Strange behavior

Brixi Tomáš TBrixi at
Wed Mar 27 09:41:57 EST 2002


I have downloaded Python 2.2 along with win32 extensions.

I have tried some samples and tests (to see what's new)
and I have encountered some weird things when running e.g.


1. when running command prompt it always ends with 
   UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)
   (caused by national characters - windows-1250 encoding)
   variable is of type types.UnicodeType
2. when running from Pythonwin IDE it goes through display everything 
   even with corrent font set but since then pythonwin ide is somewhat
   confused. On every pressed Enter key is sends the following to the
   interactive window and instead of correct newline-and-indent
   it inserts two new lines without indentation
Firing event '<<newline-and-indent>>' failed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
"C:\Python22\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin\pywin\scintilla\", line
141, in fire
    rc = apply(binding.handler, args)
  File "C:\Python22\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin\pywin\idle\",
line 256, in newline_and_indent_event
    lno = index2line(text.index('insert'))
  File "C:\Python22\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin\pywin\idle\",
line 483, in index2line
    return int(float(index))
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 83.0

How can I solve these problems (at least the first)?



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