July 2002 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Jul 1 00:02:50 EDT 2002
Ending: Wed Jul 31 23:59:47 EDT 2002
Messages: 4842
- Preforked server in Python
- c o v e n t r y -
- problem with spawnle
Matt Gerrans
- Is this a __slot__ bug?
- newbie Q: delete list few lines in file
Peter Hansen
- Q: Status of MySQL & Python?
Gerhard Häring
- telnetlib option negotiation callback should be a method
Steve Reeves
- spyce v1.1.13
Rimon Barr
- M2Crypto: select() behaves weird on SSL sockets
Kragen Sitaker
- Getting the XP clipboard in tkinter
Matthias Huening
- calling a java app from python
Anoop P B
- pprinting generators
Ville Vainio
- wxPython-questions (netstat)
Klaus Reinhardt
- Partial Parsing of Python
holger krekel
- private
holger krekel
- HT set the font in wxPython?
Klaus Reinhardt
- reloading modules
Jeff Davis
- getatime() changes atime on cygwin
Thomas Guettler
- QT->XML->Pmw->GUI
Giorgi Lekishvili
- WindowsError in time.sleep !?!??!!
Eric Brunel
- dynamic buttons with tkinter
Markus von Ehr
- Semi-static analysis (was Re: Partial Parsing of Python)
holger krekel
- Problems configuring 4suite
Tim Rowe
- xslt on windows
Tim Rowe
- Python COM problem - accessing properties with optional parameters
Dave Kirby
- old thread: SSL support for socket module for server sockets
Martin Sjögren
- Tkinter destroy() or quit()
Egbert Bouwman
- email package: call for testers
Oleg Broytmann
- Ann: Stackless 2.2.1 on PowerPC
Christian Tismer
- Problems with Python CGI under Windows
Domingo López López
- geting python files for use on web
Steve Holden
- communicate with serial port (ttyS0)
Marian Schubert
- Most efficient way to write data out to a text file?
Fredrik Lundh
- New style classes as exceptions (Was: exception handing)
Denis S. Otkidach
- Europython pictures
Duncan Grisby
- Castalian: the Active Server Pages object model for Python-embedded HTML pages
- c o v e n t r y -
- Just fyi - test of modified python core.
- c o v e n t r y -
- Has Red Hat helped or hurt?
Charles Hixson
- execvp on Windows
Sandeep Gupta
- Why the colon?
Chris Barker
- Newbie that don't understand
Cameron Laird
- arguments to functions
Bengt Richter
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jul 1)
Emile van Sebille
- stream to string-question
Bengt Richter
- How to get rid the new line
Bengt Richter
- Docstrings (was: Re: private)
Hans Nowak
- Where is Source for Node Class?
Fernando Pérez
- Integrating Python and Statsoft's Statistica.
Ben Fairbank
- How to triger a timer/signal to a running program
Lee Harr
- File read problem in Windows
John La Rooy
- Python COM installation and NT Administrative rights.
Mark Hammond
- zipfile and Tru64 UNIX
Albert Chin-A-Young
- somewhat off-topic
- Teaching programming -- circular data structures
- [NEWBIE]-Object referencing??
Alistair Campbell
- Performance question about math operations
Andrew P. Lentvorski
- Testing self-written imported Modules in a Zope python external method
Max M
- How to find out DNS ?
Anthony Baxter
- I'd give up Perl tomorrow if only...
holger krekel
- What is "<module '?' (built-in)>"?
Jonathan Hogg
- python threads and the linuxthread pthread library
holger krekel
- Where python especially good ?
Giorgi Lekishvili
- CGI oddness with urllib
Ian McMeans
- Unicode utf-8 doesn't do back-and-forth?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Pythoniac: Thoughts on a hardware Python processor
Armin Steinhoff
- Web templating/db tool with best designer/coder separation?
Paul Boddie
- Python language dedicated Wiki
Emile van Sebille
- Simple Conceptual Pickling problems
Emile van Sebille
- Python needs better error reporting
Hans-Joachim Widmaier
- Ant Task
Paul Brown
- python + simple graphics (lines, circles etc.)
- Newbie: Zope Formulator TALES question
Martijn Faassen
- cpickle and classes
Jonathan Hogg
- Python as an embedded extension language
Raphaël Berbain
- Useful RE patterns
Pekka Niiranen
- converting an array of chars to a string
Michael Hudson
- JARs + Jython classes
Paul Brown
- Is there any simple way to get all HTML tags and remove attribute
- [ANN] my_gui v.0.30 : a gui module for MySQL .
Marco Stagno
- Thanks to the distutils dev team!
Rick Muller
- Add parent directory to path?
Richard P. Muller
- Memory leak in Mac Python IDE ?
Daniel T.
- Splitting Text files
Fernando Pérez
- Maximum size of list?
Fredrik Lundh
- Running scripts within scripts
Paul Rubin
- [Python-Dev] [development doc updates]
Lalo Martins
- A problem with urllib
Bryan Olson
- creating a file from python
Erik Max Francis
- GoTo considered missing
Gerhard Häring
- newbie question on getting Blt to work with Pmw on Windows
Gary Richardson
- is attribute access a hash-lookup by name?
Greg Ewing
- what can i expect...
Joseph A Knapka
- [Doc-SIG] Re: [Python-Dev] [development doc updates]
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- Singleton technique (Re: metaclasses vs. inheritance)
Greg Ewing
- ANN: SLUG Python Interest Group (Sydney Australia)
- newbie problem with canvas create_image
John Boik
- jythonc AttributeError -- Works OK When Invoked Via Jython
- Syntax Error at end of file
Thomas Guettler
- curses-based menu module?
Sandip Bhattacharya
- determining instance attributes
Jon Bills
- baffling bug in this bit of code!
Max M
- Useful RE patterns (was: Variable Interpolation - status of PEP 215)
Fredrik Lundh
- what's up with 'patterns'?
Guyon Morée
- creating XML elements
so very tired
- Compilation error - no module named os
Michael Hudson
- Thread safetyness in Python
Oren Tirosh
- Regular expressions in python
Harvey Thomas
- pipes.py and its limits
- python newsgroup server
Gerhard Haering
- wxFont-question
Vadim Zeitlin
- Creating Subclassable Objects??
Pete Shinners
- Comments in pickles?
Jon Ribbens
- Who is the user??
Fredrik Lundh
- EuroPython 2002 diary
- newbie question on PATH vaiable and running python on win xp
John Boik
- HT clear some wxPython fram?
Klaus Reinhardt
- Tuples --> How to use them ?
Marcus Vinicius Laranjeira
- PythonMagick (with ImageMagick 5.4.7)
Achim Domma
- how can I put mysql input without ([,])
Gerhard Häring
- "my brain hurts" or is isinstance broken?
Robert Kuzelj
- win32com and internet explorer... sorry if this is a repeat... wasn't sure of the first one
- Patterns and all that new fangled stuff ...
Max M
- A Sourceforge project for newbies
Ron Stephens
- Help! Script FrontPage via COM with python?
- win32 setcommtimeouts parameter?
Chris Liechti
- PythonWin + other GUIs = CRASH!
David LeBlanc
- python decimal infection?
David LeBlanc
- COM component implementing custom interfaces
Mark Hammond
- ANN: pythonwin patch to run in a separate process
Chris Liechti
- Parsing
Thomas Berglund
- tzset()
Clark C . Evans
- File Locking (or any similar file mutex) in Windows OS???
Cliff Wells
- Threads, signals, and fork
Mark Mitchell
- newbie question on Fredrik Lundh's simple script
- Newbie lists question
Michael Hall
- Newbie cgi module question
Michael Hall
- [OT] What is Open Source?
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- Reportlab
Ruediger Maehl
- Newbie question on Tkinter
Eric Brunel
- How to represent the infinite ?
Steve Tregidgo
- Forward Declaring Py_complex
Mark Charsley
- I'm an idiot
Kerim Borchaev
- replacing instance __setattr__
Robin Becker
- Efficient python programming...
Peter Hansen
- XP: on or off-topic? (was Re: Efficient python programming...)
Peter Hansen
- [Newbie] How to output dictionary sorted on content (not keys)
Achim Domma
- Tk.mainloop and glutMainLoop parallel?
Markus von Ehr
- Python and XML development using the open source 4Suite toolkit
- Meta Line information in Python?
Terry Reedy
- TkInter and pygame?
Markus von Ehr
- sprites in Tkinter?
Markus von Ehr
- OpenOffice Python Bindings
Dave Swegen
- gtk event handler
Guillaume Rumeau
- start working with gzip : probs with linux/windows
Pablo Pernot
- testing a sequence for 'identicalness'
Daniel Dittmar
- Metakit help
David LeBlanc
- Quaternion Arithmetic Module
Matthias Baas
- SSE With Swig
Tom Seddon
- Newbie: Dynamically create a Tree List with items read from multiple files
Mark Kingston
- Calling stdlib functions from pyrex
Clark C . Evans
- Math irregularity ... is this normal?
Richard Jones
Andrae Muys
- multiple inheritance & __init__
Greg Ewing
- ANN: Pyrex 0.3.3
Greg Ewing
- __slot__ issues
Arthur Siegel
- Newbie - Stand alone python
- Is Python growing?
Chris Gonnerman
- sending a file through sockets
Bryan Olson
- Full-screen display in Tkinter
Matt Gerrans
- redirect stdout
Oliver Eichler
- ANN: 'go' v0.6.3 - quick directory changing
Trent Mick
- ANN: 'which' v0.6.1 - A Python GNU-which replacement
Trent Mick
- ANN: px/p4lib.py v0.6.6 - a p4 wrapper and a Python Perforce interface
Trent Mick
- Making computer into server for free
Jon Bills
- GUI-Builder
Thomas Guettler
- [OT] What is Open Source? (was Re: ANN: Twisted 0.16.0...)
Stephen J. Turnbull
- undo and marked linebreaks in text-widget
- Sorting a dictionary by value
Alex Martelli
- Using .UDL files with Python
- Getting Process List On *nix
Chris Gonnerman
- XML dom node comparaison
Eric Texier
- [OT] What is Open Source? (fwd)
Alex Martelli
- Securing SimpleXMLRPCServer?
Brian Quinlan
- No, loop-and-a-half! (Re: REPEAT... UNTIL ?)
Michele Simionato
- possible bug of parser.suite
Alex Martelli
- dynamic path to a method ???
Roger Ineichen
- shallow copy's
Rajarshi Guha
- deleting a file
Bryan Olson
- help using (x)inetd
Steve Holden
- XML content in a POST request (httplib)?
Alex Martelli
- Link checking, POST logins, and cookies
Travis B. Hartwell
- how to disable maximize button?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- idiots guide to python
Mike Johnson
- calling wxPython from the shell
Angel Asencio
- StandaloneZODB on Python 2.2.1/Windows?
David LeBlanc
- Scope trouble with __init__.py
Mike Romberg
- Client sockets without os.fork()
- HTMLgen module
Michael Hall
- test
Charles Mantha
- IMAP Email Question
Emile van Sebille
- Corrupt mxODBC installation?
Jose Correia
- problems with a for loop (noobie)
Jeremy S Lowery
- win32com and internet explorer
- re module in restrictricted execution
Jeremy S Lowery
- first experiences with Python
Michele Simionato
- Tkinter Text Widget Tag Problem
Ivica Munitic
- swig or something else....
- jwz threading algorithm in Python
Laura Creighton
- Using Python for processing of large datasets (convincing managment)
Peter Hansen
- Understanding properties
- COCOMO - appropriate for languages like Python?
Skip Montanaro
- Python version of STL multimap?
Roy Smith
- Why is it crashing? (newbie)
Charles Mantha
- Crash boom, why?
- Chinese language support of Python?
Martin v. Loewis
- Total python embedding in a c/c++ app
Achim Domma
- Problem with mxDateTime function DateFromString
Peter Hansen
- signal.alarm() for less than one second?
François Pinard
- class/instance context [was: "my brain hurts" or is isinstance broken?]
Robert Kuzelj
- newbie-question: more then one constructor in a python-class?
Emile van Sebille
- constructors in python
T. Kaufmann
- OT: New job and vacation
Oleg Broytmann
- sys.platform on UNIX
Chris Liechti
- VisAD/Jython or PyOpenGL for 2D/3D cellular automata?
Ralph Richard Cook
- are win32com definitions from adovbs.inc accessible to Python or do I have to transcode them?
- the meaning of life
- sqlite-python-0.2.0.win32-py2.2.exe fails
- Why isn't this a bug?
Russell Blau
- FancyURLopener: no HTTP status codes?
Erik Max Francis
- Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread with extension module
Mike C. Fletcher
- How to organize test cases with PyUnit
Roy Smith
- is this a bug?
- COM Client problem with Excel
Blair Hall
- make cvs pserver/ssh(2) connection with python
- `~/.pythonrc' `from __future__ import'
François Pinard
- Splitting lines in a file
Simon Foster
- NumPy Question: Audio Frequency Spectrum / Signal Analysis - pe_audioLevels.py [0/1]
Fernando Pérez
- Embeding python i C++
Dave Kuhlman
- Thanks ... and how to express them.
Delaney, Timothy
- ANN: Logging Module v0.4.6 released
Vinay Sajip
- Getting IDLE 0.8 to recognize Python 2.2.1
Emile van Sebille
- structs in python
Christopher A. Craig
- Can raise only "classic" classes?
Holden Caulfield
- Properties - when and why
Alex Martelli
- linking OpenGL frameworks in osx
daniel walton
- ANN: SIP/PyQt 3.3 Released
Phil Thompson
- Pyrex
- Memory ?
- Help with an algorithm wanted
Andrae Muys
- shadow password module
Lance Ellinghaus
- Is there a re guru out there?
Krzysiek Czarnowski
- Message Queueing
Juan Carlos CORUÑA
- procmail replacement in Python
Radovan Garabik
- Given PID, make sure a process is running on Unix?
Michael Hudson
- Concept Error
Steve Holden
- mac sit files.
- join [was: Re: converting an array of chars to a string]
François Pinard
Bo M. Maryniuck
- ANN: CherryPy-0.2 released
Remi Delon
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jul 8)
Emile van Sebille
- Embedding: how to extend a C++ instance by Python methods
Renzo Tomaselli
- metaclass & __slots__
Steve Tregidgo
- stackless python
François Pinard
- Python 2.1 == Jython 2.1 != Python 2.2?
Martin v. Löwis
- freeze path problem (on nt)
Lawrence Hudson
- Numarray vs Numpy
- New Persistence SIG created
Barry A. Warsaw
- subclassing int and accessing the value
Mark McEahern
- Clean Exit from Socket/Program
Thomas Jensen
- Python extensions deep in a heirarchy?
Elf M. Sternberg
- Getting IDLE 0.8 to recognize Pyhthon 2.2.1
Brad Fonseca
- Generic vector aggregates
Joseph A Knapka
- Idle setup install falis on Win2k
David LeBlanc
- Help with Popen in 2.2
Erik Max Francis
- j2ee vs. python (and what our evil competitors are saying about python)
Paul Rubin
- uncaught TypeError exception in re module or redemo.py
Kevin Altis
- HTML to PDF converter?
Lance Ellinghaus
- Python and Eclipse
Gerhard Kalab
- COM client and exceptions
Duncan Booth
- Broken build system as of 2002-06-04
Anders Qvist
- Flush
Richie Hindle
- adding methods on the fly
Renzo Tomaselli
- Multi-threading on Multi-CPU machines
Duncan Booth
- [snake-farm] Broken build system as of 2002-06-04
Michael Hudson
- leastSquaresFit
Alex Tournier
- 8 Queens Problem
Simon.Foster at smiths-aerospace.com
- win32: Leaving Dos Box open
Gerhard Häring
- Table Widget (without Installation)
Gerhard Häring
- j2ee and python and evil competitors...
curt finch
- Problems building a Python module
Rolf Wester
- Linux clock-setting script
William Park
- How can I retrieve the ID of the last record I added?
- fonts too small
- Multi language software development?
Ingo Linkweiler
- Why self?
Mark McEahern
- python & web services
Cameron Laird
- ANN: BayPIGgies mtg Wed 7/10 7:30pm
wesc at deirdre.org
- New newbie question.
John Hunter
- Splitting a string every 'n'
Brian McErlean
- expect module and/or functionality? Or SSH wrapper module?
Cameron Laird
- Converting a hex string to a number
Huaiyu Zhu
- File size error in os.stat with large files.
François Pinard
- Which OS?
Gerhard Häring
- CGI Help Please.
Michael Hall
- Python tutorial
pixie888 at hotmail.com
- Lunar lander example
Richard Jones
- Deriving from Exception
pixie888 at hotmail.com
- Python, COM and MatLabs Safearray
- Pyrex and Distuils: an enhanced build_ext command
Graham Fawcett
- writing python extension modules
Graham Fawcett
- Learning how to program... but what's the best way?
N D Efford
- PDf creating with Python? Howto?
Duncan Booth
- [Ann] SimpleParse 2.0.0a2 available
Gerhard Haering
- Announce for Vim users: integration with PyUnit
Max Ischenko
- Pyrhon language dedicated Wiki
Emile van Sebille
- Accessing Python from C++
Berthold Höllmann
- askopenfilename?????
jubafre at zipmail.com.br
- A hack to let Pyrex 0.3.x users build extension classes on Win32
Graham Fawcett
- Embedding Python the extreme way
Wolfgang Draxinger
- wxPython wxTreeCtrl EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN
David Jaquay
- newbie: binding args in callbacks
Edward K. Ream
- Fwd: Re: askopenfilename?????
Martin Franklin
- Fwd: Re: newbie: binding args in callbacks
Edward K. Ream
- How to grab a part of web page?
brueckd at tbye.com
- JPython and Jython
A Nilsson
- openprojects python room is ruled by dangerous people
Cliff Wells
- Z-machine/Infocom interpreter in Python?
David Fillmore
- HT download from activstate?
Trent Mick
- Excel type 'time' conversion to string problem
Matt Gerrans
- Open Source Metaphysics (OT)
Tim Churches
- error: make_obcallback(): could not import mod_python.apache.
- Behaviour of print in functions
Craig McLean
- php function "addslashes" / "removeslashes" in python
Lowel Stern
- Is this possible in python?
py thon
- Python in the enterprise: Pros and cons
mksql at yahoo.com
- Com Exceptions from Excel
Blair Hall
- How to replace multiple-line text
David Lees
- os.path and Windows UNC paths
Matt Gerrans
- coding python by web?
- try/finally question
Erno Kuusela
- Lunar lander source
Michael Bauers
- Lunar lander source (BMP files)
Michael Bauers
- sorting many arrays from one...
Alex Martelli
- Q: What does "Sparse is better than dense" mean? (Python Zen)
Peter Hansen
- COCOMO - appropriate for languages like Python? (fwd)
Chris Gonnerman
- New IDLE with unicode support
Wenshan Du
- Hierarchical Editor
Cousin Stanley
- Good SOAP lib for Python 2.2
Irmen de Jong
- Win32 Registry Manipulation w/PythonWin?
James J. Besemer
- redistributing python COM servers
Uncle Enzo
- COM server threads/unloading
Uncle Enzo
- struct unpack help?
Erno Kuusela
- detecting unhandled exceptions within PyTrace_EXCEPTION
- raw.input and other things
Emile van Sebille
- Good SOAP lib for Python 2.2 (Christopher Browne)
Andrew Ptak
- html login with python?
Mr Spannik
- RELEASED Mailman 2.0.12
Barry A. Warsaw
- python binaries for Solaris
Martin v. Loewis
- Automating MSDEV studio build process
Jussi Jumppanen
- Transferring an excel file through HTTP
- Pmw.Counter and Pmw.ScrolledCanvas questions
John McMonagle
- writing output to file
Emile van Sebille
- Note form Newbie to Newbies
Ben Fairbank
- Accessing stack (context) frames
Ingo Blank
- supplement
Wenshan Du
- pygame question
Michael Bauers
- window icons in Tkinter
- Recomendations on Books
- Python for data driven website?
Paul Rubin
- Python Embedded Instances
Andrew MacIntyre
- broken URL in FAQ entry 4.77
James Manning
- try..catch..finally?
Michael Hudson
- making python on Solaris 8
Harvey Thomas
- Most pythonic way to format a number with commas?
Emile van Sebille
- SimpleXMLRPCServer help
Eric Texier
- compiler package
Jeremy Hylton
- ANN: Python Web Programming Wiki
Paul Boddie
- Converting 2 bytes string into INT
- automating command line program
Mark McEahern
Chad Pettit
- What went wrong in Python1.6 ?
- Calling Python from Allegro Lisp
Marco Antoniotti
- redirecting stdio
Keith S.
- j2ee and python and evil competitors
Marc Poulin
- Input again (!!@#&#$^@#$)
Seth Ainsley
- XML overuse? (was Re: Python to XML to Python conversion)
Tim Rowe
- Module for arj files
Robin Siebler
- Problems with mayavi, pyvtk
Prabhu Ramachandran
- COCOMO - appropriate for languages like Python
Mike Brenner
- newbie question: getting rid of space in string :(
Martin Franklin
- PyOpenGL (OpenGL.Tk) conflicts with Tkinter (main program)
Ivan Kozik
- Linking to Python 2.2
Nathan Cassano
- Executing outside command
David Noriega
- Debugging Embedded Python
Chris Liechti
- Is count supposed to still work?
David LeBlanc
- Where can I find a good webhosting service ?
- prevent loading of specific modules
Wolfgang Draxinger
- How to exchange parts of builtin moudules/methods permanently using C-API
Wolfgang Draxinger
- Specifying linker and compiler in distutils
Greg Green
- exporting boost::tuples::tuple to python
C Booth
- Bitshifted exit status from Popen3
Mike Wakerly
- pyCard_turtleTimes
Kevin Altis
- hiding command line input
- Psychic Seduction for attracting the girl you want - Free Download 2433
kxuqxf at yahoo.com
- Make the most of your PC 9852
zildqk at yahoo.com
- List assignment, unexpected result
Bengt Richter
- making zip with list comprehensions
Bengt Richter
- switch recipe?
Christian Tanzer
- Q: DjVu on Python
Serge Terekhoff
- What does "Sparse is better than dense" mean? (Python Zen)
- login with python (2)
Ralf Claus
- Input again
Fredrik Lundh
- Moving list entries from one list to another
Alex Martelli
- Guido van Rossum Tutorial - .PDF or other format?
Bob X
- dir() shows strange behaviour with VPython
Gregor Lingl
- New Book: Python Programming with the Java Class Libraries
Rick Hightower
- Tkinter Menu command
Fredrik Lundh
- python - asp
- sre.finditer break down: is this a bug?
Tim Peters
- isA function?
kosh at aesaeion.com
- numeric
Ian McMeans
- select.select for non-sockets in win2k
Alex Eggenberger
- Print a traceback from an extension?
Chris Liechti
- dictionary confusion...
- tk/tkinter radiobutton in grid bug?
Edward K. Ream
- Pros/cons of various PostGres modules
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?=
- Passing SAFEARRAY data type from win32com.client
Steve Greiner
- Problem with shelve / nested lists
Fredrik Lundh
- Is there a Python text-editor suitable to embed in a VB app (newbie question)
Gerhard Häring
- function parameter: question about scope
Emile van Sebille
- ANN : PyUt 1.1 - UML editor with roundtrip
Cedric Dutoit
- "Tickets" and XML-RPC authentication
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Running multiple functions with Python 1.5
- web hosting with python cgi
- Python and Parrot
Johann Höchtl
- List to STR to List
- Ann : PyUt 1.1 - little UML 1.3 editor with plugins and roundtrip support
Cédric Dutoit
- Getting an error when quitting an app using a call 'self.master.quit'?
G. Willoughby
- maaxlength in Entry() / Tkinter
Joaquin Romero
- maxlenght in Entry() / Tkinter
Joaquin Romero
- Q: Why does this work???
jepler at unpythonic.net
- ANN: Twisted 0.19.0
Itamar Shtull-Trauring
- i come back to python; just some questions
Daniel Yoo
- any web application available in python?
a64bs4$1oo$1 at newsreader.mailgate.org
- Convert to Python and compile to executable
- App implementation help needed
Dave Swegen
- SNMP module in python
Roy Smith
- objects in a list ...
Denis S. Otkidach
- multiple inheritance and __slots__
Eric Texier
- could not import mod_python.apache
Michael Hoffmann
- Python to XML to Python conversion
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- Python CGI - Session Management
Jan Felix Reuter
- Problem using py2exe
Harvey Thomas
- Generating .py from a .pyc: is it possible?
John Hunter
- Must Read !!
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jul 15)
Emile van Sebille
- Anyone used WSH for remote scripting on WinXP?
Bjorn Pettersen
- OSCON: Community dinner Weds 7/24 6pm
- python2 import trouble (linux - redhat)
Frank Fejes
- cPickle and copy_reg.safe_constructors
Greg Chapman
- loading of modules in jython 2.1 !?
Nicolas Duchastel
- Making code 2.1 compatible
Tim Peters
- Write \x1a to binary file
Martin v. Loewis
- uniform interface for MySQL & MSSQL
Alex Martelli
- horizontal line in tkinter????
jubafre at zipmail.com.br
- Radians vs. Degrees
William Park
- Python's Lisp heritage
Christopher Browne
- Newbie: Capture output of compile_dir
Becky Hehn
- Python and HDF
J. Li
- ANNOUNCE: SCons.0.8 (Python build tool) is now available
Steven Knight
- Tkinter.create_dot()
Justin Shaw
- how can I do this?
Eric Yohanson
- Queue.get_nowait() sometimes bogusly returns Empty
Tim Peters
- Base-class method access
Joseph Barillari
- Windows modem question...
- curses, multiplexing, select / poll, and resizing
Donn Cave
- NetBackup Managemen Protocol Support
Lance Ellinghaus
- Maximizing observations from Sparse matrices
Markus von Ehr
Olly Smith
- implementing large trees
- Common list in distinct objects'
Duncan Booth
- namespaces in python
Martin v. Löwis
- Different execution
Juan M. Casillas
- Iterator for Custom Sequence
Denis S. Otkidach
- web-hosting with psp?
Giorgi Lekishvili
- How to get the list of the current system process under W2K ?
- distutils macro string quoting
Robin Becker
- Com module on linux?
- preview of object attributes
Martin Franklin
- Being a bit confused after hacking Python
Wolfgang Draxinger
- RE: how i use 'ã' in python???
Alexandre Motta de Andrade
- Webware 0.7/Singleton pattern
Ian Bicking
- gettext i18n
Syver Enstad
- there's no DefaultHandler
Syver Enstad
- SOLUTIONS: Parsing nested strings
Pekka Niiranen
- Getting SOAP working w/ Activestate Python?
Trent Mick
- starting other programs from within python
- Writing a secure web client?
Ian Bicking
- saving modules
- UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: oridinal not in range(128)
Fredrik Lundh
- Bug? interactive echo clobbering softspace of redirected stdout?
Bengt Richter
- SVG viewer in python?
gb at cs.unc.edu
- problem with references
Uwe Mayer
- Any Python distribution solutions for Mac?
Rodney Somerstein
- Session ID & Security
Paul Rubin
- Using search fields on websites
Ian Bicking
- history xml file parse help
a64bs4$1oo$1 at newsreader.mailgate.org
- simultaneous iteration of lists
Alex Martelli
- inheriting from C types
Renzo Tomaselli
- map del efficiency python2.2 and 2.1
Bengt Richter
- ANN: CherryPy-0.3 released
Remi Delon
- Problem with installing PyQt!
- Making code faster
Armin Steinhoff
- Exploit for a security hole in the pickle module for Python versions <= 2.1.x
Jeff Epler
- string encoding - how to make it work
Henry Baumgartl
- Dictionaries
John Hunter
- Sharp Zaurus
sarayu balu
- NetUnjoinDomain causes a memory error
gareth evans
- better 'splice' function
John Hunter
- how to ask google, altavista or another search engine...
- netCDF in 2.2
brueckd at tbye.com
- Python 2.2.1 Build Trouble
Peter Chiu
- re/sre woes with Python 2.0
John Hunter
- popen2 question
Rajarshi Guha
- expect and python
Rajarshi Guha
- Going to OSCON? Give a lightning talk!
Guido van Rossum
- hide mouse pointer in Tkinter
Douglas Zongker
- 'capwords' is not a string method
Alex Martelli
- Fakes...
Martijn Faassen
- socket.gethostbyaddr() is slower than Christmas
Jason R. Mastaler
- ANN: PythonCard 0.6.8
Kevin Altis
- ANN: Pyrex 0.3.4
Robin Becker
- Using Python to talk to a Perl SOAP::Lite server
Curtis Poe
- Installing XMLProc???
Jim Cerra
- newby: How do I execute external progs?
Mark McEahern
- SSL support in 2.2.1/win
Gerhard Häring
- Simple Pickle Question!
Derek Basch
- Problem importing in a cgi script
Justin Shaw
- slicing and parallel assignment: inconsistent behaviour??
Toby Donaldson
- get a list printed in hexadecimal notation
Oliver Eichler
- Pmw Inconsistencies -- Any ideas ??
Mike MacDonald
- SimpleParse 2.0.0a4 released, mailing list created...
Mike C. Fletcher
- Newbie : Processes management under W2K
Stefan Schukat
- audio dev for linux
- Fail pyton build. What to do
- Appication server other than zope
Drew Csillag
- Sorting list of objects on arbitrary attribute
Max M
- Serial Port Returning Garbage. Why?
Emile van Sebille
- Adding a "PRINT" button
Al Schapira
- Fight a evil in Portugal
hbbizp at lasaa.com
- raw_input
Mark McEahern
- property problem
Jeff Epler
- Linkedlist structure giving segmentation fault
Arun KUmar
- python-mode - running a script that takes command line arguments
Barney Dalton
- smtplib and passwd's
Fredrik Lundh
- Hurray for new division!!!
Chris Barker
- signals, threads, omniorbpy, SIGINT and segfaults
bruce edge
- WeaselWeb
- Link problem embedding Python, gcc, Python 2.1, Suse7.3
Michael Grabietz
- How to set tempfile.tmpdir?
Dave Reed
- [Announce] Gnosis (XML) Utils 1.0.3
David LeBlanc
- Apply and map function
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- embedding problem with dictionary
Howard Lightstone
- safe_mode of modpython ?
Gerhard Häring
- pickle performance on larger objects
Sam Penrose
- replacing a part of a string using a regexp
Siggy Brentrup
- Calling Fredrik Lundh, (dare i ask) Guido, all other Guru's, could this be a bug?
G. Willoughby
- Python robot web client?
Cameron Laird
- Python v.s. huge files PROBLEM!!
Jose Rivera
- Help with win32ui.CreateFileDialog
Mark Hammond
- i++ in Python?
David Eppstein
- examples of a safe Unpickler?
Kevin Altis
- Internet Explorer Automation Object Crossframe Element Troubles
Paul Rubin
- win32com: makepy causes ie problems.
David LeBlanc
- Nested scopes question
Fernando Pérez
- C-API question: Memory returned by PyString_AsString
Fredrik Lundh
- regex substitution question
Harvey Thomas
- XML::Twig-like module wanted
Fredrik Lundh
- Do GUIs for DBs exist?
Kiril Karaatanasov
- PDF creating again!
Johan Holst Nielsen
- Idle Import Error
Franz Steinhäusler
- ANN: Pycotin 0.1, a Python Cocoa Test Interface for PyUnit
Dinu Gherman
- file ops on the fly ?
Chris Gonnerman
- Tkinter vs. wxPython
- HTML DOM parser?
Peter Hansen
- Newbie Word & Text file access?
David Wilson
- Percent sign in format string?
N D Efford
- ImportError: cannot import name pyexpat...What does this mean?
Braun Brelin
- xmlrpclib oddness
Eric Texier
- NEW TO THIS: Assigning values to strings in list?
Chris Liechti
- Renting CPU time for a Python script
Zachary Bortolot
- Dpulicating "class Foo:" in C
Mark Charsley
- newby's tut for tkinter?
Gabe Newcomb
- Help!: Embedding python in a multithreaded application
Rafael Garcia
- PDB question
- importing custom modules
Chris Liechti
- stop running script at any momment
Rafael Garcia
- Windows, Python and Strings
David LeBlanc
- Recursion
William Park
- [Q] wxPython - layout & placement
Robert Amesz
- UnicodeError: ASCII decoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
eugene kim
- Dict in binary pickle causes exception
- file modification esoterica
Carsten Gaebler
- Funny behaviour of MySQLdb
Alex Martelli
- Using pointers
Joe Krahn
- Python Sets (no not those sets)
- Lists & two dimensions
Duncan Smith
- Tkinter and IDLE
Gregor Lingl
- Python 2.3
- PSU Warning: TimeBreachException (was Re: Python 2.3)
Peter Hansen
- unloading imported modules
Alex Martelli
- HTMLGen in Zope
Justin Shaw
- Interfacing to 1-Wire LAN, especially Dallas temperature sensors?
Emile van Sebille
- getting date into rfc822 format
Peter Hansen
- Accessing MS Outlook CDOs
Mike MacDonald
- can i make a p2p application in python?
holger krekel
- Python very slow on the Sharp Zaurus - any idea why?
Alexandre Courbot
- XSLT processor
Stefan Heimann
- Q: indent settings for Python C style (pep 7)
Miki Tebeka
- wxMDIChildFrame
Chris Liechti
- Which gui for slow (133 Mhz) pc
Francesco S.
- Module Problem
- maximum recursion depth
- memory freeing
Peter Saffrey
- Setting the right border in PythonWin IDE
- Calling a python function with a list as the input argument from C
Chris Liechti
- Book: "Learning Python" Is it still a good reference for a Python Beginner?
Matt Gerrans
- XML with Python - supposed to be simple? ;)
Martin v. Loewis
- COM server events
Mark Hammond
- Scope of instantiated class
Jim Jinkins
- Problem building/installing zodb
- ANN: cage 1.1 -- Cellular automata engine in Python
Erik Max Francis
- Python to Excell
pixie888 at hotmail.com
- openning links from python?
Martin Franklin
- Parnassus gone??
Gerhard Häring
- args command line...
- how to ask for class attribute?
Jonathan Hogg
- NEWBIE: Removing HTML/JavaScript from a webpage
Thomas Guettler
- ssh and Python
Erno Kuusela
- Failure to set locale
Martin v. Löwis
- xmlrpclib question
Eric Texier
- how to delete or change...
- Alex Martelli is off the net for a few days :-(
Martijn Faassen
- three questions about IDLE
Ramon Diaz
- unsigned ints and operator.rshift
Joe Connellan
- set Pmw.EntryField ?
Markus von Ehr
- Need some help please
William Park
- setting the screen resolution
Chad Haynes
- correct syntax for db api..
Stefan Schwarzer
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jul 22)
Emile van Sebille
- Command history (up arrow) in IDLE on Windows 2000
David LeBlanc
- print fileinput, and screen ?
- Python and weave question.
Fernando Perez
- global variables
Michael Chermside
- Sockets for a file
Irmen de Jong
- newbie problems with Tkinter
Chris Liechti
- Python and weave
Russell Cecala
- read-only character buffer, list
- urllib2 won't raise exceptions
- XML Style-sheet question
Peter Hansen
- URLopener with x509?
Paul Rubin
- Callable modules?
Chris Liechti
- Problem EmbedingPython w/ Tkinter in C on Linux
Rick Olson
- Dict^H^H^H^HSomething in binary pickle causes exception
Greg Ewing
- Is there a Tkinter mailing list? <eom>
Gabe Newcomb
- ANN: Pyrex 0.4 -- Substantial new features
Greg Ewing
- distutils cygwin bdist_wininst
Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon
- Almost got it
Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon
- Python UDDI implementation
David Levy
- SOAP.py and complex types
David Levy
- pythonwin and Siebel
- Tkinter: Relative positioning of Toplevels
Eric Brunel
- Tkinter question: how to make hotkeys work
Eric Brunel
- SMTP for SOAP in Python
Lars von Wedel
- KBCS-2002 Call for Papers - Deadline Extended to Aug.31, 2002
Jojumon Kavalan
- format strings or page tempaltes
Denis S. Otkidach
- Help On file IO
jayant kawadkar
- Adding Modules to precompiled installation of Python
Chris Liechti
- No subject
Yigal Duppen
- Help!
Chris Liechti
- Python on W2000
tony papadato
- curses and terminal resize
Michael Hudson
- passing a tuple of floats to C++
Michael Hudson
- Make me beautiful (code needs help)
Daniel Dittmar
- Overhead for local assignments (was: A better self)
Louis M. Pecora
- how to count lines in a file ?
- threads and Tkinter
- Queue.Queue examples?
- pythoncom from jython
- mail.python.python scheduled maintenance
Barry A. Warsaw
- Problem with diferences in executinion
Sam Schulenburg
- NEWBIE: for statement in "dive into python" gives syntax err
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Jython: any workaround for the missing array module
Philip Tsai
- ANN: empy 1.0 -- Embed Python in template text as markup
Erik Max Francis
- Problems with after_cancel()
- good books -- Python Essential Reference by David Beazley
Michael Gilfix
- What unicode character has a certain value?
- list to string
Michael Gilfix
- Distributed Python
Jay O'Connor
- NEWBIE: for statement in "dive into python" gives syntax error.
John Hunter
- wxPython/PythonCardPrototype
- Python Developer looking for work
Jay O'Connor
- Mastering Regular Expressions 2nd Ed.
Peter Hansen
- Multikey dictionary
Peter Hansen
- Tkinter Grid manager question
jepler at unpythonic.net
- Emacs-21 & Python2.1
- ANN: PyYaml 0.2
Clark C . Evans
- ANNOUNCE: proctitle - manipulate 'argv[]' (process listing) of the Python process
Tino Lange
- good books
Alex Martelli
- convert from utf-7 encoded text to normal text?
Suresh Ananthan
- wxPython and wxLocale
Uwe Schmitt
- Regular expressions?
- visual basic 6
- GUI toolkits
- cmd, readline, and /path/filename completion
holger krekel
- cmd, readline, and /path/filename completion
Dave Cinege
- cmd, readline, and /path/filename completion
Dave Cinege
- cmd, readline, and /path/filename completion
Michael Gilfix
- cmd, readline, and /path/filename completion
holger krekel
- cmd, readline, and /path/filename completion
Michael Gilfix
- Frame Size
Steve Holden
- re.finditer
Michele Simionato
- Content-Type Guesser
Thomas Guettler
- Fwd: Re: good books
Jostein Berntsen
- Function wrapper a la Perl's Hook::WrapSub?
Chris Liechti
- is so simple that is not in a module <wink>
Gerard A.W. Vreeswijk
- embedded python question
- accessing a file's creation time
Alexander Schreiber
- Detecting pipe on stdout?
Alex Martelli
- TypeError: unbound method...expected one instance, got another
Andreas Kostyrka
- __del__ in classes derived from Tkinter classes
Andreas Kostyrka
- error code
Mark McEahern
- Need a better way to pause a thread
- xml processing : too slow...
Fredrik Lundh
- Python + Win32ALL + ASP = Problems accessing Request/Response/Session/Application objects
Joe Salmeri
- How to get the method/function which called a function?
Fredrik Lundh
- Geek-Ware in Germany
Gerhard Haering
Johann Höchtl
- Python 2.2.1 Idle can't find _sre (Win98)
Martin v. Loewis
- syntax questions
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Numeric data question
Mark McEahern
- Strange Queue error
Chris Liechti
- Metaclasses & docstrings in 2.2
Jeremy Bowers
- A better self (again)
Michele Simionato
- http to https forwarding
David Iungerich
- UDP Multicast HELP!
- Numeric Q: How to get DBL_MAX, etc. in Python?
Fernando Perez
- Powerpoint slide for keynotes available
Guido van Rossum
- A better self
Delaney, Timothy
- Tk Dynamic Menus problem
Greg Krohn ("X", " at ")
- Float class with infinity and stuff, interval computations
Gerald Squelart
- ANN: PyYaml v0.21
Clark C . Evans
- ANNOUNCE: PyDumper - GDB Helper script
Bobby Beckmann
- Letting a program get a StringIO instance by file('test.txt') virtual file redirection
Bengt Richter
- memory leak Py_initialize+Py_Finalize???
- VERY URGENT : Python 2.2 Installation on Solaris 2.5
shilpa chitale
- MimeType --> Full Name
Thomas Guettler
- crc32 with wintel files
Kristian Ovaska
- DOS-Shell hangs up, python/Tkinter
Markus von Ehr
- Anybody using 4suite for xslt processing?
Marko Faldix
- Requesting a reference for a book on NNTP
Mark Jackson
- programming with XML-RPC in Python
- Completion in emacs mode
Jacek Generowicz
- distutils gcc unix
Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon
- Bug? cgi.escape(int)
Thomas Guettler
- how to get a return value from an exception ?
- asyncore: limiting number of simultaneous connections?
Alex Martelli
- [Pythonmac-SIG] Numeric Q: How to get DBL_MAX, etc. in Python?
Michael Hudson
- Jython newbie question
Christopher Myers
- Refer to function name (newbie ques)
Thomas Jensen
- DLL files
Achim Domma
- euid/egid eaten up by os.popen
Jane Austine
- Speed up Python by up to 5% ?
Michael Hudson
- Best way to populate a wxListCtrl widget from mysql
Arneau Starl
- Tkinter Grid manager question redux
Gabe Newcomb
- join in threads
anton wilson
- [Re] euid/egid eaten up by os.popen
Jane Austine
- if(debug), optimized away?
Bengt Richter
- random 64-bit int
Tim Peters
- Python, QT, PyQt in Windows
- "Pure" OO Python documentation?
Robb Shecter
- Python NetBIOS/RPC module ?
- New Zope/Python User Group in NC, USA (Research Triangle area)
Tom Bryan
- str() inconsistency
Delaney, Timothy
- embedding pythonwin into an MFC application
Mark Hammond
- test (please ignore)
Mahesh Padmanabhan
- ANN: Free CherryPy hosting
Remi Delon
- new module and class/type unification.
Martin v. Loewis
- Just starting out
Alex Martelli
- locale on Japanese win XP
Martin v. Löwis
- setup.py OS X issue
Martin v. Löwis
- Rating a developer
Milos Prudek
- What am I doing wrong ?
Lee Cullip
- redirect to > and to console ?
Alex Martelli
- test -- please, ignore it...
Petr Prikryl
- Challenge/Response authentication
Paul Rubin
- discriminating ascii, unicode and raw byte strings in XML-RPC
Skip Montanaro
- Solaris 9, python 2.1.3, find
Martin v. Löwis
- boost: return pointer to base class
John Hunter
- Python in Biotech
Rowland, Scott
- mxODBC Zope Database Adapter
M.-A. Lemburg
- What am i doing wrong
Alex Martelli
- Lives of programmers
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- AttributeError in re.findAll ?
- Official documentation
- python class question
Axel Bock
- Years in programming (was Re: __call__ bad style? (was Re: Callable modules?))
Mike C. Fletcher
- it's very raw today, I'll kick monthly or Anne will expect the counters
Cliff Wells
- Figured it out: Tkinter grid and why 'sticky' option seems iffy
Gabe Newcomb
- extract elements of n char from a list
Mark McEahern
- automating control-D
Victor Chen
- Derivative of string as a name of list or dictionary (or class?)
Alex Martelli
- thread wierdness
Tim Peters
- DMOZ query?
Lutz Schroeer
- __call__ bad style? (was Re: Callable modules?)
Michael Gilfix
- performance problem in python 2.2
Tim Peters
- type names versus types module
Neal Norwitz
- ?Module re documentation bug, error, or misunderstanding?
Norman Shelley
- Slow program exit on Dec Alpha 4.1 OSF
renez at lightcon.xs4all.nl
- Developers needed
Larry Wright
- Image Loading
Steve Holden
- a little trap revealed (was Re: Let's Talk About Lambda Functions!)
Alex Martelli
- Start Making Money in 30 mins or less - Instant Download 3934
ipmynp at yahoo.com
- calendar lameness!
- Guide to the python interp. source?
Tim Gahnström /Bladerman
- Beginner problems importing module
George Torrance
- xrange questioin
Uwe Schmitt
- How to redirect output to browser
- os.getlogin() raises OSError (errno 25)
Marco Stagno
- Python and XML help
Tom Bryan
- Newbie - help request with serial line (termios?) setup in Python 2.2
Chris Liechti
- Python Cookbook (was: extract elements of n char from a list)
Fernando Perez
- wxPython TextCtrl overwriting
- Two RE proposals/Group Variables
Donald McCarthy
- Python script that writes to an Excel file
David Rushby
- Two RE proposals
Fredrik Lundh
- w32: python ddeserver / excel
klemens zwischenbrugger
- Two dimensional regexp matching?
Benjamin Goldberg
- turtle module information
- global param to exec (on win32)
Fredrik Lundh
- how do I create a full screen window with TkInter
Fredrik Lundh
- TAB completion
Stefan Heimann
- PythonWin ODBC: DSN-less connecting string
Mark Hammond
- pickling problems with Pmw/Tkinter
Don Arnold
- How to detect the last element in a for loop
Tom Verbeure
- Programming/Life ratio (was Re: __call__ bad style?)
Tim Hammerquist
- connection problems
- Disappearing Output?
George Hester
- Help! Python to compare dates in diff. timezones
- python mysql interface
Gerhard Häring
- announcement
Gerhard Häring
- Where to find freeze
Ali K
- New Free 3D/2D Data Visualisation Tool
Asim Hussain
- wxRadioButtons logic (2 Qs)
- Base classes or global functions
Stephen Boulet
- wxPython: wxColumnSorterMixin, iterate over wxListCtrl ...
Harald Schneider
- Webmin-alike cgi script and security
Dave Swegen
- order of test
Andrew McNamara
- [ZOPE] Zope, Python, Win2k and Mysql
- Python Internals Doc
Michael Hudson
- Size in byte of a string ?
- (no subject)
biter bilen
- email auto-responder
Clemens Hermann
- default setting of unicode set
Martin v. Löwis
- DIV and MOD
John Hunter
- [Announce] Crusader Open-Source Project
Eike Kock
- [Python-Help] How to redirect output to browser - second request for help
Alex Martelli
- Prob installing Python 2.2.1 on Redhat 7.0
John Hunter
- conditional importing
Steve Holden
- How to redirect output to browser - second request for help
Fredrik Lundh
- getting an image-bearing widget to refresh its image (bonus question: at regular intervals)
Jon Schull
- What is a glue language?
John Hunter
- problem recursively removing directories on an NFS mount
Dr. Marco
- Newbie question about dictionaries
Fredrik Lundh
- PythonCard question
Heiko Wundram
- biopython, Was: (no subject)
- RELEASED Mailman 2.0.13
Barry A. Warsaw
- Pmw.MenuBar hotkeys
Matthias Huening
- Tkinter and Window's controls
- Win32 API question - Postmessage and Win2K lock window
Mark Erikson
- Python design failures (was Re: Let's Talk About Lambda Func
Neil Schemenauer
- MIDI Music
Seth Ainsley
- PEP 1, PEP Purpose and Guidelines
François Pinard
- How to install Jython?
David Lees
- Instant Messenger
- sort() comparison lambda for floats/longs
Jack Diederich
- [ANN] Papercut 0.8.3 - python nntp server
Joao Prado Maia
- pretty basic: get variable name from list of strings?
- beginner's question
- ANN: lsystem 1.0 -- Lindenmayer system explorer
Erik Max Francis
- text adventure game module for Python
Andreas Kostyrka
- PyXML-0.7.1, python-2.2.1, and Redhat 7.3
Jonathan Hogg
- Python design failures (was Re: Let's Talk About Lambda Functions!)
Michael Hudson
- wxTextCtrl + wxGrid
Thorsten Gawantka
- condensed syntax?
Matthieu Bec
- Unicode classes of characters in Pythons' re's like in Perl?
Martin v. Löwis
- Good XML tools?
- Python & X-Chat
- ICQ package anywhere ?
- re question (perhaps a stupid misunderstanding of regex-logic)
Stefan Antoni
- python 2.1.3 with tkinter support on Solaris 9
Anthony Baxter
- Finding count of currently open file descriptors.
Tim McNerney
- signature for a file ?
John Hunter
- How to execute an external binary reading from standard in
Markus O Kaukonen
- Searching for email address
Graeme Longman
- Leo.py: Some Thoughts
Edward K. Ream
- Leo 3.1 Bugs
Edward K. Ream
- How to find out if february has 29 or 28 days ?
John Hunter
- Inheriting module-level attributes, methods in derived module
Jeff Kowalczyk
- Nested stream line iteration
Heiko Wundram
- Deriving from base class, adding an attribute
Jeff Kowalczyk
- how to change the colormap?
- Python equivalent to 'which'?
Michael Gilfix
- PEP 298 - the Fixed Buffer Interface
Thomas Heller
- UnicodeError...
Martin v. Loewis
- Need help with win32com
Josef Sachs
- Win32api,sleep() oddity
- Newbie: How to touch "global" variables
John Hunter
- comparing strings
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jul 30)
Emile van Sebille
- Cookbook: Associating multiple values with each key in a dictionary
Egbert Bouwman
- Python Cookbook dict problem
Dave Reed
- Win32com, "Microsoft Internet Controls" vs. "Microsoft HTML Object Library"
Andrew Markebo
- code examples for rfc822 module?
Jon J. Morin
- Error including win32net in a Python COM server
Emanuel Borges
- HTMLGen in Zope (Update)
Andreas Kostyrka
- Console Installation
Gerhard Häring
- decoding XML-ified special chars such as " (Correction)
- Embedding/API question
Michelle L. Murillo
- mozilla wrapper for python ?
Clark C . Evans
- Check undefined variable
Aldo Cortesi
- .wav music problems
Chris Liechti
- Newbie question: unexpected diagnostic when subclassing
Chris Liechti
- Win32/Python serial port event character problem
Derek Basch
- Debug version crashing...
tALSit de CoD
- Pyrex / py2exe import interaction
Clark C . Evans
- Leo should support unicode
Wenshan Du
- ANN: PyYaml 0.22
Clark C . Evans
- Hey Group!
- MySQLdb DictCursor scrambles field order
- Pythonwin error logs?
John Lull
- alternatives to getopt?
Lutz Schroeer
- Python Questionnaire
Marta Gutierre
- How do you import a module with "." in its filename?
Keith Dart
- Simple HTML classes
Keith Dart
- external binary reading standard in
Martin v. Löwis
- lexing nested parenthesis
François Pinard
- Let's Talk About Lambda Functions!
John Roth
- pyexpat error
Doug Stuart
- small tkinter problem
Martin Franklin
- tarfile.py question
Lars Gustäbel
- Window does not resize it's components
Raimo Tuisku
- How to put a bitmap in a wxPanel ?
Roman Yakovenko
- Use python without install it.
Bertrand Geston
- a soft real-time system using pythonm
anton wilson
- win9x or WinNT
Harald Schneider
- Can't detect EOF with pylibpcap
Grant Edwards
- wxPython printing help
Donnal Walter
- newbie : unicode
Martin v. Löwis
- win32: execute a file just like a double-click
Bob Roberts
- __slots__ variables and initialization
Holden Caulfield
- decoding XML-ified special chars such as "
- global interpreter lock not working as it should
Armin Steinhoff
- parse_qs ... why dictionarykey : list ?
Brian Donovan
- Strange behavior with classes deriving from object and weakrefs.
Jeremy Fincher
- ANN: Python Spread Module 1.3 Released
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- urlparse isn't working?
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Problem - how to solve it ?
Chris Liechti
- source installation issue
Martin Franklin
- problems with extending and embedding python on win2k
Srivatsan Raghavan
- A generic question: idiom for a paramterized base class?
Blair Hall
- 'import mod_python' fails
Skip Montanaro
- C++/Python version problems?
David Smith
- re.search question
michaelian ennis
- Python Windll - passing python lists to DLL function using Windll
- wxRadioBox : start with none selected?
- Python and Sockets,
John J Breen
- Tkinter.Text: prevent user modifications
Raimo Tuisku
- ASP performance problems
Mark Hammond
- a soft real-time system using python
Peter Hansen
- how to use PyRun_String
- for loops longer on a P-IV???
- html forms, dicts and lists
Paul Rubin
- clarification on previous post
Srivatsan Raghavan
- PyQT3.3 problem
- wxPython and Py2exe probs
- copy.deepcopy(): is it bug or intended behavior?
Benjamin Han
Last message date:
Wed Jul 31 23:59:47 EDT 2002
Archived on: Sun Oct 27 15:58:13 EDT 2019
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