tkinter menu (newbie question)

Stephane Ninin stefnin.nospam at
Wed Jun 19 12:23:34 EDT 2002

Eric Brunel <eric.brunel at> a tapote dans
news:aeq0cv$p5g$1 at 

>> If I want to use several of these windows,
>> can still use for base class Tk, instead of Frame ?
> Nope: the instance of Tk is your main window. There should only be
> one, and closing it will end your application. If you want to create
> other windows, you should create instances of Toplevel.

So, what would be the easiest way to attach a menu to a window which is 
not the main window ? (that is which doesnot inherit from Tk class)

It seems that Frame class has no menu key, 
so I cannot use config(menu=...) 
for a class that would inherit for Frame...


  Stephane Ninin
stefnin.nospam at
Les cons, ca ose tout... C'est meme a ca qu'on les reconnait.

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