a way...  Put this code in
your ~/.pythonrc:

    import fcntl, termios, __future__

    dels = "fcntl, termios, __future__, dels, feature, c"
    for feature in __future__.all_feature_names:
	dels += ", " + feature
	for c in "from __future__ import " + feature + "\n":
	    fcntl.ioctl(1, termios.TIOCSTI, c)
    for c in "del "+dels+"\n":
	fcntl.ioctl(1, termios.TIOCSTI, c)

(Unfortunately, __future__.all_feature_names isn't in Python 2.1,
so if you need your .pythonrc file to be portable to 2.1 you will
have to filter out the relevant names from dir(__future__).  I
leave that as an exercise for the readers.)

Now, I didn't say it was *elegant*, but it seems to work on at
least a couple of Unix dialects.

Thomas Bellman,   Lysator Computer Club,   Linköping University,  Sweden
"The one who says it cannot be done should    ! bellman @ lysator.liu.se
 never interrupt the one who is doing it."    ! Make Love -- Nicht Wahr!

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