March 2002 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Mar 1 00:01:53 EST 2002
Ending: Sun Mar 31 23:27:32 EST 2002
Messages: 5190
- Python's Syntax
David Russell
- list vs. dict
Greg Ewing
- generator version of os.path.walk
Tim Peters
- what does this do? (really basic question)
Dave Marotti
- Can somebody kill getpathp for me?
Chris Gonnerman
- Python's Syntax
David Russell
- ASV module, CVS modules
John Machin
- list vs. dict
David Eppstein
- PEP 263 comments
Stephen J. Turnbull
- Can use python to play MP3 file?
- Status of PEP's?
Alan Daniels
- python and eroaster
- what does this do? (really basic question)
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Can somebody kill getpathp for me?
Tim Peters
- PEP 263 comments
Stephen J. Turnbull
- ANN: SV-SF Bay Area Python user grp (BayPIGgies) mtg 3/13 7:30pm
wesc at
- what does this do? (really basic question)
Daniel Yoo
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Jason Orendorff
- Scripting C++ -- 2 -- a more concrete example.
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
- sorting
Fernando Pérez
- Numeric Python Installation woes
Jesper Olsen
- PEP 263 comments
Martin v. Loewis
- import Random: NV_MAGICCONST deviates too much.
marijn Vriens
- PEP 263 comments
Martin v. Loewis
- Numeric Python Installation woes
Fernando Pérez
- ANN: SV-SF Bay Area Python user grp (BayPIGgies) mtg 3/13 7:30pm
Daniel Yoo
- Simple threading thing
Thomas Weholt
- PyQT and shaped windows in X
Jonathan Gardner
- Numeric Python Installation woes
Karthikesh Raju
- xor on strings
Andreas Kostyrka
- ASV module, CVS modules
Michael Ströder
- Python GUI
Henrik Motakef
- Want to monitor process..
- ASV module, CVS modules
Jason Orendorff
- win32+popen4
Robin Becker
- PEP 263 comments
Bengt Richter
- newbie lists and code examples for OOP.
- wxPython error on import
- PEP 263 comments
Martin von Loewis
- Aquisition Alert
Robin Becker
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Michael Hudson
- win32+popen4
Robin Becker
- Telnet connection
Bengt Richter
- wiin32clipboard "odd" behaviour??
- ASV module, CVS modules
Peter Hansen
- Import-Hook and subclassed file objects
Gerson Kurz
- Want to monitor process..
Peter Hansen
- Mod-python problem
Alan Kennedy
- PEP 263 comments
Stephen J. Turnbull
- win32+popen4
Peter Hansen
- C-ISAM...
Vincent A. Primavera
- win32+popen4
Robin Becker
- C/C++ to Python translater
Fernando Pérez
- Apology to Bill Gates (was Re: ASV module, CVS modules)
John Machin
- newbie lists and code examples for OOP.
Peter Hansen
- import Random: NV_MAGICCONST deviates too much.
Michael Hudson
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Jonathan Gardner
- SAX-Parser entity
fabi.kreutz at
- win32+popen4
Thomas Heller
- newbie lists and code examples for OOP.
Sheila King
- SAX-Parser entity
Harvey Thomas
- fileinput not Unicode compatible? / UTF16 codec problems
Jurie Horneman
- newbie lists and code examples for OOP.
Skip Montanaro
- Trouble importing / using a custom text codec
Jurie Horneman
- Apology to Bill Gates (was Re: ASV module, CVS modules)
Skip Montanaro
- win32+popen4
Robin Becker
- Can somebody kill getpathp for me?
Chris Gonnerman
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Erno Kuusela
- ASV module, CVS modules
ron nixon
- Status of PEP's?
Bjorn Pettersen
- fileinput not Unicode compatible? / UTF16 codec problems
Martin von Loewis
- Trouble importing / using a custom text codec
Martin von Loewis
- Socket connection manager
Daniel Klein
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
- Black Adder and PyQt
Ron Stephens
- Apology to Bill Gates (was Re: ASV module, CVS modules)
Michael Hudson
- ASV module, CVS modules
Brian Kelley
- Swapping out sys.stdout globally
Kevin Smith
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Bernhard Herzog
- I am not getting group messages
- gnome.ui is doing scary things....
marijn Vriens
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Aahz Maruch
- ADO GetRows() example for newbies
Tomasz Stochmal
- win32+popen4
Robin Becker
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Cameron Laird
- win32+popen4
Thomas Heller
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Michael Hudson
- Swapping out sys.stdout globally
Skip Montanaro
- proxy authentication: how to hide password
- Telnet connection
Patrick Vrijlandt
- import Random: NV_MAGICCONST deviates too much.
Marijn Vriens
- win32+popen4
Robert Amesz
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
- importing C libraries, Solaris2.6, gcc2.95 :(
Rich Salz
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- what does this do? (really basic question)
Dave Marotti
- Minor, minor style question
Cameron Laird
- Does python have a function like similar_text in PHP
ron nixon
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Donn Cave
- Minor, minor style question
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Does python have a function like similar_text in PHP
Oleg Broytmann
- Can't seem to get it right: Win NT registry save and load
Matthias Janes
- Python's Syntax
Erik Max Francis
- Javascript to Python
Sam Collett
- Minor, minor style question
Justin Sheehy
- fileinput not Unicode compatible? / UTF16 codec problems
Jurie Horneman
- Python's Syntax
Justin Sheehy
- Python's Syntax
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- SAX-Parser entity
fabi.kreutz at
- Swapping out sys.stdout globally
brueckd at
- Ping
Riss Nicolas
- Python's Syntax
Christophe Delord
- win32+popen4
Robin Becker
- Scripting C++ -- 2 -- a more concrete example.
Craig Maloney
- Javascript to Python
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Python's Syntax
fabi.kreutz at
- ADO GetRows() example for newbies
Sam Collett
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Steven Majewski
- Black Adder and PyQt
Wayne Pierce
- hotmail
- Problems with multipart messages w/email class
Joseph Wilhelm
- Javascript to Python
gbreed at
- Scripting C++ -- 2 -- a more concrete example.
Donovan Rebbechi
- Does python have a function like similar_text in PHP
Tim Peters
- Black Adder and piquet
Ron Stephens
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
- Does python have a function like similar_text in PHP
Andreas Jung
- Mod-python problem
Bob Parnes
- Apology to Bill Gates (was Re: ASV module, CVS modules)
John Machin
- Swapping out sys.stdout globally
Steven Majewski
- C/C++ to Python translater
kevin parks
- __abs(self)__?
Mike Carifio
- ANN: experimental patch to allow importing from file-like objects
Gerson Kurz
- Embedding Python in C#...
Brian Lloyd
- Can somebody kill getpathp for me?
David Bolen
- Minor, minor style question
Emile van Sebille
- Status of PEP's?
Bjorn Pettersen
- __abs(self)__?
Emile van Sebille
- __abs(self)__?
Emile van Sebille
- hotmail
- RSS writer module?
Manoj Plakal
- PEP 263 comments
Huaiyu Zhu
- hotmail
brueckd at
- generator version of os.path.walk
Tom Good
- SAX-Parser entity
Bernhard Fisseni
- __abs(self)__?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- PEP 263 comments
Carel Fellinger
- Securely passing arguments when opening a pipe to a program
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Want to monitor process..
Greg Green
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
James_Althoff at
- Ping
Tino Lange
- PEP 263 comments
Martin v. Loewis
- SAX-Parser entity
Martin v. Loewis
- Ping
Matthew Dixon Cowles
- Securely passing arguments when opening a pipe to a program
Chris Liechti
- Minor, minor style question
Quinn Dunkan
- PEP 263 comments
Skip Montanaro
- mult-indexed xrange?
Huaiyu Zhu
- importing C libraries, Solaris2.6, gcc2.95 :(
Martin v. Loewis
- what I would like to see in python to make a better "glue" language (Newbie)
Martin v. Loewis
- ICU wrapper for Python?
Martin v. Loewis
- win32+popen4
Jeff Shannon
- PEP 263 comments
Martin v. Loewis
- Securely passing arguments when opening a pipe to a program
Donn Cave
- mult-indexed xrange?
Emile van Sebille
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Carel Fellinger
- mult-indexed xrange?
Emile van Sebille
- pickle, cPickle, zlib, and the future
Scott Gilbert
- Code Review!! (or bash!)
Gustavo Cordova
- pickle, cPickle, zlib, and the future
Martin v. Loewis
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- new images from strings using PIL
- __abs(self)__?
Carel Fellinger
- Problems with multipart messages w/email class
Joseph Wilhelm
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Code Review!! (or bash!)
Martin v. Loewis
- Securely passing arguments when opening a pipe to a program
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Code Review!! (or bash!)
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- new images from strings using PIL
Erik Max Francis
- Rotor in Jython?
Paul Rubin
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- 16-bit grayscale images
- Windows Memory Mapped Files
Spencer Ernest Doidge
- 16-bit grayscale images
Skip Montanaro
- Multple HTTPS requests over the same socket
Chad Maine
- string to dictionary
les ander
- Older Python bug entries on SourceForge
David Bolen
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
James_Althoff at
- Stedents Question
Tony K
- Multple HTTPS requests over the same socket
Martin v. Loewis
- Older Python bug entries on SourceForge
Martin v. Loewis
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- win32+popen4
Robin Becker
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Windows Memory Mapped Files
Martin v. Loewis
- Stedents Question
Geert-Jan Van den Bogaerde
- Stedents Question
Geert-Jan Van den Bogaerde
- (OT?) Web-based document review system?
Mats Wichmann
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- string to dictionary
Carel Fellinger
- string to dictionary
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Status of PEP's?
Jeff Shannon
- What readers want (was: Deitel and Deitel Book...)
Cameron Laird
- Use of
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- string to dictionary
Bernard Yue
- hotmail
Cameron Laird
- Status of PEP's?
Jeff Hinrichs
- Minor, minor style question
Bengt Richter
- Status of PEP's?
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Jonathan Gardner
- (Hopefully) simple IDLE question
Seth Jones
- Can use python to play MP3 file?
Gerhard Häring
- Stop image shift on tkinter button press?
- win32+popen4
Peter Hansen
- PEP 263 comments
Bengt Richter
- (OT?) Web-based document review system?
Wayne Pierce
- Want to monitor process..
- wxPython error on import -- number 2
- PEP 263 comments
Jason Orendorff
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Quinn Dunkan
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Aahz Maruch
- (OT?) Web-based document review system?
- ASV module, CVS modules
Dave Cole
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Carel Fellinger
- Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Status of PEP's?
Carel Fellinger
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Peter Hansen
- Want to monitor process..
Peter Hansen
- Older Python bug entries on SourceForge
David Bolen
- newbie password question
- Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Tim Peters
- Use of
Tim Peters
- newbie password question
Sheila King
- pickle, cPickle, zlib, and the future
Tim Peters
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Raymond Hettinger
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
David Eppstein
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Emile van Sebille
- SAX-Parser entity
Jason Orendorff
- Minor, minor style question
Christian Tanzer
- string to dictionary
Raymond Hettinger
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Raymond Hettinger
- PEP 263 comments
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 263 comments
Martin v. Loewis
- Older Python bug entries on SourceForge
Martin v. Loewis
- map-like function on dict values?
Raymond Hettinger
- What have I missed with the lists?? Flattening two trees..
Andrew Markebo
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Jonathan Gardner
- Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Fernando Pérez
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Konrad Hinsen
- Black Adder and PyQt
Boudewijn Rempt
- (Hopefully) simple IDLE question
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Fw: smtplib: including a subject
Tal Linzen
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Andrew MacIntyre
- Black Adder and PyQt
Phil Thompson
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Fernando Pérez
- Fw: smtplib: including a subject
Gerhard Häring
- a simple 'else' decrease speed by 1000 times.
- PEP 263 comments
Neil Hodgson
- ANN: experimental patch to allow importing from file-like objects
Gordon McMillan
- PEP 263 comments
Martin v. Loewis
- Possible to fake object type?
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- a simple 'else' decrease speed by 1000 times.
Chris Liechti
- a simple 'else' decrease speed by 1000 times.
- a simple 'else' decrease speed by 1000 times.
Chris Liechti
- Profiling extensions
Greg Landrum
- win32+popen4
Robert Amesz
- Possible to fake object type?
Chris Liechti
- Why isn't pychecker mentioned prominently?
Edward K. Ream
- Possible to fake object type?
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- map-like function on dict values?
Skip Montanaro
- Problems with multipart messages w/email class
Oleg Broytmann
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Paul F Dubois
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
David Eppstein
- Black Adder and PyQt
Per Gummedal
- Profiling extensions
Gerhard Häring
- (OT?) Web-based document review system?
Mats Wichmann
- Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Justin Sheehy
- Possible to fake object type?
Chris Liechti
- (OT?) Web-based document review system?
Henrik Motakef
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Fernando Pereira
- PyQT and shaped windows in X
Boudewijn Rempt
- PyQT and shaped windows in X
Boudewijn Rempt
- a simple 'else' decrease speed by 1000 times.
- Error on pysnmp and/or BER Module in Python2.2
heinl raimund
- Forwarding messages with the email package
Gerhard Häring
- Newbie question
A. Jones
- Stedents Question
Michael Janssen
- Possible to fake object type?
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Carel Fellinger
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Skip Montanaro
- C/C++ to Python translater
Edward K. Ream
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Carel Fellinger
- Why isn't pychecker mentioned prominently?
Pete Shinners
- Status of PEP's?
Jeff Hinrichs
- Rotor in Jython?
brueckd at
- ANN: experimental patch to allow importing from file-like objects
Gerson Kurz
- (OT?) Web-based document review system?
- Can't seem to get it right: Win NT registry save and load
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Emile van Sebille
- Possible to fake object type?
Chris Liechti
- C/C++ to Python translater
David Abrahams
- Status of PEP's?
Hernan M. Foffani
- Windows GUI - which way?
Spencer Ernest Doidge
- hotmail
brueckd at
- pyperl -- Arrays to Lists? ...Tuples?
Tim Widowfield
- newbie password question
Lee Harr
- (OT?) Web-based document review system?
Bengt Richter
- Windows GUI - which way?
Peter Hansen
- Status of PEP's?
Carel Fellinger
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Alberto Griggio
- PEP 234 little bug?
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Carel Fellinger
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Cromwell, Jeremy
- (Hopefully) simple IDLE question
Seth Jones
- PEP 234 little bug?
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- ANN: experimental patch to allow importing from file-like objects
Hans Nowak
- Possible to fake object type?
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- PEP 234 little bug?
Hans Nowak
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
David Eppstein
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Emile van Sebille
- PEP 234 little bug?
Carel Fellinger
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- mx odbc result strings with special characters?
Alexander Jerusalem
- PEP 262 (database of installed Python packages)
Andy Elvey
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Peter Hansen
- mx odbc result strings with special characters?
Gerhard Häring
- make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `Modules/posixmodule.o'
Xiangdong Pan
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Jim Dennis
- generator version of os.path.walk
Jim Dennis
- regular expression for nested matching braces
Paul M
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Sheila King
- Can somebody kill getpathp for me?
Mark Hammond
- wiin32clipboard "odd" behaviour??
Mark Hammond
- Can somebody kill getpathp for me?
Chris Gonnerman
- PEP 234 little bug?
Just van Rossum
- Rotor in Jython?
Paul Rubin
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- C/C++ to Python translater
Alex Willmer
- Twain Scanners and some other questions
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Roman Suzi
- Twain Scanners and some other questions
Jimmy Retzlaff
- PEP 262 (database of installed Python packages)
Roman Suzi
- regular expression for nested matching braces
Henrik Motakef
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Remco Gerlich
- PEP 262 (database of installed Python packages)
Artur Skura
- Black Adder and PyQt
Andrew Brown
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
Anthony Barker
- Can't seem to get it right: Win NT registry save and load
Matthias Janes
- question about Generator
chongqing xiao
- (OT?) Web-based document review system?
Mats Wichmann
- PEP 262 (database of installed Python packages)
Mark Brady
- question about Generator
Emile van Sebille
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Michael Hudson
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Michael Hudson
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Michael Hudson
- regular expression for nested matching braces
- Why isn't pychecker mentioned prominently?
Michael Hudson
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Brad Clements
- Q: PEP progressions, and Rational type in particular?
Aahz Maruch
- Status of PEP's?
Jeff Hinrichs
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Aahz Maruch
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Jason Orendorff
- "pass by reference?"
Quinn Dunkan
- C++, Python & Threads
- Trouble running programs
- mx odbc result strings with special characters?
Alexander Jerusalem
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Skip Montanaro
Steven Pokrandt
- mx odbc result strings with special characters?
Fredrik Lundh
- Trouble running programs
Seth Jones
- Twain Scanners and some other questions
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Sheila King
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
- C/C++ to Python translater
David Abrahams
- Can't seem to get it right: Win NT registry save and load
- Problems with print str,
Stefan Heimann
- Trouble running programs
Bernard Yue
- Why isn't pychecker mentioned prominently?
Martin v. Loewis
- Newbie question
Martin v. Loewis
- new images from strings using PIL
Max M
- C++, Python & Threads
Martin v. Loewis
- Problems with print str,
Martin v. Loewis
- C++, Python & Threads
Aahz Maruch
- Problems with print str,
Stefan Heimann
- C++, Python & Threads
- Newbie question
Emile van Sebille
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Frederic Giacometti
- Status of PEP's?
Carel Fellinger
- new images from strings using PIL
Geoff Gerrietts
- [newbie] Problem with os.system
- [newbie] Problem with os.system
Geoff Gerrietts
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Bengt Richter
- PEP 234 little bug?
Hans Nowak
- new images from strings using PIL
Fredrik Lundh
- new images from strings using PIL
Fredrik Lundh
- pydoc and packages
Donnal Walter
- Python Embedding, stdin/-out redirection
WDraxinger at
- [newbie] Problem with os.system
- [newbie] Problem with os.system
- Python's Syntax
Delaney, Timothy
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
Doug Farrell
- Newbie: import works ok if in base directory but fails in other directories
Ray Smith
- experimental patch to allow importing from file-like objects
Delaney, Timothy
- generator version of os.path.walk
Greg Ewing
- mx odbc result strings with special characters?
Alexander Jerusalem
- ADO GetRows() example for newbies
Tim Roberts
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- Minor, minor style question
Tim Roberts
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- Fw: smtplib: including a subject
Tim Roberts
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
William Park
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- Calling java servlets using python
- The Text Widget
Ali K
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Skip Montanaro
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- [광고]문자메시지 대량 발송 및 고객 관리 프로그램(쏜다엠)
- Stedents Question
Andrae Muys
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
- Rotor in Jython?
brueckd at
- Status of PEP's?
Carel Fellinger
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
Carel Fellinger
- Calling java servlets using python
Gerhard Häring
- How can I use a foreign language char in Swing
- The Text Widget
Edward K. Ream
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
Ron Johnson
- what I would like to see in python to make a better "glue" language (Newbie)
Anthony Baxter
- Snack mod for python
Russell Voutour
- Apology to Bill Gates (was Re: ASV module, CVS modules)
Andrae Muys
- Black Adder and PyQt
Wayne Pierce
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Frederic Giacometti
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Aahz Maruch
- Calling java servlets using python
Wayne Pierce
- PEP 234 little bug?
Aahz Maruch
- Status of PEP's?
Raymond Hettinger
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
Peter Hansen
- what I would like to see in python to make a better "glue" language (Newbie)
Wayne Pierce
- Snack mod for python
Wayne Pierce
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
Peter Hansen
- Rotor in Jython?
Paul Rubin
- mx odbc result strings with special characters?
Alexander Jerusalem
- How can I use a foreign language char in Swing
Jason Orendorff
- functional programming with map()
Raymond Hettinger
- functional programming with map()
Raymond Hettinger
- functional programming with map()
Raymond Hettinger
- mx odbc result strings with special characters?
Jason Orendorff
- mx odbc result strings with special characters?
Bengt Richter
- Converting mailbox formats
Ron Johnson
- Apology to Bill Gates (was Re: ASV module, CVS modules)
Tim Peters
- How can I use a foreign language char in Swing
Martin v. Loewis
- functional programming with map()
Just van Rossum
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Tim Peters
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Tim Peters
- Can somebody kill getpathp for me?
Tim Peters
- regular expression for nested matching braces
- Apology to Bill Gates (was Re: ASV module, CVS modules)
Pete Gilbert
- Python isn't necessarily slow
Siegfried Gonzi
- The Text Widget
Edward K. Ream
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Paul Rubin
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
- The Text Widget
Eric Brunel
- Converting mailbox formats
Stephen R. Figgins
- Problem with opening PCX image
- Gentle reminder for Python UK Conference, April 4 & 5.
Paul Brian
- How can I use a foreign language char in Swing
Jason Orendorff
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Jason Orendorff
- what is happening at __init__
Benjamin Tai
- problem with locale
marcin andrzejewski
- cross platform (linux/windows) problem
Miah Gregory
- problem with locale
Just van Rossum
- cross platform (linux/windows) problem
Miah Gregory
- Brewster's Factor - was :Trouble running programs
Laura Creighton
- Python isn't necessarily slow
Max M
- what is happening at __init__
Emile van Sebille
- problem with locale
marcin andrzejewski
- (OT?) Web-based document review system?
Paul Boddie
- How can I use a foreign language char in Swing
Martin von Loewis
- File Attributes conversion
Sam Collett
- Gentle reminder for Python UK Conference, April 4 & 5.
Robin Becker
- File Attributes conversion
Martin von Loewis
- Useful, robust shell utilities
Iñigo Serna
- Gentle reminder for Python UK Conference, April 4 & 5.
Duncan Booth
- what is happening at __init__
Eric Brunel
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
Peter Hansen
- Response to resizing window
Xiao-Qin Xia
- Python isn't necessarily slow
Fernando Pérez
- Python isn't necessarily slow
Peter Hansen
- The Text Widget
Eric Brunel
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Frederic Giacometti
- Minor, minor style question
Mats Wichmann
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Christian Tismer
- What readers want (was: Deitel and Deitel Book...)
Mats Wichmann
- The Text Widget
Edward K. Ream
- Python isn't necessarily slow
Siegfried Gonzi
- Response to resizing window
Eric Brunel
- Hosting
Garry Hodgson
- Rotor in Jython?
Scherer, Bill
- SAX-Parser entity
fabi.kreutz at
- C++, Python & Threads
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
N D Efford
- Is there any wxPython turtor?
- is their any limit on the size of the data passed to a progra m via popen2?
Steve Holden
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Dinu Gherman
- ADO GetRows() example for newbies
Gustavo Cordova
- How can I use a foreign language char in Swing
- Twain Scanners and some other questions
Garry Hodgson
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Jon Ribbens
- Rotor in Jython?
brueckd at
- Memory leak when importing?
Harald Kirsch
- Não Compre... Alugue!
Bordeaux Buffet
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Michael Hudson
- C++, Python & Threads
Michael Hudson
- Win32 2.2 & 2.1.2
Robin Becker
- Twain Scanners and some other questions
Chris Gonnerman
- PEP 263 comments
Stephen J. Turnbull
- Calling java servlets using python
Gerhard Häring
- Can Python do this?
Henrik Motakef
- Win32 2.2 & 2.1.2
gbreed at
- ANN: lfm 0.8
Iñigo Serna
- Win32 2.2 & 2.1.2
Stefan Schukat
- Win32 2.2 & 2.1.2
Thomas Heller
- Can somebody kill getpathp for me?
Chris Gonnerman
- Black Adder and PyQt
Will LaShell
- PEP 263 comments
Stephen J. Turnbull
- Réf. : Re: R?f. : Re: strange open failed
Francois-regis Chalaoux
- Memory leak when importing?
Martin von Loewis
- ANN: experimental patch to allow importing from file-like objects
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Win32 2.2 & 2.1.2
Martin von Loewis
- Black Adder and PyQt
Frank Miles
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Aahz Maruch
- open() error ---- what am I missing?
Eric Torstenson
- open() error ---- what am I missing?
Oleg Broytmann
- server problems (long post)
Maximilian Scherr
- need to safely spawn subshells from multithreaded server - how?
Thilo Ernst
- what I would like to see in python to make a better "glue" language (Newbie)
Donn Cave
- Can Python do this?
Robert Oschler
- text manipulation examples
ron nixon
- open() error ---- what am I missing?
Eric Torstenson
- Can Python do this?
Gerhard Häring
- Adding static typing to Python
Garry Hodgson
- question about an installation of a new module
Francois-regis Chalaoux
- OT - file permission checks on Windows
Skip Montanaro
- open() error ---- what am I missing?
Oleg Broytmann
- Win32 2.2 & 2.1.2
Robin Becker
- Can Python do this?
Andreas Kostyrka
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
Ype Kingma
- new images from strings using PIL
- Status of PEP's?
Jeff Shannon
- open() error ---- what am I missing?
Eric Torstenson
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Trent Mick
- Status of PEP's?
Jeff Shannon
- Status of PEP's?
Fernando Pérez
- Can Python do this?
Ype Kingma
- where you been
angi15945 at
- OT - file permission checks on Windows
Thomas Heller
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
phil hunt
- Twain Scanners and some other questions
Steven Majewski
- Windows GUI - which way?
Jeff Shannon
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Dean Goodmanson
- Time to rename Stackless?
Dean Goodmanson
- Windows GUI - which way?
Spencer Ernest Doidge
- Problem with SRE's regular expressions
Christophe Delord
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
James_Althoff at
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Paul Rubin
- more functional programming
Terry Reedy
- OT - file permission checks on Windows
Skip Montanaro
- Super newbie question D:
Joseph Youssef
- Can Python do this?
Paul Rubin
- Problem with SRE's regular expressions
Fredrik Lundh
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Can Python do this?
Quinn Dunkan
- Why isn't pychecker mentioned prominently?
Neal Norwitz
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
James_Althoff at
- Can Python do this?
Paul Rubin
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Frederic Giacometti
- Problem with SRE's regular expressions
Christophe Delord
- Stedents Question
Jeff Shannon
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
James_Althoff at
- Current SportsBook/Casino Lines (in this email) 554822
- PEP 263 comments
Bengt Richter
- Brewster's Factor - was :Trouble running programs
Anton Vredegoor
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
damien morton
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Huaiyu Zhu
- more functional programming
Giorgi Lekishvili
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- more functional programming
Giorgi Lekishvili
- Adding static typing to Python
Brendan Hahn
- Stedents Question
Geoff Gerrietts
- Win32 2.2 & 2.1.2
Kevin Altis
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Stedents Question
Geert-Jan Van den Bogaerde
- OT - file permission checks on Windows
- more functional programming
Giorgi Lekishvili
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Dennis Roark
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Dennis Roark
- OT - file permission checks on Windows
Bengt Richter
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Dennis Roark
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Problem with SRE's regular expressions
Nick Mathewson
- Super newbie question D:
Kalle Svensson
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 4)
Jason Orendorff
- question about an installation of a new module
Andy Gimblett
- XMODEM Module for Python
jfhamilt at
- How do you print?
Peter Scott
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Paul Rubin
- regular expression for nested matching braces
Paul Magwene
- Status of PEP's?
Jeff Hinrichs
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
Carel Fellinger
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Python isn't necessarily slow
Peter Hansen
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Peter Hansen
- Windows GUI - which way?
Jeff Shannon
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
William Park
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Why isn't pychecker mentioned prominently?
Edward K. Ream
- Win32 2.2 & 2.1.2
Peter Hansen
- Python standards
- Windows GUI - which way?
Peter Hansen
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Reorganizing (was: Why isn't pychecker...)
Edward K. Ream
- Reorganizing (was: Why isn't pychecker...)
Edward K. Ream
- Python standards
Aahz Maruch
- PEP 263 comments
Huaiyu Zhu
- Reorganizing (was: Why isn't pychecker...)
Steve Lamb
- Win32 2.2 & 2.1.2
Tim Peters
- pyperl -- Arrays to Lists? ...Tuples?
Tim Widowfield
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- chopping a string
David Bear
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Python standards
Gerhard Häring
- text manipulation examples
- Python Embedding, stdin/-out redirection
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Python standards
Gerhard Häring
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Tim Peters
- chopping a string
Geoff Gerrietts
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Tim Peters
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- Black Adder and PyQt
Damon Lynch
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Gerhard Häring
- Status of PEP's?
Delaney, Timothy
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Jon Ribbens
- mult-indexed xrange?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Converting mailbox formats
Ron Johnson
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Greg Weeks
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Paul Rubin
- [ANN] PEP 279 version 1.5
Raymond Hettinger
- Editors for Python
Edward K. Ream
- chopping a string
Peter Hansen
- Reorganizing (was: Why isn't pychecker...)
Edward K. Ream
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- PEP 263 comments
Stephen J. Turnbull
- more functional programming
Andrae Muys
- microthreads and C calls Re: Stackless Platform Independence?
Frederic Giacometti
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- Status of PEP's?
Paul Rubin
- Python Refactoring Browser
Mathew Yeates
- PEP 263 comments
Stephen J. Turnbull
- Status of PEP's?
Steve Arnold
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Huaiyu Zhu
- mult-indexed xrange?
Jason Orendorff
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- functional programming with map()
Andrae Muys
- [development doc updates]
Fred L. Drake
- chopping a string
Carel Fellinger
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- (OT?) Web-based document review system?
Wayne Pierce
- chopping a string
Trent Mick
- Mac out of memory error on socket.bind
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- OT - file permission checks on Windows
Jason Orendorff
- Python song? (Re: Python isn't necessarily slow)
Greg Ewing
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Reginald B. Charney
- Python song? (Re: Python isn't necessarily slow)
Tim Legant
- Black Adder and PyQt
Ron Stephens
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Paul Rubin
- Python Help - Splash Screen
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Martin v. Loewis
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Jeremy Bowers
- Get reference to "owner"
Robert Oschler
- I've got the unicode blues
Gerson Kurz
- swap
Computer Exams Info
- Get reference to "owner"
Gerhard Häring
- Status of PEP's?
Bengt Richter
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
- Brewster's Factor - was :Trouble running programs
Bernard Yue
- Get reference to "owner"
Gerhard Häring
- Python Refactoring Browser
Bernard Yue
- bsddb for beginners?
- Status of PEP's?
Gerhard Häring
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
Geoff Gerrietts
- Brewster's Factor - was :Trouble running programs
Bernard Yue
- Memory leak when importing?
Harald Kirsch
- [ANN] PEP 279 version 1.5
- Memory leak when importing?
Martin von Loewis
- mult-indexed xrange?
Huaiyu Zhu
- PyTypeObject* XXX(PyObject*)
Helmut Zeisel
- I've got the unicode blues
Gerson Kurz
- Compiling Python 2.2 for HPUX 10.20 does not work
pekka niiranen
- Python isn't necessarily slow
Ronny Wichers Schreur
- ICU wrapper for Python?
Fredrik Juhlin
- microthreads and C calls Re: Stackless Platform Independence?
Christian Tismer
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Christian Tismer
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Michael Hudson
- I've got the unicode blues
Martin von Loewis
- PyTypeObject* XXX(PyObject*)
Martin von Loewis
- Compiling Python 2.2 for HPUX 10.20 does not work
Martin von Loewis
- RИf. : Re: R?f. : Re: strange open failed
Oleg Broytmann
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Michael Hudson
- Python isn't necessarily slow
Siegfried Gonzi
- need to safely spawn subshells from multithreaded server - how?
Thilo Ernst
- I've got the unicode blues
Francis Meyvis
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Just van Rossum
- Black Adder and PyQt
Boudewijn Rempt
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Christian Tismer
- Problems importing anything using _socket
- Minor, minor style question
Martijn Faassen
- Python song? (Re: Python isn't necessarily slow)
Wade Leftwich
- Problem with popen() and a regular expression
Simon Willison
- Problem with popen() and a regular expression
Simon Willison
- Problem with popen() and a regular expression
- Problem with popen() and a regular expression
Simon Willison
- Python isn't necessarily slow
Ronny Wichers Schreur
- OT - file permission checks on Windows
Toby Dickenson
- Status of PEP's?
Hernan M. Foffani
- OT - file permission checks on Windows
Skip Montanaro
- Python Help - Splash Screen
Keith Jones
- bsddb for beginners?
Skip Montanaro
- Can Python do this?
Gerhard Häring
- Status of PEP's?
Aahz Maruch
- Get reference to "owner"
Robert Oschler
- Generators and iterators
Bertrand Geston
- stdout/stderr disabled when debugging in pythonwin (somehow i disabled it...)
craig curtin
- (OT) Way to search HTML help?
Robert Oschler
- Generators and iterators
Michael Hudson
- Generators and iterators
Geert-Jan Van Den Bogaerde
- Get reference to "owner"
Gerhard Häring
- Patch: clearing breakpoints in IDLE
Edward K. Ream
- Get reference to "owner"
Gerhard Häring
- Problem with popen() and a regular expression
Joonas Paalasmaa
- ICU wrapper for Python?
Martin von Loewis
- Patch: clearing breakpoints in IDLE
Michael Hudson
- PDF solutions?
Steven D. Arnold
- Python song? (Re: Python isn't necessarily slow)
brueckd at
- Python Help - Splash Screen
Brian Kelley
- Hosting
Garry Hodgson
- I've got the unicode blues
Martin von Loewis
- Can Python do this?
brueckd at
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
Carel Fellinger
- SSL Server Sockets?
Ng Pheng Siong
- Problem with popen() and a regular expression
Simon Willison
- Get reference to "owner"
Robert Oschler
- ICU wrapper for Python?
Fredrik Juhlin
- Compiling Python 2.2 with GCC in HPUX 10.20 does not work
pekka niiranen
- python IDE, komodo
Marcus Stojek
- fork and thread and signal... oooooops
Haeyoung Kim
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Donn Cave
- Get reference to "owner"
Jeremy Bowers
- python IDE, komodo
Trent Mick
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Reginald B. Charney
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Curtis Jensen
- Reorganizing (was: Why isn't pychecker...)
Aahz Maruch
- Reorganizing (was: Why isn't pychecker...)
Andy Gimblett
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Justin Sheehy
- Stackless Platform Independence?
Christopher Browne
- swap
Cliff Wells
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
John Schmitt
- Problem with SRE's regular expressions
Christophe Delord
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Brett g Porter
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Cliff Wells
- Status of PEP's?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Python SOAP libraries - With and without WSDL
- map-like function on dict values?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
Dave Kuhlman
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Jeremy Bowers
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Reginald B. Charney
- PEP 263 comments
Huaiyu Zhu
- PEP 262 (database of installed Python packages)
Jeff Shannon
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Paul Rubin
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Jeff Shannon
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Status of PEP's?
Samuele Pedroni
- Compiling Python 2.2 with GCC in HPUX 10.20 does not work
Kevin Smith
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Geoff Gerrietts
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Michael Piotrowski
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
James_Althoff at
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
Jeff Shannon
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- Updating Python...Newbie alert!
- PyTypeObject* XXX(PyObject*)
Helmut Zeisel
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Python song? (Re: Python isn't necessarily slow)
Tim Legant
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Python song? (Re: Python isn't necessarily slow)
Cliff Wells
- Problems importing anything using _socket
Chris Liechti
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Tim Legant
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Updating Python...Newbie alert!
Chris Liechti
- Updating Python...Newbie alert!
- Hello Entrepreneur
concordeking at
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- Status of PEP's?
Delaney, Timothy
- Updating Python...Newbie alert!
- Problems importing anything using _socket
Sheila King
- Pyhon and PIL
Olav Viken
- undefined symbols when linking Python into a shared library
Michael Neuroth
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Marco Herrn
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Björn Lindberg
- Can Python do this?
Giorgi Lekishvili
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Python song? (Re: Python isn't necessarily slow)
Emile van Sebille
- libglade python module?
Andreas Kostyrka
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- python IDE, komodo
Jamie Carl
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
- Pyhon and PIL
François Pinard
- Updating Python...Newbie alert!
Carel Fellinger
- Newbie ?:A more concise way?
Geoff Gerrietts
- ICU wrapper for Python?
John Machin
- Need feedback - What are the elements of a good hosting service?
Skip Montanaro
- python IDE, komodo
Brian Quinlan
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Geoff Gerrietts
- stdout/stderr disabled when debugging in pythonwin (somehow i disabled it...)
craig curtin
- undefined symbols when linking Python into a shared library
Martin v. Loewis
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Jeremy Bowers
- Newbie Python+XML Question
Jeff Layton
- Newbie Python+XML Question
Brian Quinlan
- Newbie Python+XML Question
Jeremy Bowers
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- need to safely spawn subshells from multithreaded server - how?
Greg Weeks
- Stackless Platform Independence?
paul rubin
- Status of PEP's?
Samuele Pedroni
- ICU wrapper for Python?
Fredrik Juhlin
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Tim Peters
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- New Python CGI/FastCGI/web-templating system
Jon Ribbens
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- how you been?
angie4325 at
- Nested scopes: design or implementation?
- Why KeyError ???
Ozren Lasic
- Nested scopes: design or implementation?
Emile van Sebille
- Why KeyError ???
Raymond Hettinger
- Why KeyError ???
Paul Rubin
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Nested scopes: design or implementation?
Terry Reedy
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Greg Weeks
- Threading help?
- Minor, minor style question
Tim Roberts
- PDF solutions?
Brian Elmegaard
- File Attributes conversion
Tim Roberts
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Steven D. Arnold
- Reorganizing (was: Why isn't pychecker...)
Jesper Olsen
- Pyhon and PIL
olav.viken at
- PDF solutions?
- mx package
Colin Fox
- Python song? (Re: Python isn't necessarily slow)
Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)
- Python song? (Re: Python isn't necessarily slow)
Ruediger Soerensen
- Getting stdout and stderr from popen
Stefan Heimann
- mx package
Case Van Horsen
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Fernando Pérez
- SWIG: output file name for *.py
Helmut Zeisel
- what is happening at __init__
markus at
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Bertrand Geston
- Passing Unicode strings to Database
Mikhail Astafiev
- [DB-SIG] Passing Unicode strings to Database
M.-A. Lemburg
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Artur Skura
- distutils question
Fernando Pérez
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Michael Ströder
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Artur Skura
- Reorganizing (was: Why isn't pychecker...)
Gerrit Muller
- mx package
Steve Holden
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Paul Rubin
- Black Adder and PyQt
Ron Stephens
- File Attributes conversion
John Machin
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Gerhard Häring
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Michael Piotrowski
- Brewster's Factor - was :Trouble running programs
Laura Creighton
- [OT] Want to recognize pictures using Python
- Pep 276 - if 6 were 9
Emile van Sebille
- Status of PEP's?
Michael Chermside
- Nested scopes: design or implementation?
mmillikan at
- Status of PEP's?
Andy Gimblett
- Flushing stdout with raw_input - BUG
Jonathan Gardner
- Getting stdout and stderr from popen
Jonathan Gardner
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Ramkumar Kashyap
- Flushing stdout with raw_input - BUG
Michael Hudson
- Tkinter: can widgets automatically resize to fit parent?
Andy Gimblett
- PDF solutions?
Amund Tveit
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Duncan Booth
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Björn Lindberg
- fork and thread and signal... oooooops
Jonathan Gardner
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Skip Montanaro
- Brenda Lee Ehmka has forgotten about Kevin Ehmka
jim dutton
- Compiling Python 2.2 with GCC in HPUX 10.20 does not work
Mats Wichmann
- undefined symbols when linking Python into a shared library
Mats Wichmann
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Andy Gimblett
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Marco Herrn
- Flushing stdout with raw_input - BUG
Jonathan Gardner
- output file name for *.py
Lyle Johnson
- The language vs. the environment
Fernando Pérez
- dynamic loading of modules
Fernando Pérez
- Bugs/Patches not being watched (Re: Flushing stdout with raw_input)
Jonathan Gardner
- Flushing stdout with raw_input - BUG
Michael Hudson
- dynamic loading of modules
Henry Baumgartl
- dynamic loading of modules
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Brad Clements
- Status of PEP's?
Andy Gimblett
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- [OT] Want to recognize pictures using Python
Raymond Hettinger
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Roman Yakovenko
- Flushing stdout with raw_input - BUG
A.M. Kuchling
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Skip Montanaro
- Tkinter: can widgets automatically resize to fit parent?
Michele Moore
- Problem with popen() and a regular expression
Joonas Paalasmaa
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Tkinter: can widgets automatically resize to fit parent?
Andy Gimblett
- Is there any wxPython turtor?
Michele Moore
- Getting stdout and stderr from popen
Donn Cave
- distutils question
Brian Kelley
- Tkinter: can widgets automatically resize to fit parent?
Eric Brunel
- Brenda Lee Ehmka has forgotten about Kevin Ehmka
- Problem with popen() and a regular expression
Donn Cave
- distutils question
Martin v. Loewis
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Greg Weeks
- Why KeyError ???
Ozren Lasic
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Geoff Gerrietts
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Bjorn Pettersen
- Why KeyError ???
Geoff Gerrietts
- [OT] Want to recognize pictures using Python
Chris Liechti
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Paul Boddie
- on Regular Files?
Jim Dennis
- Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)
Julio Nobrega
- streaming images
- Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)
Andy McKay
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
James_Althoff at
- Twain Scanners and some other questions
A.M. Kuchling
- Python on W2K server and dos batch files?
Mark Kingston
- Pep 276 - if 6 were 9
James_Althoff at
- Twain Scanners and some other questions
Chris Barker
- fork and thread and signal... oooooops
Gerhard Häring
- Status of PEP's?
James_Althoff at
- Black Adder and PyQt
Chris Barker
- on Regular Files?
Grant Edwards
- Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)
Jon Ribbens
- Threading help?
Ype Kingma
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Christopher Encapera
- Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)
Skip Montanaro
- (10093, 'Successful WSAStartup() not yet performed') ?
j vickroy
- Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)
A.M. Kuchling
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Geoff Gerrietts
- Dictionaries in Lists
Avi Homes
- Dictionaries in Lists
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- The language vs. the environment
Skip Montanaro
- Dictionaries in Lists
Terry Reedy
- Dictionaries in Lists
Erik Max Francis
- The language vs. the environment
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Dictionaries in Lists
j vickroy
- Threading help?
Cliff Wells
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Bernhard Herzog
- Beginner
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Carel Fellinger
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Steve Lamb
- Threading help?
Cliff Wells
- Nested scopes: design or implementation?
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Michael Piotrowski
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- Nested scopes: design or implementation?
mmillikan at
- The language vs. the environment
Steve Lamb
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- Need feedback - What are the elements of a good hosting service?
Skip Montanaro
- Python on W2K server and dos batch files?
Max M
- The language vs. the environment
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)
Max M
- The language vs. the environment
Skip Montanaro
- The language vs. the environment
Richard Jones
- Python daemon instead of CGI programs
Doug Farrell
- The language vs. the environment
Paul Rubin
- The language vs. the environment
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
James_Althoff at
- Python daemon instead of CGI programs
Paul Rubin
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Delaney, Timothy
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Steve Lamb
- hash(unicode(string)) == hash(string) sometimes (was Re: Why KeyError ???)
John Machin
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Delaney, Timothy
- The language vs. the environment
Skip Montanaro
- Threading help?
Aahz Maruch
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Aahz Maruch
- create zip archive
- Python daemon instead of CGI programs
Jon Ribbens
- Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)
- Getting stdout and stderr from popen
Stefan Heimann
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Detect Version of PyQT Bindings?
Ingo Linkweiler
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Grant Edwards
- How do you print?
Jeff Shannon
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Steve Lamb
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- Code Bash!!! (CacheDictionary)
Gustavo Cordova
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
phil hunt
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
James_Althoff at
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
phil hunt
- Newbie Python+XML Question
Jeff Layton
- Compiling Python 2.2 with GCC in HPUX 10.20 does not work
Michael Piotrowski
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Delaney, Timothy
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Anthony Baxter
- File Attributes conversion
Peter Hansen
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
phil hunt
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Steve Lamb
- Code Bash!!! (CacheDictionary)
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Python on W2K server and dos batch files?
Andy McKay
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)
Peter Hansen
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Steve Lamb
- Threading help?
Peter Hansen
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Working version of from win32comext\axscript\client
Alexander Gavrilov
- Threading help?
Cliff Wells
- [OSX] pthread problem
Aahz Maruch
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- getting number of arguments of builtin/C func
Chris Liechti
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Steve Lamb
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- Status of PEP's?
Greg Ewing
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Stephen J. Turnbull
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Delaney, Timothy
- getting number of arguments of builtin/C func
Brian Quinlan
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Arthur Siegel
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Greg Ewing
- The language vs. the environment
Stephen J. Turnbull
- Pep 276 - if 6 were 9
Greg Ewing
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Greg Ewing
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Jeff Hinrichs
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
John Machin
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Greg Ewing
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Grant Edwards
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Greg Ewing
- streaming images
Pete Shinners
- Threading help?
Peter Hansen
- The language vs. the environment
John Baxter
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Delaney, Timothy
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Geoff Gerrietts
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Geoff Gerrietts
- The language vs. the environment
Tim Peters
- Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)
Dave Cole
- Python on W2K server and dos batch files?
- Status of PEP's?
Jesse W
- [Newbie] Code for web-based "members" database?
Damon Lynch
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Jeff Hinrichs
- Web scripting with Python (1st post here, also :-)
Michael Watkins
- Is there any wxPython turtor?
- hash(unicode(string)) == hash(string) sometimes (was Re: Why KeyError ???)
Tim Peters
- Status of PEP's?
Jesse W
- Status of PEP's?
Alan Daniels
- Dictionaries in Lists
Avi Homes
- Reorganizing (was: Why isn't pychecker...)
Christian Tanzer
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Christian Tanzer
- Problem with opening PCX image
- The language vs. the environment
Raymond Hettinger
- hash(unicode(string)) == hash(string) sometimes (was Re: Why KeyError ???)
Paul Rubin
- [Newbie] Code for web-based "members" database?
Wayne Pierce
- Getting stdout and stderr from popen
Donn Cave
- Python on W2K server and dos batch files?
Mark Kingston
- vfork hangs
Kip Macy
- Problem with popen() and a regular expression
Joonas Paalasmaa
- NotePad Lite
William Kennedy
- hash(unicode(string)) == hash(string) sometimes (was Re: Why KeyError ???)
Martin v. Loewis
- Nested scopes: design or implementation?
Terry Reedy
- NoteTab Lite
William Kennedy
- Beginner
- on Regular Files?
Jim Dennis
- Wait at EOF when executing a Python-Script?
Heiko Wolf
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Simon Brunning
- Passing Unicode strings to Database
Martin v. Loewis
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Simon Brunning
- Python daemon instead of CGI programs
Oleg Broytmann
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Jonathan Hogg
- File Attributes conversion
Sam Collett
- on Regular Files?
Michael Hudson
- on Regular Files?
Paul Wright
- Status of PEP's?
Jonathan Hogg
- Python/C - Memory-Management
Heiko Wolf
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Marco Herrn
- Python Classes
Sam Collett
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Roman Suzi
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Roman Suzi
- Skin-style application using Tkiner
- Python/C - Memory-Management
Michael Hudson
- memory management
Frank Schaefer
- Python Classes
Martin Franklin
- time date math problem
Felix Seeger
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Bernhard Herzog
- fork and thread and signal... oooooops
Jonathan Gardner
- hash(unicode(string)) == hash(string) sometimes
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Just van Rossum
- The language vs. the environment
Skip Montanaro
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Michael Hudson
- fork and thread and signal... oooooops
Jonathan Hogg
- Code Bash!!! (CacheDictionary)
Andrew Dalke
- C/C++ to Python translater
Max Ischenko
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
gbreed at
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Emile van Sebille
- The language vs. the environment
Michael Hudson
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Peter Hansen
- time date math problem
Emile van Sebille
- Is there any wxPython turtor?
Peter Hansen
- overloading a function
Dave Harrison
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Just van Rossum
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Just van Rossum
- overloading a function
Andy Gimblett
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Chris Gonnerman
- regular expression for nested matching braces
Piet van Oostrum
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Björn Lindberg
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Chris Gonnerman
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Roy Smith
- mword2text on win32
Thomas Guettler
- wxVTKRenderWindow inside wxSplitterWindow
Marcus Stojek
- mword2text on win32
Emile van Sebille
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Martin von Loewis
- HP-UX 10.2 deprecated?
Martin von Loewis
- very newbie question
ron nixon
- hash(unicode(string)) == hash(string) sometimes
Martin von Loewis
- create zip archive
Steve Holden
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Gustavo Cordova
- Web scripting with Python (My 2nd post!)
Julio Nobrega
- Python and computer graphics
- Detect Version of PyQT Bindings?
Boudewijn Rempt
- Black Adder and PyQt
Boudewijn Rempt
- Pep 276 - if 6 were 9
Hamish Lawson
- CP4E/D&D/Twins (WAY Off-Topic)
Rich Harkins
- on Regular Files?
Grant Edwards
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Grant Edwards
- SWIG and abstract base class
Helmut Zeisel
- Python and computer graphics
Tom Babbitt
- very newbie question
Tom Babbitt
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Andy Gimblett
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Justin Sheehy
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Justin Sheehy
- Bug in the standard module random ?
Weet Vanniks
- Reorganizing (was: Why isn't pychecker...)
G. Sumner Hayes
- wxVTKRenderWindow inside wxSplitterWindow
Tom Babbitt
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Bjorn Pettersen
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
phil hunt
- Status of PEP's?
Bjorn Pettersen
- Problem with popen() and a regular expression
Steven Majewski
- time date math problem
Felix Seeger
- SWIG and abstract base class
Lyle Johnson
- popen3 on win32 python:2.1.2
Thomas Guettler
- Python/C - Memory-Management
Jonathan Epstein
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
David C. Ullrich
- Handling bad tags with SGMLParser
Ken Causey
- popen3 on win32 python:2.1.2
- Handling bad tags with SGMLParser
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- regular expression for nested matching braces
Tim Peters
- Python daemon instead of CGI programs
A.M. Kuchling
- The language vs. the environment
A.M. Kuchling
- File Attributes conversion
Chris Barker
- Status of PEP's?
David Eppstein
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- Handling bad tags with SGMLParser
Ken Causey
- hexstring to string?
- Threading help?
Cliff Wells
- Handling bad tags with SGMLParser
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- Handling bad tags with SGMLParser
Ken Causey
- Handling bad tags with SGMLParser
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Christian Tanzer
- hotmail
Bertrand Geston
- very newbie question
Bertrand Geston
- hexstring to string?
Gerhard Häring
- SWIG and abstract base class
Luigi Ballabio
- Web scripting with Python (My 2nd post!)
Chris Barker
- CGIHTTPServer windoze hair-loss program
Sandy Norton
- Python/C - Memory-Management
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Python on W2K server and dos batch files?
Chris Barker
- Python and computer graphics
- Web scripting with Python (My 2nd post!)
Paul Boddie
- [GERMAN] "ziegenproblem"
Gerhard Häring
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Brad Clements
- Python daemon instead of CGI programs
Neil Schemenauer
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Terry Reedy
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Geoff Gerrietts
- win32com question using R com interface
Brian Kelley
- Python and computer graphics
Brian Kelley
- overloading a function
Quinn Dunkan
- The language vs. the environment
Paul Boddie
- hotmail
brueckd at
- 'The Goat and the Car' puzzle solved in Python -- was: [GERMAN] "ziegenproblem"
Gerhard Häring
- The language vs. the environment
Skip Montanaro
- [GERMAN] "ziegenproblem"
Nick Mathewson
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Geoff Gerrietts
- Integers class...?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Ramkumar Kashyap
- hotmail
Geoff Gerrietts
- Determine size of wxSplitterWindow
Marcus Stojek
- [GERMAN] "ziegenproblem"
Dieter Deyke
- Integers class...?
Bjorn Pettersen
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Geoff Gerrietts
- Seek fame(*) & fortune(**) as a Python developer
Skip Montanaro
- Python and computer graphics
Geoff Gerrietts
- [GERMAN] "ziegenproblem"
Paul Rubin
- hotmail
Andrew Markebo
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Geoff Gerrietts
- Problem with cgitb
Ken Causey
- hexstring to string?
Antaeus Feldspar
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Mats Wichmann
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Mats Wichmann
- Bug in the standard module random ?
Tim Peters
- Handling bad tags with SGMLParser
Walter Dörwald
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- [GERMAN] "ziegenproblem"
Erik Max Francis
- A Date-Time format stored as Days
Scott David Daniels
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Steve Lamb
- Problem with cgitb
Skip Montanaro
- [OT] range() for unix shell
Paul Winkler
- hotmail
- Module Search Path?
brobbins333 at
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (code bash?)
Gustavo Cordova
- PyQT - Resizing the columns in QListViews
Adam Widera
- Username in Zope
Tom Halvorsrød
- Problem with VB-COM-Python arg passing/value returning
Sue Giller
- regular expression for nested matching braces
Bengt Richter
- Problem with cgitb
Ken Causey
- Python on W2K server and dos batch files?
- [OT] range() for unix shell
Neil Schemenauer
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
- [OT] range() for unix shell
Skip Montanaro
- marcos and .pyc
dskhdskf dsfhs
- NoteTab Lite?
Delaney, Timothy
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Paul Rubin
- Problem with cgitb
Skip Montanaro
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Marco Herrn
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
- List of Dictionaries
Lenny Self
- Bug in the standard module random ?
John Machin
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- undefined symbols when linking Python into a shared library
Michael Neuroth
- undefined symbols when linking Python into a shared library
Michael Neuroth
- [GERMAN] "ziegenproblem"
stefan antoni
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
John Roth
- 5 dollar emails
swojqh at
- [OT] range() for unix shell
Paul Jackson
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- Problem with VB-COM-Python arg passing/value returning
Mark Hammond
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (code bash?)
David Eppstein
- marcos and .pyc
- fork and thread and signal... oooooops
Jonathan Gardner
- reporting spam? (was RE: 5 dollar emails)
John Schmitt
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Jeff Hinrichs
- Status of PEP's?
Jeff Shannon
- Module Search Path?
Steve Holden
- marcos and .pyc
Steve Holden
- Status of PEP's?
Jeff Shannon
- Seek fame(*) & fortune(**) as a Python developer
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Greg Ewing
- reporting spam? (was RE: 5 dollar emails)
Gerhard Häring
- Seek fame(*) & fortune(**) as a Python developer
Skip Montanaro
- quick Tkinter Label question
- Seek fame(*) & fortune(**) as a Python developer
Tim Peters
- Returning strings from DLLs written in Delphi
Trevor Keon
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Greg Ewing
- reporting spam? (was RE: 5 dollar emails)
Skip Montanaro
- [OT] range() for unix shell
Paul Winkler
- Bug in the standard module random ?
John Machin
- List of Dictionaries
Erik Max Francis
- [Newbie] Code for web-based "members" database?
Damon Lynch
- Seek fame(*) & fortune(**) as a Python developer
Paul Rubin
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Greg Ewing
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Steve Lamb
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Grant Edwards
- threads killing other threads
Aahz Maruch
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Steven D. Arnold
- Learning from imperfect lectures
Peter Hansen
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Stephen J. Turnbull
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Greg Ewing
- why is python slow?
les ander
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
Doug Farrell
- List of Dictionaries
Jason Orendorff
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Greg Ewing
- why is python slow?
Fernando Pereira
- NoteTab Lite
Peter Hansen
- Nested scopes: design or implementation?
Jason Orendorff
- Integers class...?
Greg Ewing
- [GERMAN] "ziegenproblem"
Peter Hansen
- Module Search Path?
Peter Hansen
- Tkinter question: master?
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Paul Rubin
- Research Network Job Site
- ANN: Python User Groups page at
Kevin Altis
- [GERMAN] "ziegenproblem"
Gerhard Häring
- ANN: Python User Groups page at
Pete Shinners
- Seek fame(*) & fortune(**) as a Python developer
A.M. Kuchling
- ANN: Python User Groups page at
Sheila King
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Terry Reedy
- why is python slow?
Christopher Browne
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Joshua Macy
- why is python slow?
- [GERMAN] "ziegenproblem"
Peter Hansen
- reporting spam? (was RE: 5 dollar emails)
Jonathan Gardner
- Seek fame(*) & fortune(**) as a Python developer
Jonathan Gardner
- List of Dictionaries
Lenny Self
- PEP Parade
Tim Peters
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- Web scripting with Python (My 2nd post!)
Dave Cole
- PEP Parade
Paul Rubin
- why is python slow?
Tim Hammerquist
- Learning from imperfect lectures
Geoff Gerrietts
- NoteTab Lite?
William Kennedy
- PEP Parade
Tim Peters
- need something like __init__ in classes __classinit__
Jens Gelhaar
- PEP Parade
Roman Suzi
- NoteTab Lite
John Machin
- SWIG and abstract base class
Helmut Zeisel
- PARTIAL SOLUTION: Compiling Python 2.2 with GCC in HPUX 10.20 does not work
pekka niiranen
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Jason Orendorff
- Handling bad tags with SGMLParser
Duncan Booth
- SWIG: operator const char*() const
Helmut Zeisel
- SWIG: operator const char*() const
Helmut Zeisel
- Getting stdout and stderr from popen
Andrew MacIntyre
- undefined symbols when linking Python into a shared library
Martin v. Loewis
- Returning strings from DLLs written in Delphi
Martin v. Loewis
- List of Dictionaries
Quinn Dunkan
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Reginald B. Charney
- Voss 1/f noise algo help
kevin parks
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
Fernando Rodríguez
- The language vs. the environment
Michael Hudson
- marcos and .pyc
Michael Hudson
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
phil hunt
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Björn Lindberg
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Duncan Booth
- Tkinter question: master?
Eric Brunel
- [OT] range() for unix shell
kevin parks
- 'The Goat and the Car' puzzle solved in Python -- was: [GERMAN] "ziegenpro
gbreed at
- Voss 1/f noise algo help
gbreed at
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Steven D. Arnold
- Python Classes
Sam Collett
- PyQT: QString to String Problem if ASCII>128
Ingo Linkweiler
- File Attributes conversion
Sam Collett
- Integers class...?
Bernhard Herzog
- why is python slow?
John Roth
- need something like __init__ in classes __classinit__
Kevin Jacobs
- PEP Parade
Skip Montanaro
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Roman Suzi
- why is python slow?
Fernando Pereira
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Roman Suzi
- Embedded Python and SWIG shadow classes
Helmut Zeisel
- print >> details???
- Seek fame(*) & fortune(**) as a Python developer
A.M. Kuchling
- returning a picture
Peter Posselt Vestergaard
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (code bash?)
Laura Creighton
- CP4E was Re: Deitel and Deitel Book...
Roman Suzi
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Michael Ströder
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Michael Ströder
- Turn string into function call
N Becker
- threads killing other threads
Joshua Marshall
- PEP Parade
Roman Suzi
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Paul Rubin
- why is python slow?
Aahz Maruch
- PEP Parade
Roy Smith
- Turn string into function call
Paul Rubin
- print >> details???
Carsten Gaebler
- print >> details???
Paul Rubin
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Terry Reedy
- threads killing other threads
Andy Gimblett
- Announce: RPy (R from Python)
Walter Moreira
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Terry Reedy
- [Announce] M2Crypto 0.07 snapshot #3
Ng Pheng Siong
- Where is quote (again)?
N Becker
- The language vs. the environment
Paul Boddie
- returning a picture
Gerhard Häring
- Turn string into function call
Gerhard Häring
- Where is quote (again)?
Gerhard Häring
- ANN: BBLimage 0.66 now available
Paul Hughett
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Christian Tanzer
- how to pass by reference??
Aahz Maruch
- Where is quote (again)?
Hans Nowak
- Module Search Path?
Jason Orendorff
- How to compute sunset and dawn times with python?
Tist Verdonck
- Handling bad tags with SGMLParser
Ken Causey
- Autodiscovery of proxy settings from a python script
Andy Robinson
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Eppstein
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (code bash?)
David Eppstein
- PARTIAL SOLUTION: Compiling Python 2.2 with GCC in HPUX 10.20 does not work
Michael Piotrowski
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
phil hunt
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Kirill Simonov
- Where is quote (again)?
Michael Hudson
- why is python slow?
G. Sumner Hayes
- why is python slow?
Erno Kuusela
- why is python slow?
Donn Cave
- vfork hangs
Jason Orendorff
- The language vs. the environment
Tom Good
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Roman Suzi
- Where is quote (again)?
N Becker
- why is python slow?
Skip Montanaro
- Where is quote (again)?
Jason Orendorff
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Cromwell, Jeremy
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Gustavo Cordova
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
David Eppstein
- Where is quote (again)?
Jason Orendorff
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
phil hunt
- Autodiscovery of proxy settings from a python script
Robin Becker
- hotmail
jason petrone
- Turn string into function call
Grant Edwards
- About deletion of variables in version 2.1
Juan Huertas
- Autodiscovery of proxy settings from a python script
Robin Becker
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
brueckd at
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Geoff Gerrietts
- is there a fully working tar implementation in python
- PyQT: QString to String Problem if ASCII>128
Ingo Linkweiler
- ANN: Python User Groups page at
Wayne Pierce
- why is python slow?
Donn Cave
- File Attributes conversion
Chris Barker
- failed assert when importing a boost.python-created library from an embedded python interpreter
Kevin Killingsworth
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Skip Montanaro
- Tkinter question: master?
- PARTIAL SOLUTION: Compiling Python 2.2 with GCC in HPUX 10.20 does not work
Michael Piotrowski
- Autodiscovery of proxy settings from a python script
Andy Robinson
- PEP 276 final version
James_Althoff at
- List of Dictionaries
Russell E. Owen
- PARTIAL SOLUTION: Compiling Python 2.2 with GCC in HPUX 10.20 does not work
Tim Peters
- PEP Parade
Donn Cave
- newbie socket/thread question
- Autodiscovery of proxy settings from a python script
Andy Robinson
- Where is quote (again)?
Russell E. Owen
- PEP Parade
Raymond Hettinger
- PEP Parade
Geoff Gerrietts
- PEP Parade
Tim Peters
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- newbie socket/thread question
Grant Edwards
- PARTIAL SOLUTION: Compiling Python 2.2 with GCC in HPUX 10.20 does not work
Michael Piotrowski
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Mike Dean
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Graham Breed
- why is python slow?
Brad Clements
- Anonymous attribute/property possible?
Bengt Richter
- List of Dictionaries
Lenny Self
- uniq, was Re: PEP Parade
Hernan M. Foffani
- Autodiscovery of proxy settings from a python script
Robin Becker
- Where is quote (again)?
Paul Rubin
- [OT] range() for unix shell
Paul Winkler
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
damien morton
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Gustavo Cordova
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Edward K. Ream
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- broken pipes, import errors (LONG, INVOLVED)
Geoff Gerrietts
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
Erik Max Francis
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
Justin Sheehy
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Huaiyu Zhu
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
John Schmitt
- broken pipes, import errors (LONG, INVOLVED)
Gerhard Häring
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
James_Althoff at
- PEP Parade
A.M. Kuchling
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Tim Legant
- Where is quote (again)?
Remco Gerlich
- [Python-Dev] PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Mark Hammond
- why is python slow?
Fernando Pereira
- why is python slow?
Fernando Pereira
- why is python slow?
Paul Rubin
- why is python slow?
Fernando Pereira
- why is python slow?
- broken pipes, import errors (LONG, INVOLVED)
Bengt Richter
- PEP Parade
Joshua Macy
- Python and computer graphics
- PEP Parade
Stephen J. Turnbull
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Tim Peters
- PEP Parade
Chris Gonnerman
- PEP 276 -- What else could iter(5) mean?
Quinn Dunkan
- instantiating a class
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (fwd)
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- wxPython seg faults under RH7.2
Grant Edwards
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Quinn Dunkan
- instantiating a class
Bengt Richter
- instantiating a class
Jason Orendorff
- wxPython seg faults under RH7.2
Grant Edwards
- PEP Parade
Donn Cave
- short-circuit behavior anomaly?
- broken pipes, import errors (LONG, INVOLVED)
Geoff Gerrietts
- short-circuit behavior anomaly?
Terry Reedy
- short-circuit behavior anomaly?
Christophe Delord
- PEP Parade
Tim Peters
- PEP 276 final version
Christian Tanzer
- Q: How can I lock a file in Windows?
- Voss 1/f noise algo help
kevin parks
- Q: How can I lock a file in Windows?
Graham Ashton
- Tokenize a string or split on steroids
Fernando Rodríguez
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Graham Breed
- The language vs. the environment
Martijn Faassen
- Tokenize a string or split on steroids
Bob Follek
- Turn string into function call
Aahz Maruch
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Aahz Maruch
- should i learn it first ?
- PEP 2, Procedure for Adding New Modules
Martijn Faassen
- Tokenize a string or split on steroids
Artur Skura
- Q: How can I lock a file in Windows?
Flavian Hardcastle
- should i learn it first ?
Paul Rubin
- need something like __init__ in classes __classinit__
Jens Gelhaar
- how to set the background color of a window with curses
Marco Herrn
- Q: How can I lock a file in Windows?
- instantiating a class
phil hunt
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
phil hunt
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
phil hunt
- Q: How can I lock a file in Windows?
- Learning from imperfect lectures
Roman Suzi
- PEP 2, Procedure for Adding New Modules
Aahz Maruch
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
phil hunt
- PEP Parade
Roy Smith
- PEP Parade
Roy Smith
- why is python slow?
Erno Kuusela
- PEP Parade
Joshua Macy
- PyQT: shrinked Icons in menubar/QToolbutton
Ingo Linkweiler
- Q: How can I lock a file in Windows?
Peter Hansen
- why is python slow?
Erno Kuusela
- Turn string into function call
Grant Edwards
- [DB-SIG] Passing Unicode strings to Database
Arthur Albano
- need something like __init__ in classes __classinit__
Kevin Jacobs
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Tim Legant
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Aahz Maruch
- should i learn it first ?
Greg Weeks
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Edward K. Ream
- Turn string into function call
Aahz Maruch
- How can I lock a file in Windows?
Fredrik Lundh
- should i learn it first ?
- Where is quote (again)?
Michael Hudson
- why is python slow?
Michael Hudson
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
damien morton
- how to set the background color of a window with curses
Gerhard Häring
- Aplython
Roman Suzi
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
- Tokenize a string or split on steroids
Fernando Rodríguez
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Fredrik Lundh
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
Gerson Kurz
- should i learn it first ?
G. Sumner Hayes
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Edward K. Ream
- ANN: Twisted 0.15.5
Itamar Shtull-Trauring
- pyperl -- Arrays to Lists? ...Tuples?
Bo Vandenberg
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Fredrik Lundh
- short-circuit behavior anomaly? (fwd)
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Edward K. Ream
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (code bash?)
Laura Creighton
- PEP Parade
Joshua Macy
- short-circuit behavior anomaly?
WECaputo at thoughtworks.COM
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Laura Creighton
- Turn string into function call
Grant Edwards
- should i learn it first ?
Jason Orendorff
- PEP Parade
Skip Montanaro
- List of lists: caveat?
Gerson Kurz
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
Sheila King
- An Optimization Anecdote about PyInline
Mitchell N Charity
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Quinn Dunkan
- should i learn it first ?
- should i learn it first ?
phil hunt
- List of lists: caveat?
George Thomas
- Gurus, I wonder if you can take a look at this source code? Win32...
G. Willoughby
- win32 extension: rare PythonService problem
Zihong Lu
- List of lists: caveat?
Terry Reedy
- Where is quote (again)?
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
Terry Reedy
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (code bash?)
Tim Peters
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
Bengt Richter
- how to set the background color of a window with curses
Marco Herrn
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Bengt Richter
- Tkinter error
Jim Jacobs
- Newbie question
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
- Newbie question
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Tokenize a string or split on steroids
John Machin
- httplib question
David McInnis
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Bengt Richter
- range Failure?
Colin J. Williams
- should i learn it first ?
Laura Creighton
- Newbie question
Brian Quinlan
- disipyl - a 2D and 3D Python plotting library
Paul M
- ANN: disipyl - a 2D and 3D Python plotting library
Paul M
- Tkinter error
Martin v. Loewis
- httplib question
Martin v. Loewis
- Newbie question
Lee Harr
- PEP 276 (was Re: Status of PEP's?)
Bengt Richter
- Tkinter + Button widget
Adonis Vargas
- Tkinter + Button widget
Adonis Vargas
- Tkinter + Button widget
Adonis Vargas
- Tkinter + Button widget
Adonis Vargas
- Tkinter + Button widget
Adonis Vargas
- PEP 282: A Logging System -- comments please
phil hunt
- python wrapper for FreeBSD fdisk, disklabel, etc?
Clark C . Evans
- range Failure?
Oleg Broytmann
- range Failure?
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- httplib question
David McInnis
- round() function strange behaviour
brobbins333 at
- round() function strange behaviour
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Tkinter + Button widget
Laura Creighton
- round() function strange behaviour
brobbins333 at
- Tokenize a string or split on steroids
Bengt Richter
- round() function strange behaviour
- The Text Widget
Ali K
- round() function strange behaviour
- TkInter/McMillan installer question.
Svein Brekke
- Tkinter + Button widget
Grant Edwards
- round() function strange behaviour
Erik de Castro Lopo
- round() function strange behaviour
Joshua Marshall
- broken pipes, import errors (LONG, INVOLVED)
Andrew MacIntyre
- Howto: Tkinter Listbox keyboard support
Syver Enstad
- Tkinter error
Jim Jacobs
- round() function strange behaviour
brobbins333 at
- round() function strange behaviour
Erik de Castro Lopo
- newbie needs help with tkinter
- Where is quote (again)?
nbecker at
- round() function strange behaviour
Tim Peters
- Threading help?
Jason Orendorff
- round() function strange behaviour
brobbins333 at
- Announce: RPy (R from Python)
Tim Churches
- should i learn it first ?
Jason Orendorff
- Gurus, I wonder if you can take a look at this source code? Win32...
Gerhard Häring
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Grant Edwards
- should i learn it first ?
Peter Hansen
- Tutorials for Tix extension widgets
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Peter Hansen
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Grant Edwards
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Peter Hansen
- PyBEEP Project
Gabriel Wachob
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (code bash?)
Michael Chermside
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Grant Edwards
- Sybase module 0.33 released
Dave Cole
- wxPython: generating event IDs?
Grant Edwards
- import gadfly causes 500 Server Error -- anyone know how to fix?
Jerry Gitomer
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Peter Hansen
- wxPython: generating event IDs?
Peter Hansen
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Mike C. Fletcher
- round() function strange behaviour
Just van Rossum
- should i learn it first ?
Bengt Richter
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Grant Edwards
- round() function strange behaviour
Just van Rossum
- wxPython: generating event IDs?
Grant Edwards
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
Tim Roberts
- import gadfly causes 500 Server Error -- anyone know how to fix?
Robin Becker
- scripting Outlook express with Python
Sandy Norton
- python and haskell for fun
Sandy Norton
- httplib question
Martin v. Loewis
- Gurus, I wonder if you can take a look at this source code? Win32...
G. Willoughby
- python and haskell for fun
- Bidirectional widgets in Tk
Tal Linzen
- import gadfly causes 500 Server Error -- anyone know how to fix?
Remco Gerlich
- round() function strange behaviour
Remco Gerlich
- server questions
- TkInter/McMillan installer question.
Gordon McMillan
- Invite: Your American Green Card Application
United States Green Card Lottery Organization
- should i learn it first ?
phil hunt
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
phil hunt
- python and haskell for fun
Sandy Norton
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Hernan M. Foffani
- win32 extension: rare PythonService problem
Gordon McMillan
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Gordon McMillan
- Walk Directories via Caching (& Dup file detection)
Benjamin Schollnick
- round() function strange behaviour
brobbins333 at
- Warning; Adult Material
- range Failure?
Colin J. Williams
- financial calculations
- range Failure?
Skip Montanaro
- round() function strange behaviour
Grant Edwards
- import gadfly causes 500 Server Error -- anyone know how to fix?
Hamish Lawson
- financial calculations
Aahz Maruch
- HTML -> XML: Where's HtmlBuilder()?
- should i learn it first ?
G. Sumner Hayes
- should i learn it first ?
G. Sumner Hayes
- python and haskell for fun
Fernando Pereira
- Use apply() or not, and raising multiple exceptions (co-routines?)
Roy Smith
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Gerhard Häring
- should i learn it first ?
Grant Edwards
- PyBEEP Project
Gabriel Wachob
- Use apply() or not, and raising multiple exceptions (co-routines?)
- should i learn it first ?
Aahz Maruch
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
- should i learn it first ?
- round() function strange behaviour
Tim Peters
- Binary Register entries Question
Matthias Janes
- Binary Register entries Question
Martin von Loewis
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
damien morton
- Use apply() or not, and raising multiple exceptions (co-routines?)
Ype Kingma
- PyBEEP Project
phil hunt
- How can I lock a file in Windows?
Flavian Hardcastle
- HTML -> XML: Where's HtmlBuilder()?
Martin v. Loewis
- should i learn it first ?
Grant Edwards
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Grant Edwards
- How to disable assert statements inside a module?
Pearu Peterson
- should i learn it first ?
Peter Hansen
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
Peter Hansen
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
Peter Hansen
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
Christopher Browne
- should i learn it first ?
Bengt Richter
- should i learn it first ?
phil hunt
- How to disable assert statements inside a module?
Martin v. Loewis
- How to disable assert statements inside a module?
Skip Montanaro
- should i learn it first ?
Bengt Richter
- How to disable assert statements inside a module?
Tim Peters
- overloading a function
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- How to disable assert statements inside a module?
Pearu Peterson
- Syntax to catch specific exceptions ?
Pekka Niiranen
- Syntax to catch specific exceptions ?
Fredrik Lundh
- win32 extension: rare PythonService problem
Bengt Richter
- How to disable assert statements inside a module?
Just van Rossum
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Wolfgang Strobl
- range Failure?
Bengt Richter
- Syntax to catch specific exceptions ?
Joonas Paalasmaa
- import gadfly causes 500 Server Error -- anyone know how to fix?
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Regular expressions newbie: something for templates
Thomas Weholt
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Bengt Richter
- round() function strange behaviour
Aahz Maruch
- newbie needs help with tkinter
Joonas Paalasmaa
- financial calculations
Bengt Richter
- Solved: popen3 on win32 python:2.1.2
Thomas Guettler
- Modulo operator : differences between C and Python
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Geoff Gerrietts
- How "expensive" are Exceptions?
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- Modulo operator : differences between C and Python
Geoff Gerrietts
- Regular expressions newbie: something for templates
Skip Montanaro
- Zope stdin
Janez Jere
- Modulo operator : differences between C and Python
Tim Peters
- Zope stdin
- Regular expressions newbie: something for templates
- win32 extension: rare PythonService problem
Bengt Richter
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Bengt Richter
- should i learn it first ?
Christopher Browne
- range Failure?
Peter Hansen
- How to disable assert statements inside a module?
Bengt Richter
- How to disable assert statements inside a module?
Peter Hansen
- should i learn it first ?
phil hunt
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
phil hunt
- Modulo operator : differences between C and Python
David Eppstein
- How "expensive" are Exceptions?
Peter Hansen
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
Peter Hansen
- Regular expressions newbie: something for templates
- range Failure?
Bengt Richter
- How "expensive" are Exceptions?
Peter Hansen
- should i learn it first ?
phil hunt
- Learning Python 2nd Edition???
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
Peter Hansen
- should i learn it first ?
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Grant Edwards
- python as gvim scripting lang -- examples please
- should i learn it first ?
Peter Hansen
- Porcess control on win32
Ben C
- python name spaces
Daniel Ortmann
- PEP Parade
Stephen J. Turnbull
- New Member
- How "expensive" are Exceptions?
Jason Orendorff
- should i learn it first ?
Aahz Maruch
- Image questionnaire - VLC Co. Ltd.
vlcusa at
- How "expensive" are Exceptions?
- Translating Python to C (was Re: Modulo operator : differences between C and Python)
- How "expensive" are Exceptions?
Aahz Maruch
- Help newbie w/Numpy Install ??
- Translating Python to C (was Re: Modulo operator : differences between C and Python)
Erik de Castro Lopo
- Porcess control on win32
Mark Hammond
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Greg Ewing
- should i learn it first ?
Bengt Richter
- Rule Engine in Python
Lee Ingram
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Greg Ewing
- How "expensive" are Exceptions?
Peter Hansen
- Integers class...?
Greg Ewing
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- How "expensive" are Exceptions?
- New Member
Sheila King
- Help newbie w/Numpy Install ??
Tim Peters
- Iterating over unicode strings
Arun Sharma
- Iterating over unicode strings
Arun Sharma
- Is current integer for-loop syntax a wart?
Greg Ewing
- Modulo operator : differences between C and Python
Cimarron Taylor
- should i learn it first ?
- Iterating over unicode strings
Jason Orendorff
- should i learn it first ?
- Iterating over unicode strings
Peter Hansen
- Internships and summer jobs
Brett Cannon
- Internships and summer jobs
Peter Hansen
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
damien morton
- How to disable assert statements inside a module?
Martin v. Loewis
- Iterating over unicode strings
Martin v. Loewis
- should i learn it first ?
Jason Orendorff
- Translating Python to C (was Re: Modulo operator : differences between C and Python)
Andrew Koenig
- python name spaces
Hans Nowak
- Modulo operator : differences between C and Python
John Machin
- Iterating over unicode strings
Arun Sharma
- Binary Register entries Question
Matthias Janes
- Getting stdout and stderr from popen
Jason Orendorff
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- Regular expressions newbie: something for templates
John Machin
- PyQT: QString to String Problem if ASCII>128
Jason Orendorff
- python as gvim scripting lang -- examples please
Jonathan Gardner
- Syntax to catch specific exceptions ?
pekka niiranen
- scripting Outlook express with Python
Jonathan Gardner
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
Jonathan Gardner
- Python Equivalent of Perl's Safe module?
John Beppu
- Python Equivalent of Perl's Safe module?
Jason Orendorff
- Regular expressions newbie: something for templates
Thomas Weholt
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
Jason Orendorff
- HTML -> XML: Where's HtmlBuilder()?
- should i learn it first ?
Stephen J. Turnbull
- Python Equivalent of Perl's Safe module?
Sheila King
- Python daemon instead of CGI programs
Jason Orendorff
- How to compute sunset and dawn times with python?
Mike C. Fletcher
- How do you protect the source code of python applications?
- Regular expressions newbie: something for templates
Duncan Booth
- How do you protect the source code of python applications?
kosh at
- scripting Outlook express with Python
Oleg Broytmann
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Hans Nowak
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Hans Nowak
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Tim Hammerquist
- distutils install control
Robin Becker
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Tim Hammerquist
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Eric Brunel
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Tim Hammerquist
- python name spaces
Jason Orendorff
- Anonymous attribute/property possible?
Michael Hudson
- Homepage of Gadfly not available?
Rupert Kolb
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Eric Brunel
- Homepage of Gadfly not available?
Oleg Broytmann
- two ideoms at one blow: line-reading and regexp-matching
Ralph Corderoy
- Where is quote (again)?
Paul Foley
- PEP 2, Procedure for Adding New Modules
Martijn Faassen
- Newbie question
Michael Hudson
- Where is quote (again)?
Paul Foley
- Newbie Import two coloums of floating point data into python HOWTO
- Homepage of Gadfly not available?
Rupert Kolb
- How to compute sunset and dawn times with python?
Roy Smith
- Homepage of Gadfly not available?
Oleg Broytmann
- should i learn it first ?
phil hunt
- Newbie Import two coloums of floating point data into python HOWTO
Andy Gimblett
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- newbie needs help with tkinter
Bertrand Geston
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Peter Hansen
- newbie needs help with tkinter
Bertrand Geston
- Modulo operator : differences between C and Python
- Newbie Import two coloums of floating point data into python HOWTO
Max M
- rpm-python question
Ira Voitashevskaya
- Changing Working Directory in Windows
nrk at
- Internships and summer jobs
Skip Montanaro
- Changing Working Directory in Windows
Andy Gimblett
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 11)
Jason Orendorff
- Definition problem
Ricks Palton
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Gerhard Häring
- Zope stdin
Janez Jere
- win32com - Code snippet works in VBScript but not Python.
Gurdon Merchant, Jr.
- Homepage of Gadfly not available?
Harald Schneider
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
- PEP 2, Procedure for Adding New Modules
Aahz Maruch
- Changing Working Directory in Windows
pekka niiranen
- Need Help in Plone
Michael Toldo
- scripting Outlook express with Python
Paul Boddie
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Andrew Koenig
- Changing Working Directory in Windows
Terry Reedy
- DBgrid in python
Harald Schneider
- Python daemon instead of CGI programs
Paul Boddie
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (code bash?)
Michael Chermside
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Grant Edwards
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Graz Bukanoff
- scripting Outlook express with Python
Sandy Norton
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Andy Gimblett
- python name spaces
Daniel Ortmann
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
Justin Sheehy
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Aahz Maruch
- (Fwd) Re: Need Help in Plone
Garry Steedman
- python name spaces
Just van Rossum
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Terry Reedy
- scripting Outlook express with Python
Paul Wright
- win32 extension: rare PythonService problem
Zihong Lu
- Newbie Python+Zope Question
- About deletion of variables in version 2.1
Aahz Maruch
- Pyhon and PIL
Fredrik Lundh
- equivalent of "export" (changing parent's environment)
Clark C . Evans
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Christopher Browne
- equivalent of "export" (changing parent's environment)
Oleg Broytmann
- DBgrid in python
Harald Schneider
- lambda question
Alves, Carlos Alberto - Coelce
- Definition problem
Andy Gimblett
- lambda question
David Eppstein
- Definition problem
Andy Gimblett
- lambda question
Corrado Gioannini
- RES: lambda question
Alves, Carlos Alberto - Coelce
- lambda question
Andy Gimblett
- lambda question
Bertrand Geston
- wxProgressDialog wonky under Win32
Grant Edwards
- lambda question
Fredrik Lundh
- ENC: lambda question
Alves, Carlos Alberto - Coelce
- should i learn it first ?
G. Sumner Hayes
- Zope stdin
Andy McKay
- Learning Python 2nd Edition???
David Ascher
- Integers class...?
Bernhard Herzog
- RES: lambda question
Alves, Carlos Alberto - Coelce
- Python Equivalent of Perl's Safe module?
John Beppu
- [ANN] PEP 279 version 1.6
Raymond Hettinger
- round() function strange behaviour
brobbins333 at
- 2.2 install fails with "SyntaxError: invalid token" compiling many library files
george young
- starting Comands from Python
Werner Hartnagel
- round() function strange behaviour
Grant Edwards
- wxProgressDialog wonky under Win32
Grant Edwards
- lambda question
Fredrik Lundh
- lambda question
Fredrik Lundh
- round() function strange behaviour
Tim Peters
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
James_Althoff at
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (fwd)
James_Althoff at
- [ANN] PEP 279 version 1.7
Raymond Hettinger
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
James_Althoff at
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
phil hunt
- Rule Engine in Python
Tim Lesher
- COM traceback translation
- Setting UNIX environment with a Python script
Nom de Plume
- augmented arithmetic operations
Mike Carifio
- About deletion of variables in version 2.1
Jason Orendorff
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (fwd)
Tim Peters
- Setting UNIX environment with a Python script
Grant Edwards
- python and haskell for fun
Kendall Clark
- Get reference to "owner"
Jeff Shannon
- should i learn it first ?
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
WDraxinger at
- nonblocking i/o on windows?
Skip Montanaro
- wxProgressDialog wonky under Win32
Cliff Wells
- Zope stdin
Janez Jere
- NormalDate 1.2 released
Jeff Bauer
- Ho to use a regular expression group reference as hash key
Andreas Martin
- Using doctest and executing a process
Cliff Wells
- Using doctest and executing a process
Douglas Garstang
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Neil Hodgson
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Henrik Motakef
- Zope stdin
Andy McKay
- starting Comands from Python
Syver Enstad
- augmented arithmetic operations
Hans Nowak
- python and haskell for fun
Aahz Maruch
- Using doctest and executing a process
Tim Peters
- COM traceback translation
- Using doctest and executing a process
Tim Peters
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (fwd)
James_Althoff at
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
Tim Legant
- python and haskell for fun
Tim Peters
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
Robin Becker
- wxProgressDialog wonky under Win32
Grant Edwards
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
phil hunt
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
James_Althoff at
- [ANN] MoinMoin 0.11
Jürgen Hermann
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
Greg Ewing
- Syntax to catch specific exceptions ?
Greg Ewing
- Setting UNIX environment with a Python script
Cameron Hutchison
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops
James_Althoff at
- python and haskell for fun
Christopher Browne
- Learning Python 2nd Edition???
- Porcess control on win32
Ben C
- python and haskell for fun
Ben Wolfson
- PEP Parade
Anthony Baxter
- Rule Engine in Python
Harry George
- python and haskell for fun
Hans Nowak
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
David Bolen
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Jeremy Bowers
- New address
- newbie-ish question on exec statement
Gabe Newcomb
- Setting UNIX environment with a Python script
Grant Edwards
- Standalone Win32 wxPython apps?
Grant Edwards
- NormalDate 1.2 released
John Machin
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (fwd)
Tim Peters
- newbie-ish question on exec statement
Grant Edwards
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- '<char> in <string>' works, why doesnt '<string> in <string>'?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Ho to use a regular expression group reference as hash key
Raymond Hettinger
- MacPython 2.2 errors after default installation .. ?
Jim Meier
- round() function strange behaviour
Peter Hansen
- Homepage of Gadfly not available?
Frank Tobin
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Peter Hansen
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
Magnus Lie Hetland
- should i learn it first ?
Peter Hansen
- Raw Ethernet under Win32?
Grant Edwards
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Tim Hammerquist
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Christopher Browne
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
Peter Hansen
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
David Eppstein
- m2crypto problems
Will Benton
- should i learn it first ?
- NormalDate 1.2 released
Andrew Dalke
- augmented arithmetic operations
Quinn Dunkan
- Redirecting output in Windows NT
Paul Lydon
- newbie-ish question on exec statement
Jason Orendorff
- Ho to use a regular expression group reference as hash key
Jason Orendorff
- Redirecting output in Windows NT
Mark Hammond
- PEP 285 bool types
Robin Becker
- NormalDate 1.2 released
Duncan Booth
- Ho to use a regular expression group reference as hash key
Fredrik Lundh
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Tim Churches
- python and haskell for fun
Michael Hudson
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Simon Brunning
- IDv2/IDv3 Tag on mp3-files
Andreas Penzel
- IDv2/IDv3 Tag on mp3-files
Oleg Broytmann
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet? <obligatory wink>
Tim Churches
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Tim Hammerquist
- PEP 285 bool types
Michael Hudson
- IDv2/IDv3 Tag on mp3-files
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Robin Becker
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Michael Hudson
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Roy Smith
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Daniel Dittmar
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Siegfried Gonzi
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (fwd)
- Rule Engine in Python
Bertrand Geston
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Samuele Pedroni
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
gbreed at
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Frithiof Andreas Jensen
- [ANN] UNBABTIZED - The language
phil hunt
- Raw Ethernet under Win32?
Erno Kuusela
- Homepage of Gadfly not available?
Frithiof Andreas Jensen
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Cameron Laird
- New-Style-Classes: some questions
Tino Lange
- Is there any wxPython turtor?
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Albert Hofkamp
- returning a picture from PIL
Peter Posselt Vestergaard
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Samuele Pedroni
- ADO and Store Procedure
Joel Quinet
- Is there a good reason why we cannot (as of 2.1.1) deepcopy complex objects?
Carl Banks
- Ho to use a regular expression group reference as hash key
Andreas Martin
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
William Park
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Fernando Pérez
- english thesaurus and dictionary
Bob Roberts
- How do you conver output of "popen('ls')" to a list?
Wojtek Walczak
- ADO and Store Procedure
gbreed at
- new to python - please help
Owen Stevens
- How do you conver output of "popen('ls')" to a list?
Jarkko Torppa
- doctest Hassles!
Douglas Garstang
- new to python - please help
Gustavo Cordova
- new to python - please help
Owen Stevens
- nonblocking i/o on windows?
craig curtin
- programming h----ng
brueckd at
- Redirecting output in Windows NT
Bengt Richter
- new to python - please help
Terry Reedy
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Tim Hammerquist
- Can we use print to print to more than sys.stdout?
Pierre Rouleau
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Jeff Shannon
- Manage Windows shortcut in Python
Pierre Rouleau
- doctest Hassles!
Jason Orendorff
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Michael Chermside
- Can we use print to print to more than sys.stdout?
Jason Orendorff
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Jeff Shannon
- doctest Hassles!
Andrew Dalke
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
A.M. Kuchling
- new to python - please help
Jason Orendorff
- File Attributes conversion
Andreas Kostyrka
- Order of constructor/destructor invocation
Andreas Kostyrka
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Donnal Walter
- Scripting C++ -- 2 -- a more concrete example.
rasmussn at
- New-Style-Classes: some questions
Walter Dörwald
- Can we use print to print to more than sys.stdout?
Fredrik Lundh
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Paul Hughett
- Manage Windows shortcut in Python
Syver Enstad
- Can we use print to print to more than sys.stdout?
Pierre_Rouleau at
- ANN: SV-SF Bay Area Python user grp (BayPIGgies) mtg 3/13 7:30pm
wesc at
- Python embedded like PHP
Rob Nikander
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Roy Smith
- returning a picture from PIL
Joonas Paalasmaa
- english thesaurus and dictionary
Tim Churches
- PEP 284, Integer for-loops (fwd)
James_Althoff at
- [q]Mouse event
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Martin v. Loewis
- serial port communication
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Neil Hodgson
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Neil Schemenauer
- sorting nested dictionary
- serial port communication
Grant Edwards
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Samuele Pedroni
- english thesaurus and dictionary
Fredrik Lundh
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Jason Orendorff
- trouble testing for existance of variable
- Python embedded like PHP
Fredrik Lundh
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
phil hunt
- doctest Hassles!
Bengt Richter
- serial port communication
Chris Liechti
- english thesaurus and dictionary
Bengt Richter
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- Homepage of Gadfly not available?
Richard Jones
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Mark Hammond
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
phil hunt
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- trouble testing for existance of variable
Fredrik Lundh
- trouble testing for existance of variable
Cliff Wells
- Setting UNIX environment with a Python script
Cameron Hutchison
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Neil Hodgson
- doctest Hassles!
Bengt Richter
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
David Ascher
- Scrolling line number Tkinter
Fabien Henon
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Tim Hammerquist
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Fernando Pérez
- NormalDate 1.2 released
Delaney, Timothy
- frustrated stupid newbie question
Scott Kurland
- struct.calcsize() giving odd results
John Purser
- NormalDate 1.2 released
Skip Montanaro
- frustrated stupid newbie question
- struct.calcsize() giving odd results
Grant Edwards
- frustrated stupid newbie question
Dave Reed
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Clark C . Evans
- frustrated stupid newbie question
Sheila King
- Anonymous attribute/property possible?
Bengt Richter
- 15 minute presentation on python?
Ian Parker
- is time.sleep a thread safe function?
Zihong Lu
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
Stuart Bishop
- frustrated stupid newbie question
John Purser
- frustrated stupid newbie question
Scott Kurland
- is time.sleep a thread safe function?
Cliff Wells
- Rule Engine in Python
Andrae Muys
- is time.sleep a thread safe function?
- frustrated stupid newbie question
Sheila King
- NormalDate 1.2 released
Peter Hansen
- Rule Engine in Python
Alexander V. Voinov
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- Redirecting output in Windows NT
Peter Schwalm
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
- struct.calcsize() giving odd results - Solved
John Purser
- english thesaurus and dictionary
Chirag Wazir
- trouble testing for existance of variable
- Redirecting output in Windows NT
Syver Enstad
- trouble testing for existance of variable
Peter Hansen
- Python embedded like PHP
Andrew McNamara
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Samuele Pedroni
- fun codeop hack
- frustrated stupid newbie question
Scott Kurland
- ANN: Python User Group in Winnipeg, Canada
Brad Bollenbach
- mildly related (was: Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?)
Samuele Pedroni
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Samuele Pedroni
- Book Draft Available: Text Processing in Python
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- Is there a good reason why we cannot (as of 2.1.1) deepcopy complex objects?
Carl Banks
- frustrated stupid newbie question
Joshua Macy
- Is there a good reason why we cannot (as of 2.1.1) deepcopy complex objects?
Tim Peters
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Jason Orendorff
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Andrew Dalke
- [development doc updates]
Fred L. Drake
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
James A Roush
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Jason Orendorff
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Jason Orendorff
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Brian Quinlan
- frustrated stupid newbie question
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
Erno Kuusela
- python -c cmd bug?
- python -c cmd bug?
Fredrik Lundh
- Newbie Import two coloums of floating point data into python HOWTO
John Gorman
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Sandy Norton
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
Fredrik Lundh
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Max M
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Martin v. Loewis
- how to give an object as argument for a method
Bertrand Geston
- Is there a good reason why we cannot (as of 2.1.1) deepcopy complex objects?
Michael Hudson
- Scrolling line number Tkinter
Martin Franklin
- sorting nested dictionary
Max M
- Python / Active Scripting - Value Assignment - HELP
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Max M
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Siegfried Gonzi
- structseq and keywords?
Quinn Dunkan
- Is there a good reason why we cannot (as of 2.1.1) deepcopy complex objects?
Duncan Booth
- dictonary
Daniel Nygård
- structseq and keywords?
Michael Hudson
- error
Manish Sharma
- dictonary
Gerhard Häring
- error
Oleg Broytmann
- 16-Bit MS-DOS and Python
Andreas Penzel
- module import in cgi scripts
- dictonary
Max M
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Paul Boddie
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
Toby Dickenson
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Max M
- 16-Bit MS-DOS and Python
Oleg Broytmann
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
Erno Kuusela
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Dave Cole
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- Python embedded like PHP
Dave Cole
- NormalDate 1.2 released
Sven Axelsson
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- MySQL Library or Interface?
Stephen Cox
- Python embedded like PHP
Paul Boddie
- MySQL Library or Interface?
Daniel Nygård
- MySQL Library or Interface?
Dave Reed
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Anton Vredegoor
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
Erno Kuusela
- module import in cgi scripts
Gerhard Häring
- python -c cmd bug?
Richard Walkington
- Python / Active Scripting - Value Assignment - HELP
Mark Hammond
- module import in cgi scripts
Syver Enstad
- MySQL Library or Interface?
Andy Gimblett
- Anonymous attribute/property possible?
- Tkinter: memory loss for tag bindings in Canvas
Eric Brunel
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet? <obligatory wink >
Simon Brunning
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Bertrand Geston
- Parsing system ini files (beginner)
Jeremie Legault
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
phil hunt
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
Michael Hudson
- Parsing system ini files (beginner)
Bertrand Geston
- calling methods of other objects
Marco De Luca
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Paul Hughett
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Christopher Barber
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
brueckd at
- structseq and keywords?
Nick Mathewson
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
A.M. Kuchling
- Why I think range is a wart.
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Gustavo Cordova
- cgi xmlrpc anyone?
Robin Becker
- cgi xmlrpc anyone?
Simon Brunning
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
rasmussn at
- Why I think range is a wart.
Daniel Dittmar
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Paul Boddie
- Why I think range is a wart.
ruud de rooij
- basic statistics in python
Fernando Pérez
- Why I think range is a wart.
Max M
- Why I think range is a wart.
John Roth
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Sandy Norton
- cgi xmlrpc anyone?
Robin Becker
- Why I think range is a wart.
ruud de rooij
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Martin v. Loewis
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Gerhard Häring
- cgi xmlrpc anyone?
Gerhard Häring
- Why I think range is a wart.
ruud de rooij
- Ho to use a regular expression group reference as hash key
Andreas Martin
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Trent Mick
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Trent Mick
- Why I think range is a wart.
Daniel Dittmar
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Cliff Wells
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
William Park
- Why I think range is a wart.
David Eppstein
- python and analyze image format?
Michael A. Miller
- Why I think range is a wart.
Christopher A. Craig
- Newbie: Undefined reference when initializing Python
- augmented arithmetic operations
Mike Carifio
- python and analyze image format?
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Cliff Wells
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
James A Roush
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Michael Hudson
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
- Mailman stat script?
- Newbie: Undefined reference when initializing Python
Michael Hudson
- python and analyze image format?
Michael A. Miller
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Oleg Broytmann
- Why I think range is a wart.
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Fernando Pérez
- Why Don't Scripts Run ?
- Another socket/thread question
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
- Another socket/thread question
Cliff Wells
- python and analyze image format?
Gerhard Häring
- python and analyze image format?
Steven Majewski
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Gerhard Häring
- Newbie regex question.
Omri Schwarz
- Another socket/thread question
- Newbie: Undefined reference when initializing Python
Gerhard Häring
- cgi xmlrpc anyone?
Robin Becker
- Why I think range is a wart.
James_Althoff at
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Andreas Kostyrka
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Cliff Wells
- Another socket/thread question
Ype Kingma
- Why Don't Scripts Run ?
Michael Kelly
- Why Don't Scripts Run ?
Andy McKay
- Why Don't Scripts Run ?
Daniel Dittmar
- Why Don't Scripts Run ?
Mohammed Lazreg
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
- Redirecting output in Windows NT
Bengt Richter
- telnet
- Newbie regex question.
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Newbie regex question.
Gustavo Cordova
- Why Don't Scripts Run ?
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Bengt Richter
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Trent Mick
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Trent Mick
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Clark C . Evans
- Why Don't Scripts Run ?
Max M
- Import of strop module in C program with Python2.2 on AIX4.3.3 issues a segmentation fault
Olivier Cipière
- sorting nested dictionary
- Another socket/thread question
Donn Cave
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Jeff Shannon
- sorting nested dictionary
Gustavo Cordova
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
James_Althoff at
- sorting nested dictionary
Max M
- Newbie Import two coloums of floating point data into python HOWTO
Jeff Shannon
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- 15 minute presentation on python?
Michael Chermside
- SWIG and python
- telnet
Chris Liechti
- Newbie regex question.
Omri Schwarz
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
Mike Dean
- Newbie regex question.
Omri Schwarz
- RFC PEP candidate: q'<delim>'quoted<delim> ?
Bengt Richter
- structseq and keywords?
Quinn Dunkan
- frustrated stupid newbie question
Huaiyu Zhu
- python and analyze image format?
Michael A. Miller
- Python 2.2 license question
Grant Edwards
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Richard Jones
- SWIG and python
Lyle Johnson
- Python / Active Scripting - Value Assignment - HELP
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Bengt Richter
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Richard Jones
- basic statistics in python
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Terry Reedy
- trouble testing for existance of variable
Carel Fellinger
- YANRQ (yet another regex question)
Michael George Lerner
- Statically linking standard Python modules into an application
Brian Forney
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Bjorn Pettersen
- Why I think range is a wart.
- Another socket/thread question
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Andy McKay
- basic statistics in python
Emile van Sebille
- data persistent from run
Bob Roberts
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
David Bolen
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Trent Mick
- possible string.strip memory leakage
Mike Brenner
- Why Don't Scripts Run ?
Andrae Muys
- dictonary
Bernard Yue
- Statically linking standard Python modules into an application
Gerhard Häring
- possible string.strip memory leakage
Skip Montanaro
- data persistent from run
Gerhard Häring
- Another socket/thread question
Andrae Muys
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Gerhard Häring
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Huaiyu Zhu
- Zope
Bernard Yue
- possible string.strip memory leakage
Bernard Yue
- YANRQ (yet another regex question)
Tim Peters
- possible string.strip memory leakage
Bernard Yue
- dictonary
Max M
- Zope
Andy McKay
- is time.sleep a thread safe function?
Zihong Lu
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
Tim Peters
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Jonathan Gardner
- win32 extension: rare PythonService problem
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Peter Hansen
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
- Python on Windows soon forbidden by Micro$oft?
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Andrew Dalke
- How do you protect the source code of python applications?
Jonathan Gardner
- redirecting stdin with Python scripts under win2k (solution)
Syver Enstad
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Andrew Dalke
- Why I think range is a wart.
John Roth
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Richard Jones
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Richard Jones
- [OT] Making the move (to Linux/*BSD/real OS)
Jonathan Gardner
- Another socket/thread question
Jon Ribbens
- Why I think range is a wart.
Andrae Muys
- Zope
Anthony Baxter
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
- How do you protect the source code of python applications?
Hans Nowak
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Tim Peters
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Bengt Richter
- trackers (was: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Trent Mick
- Zope
Bernard Yue
- Performance problem with filtering
Gerhard Häring
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Neil Hodgson
- basic statistics in python
Matthew Austin
- Another socket/thread question
Donn Cave
- Performance problem with filtering
Delaney, Timothy
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Bengt Richter
- Performance problem with filtering
Skip Montanaro
- Performance problem with filtering
Delaney, Timothy
- Performance problem with filtering
Gerhard Häring
- win32 extension: rare PythonService problem
Bengt Richter
- Performance problem with filtering
Sheila King
- trouble testing for existance of variable
- Performance problem with filtering
Paul Rubin
- Performance problem with filtering
Gerhard Häring
- Performance problem with filtering
Delaney, Timothy
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Stephen J. Turnbull
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Bengt Richter
- basic statistics in python
- Performance problem with filtering
Sheila King
- basic statistics in python
John Gorman
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Tim Peters
- Performance problem with filtering
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Telnet-like interface with authentication in server
Thomas Weholt
- basic statistics in python
Sandy Norton
- Python Version Strategy?
Bo Vandenberg
- telnet
- python and analyze image format?
- trouble testing for existance of variable
Fredrik Lundh
- Why I think range is a wart.
Fredrik Lundh
- Python Version Strategy?
Trent Mick
- jython for a large-scale web site?
Sandy Norton
- About deletion of variables in version 2.1
Juan Huertas
- [ANN] istring 1.0.1 released; announce list created
Oleg Broytmann
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Mark Hammond
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Anton Vredegoor
- Newbie: Undefined reference when initializing Python
- YANRQ (yet another regex question)
Mats Kindahl
- zlib vulnerabilities and python
Michael Hudson
- Python Version Strategy?
Michael Hudson
- Good book on Python?
Antonis C Koutalos
- Hexadecimal bytes to integers
pekka niiranen
- redirecting stdin with Python scripts under win2k (solution)
Dale Strickland-Clark
- possible string.strip memory leakage
Dale Strickland-Clark
- How to access DataObject retrieved from win32clipboard?
- PEP 2, Procedure for Adding New Modules
Martijn Faassen
- Disabling rexec for ActiveScripting in Local Intranet Zone?
Gerson Kurz
- XML-RPC Question
Jesper Olsen
- Good book on Python?
Jason Orendorff
- Hexadecimal bytes to integers
Jason Orendorff
- Good book on Python?
Federico Caboni
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Jason Orendorff
- does Python support some kind of "casting"
Tino Lange
- XML-RPC Question
Thomas Weholt
- Python-DB2 module and DB2 Connect
Michael Ströder
- SF vs. Lynx (was Re: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
- SF vs. Lynx (was Re: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Michael Hudson
- Python Version Strategy?
- SF vs. Lynx (was Re: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Andy Gimblett
- Performance problem with filtering
Skip Montanaro
- SF vs. Lynx (was Re: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
Paul Rubin
- Hexadecimal bytes to integers
gbreed at
- Good book on Python?
Brett g Porter
- SF vs. Lynx (was Re: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
- PyProlog 0.2.0 - compiling under Windows
- Tkinter BUG: memory loss for tag bindings in Canvas
Eric Brunel
- Good book on Python?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- basic statistics in python
Matthew Austin
- PyProlog 0.2.0 - compiling under Windows
Robin Becker
- Good book on Python?
Federico Caboni
- Python-DB2 module and DB2 Connect
Michael Ströder
- xmlrpclib.Server vs xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Brad Clements
- (XML) A list of class instances - how do I get them to reference each other?
Spitfire 1500
- Good book on Python?
phil hunt
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Michael Chermside
- Why I think range is a wart.
Bertrand Geston
- Using distutils for embedding -- was: Re: Newbie: Undefined reference when initializing Python
Gerhard Häring
- Good book on Python?
Emile van Sebille
- Conditional Import
- does Python support some kind of "casting"
Duncan Booth
- Good book on Python?
Michael Hudson
- Performance problem with filtering
Gustavo Cordova
- Conditional Import
Gustavo Cordova
- Why I think range is a wart
Russell E. Owen
- Conditional Import
Michael Hudson
- xmlrpclib.Server vs xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Skip Montanaro
- Good book on Python?
Bo Vandenberg
- YANRQ (yet another regex question)
Michael George Lerner
- YANRQ (yet another regex question)
Michael George Lerner
- Why I think range is a wart.
Christian Tanzer
- Why I think range is a wart
Daniel Dittmar
- Telnet-like interface with authentication in server
Jason Orendorff
- jython for a large-scale web site?
Michael Ströder
- Need advice for obfuscating Python code
Wojtek Walczak
- Why I think range is a wart.
Peter Dobcsanyi
- Telnet-like interface with authentication in server
Chris Liechti
- Conditional Import
- SF vs. Lynx (was Re: zlib vulnerabilities and python)
P. Alejandro Lopez-Valencia
- fun codeop hack
Cromwell, Jeremy
- Conditional Import
Bertrand Geston
- hack to exec a 'C' for loop
- newbie-ish question on exec statement
Jeff Shannon
- python name spaces
Daniel Ortmann
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Andrew Dalke
- Why I think range is a wart.
Quinn Dunkan
- xmlrpclib.Server vs xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Brian Quinlan
- XML-RPC Question
Brian Quinlan
- redirecting stdin with Python scripts under win2k (solution)
Bengt Richter
- basic statistics in python
Louis Luangkesorn
- Why I think range is a wart.
Tim Legant
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
James_Althoff at
- GC thread safe?
Dieter Maurer
- Python/Zope App for Email Activist Alert (WALD) tool?
Chris Abraham
- Performance problem with filtering
Bengt Richter
- TrafficMagnet - Special Offer!
Christine Hall
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
David C. Ullrich
- basic statistics in python
- new to python - please help
Kragen Sitaker
- [q]Mouse event
Kragen Sitaker
- GC thread safe?
Martin v. Loewis
- zlib and performance
Juan Huertas
- Scrolling line number Tkinter
Fabien Henon
- GC thread safe?
Neil Schemenauer
- Threading/TkInter problems with Buttons.
- Good book on Python?
Kaklis Antonis
- Disabling rexec for ActiveScripting in Local Intranet Zone?
Mark Hammond
- [q]Mouse event
Mohammed Lazreg
- GC thread safe?
Tim Peters
- basic statistics in python
- structseq and keywords?
Nick Mathewson
- Has Mark Hammond attained pariah status yet?
Delaney, Timothy
- [development doc updates]
Fred L. Drake
- Is Python an object based programming langauge?
Bengt Richter
- Why I think range is a wart.
Martijn Faassen
- new to python - please help
- tarfile 0.2.5
Lars Gustäbel
- Why Don't Scripts Run ?
Jeff Shannon
- Good book on Python?
William Sonna
- Good book on Python?
Gabe Newcomb
- Dear Guru, I have added def and it doesnt work Sincerly, F
- Good book on Python?
Gabe Newcomb
- Dear Guru, I have added def and it doesnt work Sincerly, F
Gerhard Häring
- Python2.2 and expat
Colin Fox
- How much trouble will I get into ...
- data persistent from run
Jeff Shannon
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
James T. Dennis
- Dear Guru, I have added def and it doesnt work Sincerly, F
phil hunt
- python shell
Gerhard Häring
- Python2.2 and expat
Trent Mick
- Setting UNIX environment with a Python script
James T. Dennis
- Question about scientific calculations in Python
Martin Kaufmann
- python shell
- ANN: Logging Module for Python conforming to PEP 282, first release
Vinay Sajip
- Dear Guru, I have added def and it doesnt work Sincerly, F
Gerhard Häring
- Windows Installation
Jonathan Gardner
- Dear Guru, I have added def and it doesnt work Sincerly, F
Gerhard Häring
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Tim Hochberg
- Python2.2 and expat
Gerhard Häring
- Python2.2 and expat
Gerhard Häring
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
- YANRQ (yet another regex question)
Tim Peters
- how do i get xml.sax.make_parser() to work on solaris and cygwin python
- hey everyone!!
- Good book on Python?
Gary Pajer
- how to check how many bytes are available to read() ?
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Grant Edwards
- hey everyone!!
Sheila King
- how to check how many bytes are available to read() ?
Grant Edwards
- Windows Installation
Peter Hansen
- should i learn it first ?
Peter Hansen
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Skip Montanaro
- Windows Installation
Gerhard Häring
- Setting UNIX environment with a Python script
Donn Cave
- Good book on Python?
George Planansky
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Donn Cave
- XML-RPC Question
Jesper Olsen
- XML-RPC Question
Christopher Browne
- Dear Guru, I have added def and it doesnt work Sincerly, F
Gerhard Häring
- socket
Billy Ng
- Dear Guru, I have added def and it doesnt work Sincerly, F
Federico Caboni
- Disabling rexec for ActiveScripting in Local Intranet Zone?
Gerson Kurz
- XML-RPC Question
Brian Quinlan
- XML-RPC Question
Jesper Olsen
- Good book on Python?
Federico Caboni
- Tkinter BUG: memory loss for tag bindings in Canvas
Andrew MacIntyre
- XML-RPC Question
Brian Quinlan
- problems with compiling python on osx
Sascha Ernst
- how to check how many bytes are available to read() ?
Andreas Ulbrich
- YANRQ (yet another regex question)
Mats Kindahl
- YANRQ (yet another regex question)
Mats Kindahl
- does Python support some kind of "casting"
Tino Lange
- converting reference name to string ?
- psyco, jython, and python speed tests
Sandy Norton
- Dear Guru, I have added def and it doesnt work Sincerly, F
Federico Caboni
- Snack mod for python
Kare Sjolander
- jython for a large-scale web site?
Sandy Norton
- Why I think range is a wart.
Peter Dobcsanyi
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Noel Smith
- Albatross 0.06 released
Dave Cole
- line-by-line file read
Michael Stenner
- converting reference name to string ?
Raymond Hettinger
- problems with compiling python on osx
Just van Rossum
- line-by-line file read
Andy Gimblett
- further infos
Sascha Ernst
- socket
Peter Hansen
- further infos
Sascha Ernst
- problems with compiling python on osx
Sascha Ernst
- does Python support some kind of "casting"
Peter Hansen
- Windows Installation
Peter Hansen
- further infos
Michael Stenner
- line-by-line file read
Gerhard Häring
- how do i get xml.sax.make_parser() to work on solaris and cygwin python
Martin von Loewis
- Library for wmf/emf to png conversion?
- line-by-line file read
Paul Rubin
- Disabling rexec for ActiveScripting in Local Intranet Zone?
John Roth
- ANN: Python Imaging Library 1.1.3 (march 15, 2002)
- does Python support some kind of "casting"
Terry Reedy
- psyco, jython, and python speed tests
Skip Montanaro
- Using cgitb under mod_python
Tiberius Teng
- Dear Guru, I have added def and it doesnt work Sincerly, F
Terry Reedy
- Windows Installation
John Roth
- does Python support some kind of "casting"
Duncan Booth
- (Cygwin) Python Questions
Jason Tishler
- Connecting to a Gnutella-network
Thomas Weholt
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Grant Edwards
- socket
Grant Edwards
- Deitel and Deitel Book...
Brett g Porter
- line-by-line file read
Michael Stenner
- Windows Installation
Fernando Pérez
- Windows Installation
Fernando Pérez
- Which class method will be used when calling it?
Pearu Peterson
- how to check how many bytes are available to read() ?
- Connecting to a Gnutella-network
Terry Reedy
- ANN: Python Imaging Library 1.1.3 (march 15, 2002)
David Eppstein
- further infos
Sascha Ernst
- does Python support some kind of "casting"
Rich Harkins
- Optimising list comparison
Fernando Pérez
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Paul Boddie
- multiline raw input
Fernando Pérez
- Windows Installation
Fernando Pérez
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Rich Cook
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Skip Montanaro
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Sjoerd Mullender
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Rich Cook
- YANRQ (yet another regex question)
Michael George Lerner
- ANN: Python Imaging Library 1.1.3 (march 15, 2002)
David Eppstein
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Grant Edwards
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
David Bolen
- Using HTMLHelp files with win32all-146 for Python22
Gerson Kurz
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Grant Edwards
- socket
Billy Ng
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Cameron Laird
- random appreciation
- new to python - please help
Cliff Wells
- how to check how many bytes are available to read() ?
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
- Windows Installation
Cliff Wells
- Wrong transfer of data (ODBC)
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
Joe Grossberg
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Jason Orendorff
- Why I think range is a wart.
Tim Legant
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Donn Cave
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Richard Cook
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Richard Cook
- Memory problem with C-Extension
Marcus Stojek
- Implementation Advice
- socket
Cliff Wells
- Threading/TkInter problems with Buttons.
Fredrik Lundh
- Good book on Python?
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
Cromwell, Jeremy
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
Skip Montanaro
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Max M
- Access to shared directories
- Connecting to a Gnutella-network
phil hunt
- Pretty Integers
Lindstrom Greg - glinds
- Access to shared directories
Tim Howarth
- ***Stopping a Python Thread***
Greg Weeks
- Pretty Integers
Bjorn Pettersen
- socket
Gustavo Cordova
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Donn Cave
- what is TestResult.__repr__ ?
Richard Harlos
- socket
Billy Ng
- This may seem a slightly strange problem ...
- what is TestResult.__repr__ ?
Michael Chermside
- MySQL-mod: setup-error: invalid distrib.option 'platforms'
Florian Konnertz
- what is TestResult.__repr__ ?
Cromwell, Jeremy
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Nick Arnett
- Parsing string into fixed-width pieces
Johnson, Brad
- ***Stopping a Python Thread***
- what is TestResult.__repr__ ?
Joshua Macy
- ***Stopping a Python Thread***
Steve Lamb
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Bengt Richter
- Process to process synchronization (unix)
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
brueckd at
- callling dynamically obtained win32api function
- Windows Installation
Gerhard Häring
- Why I think range is a wart.
Bengt Richter
- Library for wmf/emf to png conversion?
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Optimising list comparison
Graham Ashton
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
Graham Ashton
- Optimising list comparison
Skip Montanaro
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
David Bolen
- Windows Installation
Trent Mick
- socket
David Bolen
- psyco, jython, and python speed tests
Sandy Norton
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Bengt Richter
- Optimising list comparison
Tim Peters
- Pretty Integers
Carsten Gaebler
- basic statistics in python
Tim Churches
- psyco, jython, and python speed tests
Skip Montanaro
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Tim Churches
- Parsing string into fixed-width pieces
Cliff Wells
- Why I think range is a wart.
Peter Dobcsanyi
- multiline raw input
les ander
- locale module broken?
Carsten Gaebler
- Optimising list comparison
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Implementation Advice
phil hunt
- multiline raw input
Bjorn Pettersen
- socket
Billy Ng
- 15 minute presentation on python?
Ian Parker
- does Python support some kind of "casting"
Peter Hansen
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Jeff Shannon
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Martin v. Loewis
- Good book on Python?
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- locale module broken?
Martin v. Loewis
- Windows Installation
Peter Hansen
- Optimising list comparison
David Eppstein
- multiline raw input
Bengt Richter
- Iterator slicing?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Which class method will be used when calling it?
Jeff Shannon
- Why I think range is a wart.
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Parsing string into fixed-width pieces
Jeff Shannon
- Why I think range is a wart.
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Iterator slicing?
Martin v. Loewis
- locale module broken?
Oleg Broytmann
- Shot in the Dark: Minimum-weight perfect matching algorithm
Paul Magwene
- Help Required
- Help Required
Chris Liechti
- pythonic way of depth first and breadth first tree iterators
Dave Reed
- Help Required
Chris Gonnerman
- Help Required
Cliff Wells
- Help Required
Bengt Richter
- socket
Uriah Welcome
- Zope Question
Colin Fox
- Shot in the Dark: Minimum-weight perfect matching algorithm
David Eppstein
- pythonic way of depth first and breadth first tree iterators
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- Wrong transfer of data (ODBC)
Emile van Sebille
- socket
Peter Hansen
- This may seem a slightly strange problem ...
Emile van Sebille
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
- Shot in the Dark: Minimum-weight perfect matching algorithm
Paul Magwene
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
- Shot in the Dark: Minimum-weight perfect matching algorithm
Paul Magwene
- Help Required
- Disabling rexec for ActiveScripting in Local Intranet Zone?
Mark Hammond
- Disabling rexec for ActiveScripting in Local Intranet Zone?
Mark Hammond
- Graph Algorithms - Checkout SciLab
Paul Magwene
- Gadfly mirrors?
matt at
- Connecting to a Gnutella-network
Asheesh Laroia
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Clark C . Evans
- socket
Grant Edwards
- socket
Grant Edwards
- -- Version 1.23
Timothy O'Malley
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Grant Edwards
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Grant Edwards
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Grant Edwards
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Grant Edwards
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Donn Cave
- Windows Installation
Peter Hansen
- Windows Installation
Jonathan Gardner
- Windows Installation
Jonathan Gardner
- Windows Installation
Jonathan Gardner
- This may seem a slightly strange problem ...
Dean Goodmanson
- Help with a Python ASP C extension module ...
Eric Vasilik
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
Just van Rossum
- Windows Installation
Tim Peters
- Windows Installation
Jonathan Gardner
- Why I think range is a wart.
Fredrik Lundh
- psyco, jython, and python speed tests
Sandy Norton
- basic statistics in python
Siegfried Gonzi
- Optimising list comparison
Graham Ashton
- Optimising list comparison
Graham Ashton
- Linux endline
Fabien Hénon
- Linux endline
Fabien Hénon
- Python-DB2 module and DB2 Connect
Steve Williams
- Good book on Python?
- Python-DB2 module and DB2 Connect
Michael Ströder
- Windows Installation
Jonathan Gardner
- Windows Installation
Fernando Pérez
- Connecting to a Gnutella-network
Henning Schröder
- basic statistics in python
Tim Churches
- This may seem a slightly strange problem ...
- This may seem a slightly strange problem ...
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Noel Smith
- HP-UX, PyThread_* missing
Paul F. Dubois
- xmlrpclib.Server vs xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Fredrik Lundh
- Linux endline
Fredrik Lundh
- basic statistics in python
Paul Magwene
- Help Setting PATH w/Python and Win98
- Tkinter BUG: memory loss for tag bindings in Canvas
Fredrik Lundh
- Help Required
Cromwell, Jeremy
- Linux endline
Chris Liechti
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
phil hunt
- Help Setting PATH w/Python and Win98
Peter Hansen
- python shell
- Sample Python programs to look at?
- HP-UX, PyThread_* missing
Martin v. Loewis
- Sample Python programs to look at?
John Purser
- Sample Python programs to look at?
Paul Rubin
- Gadfly mirrors?
Konrad Anton
- xmlrpclib.Server vs xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Bengt Richter
- pythonic way of depth first and breadth first tree iterators
- SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer question
Steven Pokrandt
- Good book on Python?
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
- SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer question
Oleg Broytmann
- xmlrpclib.Server vs xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Robin Becker
- Help with a Python ASP C extension module ...
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
Marco Herrn
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
Sheila King
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- HP-UX, PyThread_* missing
P. Alejandro Lopez-Valencia
- Good book on Python?
- HP-UX, PyThread_* missing
Greg Weeks
- HP-UX, PyThread_* missing
Greg Weeks
- Which class method will be used when calling it?
Patrick K. O'Brien
- Operator overload question
Arthur Siegel
- return type question - operator oveloading
arthur.siegel at
- PIL Headaches: Advice Needed
- Enhanced information from common exceptions
John Machin
- Enhanced information from common exceptions
Tim Peters
- why python for the academe?
- Help with a Python ASP C extension module ...
Mark Hammond
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Erno Kuusela
- Enhanced information from common exceptions
Paul Rubin
- why python for the academe?
Paul Magwene
- return type question - operator oveloading
Chris Liechti
- PIL Headaches: Advice Needed
Bengt Richter
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
Dan Bishop
- return type question - operator oveloading
arthur.siegel at
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Bengt Richter
- Python calling C with callback to Python - crash!
Will G.
- The Ultimate Revenue Generator
Power Mktg Solutions
- mixing regular expression
Ian McMeans
- mixing regular expression
Peter Hansen
- mixing regular expression
Ian McMeans
- test
- Pythonic Porter stemmers (Was: Re: Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?)
Tim Churches
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
- Where to download bugfix for email Module?
Sheila King
- PIL Headaches: Advice Needed
Chris Reay
- Relieved but disappointed: The Pariah thread
Tim Churches
- HP-UX, PyThread_* missing
Martin v. Loewis
- HP-UX, PyThread_* missing
Martin v. Loewis
- mixing regular expression
Ian McMeans
- basic statistics in python
Siegfried Gonzi
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
Just van Rossum
- why python for the academe?
Siegfried Gonzi
- Python using EditPlus
Luca Grossi
- Where to download bugfix for email Module?
Oleg Broytmann
- Pythonic Porter stemmers (Was: Re: Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?)
Van Gale
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Bill Tate
- xmlrpclib.Server vs xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Fredrik Lundh
- mixing regular expression
Christian Tanzer
- Help Required
Steve Drake
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Wolfgang Strobl
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Wolfgang Strobl
- a text processing problem: are regexpressions necessary?
Sandy Norton
- Mercy and Mutual Aid
fund at
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
phil hunt
- XML-RPC Bug?
Jesper Olsen
- Problem using pexports & Cygwin to build Python 2.2 extension modules
Les Button
- XML-RPC Bug?
Skip Montanaro
- problems with compiling python on osx
Victor Ng
- tty interface to a hashtable for script configuration?
Clark C . Evans
- !=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCOS05cBsoQg==?=!
- new-style class initialization
robin and jim
- sunstring
Billy Ng
- time out socket
Billy Ng
- Where to download bugfix for email Module?
Sheila King
- locale module broken?
Martin von Loewis
- Python calling C with callback to Python - crash!
Martin von Loewis
- new-style class initialization
Martin von Loewis
- sunstring
Martin von Loewis
- time out socket
Martin von Loewis
- time out socket
Billy Ng
- sunstring
Peter Hansen
- why python for the academe?
Serge Rey
- Gumbie: a GUI Generator for Jython
Ron Stephens
- Gumbie: a GUI Generator for Jython
Gerhard Häring
- a text processing problem: are regexpressions necessary?
William Park
- Where to download bugfix for email Module?
Sheila King
- Gumbie: a GUI Generator for Jython
Sheila King
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Martin v. Loewis
- How-to : Running profile from inside an class on the class' own methods ??
Thomas Weholt
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
Henrik Motakef
- a text processing problem: are regexpressions necessary?
Bengt Richter
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- How-to : Running profile from inside an class on the class' own methods ??
Neil Schemenauer
- basic statistics in python
Matt Austin
- sunstring
Remco Gerlich
- a text processing problem: are regexpressions necessary?
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
Sheila King
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
Mike Dean
- pyclbr _modules cache - why?
Culley Angus
- Pythonic Porter stemmers (Was: Re: Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?)
John Machin
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Wolfgang Strobl
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
David Eppstein
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
G. Sumner Hayes
- Zope Question
Thomas Guettler
- time out socket
Oleg Broytmann
- Linux endline
Fabien Henon
- Where to download bugfix for email Module?
Oleg Broytmann
- Eliminate Spam Now... >g< Python w/DNS/&POP3
Benjamin Schollnick
- Windows NT shell + extended characters. Bug or what?
Martin v. Loewis
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
Martin v. Loewis
- Sharing code between instance and class methods
Stefan Schwarzer
- MySQL-mod: setup-error: invalid distrib.option 'platforms'
Bernard Yue
- sunstring
Billy Ng
- Eliminate Spam Now... >g< Python w/DNS/&POP3
Oleg Broytmann
- Eliminate Spam Now... >g< Python w/DNS/&POP3
Neil Schemenauer
- Where to download bugfix for email Module?
Sheila King
- Format profile-data into "nice" HTML ?
Thomas Weholt
- Old File Purge Suggestions?
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
- Eliminate Spam Now... >g< Python w/DNS/&POP3
Sheila King
- Eliminate Spam Now... >g< Python w/DNS/&POP3
Paul Wright
- how to set the background color of a window with curses
Jim Dennis
- Eliminate Spam Now... >g< Python w/DNS/&POP3
Benjamin Schollnick
- on Regular Files?
Jim Dennis
- Problem using pexports & Cygwin to build Python 2.2 extension modules
Gerhard Häring
- signal handling toy
Jim Dennis
- Eliminate Spam Now... >g< Python w/DNS/&POP3
Benjamin Schollnick
- pyclbr _modules cache - why?
Tim Peters
- bug reporting
Arthur Siegel
- Old File Purge Suggestions?
Chris Liechti
- Python/JXTA
- Help with a Python ASP C extension module ...
Eric Vasilik
- Python on an ARM Linux Graphics Client Plus
Robert Innes
- Python/JXTA
Gerhard Häring
- syntax question: "<>" and "!=" operators
phil hunt
- Python/JXTA
Skip Montanaro
- how to print class names, not references
- Python using EditPlus
Chirag Wazir
- Python on an ARM Linux Graphics Client Plus
Robert Innes
- Python on an ARM Linux Graphics Client Plus
Gerhard Häring
- how to print class names, not references
Gerhard Häring
- Windows Installation
Gerhard Häring
- bug reporting
Sheila King
- Online Pythonic web spider back up and runnning
Ron Stephens
- Hey! This is my new email address.
CutieGirl19 at
- how to print class names, not references
Terry Reedy
- how to print class names, not references
Rich Salz
- how to print class names, not references
Bengt Richter
- sunstring
Peter Hansen
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Greg Ewing
- Creating a module that uses itself
Asheesh Laroia
- Creating a module that uses itself
Delaney, Timothy
- Windows Scripting Component weirdness
Keith Farmer
- Creating a module that uses itself
Greg Krohn
- Installing CXX: ImportError
- open() error ---- what am I missing?
Jim Dennis
- Python using EditPlus
Cristian Echeverria
- Optimising list comparison
Jim Dennis
- Where to download bugfix for email Module?
Oleg Broytmann
- Zope Question
Duncan Booth
- Python + Omni CORBA libraries link
Viatcheslav Kulikov RWTH Aachen
- Help Setting PATH w/Python and Win98
j.a. bijsterbosch
- PIL: Want to convert images into HSL format
- locale module broken?
Carsten Gaebler
- Python + Omni CORBA libraries link
Duncan Grisby
- Why I think range is a wart.
Bertrand Geston
- Python + Omni CORBA libraries link
Viatcheslav Kulikov RWTH Aachen
- - opening remote files on a server
Laura Creighton
- Problem using pexports & Cygwin to build Python 2.2 extension modules
Anton Vredegoor
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Paul Boddie
- bug reporting
Martin von Loewis
- Process to process synchronization (unix)
Eric Brunel
- Relieved but disappointed: The Pariah thread
Paul Boddie
- Python + Omni CORBA libraries link
Duncan Grisby
- Where to download bugfix for email Module?
Michael Hudson
- Creating a module that uses itself
Asheesh Laroia
- YANRQ (yet another regex question)
Mats Kindahl
- Problem using pexports & Cygwin to build Python 2.2 extension modules
Jason Tishler
- why python for the academe?
Cameron Laird
- on Regular Files?
Erno Kuusela
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 18)
Dean Goodmanson
- HP-UX, PyThread_* missing
- bug reporting
Arthur Siegel
- Relieved but disappointed: The Pariah thread
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
brueckd at
- Relieved but disappointed: The Pariah thread
- HP-UX, PyThread_* missing
Martin v. Loewis
- Want to convert images into HSL format
Fredrik Lundh
- Old File Purge Suggestions?
Fredrik Lundh
- python 2.1.2, Linux and 'os' library: bug or (bad) feature?
Pawel Oleksik
- A question about generators
Richard J. Kuhns
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
David Rushby
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
Oleg Broytmann
- PIL Headaches: Advice Needed
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
Michael Hudson
- a text processing problem: are regexpressions necessary?
Sandy Norton
- Python Embedding / Import Woes
Corey Donicz
- Converting relative URLs to absolute
Robin Becker
- RELEASED email package version 1.2
Barry A. Warsaw
- Digest Number 868
Skip Montanaro
- Correct to use instance = module.__dict__[class_name]() ?
Andy Gimblett
- Help Required
- XML help
Vincent Foley
- [development doc updates]
Fred L. Drake
- py2exe and Tkinter
Lindstrom Greg - glinds
- Correct to use instance = module.__dict__[class_name]() ?
Just van Rossum
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
Sheila King
- bug reporting
Sheila King
- Using HTMLHelp files with win32all-146 for Python22
Jeff Shannon
- dealing with paths, multiple OS versions, cgi's
Glenn Stauffer
- Relieved but disappointed: The Pariah thread
Arthur Siegel
- socket programming
- Adding static typing to Python
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Huaiyu Zhu
- Format profile-data into "nice" HTML ?
Thomas Weholt
- 2.1.2 install problems on win2k server
- 2.1.2 install problems on win2k server
- Problems embedding with win2k
- Generating getter methods with exec
Stefan Schwarzer
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
Jeff Shannon
- PIL Headaches: Advice Needed
Jeff Shannon
- open() error ---- what am I missing?
John Machin
- Python/JXTA
Ype Kingma
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
James_Althoff at
- Generating getter methods with exec
Neal Norwitz
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
David Rushby
- dealing with paths, multiple OS versions, cgi's
Skip Montanaro
- Windows Installation
Trent Mick
- Initialization of base classes
sorry.antispam at
- Python on VMS?
- Help Required
Chris Liechti
- How to "hook" print statement.
- ANN: IPython 0.2.8
Fernando Pérez
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Michael Hudson
- Problem using pexports & Cygwin to build Python 2.2 extension modules
Les Button
- socket programming
Maciej Sobczak
- python 2.1.2, Linux and 'os' library: bug or (bad) feature?
Martin v. Loewis
- Adding static typing to Python
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Initialization of base classes
Joshua Marshall
- Python on VMS?
Skip Montanaro
- A question about generators
Martin v. Loewis
- Generating getter methods with exec
Stefan Schwarzer
- XML help
Martin v. Loewis
- How to "hook" print statement.
Martin v. Loewis
- XML help
Magnus Lie Hetland
- [].keys() and [].items() (Was: Why I think range is a wart)
Huaiyu Zhu
- Initialization of base classes
Mark McEahern
- xmlrpclib.Server vs xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
Sheila King
- Syntax color hightlight
Fabien Henon
- Windows Scripting Component weirdness
Mark Hammond
- Help Required
Bengt Richter
- Text Search Engine that works with Python
Tim Bell
- Need maintainer for
Rich Salz
- Relieved but disappointed: The Pariah thread
Mark Hammond
- os.popen4 and exit codes
Don Garrett
- Syntax color hightlight
Chris Liechti
- XML help
Fredrik Lundh
- xmlrpclib.Server vs xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Fredrik Lundh
- Declare list of large size
Aaron Ginn
- Problems embedding with win2k
Chris Tavares
- Declare list of large size
- Syntax color hightlight
- Declare list of large size
Neal Norwitz
- Declare list of large size
Kendall Clark
- Digest Number 868
Garret McGraw
- open() error ---- what am I missing?
Delaney, Timothy
- os.popen4 and exit codes
Donn Cave
- A question about generators
Delaney, Timothy
- Generating getter methods with exec
Neal Norwitz
- Checkboxes and Tortured Logic
- Declare list of large size
Delaney, Timothy
- Dictionary as non-iterable object?
Rob Liebscher
- Format profile-data into "nice" HTML ?
Bengt Richter
- Dictionary as non-iterable object?
Skip Montanaro
- A question about generators
David Eppstein
- Digest Number 868
Garret McGraw
- Python-DB2 module and DB2 Connect
Steve Williams
- Declare list of large size
David Eppstein
- zipfiles module... read a file from archive
Danny Pansters
- PIL Headaches: Advice Needed
Bengt Richter
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Tim Peters
- Serial Ports
Jamie Carl
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Tim Peters
- Python calling C with callback to Python - crash!
Will G.
- compiler-sig project for Python 2.3: new AST
Jeremy Hylton
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Skip Montanaro
- Emacs EOF on sys.stdin.readline()
- Serial Ports
Mark Hammond
- Java and Python
Ahmed Moustafa
- Java and Python
Richard Jones
- Java and Python
Delaney, Timothy
- modifications of PythonWin?
Alex K. Angelopoulos
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Gerhard Häring
- psyco, jython, and python speed tests
Kragen Sitaker
- Want to convert images into HSL format
- psyco, jython, and python speed tests
- modifications of PythonWin?
Mark Hammond
- Java and Python
Ahmed Moustafa
- Tkinter and lengthy computations
Olaf Delgado
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Andrew Markebo
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
Kragen Sitaker
- Java and Python
Steven Majewski
- modifications of PythonWin?
Gerson Kurz
- Use apply() or not, and raising multiple exceptions (co-routines?)
Kragen Sitaker
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Mark Hammond
- Modulo operator : differences between C and Python
Kragen Sitaker
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Neil Hodgson
- Pure python alternative to mx.DateTime?
Lutz Schroeer
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Martin v. Loewis
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Martin v. Loewis
- Pure python alternative to mx.DateTime?
Max M
- Java and Python
Jan Halasa
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Michael Hudson
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Andrew Markebo
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Andrew Markebo
- #define equivalents and config files
Dave Swegen
- Correct to use instance = module.__dict__[class_name]() ?
Andy Gimblett
- Relieved but disappointed: The Pariah thread
David Guest
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Neil Hodgson
- Pure python alternative to mx.DateTime?
Lutz Schroeer
- Excel AddIn
gerritvd at
- bug reporting
Andrew MacIntyre
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Neil Hodgson
- Gadfly mirrors?
Harald Schneider
- Generating getter methods with exec
Duncan Booth
- python 2.1.2, Linux and 'os' library: bug or (bad) feature?
Pawel Oleksik
- Scrolling line number Tkinter
Martin Franklin
- [wxPython 2.3.1] what's going on?
Pawel Oleksik
- Gadfly mirrors?
Paul Wright
- Checkboxes and Tortured Logic
Martin Franklin
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Mark Hammond
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Gerhard Häring
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Gerhard Häring
- #define equivalents and config files
- Newbie: word count and Win32
Joe Christl
- Dictionary Comprehension
Dale Strickland-Clark
- py2exe and Tkinter
Thomas Heller
- #define equivalents and config files
Dave Swegen
- Dictionary Comprehension
Michael Hudson
- socket programming
- socket.gethostbyname() AttributeError
- socket.gethostbyname() AttributeError
Oleg Broytmann
- inheriting from curses window-objects
Marco Herrn
- Dictionary Comprehension
Dale Strickland-Clark
- psyco, jython, and python speed tests
Skip Montanaro
- Book Draft Available: Text Processing in Python
Jim Dennis
- MPI changes the command line arguments
Heiko Wolf
- [wxPython 2.3.1] what's going on?
Arnaud de La Fortelle
- Pure python alternative to mx.DateTime?
Skip Montanaro
- socket.gethostbyname() AttributeError
Skip Montanaro
- Java and Python
A.M. Kuchling
- [wxPython 2.3.1] what's going on?
- Getopt / matching problem
- Detecting corrupted .pyc files
Michael Teo
- XML help
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Book Draft Available: Text Processing in Python
Mike Brenner
- Getopt / matching problem
Andy Gimblett
- python 2.1.2, Linux and 'os' library: bug or (bad) feature?
Fredrik Lundh
- socket programming
Grant Edwards
- Detecting corrupted .pyc files
Michael Hudson
- [wxPython 2.3.1] what's going on?
Tim Peters
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Steven Majewski
- Extending Python/Tkinter
Cris Eck
- nested_scopes with execfile
Amir Hadar
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Tim Peters
- Extending Python/Tkinter
Skip Montanaro
- Returning an element from a C struct
Brad Gaspard
- Access to shared directories
Jim Dennis
- [wxPython 2.3.1] what's going on?
Cliff Wells
- Extending Python/Tkinter
Eric Brunel
- Newbie: word count and Win32
- For loops with explicit indices -- again
Armin Rigo
- Returning an element from a C struct
Skip Montanaro
- Telnetlib - Clearing/resetting within a Telnet Object
Mike Lammon
- Returning an element from a C struct
Armin Rigo
- Pure python alternative to mx.DateTime?
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
A.M. Kuchling
- Python-2.2.1c1 Build Problems on Linux and AIX.
Ralph Corderoy
- Process to process synchronization (unix)
Kragen Sitaker
- Parsing string into fixed-width pieces
Kragen Sitaker
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Michael Hudson
- Python Proposal Review
Susan Capparelle
- Python-2.2.1c1 Build Problems on Linux and AIX.
Michael Hudson
- Optimising list comparison
Kragen Sitaker
- Process to process synchronization (unix)
Michael Stenner
- Extending Python/Tkinter
Richard Townsend
- nested_scopes with execfile
Mohammed Lazreg
- Python-2.2.1c1 Build Problems on Linux and AIX.
Skip Montanaro
- py2exe 0.3.1 hangs trying to remove build under Win98SE
Doug Farrell
- bug reporting
Sheila King
- inheriting from curses window-objects
Gerhard Häring
- Python embedded like PHP
Ian Bicking
- Serial Ports
Chris Liechti
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Fernando Pérez
- Newbie: word count and Win32
Bengt Richter
- Extending Python/Tkinter
Fredrik Lundh
- How to count pixels of a color in an image?
- Serial Ports
Dietmar Lang
- Newbie: EOF Error when making arrays .fromfile
Matt Strange
- Newbie: word count and Win32
Joe Christl
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Martin v. Loewis
- Java and Python
Cameron Laird
- How to count pixels of a color in an image?
Bengt Richter
- Java and Python
Cameron Laird
- Java and Python
phil hunt
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Mark Hammond
- basic statistics in python
Travis Oliphant
- Dictionary Comprehension
Paul Rubin
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Neil Hodgson
- psyco, jython, and python speed tests
Sandy Norton
- Newbie: word count and Win32
Bengt Richter
- How to count pixels of a color in an image?
Fredrik Lundh
- Newbie: EOF Error when making arrays .fromfile
Gerhard Häring
- arrays help
Gerhard Häring
- arrays help
Gabe Newcomb
- Dictionary Comprehension
Fredrik Lundh
- Serial Ports
Adam Przybyla
- socket.gethostbyname() AttributeError
John Smith
- os.popen4 and exit codes
David Bolen
- Python Embedding / Import Woes
Corey Donicz
- IntSpan?
Jeff Bienstadt
- readline() blocks after select() says there's data??
David Bolen
- Newbie: EOF Error when making arrays .fromfile
Case Van Horsen
- inheriting from curses window-objects
Marco Herrn
- [pygresql] Please suggest
Gerhard Häring
- xmlrpclib.Server vs xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Magnus Lie Hetland
- What am I doing wrong with urllib.urlopen() ?
Jose Rivera
- Python-2.2.1c1 Build Problems on Linux and AIX.
Ralph Corderoy
- Python-2.2.1c1 Build Problems on Linux and AIX.
Ralph Corderoy
- Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Jochen Küpper
- Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Tim Peters
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Chris Liechti
- Q: Sound production with python?
- Passing command line arguments when debugging with IDLE
- Q: Sound production with python?
Flavian Hardcastle
- Can't print national characters in IDLE with Python 2.2.1c1
Magnus Lyckå
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Magnus Lie Hetland
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Jochen Küpper
- Serial Ports
Jamie Carl
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Tim Peters
- arrays help
Umesh Persad
- For loops with explicit indices -- again
Greg Ewing
- [Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?
Jochen Küpper
- What am I doing wrong with urllib.urlopen() ?
Bengt Richter
- Java and Python
Peter Hansen
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Mark Hammond
- Passing command line arguments when debugging with IDLE
Bengt Richter
- Q: Sound production with python?
Bengt Richter
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
- bug tracking system
mohamed lazreg
- Java and Python
Ahmed Moustafa
- bug tracking system
Richard Jones
- Passing command line arguments when debugging with IDLE
Bengt Richter
- Java and Python
Peter Hansen
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Gerhard Häring
- NameError assigning to class created in a function
Andrew Bennetts
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Gerhard Häring
- Can't print national characters in IDLE with Python 2.2.1c1
Martin v. Loewis
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Martin v. Loewis
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Martin v. Loewis
- Java and Python
Ahmed Moustafa
- [pygresql] Please suggest
Bo Vandenberg
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
Barry A. Warsaw
- Java and Python
Peter Hansen
- Java and Python
Gerhard Häring
- bug tracking system
Peter Hansen
- [mimelib-devel] Re: Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
Ben Gertzfield
- Status of PEP's?
Kragen Sitaker
- For loops with explicit indices -- again
Jim Richardson
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Bengt Richter
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
Sheila King
- Need feedback - What are the elements of a good hosting service?
Kragen Sitaker
- NameError assigning to class created in a function
Duncan Booth
- Java and Python
Ahmed Moustafa
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Thomas Heller
- Recommended Books/Resources for Python
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Thomas Heller
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Thomas Heller
- Java and Python
Ahmed Moustafa
- py2exe 0.3.1 hangs trying to remove build under Win98SE
Thomas Heller
- ANN: python-bz2 1.0
Gustavo Niemeyer
- how to ask different DNS for gethostbyname?
Koji Nobumoto
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Martin v. Löwis
- Python embedded like PHP
Andy Gimblett
- Can't print national characters in IDLE with Python 2.2.1c1
Oleg Broytmann
- how to ask different DNS for gethostbyname?
Martin v. Löwis
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Thomas Heller
- Recommended Books/Resources for Python
Gerhard Häring
- module for accessing dBase (.dbf) files?
Harald Schneider
- Java and Python
Gerhard Häring
- Java and Python
Gerhard Häring
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Martin v. Löwis
- classes for fun and newbies
Bruce Dykes
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Michael Hudson
- Python embedded like PHP
Paul Rubin
- Q: Sound production with python?
Kare Sjolander
- module for assessing gray levels of gray level bitmap?
Oliver Pust
- module for accessing dBase (.dbf) files?
Andy Gimblett
- Python embedded like PHP
Andy Gimblett
- classes for fun and newbies
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Telnetlib - Clearing/resetting within a Telnet Object
Eddie Corns
- Can't print national characters in IDLE with Python 2.2.1c1
Magnus Lyckå
- Python embedded like PHP
Paul Rubin
- Java and Python
Magnus Lyckå
- shared memory block
Boris Huart
- nested_scopes with execfile
Amir Hadar
- shared memory block
Gerhard Häring
- Develop-test-debug cycle
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Python embedded like PHP
Magnus Lyckå
- error:"_imaging C module is not installed"
Rodney Loisel
- shared memory block
Boris Huart
- Popular style document?
Greg Weeks
- classes for fun and newbies
Emile van Sebille
- how to ask different DNS for gethostbyname?
Anthony Baxter
- Python embedded like PHP
Duncan Booth
- classes for fun and newbies
Bruce Dykes
- Develop-test-debug cycle
Thomas Heller
- shared memory block
Gerhard Hõring
- tkinter menuitem question
Ken Guest
- Java and Python
Peter Hansen
- Develop-test-debug cycle
Gustavo Niemeyer
- classes for fun and newbies
Max M
- Process to process synchronization (unix)
- Java and Python
kosh at
- Java and Python for embedded applications (was: Java and Python)
Cameron Laird
- Java and Python employment prospects (was: Java and Python)
Cameron Laird
- classes for fun and newbies
Bruce Dykes
- __file__ for relative imports
Robin Becker
- MySQL's applicability (was: Java and Python)
Cameron Laird
- Python embedded like PHP
A.M. Kuchling
- Chcago Area Python Interest group
Aaron Johnson
- Java and Python
Brett g Porter
- Python and Daemons
Wojtek Walczak
- Develop-test-debug cycle
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Develop-test-debug cycle
Charl P. Botha
- Process to process synchronization (unix)
Eric Brunel
- Message bug?
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Message bug?
A.M. Kuchling
- tkinter menuitem question
Eric Brunel
- [pygresql] Please suggest
Bill Tate
- Popular style document?
Kalle Svensson
- Message bug?
Andy Gimblett
- Java and Python
G. Sumner Hayes
- Popular style document?
Richard Walkington
- Message bug?
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Develop-test-debug cycle
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Can't print national characters in IDLE with Python 2.2.1c1
Martin v. Löwis
- Develop-test-debug cycle
Tim Peters
- Java and Python
Jan Dries
- Remove empty lines
Kristin Skoglund
- popen3 with python
- Linker
Timothy Redaelli
- Popular style document?
Andy Gimblett
- Develop-test-debug cycle
Pete Shinners
- Attachments to the list/group - OK? (Was Re: Popular style document?)
Andy Gimblett
- classes for fun and newbies
Max M
- Remove empty lines
Terry Reedy
- Python2.2 Installation
Joel Bender
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Nick Arnett
- Attachments to the list/group - OK? (Was Re: Popular style document?)
Steven Majewski
- Python2.2 Installation
Adam Przybyla
- Python2.2 Installation
Andy Gimblett
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Nick Arnett
- Python 2.2 embedding error
Jamie Briggs
- Remove empty lines
Bengt Richter
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
- Python2.2 Installation
Joel Bender
- Attachments to the list/group - OK? (Was Re: Popular style document?)
brueckd at
- Remove empty lines
Nick Arnett
- Dictionary Comprehension
- Java and Python
Michael Chermside
- Message bug?
Skip Montanaro
- tkinter menuitem question
Matthew Dixon Cowles
- classes for fun and newbies
Bengt Richter
- Process to process synchronization (unix)
- Python/CORBA
Viatcheslav Kulikov RWTH Aachen
- error:"_imaging C module is not installed"
Fredrik Lundh
- module for assessing gray levels of gray level bitmap?
Fredrik Lundh
- Python embedded like PHP
robin at
- Remove empty lines
Sheila King
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
- How to delete/mainpulate global variables ??
Berenike Loos
- Remove empty lines
Sheila King
- How to pass a dtml-var to a python script.
- Attachments to the list/group - OK? (Was Re: Popular style document?)
Grant Edwards
- ANN: PyChecker v0.8.10 released
Neal Norwitz
- eval()
- Unicode problem
gargravarr at
- zipfiles module... read a file from archive
Kragen Sitaker
- eval()
Cliff Wells
- Popular style document?
phil hunt
- How to pass a dtml-var to a python script.
Andy McKay
- Unicode problem
Fredrik Lundh
- Unicode problem
gargravarr at
- Unicode problem
gargravarr at
- Embedded Python Requirements
Eric Shorkey
- Unicode problem
Martin v. Loewis
- error:"_imaging C module is not installed"
Rodney Loisel
- error:"_imaging C module is not installed"
Erik Max Francis
- bug tracking system
Richard Jones
- Java and Python
David Bolen
- Develop-test-debug cycle
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Neil Hodgson
- How to delete/mainpulate global variables ??
- Newspaper infiltration
Neil Hodgson
- classes for fun and newbies
Kragen Sitaker
- Java and Python
Kragen Sitaker
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Kragen Sitaker
- Slices... what are they good for?
John Lehmann
- tkinter menuitem question
G. Willoughby
- Attachments to the list/group - OK? (Was Re: Popular style document?)
Dietmar Lang
- Java and Python
Peter Hansen
- bug tracking system
Peter Hansen
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Jill Obsidian
- A question about generators
Richard J Kuhns
- ANN: Logging Module v0.4 released
Vinay Sajip
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Skip Montanaro
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Mark Hadfield
- ANN: Logging Module v0.4 released
Richard Jones
- Python Helping Human Rights
Bo Vandenberg
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Anthony Baxter
- A question about generators
Tim Peters
- ANN: Logging Module v0.4 released
Vinay Sajip
- win32process.CreateProcess inherit handles not working ?
Chui Tey
- Attachments to the list/group - OK? (Was Re: Popular style document?)
Greg Ewing
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Python & IRC
- Sociologist uses Python to help prove Slobodan Milosevic's part in Kosovo atrocities...
Nancy Finkle
- Python & IRC
- Python embedded like PHP
Erno Kuusela
- Java and Python
Rich Salz
- Python & IRC
Gerhard Häring
- #define equivalents and config files
Rich Salz
- Embedded Python Requirements
Eric Shorkey
- #define equivalents and config files
Peter Hansen
- sys.path append problem
- Java and Python
Christopher Browne
- Java and Python
Gerhard Häring
- sys.path append problem
Gerhard Häring
- Chewing international (unicode) filenames on windows?
Martin v. Loewis
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Martin v. Loewis
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Martin v. Loewis
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Martin v. Loewis
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Martin v. Loewis
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Tim Peters
- [ANN] PEP 279 -- Updated to version 1.8
Raymond Hettinger
- ANN: Logging Module v0.4 released
Dave Cole
- Problem with Python Extensions
Chris Bardon
- rpm-python question
Sean Reifschneider
- How Python Cornered Milosevic
Max M
- eval of a private attribute
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Thomas Heller
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
David Eppstein
- Java and Python
Ahmed Moustafa
- For loops with explicit indices -- again
Kragen Sitaker
- how to read full file into buff for re using?
Zoom Quiet
- multithreading and Tkinter
Arcady Genkin
- MySQL's applicability (was: Java and Python)
Ahmed Moustafa
- #define equivalents and config files
Dave Swegen
- how to read full file into buff for re using?
Max M
- Python & IRC
Erno Kuusela
- Unicode problem
Duncan Booth
- Python/CORBA
Duncan Grisby
- #define equivalents and config files
Andy Gimblett
- multithreading and Tkinter
Martin v. Loewis
- arrays help
Andy Gimblett
- FastCGI
Johannes Stiehler
- eval of a private attribute
Bertrand Geston
- Newbie: word count and Win32
Jim Dennis
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Gerhard Häring
- Problem with Python Extensions
John Machin
- __file__ for relative imports
Michael Hudson
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Jim Dennis
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Mark Gash
- Python-2.2.1c1 Build Problems on Linux and AIX.
Michael Hudson
- how to read full file into buff for re using?
John Machin
- Java and Python
Peter Hansen
- How to install pychecker?
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Unicode problem
Michael Hudson
- Attachments to the list/group - OK? (Was Re: Popular style document?)
Michael Hudson
- How to install pychecker?
Michael Hudson
- How to install pychecker?
Simon Brunning
- #define equivalents and config files
Remco Gerlich
- How to install pychecker?
Gerhard Häring
- How to install pychecker?
Thomas Heller
- MySQL's applicability (was: Java and Python)
Cameron Laird
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Thomas Heller
- How to install pychecker?
Dale Strickland-Clark
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
- eval of a private attribute
Skip Montanaro
- IntSpan?
Neal Norwitz
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Mats Kindahl
- Java and Python
Cameron Laird
- __file__ for relative imports
Emile van Sebille
- Java and Python
Emile van Sebille
- Python & IRC
Joseph Wilhelm
- multithreading and Tkinter
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Nick Arnett
- Returning an element from a C struct
Bertrand Geston
- A question about generators
Richard J Kuhns
- eval of a private attribute
Bertrand Geston
- Java and Python
Rich Salz
- #define equivalents and config files
Rich Salz
- Python & IRC
Keith Jones
- eval of a private attribute
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
Steven Majewski
- multithreading and Tkinter
Laura Creighton
- Problem with threads
- HTTP session objects
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
Laura Creighton
- IntSpan?
Jeff Bienstadt
- FastCGI
A.M. Kuchling
- HTTP session objects
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
A.M. Kuchling
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
John Schmitt
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Cliff Wells
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Thomas Heller
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
A.M. Kuchling
- Slices... what are they good for?
Paul Moore
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
David Eppstein
- IntSpan?
Chris Liechti
- Pmw.ComboBox label_text param causes error
Tom Good
- Telnet
Billy Ng
- [ANN] Pyro 2.5 available
Irmen de Jong
- Painful apache compilation
Giuseppe Ricioppo
- Telnet
Chris Liechti
- Painful apache compilation
Oleg Broytmann
- Painful apache compilation
A.M. Kuchling
- IntSpan?
Neal Norwitz
- [newbie] embedding python
Trung Hoang
- Problem with threads
- #define equivalents and config files
Jeff Shannon
- IntSpan?
Don Garrett
- mutlifile inheritance problem
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Steven Majewski
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
John J. Lee
- nested_scopes with execfile
Jeff Shannon
- quick win32 pipe and objects question
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
Jim Dennis
- mutlifile inheritance problem
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
A.M. Kuchling
- TKinter Question
Paul Sage
- Calling stored procedures from zxJDBC
Anthony Enache Brown
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Jeff Shannon
- Telnet
Billy Ng
- TKinter Question
Neal Norwitz
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Jim Dennis
- Evaluation of intellectual products (was: "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python])
Cameron Laird
- PyQT, how to compile SIP on MAC?
Ingo Linkweiler
- Develop-test-debug cycle
Jeff Shannon
- Pmw.ComboBox label_text param causes error
Martin Franklin
- Telnet
Chris Liechti
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
Jim Dennis
- Develop-test-debug cycle
- mutlifile inheritance problem
- quick win32 pipe and objects question
- Python embedded like PHP
Andrew McNamara
- __file__ for relative imports
Ken Seehof
- Why do Windows sockets break after exactly 4 minutes?
Geoffrey Talvola
- #define equivalents and config files
Peter Hansen
- Develop-test-debug cycle
John Roth
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Peter Hansen
- Python embedded like PHP
Ian Bicking
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Nick Arnett
- Popular style document?
Björn Lindberg
- mutlifile inheritance problem
- Popular style document?
Jeff Shannon
- Why do Windows sockets break after exactly 4 minutes?
Peter Hansen
- __file__ for relative imports
Robin Becker
- Python embedded like PHP
Andrew McNamara
- Popular style document?
Bjorn Pettersen
- Execute external program
Jamie Carl
- mutlifile inheritance problem
Robin Becker
- FastCGI
Michael Ströder
- __file__ for relative imports
François Pinard
- A question about generators
Greg Ewing
- __file__ for relative imports
Skip Montanaro
- Execute external program
Emile van Sebille
- Why do Windows sockets break after exactly 4 minutes?
Grant Edwards
- __file__ for relative imports
holger at
- Popular style document?
Terry Reedy
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
hdiwan420 at
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
Gerhard Häring
- CGI, etc.
- Why do Windows sockets break after exactly 4 minutes?
Erno Kuusela
- sgmlParser infinite loop? How to empty and re-user parser object?
Nick Arnett
- Java and Python
Ahmed Moustafa
- CGI, etc.
Sheila King
- Execute external program
Jamie Carl
- How Can I Determine the Operating System with Python?
David Eppstein
- Python2.2 Installation
Joel Bender
- [albatross-users] Re: Python embedded like PHP
Dave Cole
- Sorting distionary by value
Artur Skura
- Sorting distionary by value
Duncan Booth
- CGI, etc.
- does anyone have any idea?
Trung Hoang
- PyQT, how to compile SIP on MAC?
Phil Thompson
- Popular style document?
Markus Redeker
- __file__ for relative imports
Michael Hudson
- eval of a private attribute
- CGI, etc.
Gerhard Häring
- How to set the Timestamp of a File
Jörg Schütter
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Anders M Eriksson
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Jim Dennis
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Oleg Broytmann
- Binary generation with distutils? (Freeze, py2exe, etc.)
Thomas Heller
- Sorting distionary by value
Artur Skura
- quick win32 pipe and objects question
Harald Schneider
- 2.2.1c1 platform experiences
Michael Hudson
- does anyone have any idea?
Emile van Sebille
- How to set the Timestamp of a File
Emile van Sebille
- __* name mangling documentation
Michel Pelletier
- How to set the Timestamp of a File
Prahlad Vaidyanathan
- a website information gathering script
Scott Hathaway
- GNU plotutils and Python?
Pekko Piirola
- Why do Windows sockets break after exactly 4 minutes?
Gordon McMillan
- __* name mangling documentation
Emile van Sebille
- Sorting distionary by value
Duncan Booth
- mutlifile inheritance problem
Pearu Peterson
- multithreading and Tkinter
Cameron Laird
- __* name mangling documentation
Eric Brunel
- CGI, etc.
Bertrand Geston
- Sorting distionary by value
Brian McErlean
- mailman fails to deliver messages due to error
J York
- Using code to add my database as a source of ODBC automatically?
- how do i get RGB from HEX?
G. Willoughby
- mutlifile inheritance problem
- Still same bug even with email ver. 1.2
Barry A. Warsaw
- PyQt installation problems on windows
Amit Mongia
- communication with a java applet
Boris Huart
- how do i get RGB from HEX?
Robin Becker
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
Hernan M. Foffani
- ANN: Installer 5b3 (bug fix release)
Gordon McMillan
- python/wxPython opengl question
alan scales
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Nicolas Chauvat
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Gerhard Häring
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
- Popular style document?
Björn Lindberg
- python/wxPython opengl question
Mike C. Fletcher
- Popular style document?
Michael Chermside
- PyQt installation problems on windows
Phil Thompson
- Popular style document?
Michael Chermside
- A question about generators
Richard J. Kuhns
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
Laura Creighton
- Python & IRC
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
Jeff Shannon
- load html frameset out of Python script
- Python embedded like PHP
Ian Bicking
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Laura Creighton
- Namespace Qualification Question
Craig McLean
- __file__ for relative imports
Jeff Shannon
- How to delete/mainpulate global variables ??
Jeff Shannon
- eval()
Jeff Shannon
- Newspaper infiltration
Jeff Shannon
- Why do Windows sockets break after exactly 4 minutes?
Geoffrey Talvola
- Why do Windows sockets break after exactly 4 minutes?
Geoffrey Talvola
- Why do Windows sockets break after exactly 4 minutes?
Geoffrey Talvola
- Porting a Python app to IRIX -- need help
Paul F. Dubois
- yenc encoding?
Gerson Kurz
- quick win32 pipe and objects question
- mutlifile inheritance problem
Jeff Shannon
- Namespace Qualification Question
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Sorting distionary by value
Christophe Delord
- Formatting dilema using Grid option
- Namespace Qualification Question
Cliff Wells
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Barry A. Warsaw
- Puzzling difference between module and package.module
Huaiyu Zhu
- Word frequencies -- Python or Perl for performance?
Jeff Shannon
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Joel Bender
- FastCGI
A.M. Kuchling
- ANN: PythonCard 0.6.4
Kevin Altis
- a website information gathering script
Emile van Sebille
- Python embedded like PHP
Jim Abrams
- Namespace Qualification Question
Jeff Shannon
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
A.M. Kuchling
- Copmlex structures....
Dmitry S. Makovey
- Customisation of comparison operators
Dave Haynes
- Sorting distionary by value
Jeff Shannon
- Packaging tool
mohamed lazreg
- PySequence_Check is always true on instances?
Walter Moreira
- CGI, etc.
- Customisation of comparison operators
Tim Peters
- PySequence_Check is always true on instances?
Tim Peters
- [ANN] PEP 279 updated to version 1.8
Raymond Hettinger
- mutlifile inheritance problem simplified
- Sorting distionary by value
Paul Rubin
- mutlifile inheritance problem
- Copmlex structures....
Chris Liechti
- Copmlex structures....
Neal Norwitz
- Environment variables.
Vamsi K Kalapala
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Benji York
- Packaging tool
Emile van Sebille
- Namespace Qualification Question
Mitch Chapman
- How to get Checkbutton Handle?
- PEP262 - database of installed packages (Was: Re: Binary generation with distutils?
Thomas Heller
- mutlifile inheritance problem simplified
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
Bengt Richter
David Brady
- Copmlex structures....
Jeff Shannon
- sgmlParser infinite loop? How to empty and re-user parser object?
Bernard Yue
- Packaging tool
- Develop-test-debug cycle
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Why do Windows sockets break after exactly 4 minutes?
Juergen Gather
- sgmlParser infinite loop? How to empty and re-user parser object?
Nick Arnett
- Packaging tool
mohamed lazreg
- circular imports (don't yell!)
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
Sheila King
- The IDE is important too [was Develop-test-debug cycle]
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Environment variables.
Dale Strickland-Clark
- I imaplib reliable?
Alex Quinn
- Environment variables.
Cameron Laird
- The IDE is important too [was Develop-test-debug cycle]
Paul Magwene
- Environment variables.
- [albatross-users] Re: Python embedded like PHP
Dave Cole
- circular imports (don't yell!)
Peter Hansen
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Walter Moreira
- Porting a Python app to IRIX -- need help
Harry George
- mutlifile inheritance problem simplified
- Packaging tool
Skip Montanaro
- circular imports (don't yell!)
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Python Sybase mailing list released
Dave Cole
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Terrel Shumway
- Sybase module 0.34 released
Dave Cole
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Peter Norvig
- circular imports (don't yell!)
Peter Hansen
- Why do Windows sockets break after exactly 4 minutes?
Van Gale
- sgmlParser infinite loop? How to empty and re-user parser object?
- import * considered harmful (was Re: circular imports (don't yell!))
- simple question
Christopher Palmer
- mutlifile inheritance problem simplified
- Core Python Programming, chapter 5 exercises number 5-3, question on this exercise
John Warney
- Core Python Programming, chapter 5 exercises number 5-3, question on this exercise
John Warney
- Core Python Programming, chapter 5 exercises number 5-3, question on this exercise
Sheila King
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
Laura Creighton
- simple question
Johann Hibschman
- load html frameset out of Python script
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Customisation of comparison operators
Dave Haynes
- C++ Embedding Problem - Import Error
- load html frameset out of Python script
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Robin Becker
- Sorting distionary by value
John Machin
- how do i get RGB from HEX?
G. Willoughby
- The IDE is important too [was Develop-test-debug cycle]
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Extending the interactive mode [not really an ANN :) ]
Tjabo Kloppenburg
- MySQLdb
Gerhard Häring
- MySQLdb
Dave Cole
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Magnus Lie Hetland
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
- Popular style document?
Björn Lindberg
- Extending the interactive mode [not really an ANN :) ]
Emile van Sebille
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Robin Becker
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
Martijn Faassen
- Info needed on metaclasses / type-ing
Dimitris Garanatsios
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
Martijn Faassen
- Info needed on metaclasses / type-ing
Geert-Jan Van den Bogaerde
- Packaging tool
Marc Poulin
- two ideoms at one blow: line-reading and regexp-matching
Clark C . Evans
- circular imports (don't yell!)
Gordon McMillan
- Info needed on metaclasses / type-ing
- Sorting distionary by value
Terry Reedy
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Terry Reedy
- The IDE is important too [was Develop-test-debug cycle]
Paul Magwene
- simple question
Terry Reedy
- simple question
Emile van Sebille
- How to get Checkbutton Handle?
Laura Creighton
- Info needed on metaclasses / type-ing
Terry Reedy
- IOstreams/pipes, newbie question, capturing console info form another script?
G. Willoughby
- "Zope-certified Python Engineers" [was: Java and Python]
Peter Hansen
- The IDE is important too [was Develop-test-debug cycle]
Peter Hansen
- IOstreams/pipes, newbie question, capturing console info form another script?
Chris Liechti
- mutlifile inheritance problem simplified
- When to use locks in a threaded Web-server
Thomas Weholt
- reload() problems (was Re: mutlifile inheritance problem simplified)
- struct - Library Reference 4.3
Colin J. Williams
- [ANN] PEP 279 updated to version 1.8
Raymond Hettinger
- MySQLdb
Michael Hall
- IOstreams/pipes, newbie question, capturing console info form another script?
G. Willoughby
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Emile van Sebille
- MySQLdb
Joonas Paalasmaa
- ht2html project at SourceForge
phil hunt
- mutlifile inheritance problem simplified
Pearu Peterson
- Replacing excel: but with what ?
Pekka Niiranen
- Need help with plotting
brobbins333 at
- Need help with plotting
Emile van Sebille
- Extending the interactive mode [not really an ANN :) ]
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- win32com problem (146 and 2.2)
Joe Smith
- a website information gathering script
Bengt Richter
- how do i get RGB from HEX?
Bengt Richter
- Sorting distionary by value
John Machin
- Begginers Guide - Exrcise. Help me, plz!
Bengt Richter
- simple question
John Machin
- Getopt / matching problem
Andrew Dalke
- Replacing excel: but with what ?
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Replacing excel: but with what ?
Dale Strickland-Clark
- how do i get RGB from HEX?
Robin Becker
- [development doc updates]
Fred L. Drake
- Memory sizes of python objects?
Clark C . Evans
- Sorting distionary by value
Terry Reedy
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Martin v. Loewis
- struct - Library Reference 4.3
Martin v. Loewis
- MS Sql Server
- forgetting state
Emerson Wood
- simple question
Tim Hammerquist
- ANNOUNCE: PyQt v3.1 Released
Phil Thompson
- MS Sql Server
Tim Churches
- Where can I find these imports? (with the imports' imports included :P)
- [Python-Dev] [development doc updates]
Barry A. Warsaw
- is there gonna be a Core Python Programming 2e ?
John Warney
- Customer, Instant Pleasures, Volume 2002
Sexy Monica
- yenc encoding?
Fernando Pérez
- load html frameset out of Python script
Bengt Richter
- is there gonna be a Core Python Programming 2e ?
- MS Sql Server
Dave Cole
- list comprehension question
Tripp Scott
- using os.execl to call a java application
Louis Luangkesorn
- What am I doing wrong with urllib.urlopen() ?
Jose Rivera
- list comprehension question
Andrew Dalke
- C++ Embedding Problem - Import Error
Gustavo Niemeyer
- [rp] [newbie] embedding python
Trung Hoang
- even a typing noob :)
Trung Hoang
- Need help with plotting
Huaiyu Zhu
- list comprehension question
Bengt Richter
- [rp] [newbie] embedding python
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Where can I find these imports? (with the imports' imports included :P)
Laura Creighton
- Memory sizes of python objects?
Martin v. Loewis
- [rp] [newbie] embedding python
- forgetting state
Martin v. Loewis
- C++ Embedding Problem - Import Error
- using os.execl to call a java application
Martin v. Loewis
- forgetting state
Ken Seehof
- Python-2.2.1c1 Build Problems on Linux and AIX.
Ralph Corderoy
- MS Sql Server
Dale Strickland-Clark
- forgetting state
Dale Strickland-Clark
- module is in the folder - what am i doing wrong??
Trung Hoang
- module is in the folder - what am i doing wrong??
Trung Hoang
- Client/Server Tutorial?
- about popen and gnuplot
- Stopping threads from the outside
holger at
- What am I doing wrong with urllib.urlopen() ?
Hernan M. Foffani
- [ANN] Pyro 2.5 available
Irmen de Jong
- Client/Server Tutorial?
Irmen de Jong
- Need help with plotting
Paul Magwene
- 2.2 open
Robin Becker
- What am I doing wrong with urllib.urlopen() ?
Hernan M. Foffani
- Need help with plotting
See Toh Chee Wah
- Stopping threads from the outside
- 2.2 open
Pearu Peterson
- Stopping threads from the outside
holger at
- Embedding help
- Memory sizes of python objects?
Erno Kuusela
- Memory sizes of python objects?
Peter Hansen
- 2.2 open
Robin Becker
- ranking and searching [was: Re: "Zope-certified Python Engineers"]
John J. Lee
- MS Sql Server
Hans Nowak
- about popen and gnuplot
Bengt Richter
- 2.2 open
Just van Rossum
- Stopping threads from the outside
G. Sumner Hayes
- 2.2.1c1 platform experiences
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- is there gonna be a Core Python Programming 2e ?
John Warney
- Stopping threads from the outside
Peter Hansen
- PyQt installation problems on windows
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- Memory sizes of python objects?
Erno Kuusela
- Pyro: mailing list available
Irmen de Jong
- advanced Python
Uwe Schmitt
- [development doc updates]
Fred L. Drake
- 2.2 open
Erik Max Francis
- advanced Python
- Memory sizes of python objects?
Peter Hansen
- The OOM-Killer vs. Python
Gerson Kurz
- Stopping threads from the outside
Peter Hansen
- Embedding help
Gustavo Niemeyer
- [albatross-users] Re: Python embedded like PHP
Ian Bicking
- [embed] PyImport_Import cannot find
Trung Hoang
- no access to lib dir
Trung Hoang
- 2.2.1c1 platform experiences
Skip Montanaro
- Stopping threads from the outside
holger at
- yenc encoding?
Gustavo Niemeyer
- NormalDate 1.2 released
Brandon Craig Rhodes
- Stopping threads from the outside
holger at
- [embed] PyImport_Import cannot find
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Stopping threads from the outside
G. Sumner Hayes
- Stopping threads from the outside
- Stopping threads from the outside
Boudewijn Rempt
- I am TGOS your new ruler
Token Bowles
- list comprehension question
John Machin
- 2.2 open
Martin v. Loewis
- 2.2 open
Martin v. Loewis
- win32com problem (146 and 2.2)
Mark Hammond
- Stopping threads from the outside
Boudewijn Rempt
- The OOM-Killer vs. Python
Chris Liechti
- The OOM-Killer vs. Python
Martin v. Loewis
- I am TGOS your new ruler
Sly Mee
- Stopping threads from the outside
Peter Hansen
- I am TGOS your new ruler
Rann Aridorn
- Stopping threads from the outside
Peter Hansen
- Memory sizes of python objects?
Erno Kuusela
- Stopping threads from the outside
Erno Kuusela
- Installer 5b3 problem
Zoltan Felleg
- The OOM-Killer vs. Python
Erno Kuusela
- reading in ints from binary files
Siegfried Gonzi
- Client/Server Tutorial?
- I am TGOS your new ruler
Sly Mee
- Java and Python for embedded applications (was: Java and Python)
Don Garrett
- two ideoms at one blow: line-reading and regexp-matching
Delaney, Timothy
- 2.2 open
Robin Becker
- advanced Python
Giorgi Lekishvili
- ranking and searching [was: Re: "Zope-certified Python Engineers"]
Robin Becker
- Stopping threads from the outside
holger at
- Launching Tkinter or wxWindows frames from interpreter
bptonner at
- 2.2 open
Tim Peters
- py2exe 0.3.1 hangs trying to remove build under Win98SE
Doug Farrell
- hang in
Nick Arnett
- 2.2.1c1 platform experiences
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- forgetting state
- list comprehension question
brueckd at
- Stopping threads from the outside
Peter Hansen
- 100% in one month!!! 8320
boomshanka at
- Client/Server Tutorial?
Andrei Kulakov
- list comprehension question
Emile van Sebille
- 2.2 open
Bengt Richter
- Reloading exception explained (Re: mutlifile inheritance problem simplified)
Greg Ewing
- question: python and UDP
- 2.2 open
Greg Ewing
- Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?
Nick Arnett
- question: python and UDP
Peter Hansen
- question: python and UDP
- 2.2 open
Delaney, Timothy
- question: python and UDP
Peter Hansen
- list comprehension question
Tripp Scott
- Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?
Peter Hansen
- Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?
Andrew McNamara
- question: python and UDP
- Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?
Delaney, Timothy
- list comprehension question
Tim Peters
- wxPython install problems on linux
- Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?
Nick Arnett
- Stopping threads from the outside
Andrae Muys
- Zope Xen project management, whetever happened??
William Hamilton
- list comprehension question
Jeremy Bowers
- files and reading from them
Avi Homes
- files and reading from them
- files and reading from them
Delaney, Timothy
- I imaplib reliable?
Roger Binns
- embedded python ...
Clive Crous
- 2.2 open
Remco Gerlich
- files and reading from them
Sheila King
- files and reading from them
Jim Dennis
- files and reading from them
Greg Krohn
- list comprehension question
Raymond Hettinger
- unicode and locale of machine ?
pekka niiranen
- hang in
Joonas Paalasmaa
- 2.2 open
Christian Tanzer
- 2.2 open
Robin Becker
- using os.execl to call a java application
Kragen Sitaker
- The OOM-Killer vs. Python
Jim Dennis
- using os.execl to call a java application
Gerhard Häring
- [albatross-users] Re: Python embedded like PHP
Duncan Booth
- Root access with python
Moray Taylor
- win32Extensions,win32com
Gerrit van Dyk
- Root access with python
Paul Rubin
- zope/python devloper needed!
- python cgi problem
- Stopping threads from the outside
holger at
- Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?
Björn Lindberg
- communication with a java applet
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Uwe Schmitt
- 2.2 open
Just van Rossum
- Python-2.2.1c1 Build Problems on Linux and AIX.
Michael Hudson
- 2.2.1c1 platform experiences
Michael Hudson
- Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?
John Roth
- python cgi problem
Gerhard Häring
- communication with a java applet
Gerhard Häring
- [albatross-users] Re: Python embedded like PHP
Gerhard Häring
- list comprehension question
Raymond Hettinger
- struct - Library Reference 4.3
Colin J. Williams
- Indentation problem
Gilles Diribarne
- Streaming XML-RPC?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- unicode and locale of machine ?
Martin v. Loewis
- [albatross-users] Re: Python embedded like PHP
Dave Cole
- Memory sizes of python objects?
Michael Hudson
- VideoCapture 0.7 causes Blue Screens on W2k Prof.
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
A.M. Kuchling
- Indentation problem
Andy Gimblett
- [albatross-users] Re: Python embedded like PHP
Dave Cole
- Installer 5b3 problem
Gordon McMillan
- [albatross-users] Re: Python embedded like PHP
Duncan Booth
- Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?
Nick Arnett
- Indentation problem
Duncan Booth
- Root access with python
- [wxPython 2.3.1] what's going on?
Pawel Oleksik
- Zope Xen project management, whetever happened??
Martijn Faassen
- Indentation problem
- Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?
- python 2.1.2, Linux and 'os' library: bug or (bad) feature?
Pawel Oleksik
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
Duncan Booth
- [albatross-users] Re: Python embedded like PHP
Ian Bicking
- Root access with python
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Root access with python
Andy Gimblett
- embedded python ...
Gustavo Niemeyer
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
Thomas Heller
- Web robot "freeze" solved, perhaps (was RE: Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?)
Nick Arnett
- Indentation problem
brueckd at
- Office 2000 COM AddIns in Python?
Gerson Kurz
- Streaming XML-RPC?
Jeremy Bowers
- Porting a Python app to IRIX -- need help
Jody Winston
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
Duncan Booth
- list comprehension question
phil hunt
- Conozca SCI E-mailing
SCI E-mailing
- What is the problem ???
- Random...
- Random...
Tim Peters
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
Thomas Heller
- Question: recursion and scope
adina_levin at
- Random...
Uwe Schmitt
- reading in ints from binary files
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Huaiyu Zhu
- list comprehension question
Bengt Richter
- Indentation problem
phil hunt
- Question: recursion and scope
Terry Reedy
- list comprehension question
Neil Schemenauer
- XP2002 - Call for Participation
Michele Marchesi
- Replacing excel: but with what ?
Jeff Shannon
- list comprehension question
Tim Peters
- communication with a java applet
Giles Brown
- stdin/stdout redirection mystericals
those who know me have no need of my name
- ht2html project at SourceForge
- avoid gui being blocked
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Joel Bender
- reading in ints from binary files
Chris Liechti
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Michael Hudson
- New SIG on logic/CLP programming in Python
Joel Bender
- reading in ints from binary files
Brian Quinlan
- avoid gui being blocked
Marcus Stojek
- [development doc updates]
Fred L. Drake
- wxPython install problems on linux
Vadim Zeitlin
- Launching Tkinter or wxWindows frames from interpreter
Jeff Shannon
- Replacing excel: but with what ?
Cliff Wells
- Doing a ps in windows.. (Is application XYZZY running?)
Andrew Markebo
- Installing Piddle plotting 1.014 on a Macintosh. Problems.
Louis M. Pecora
- PHP to Python
- Porting a Python app to IRIX -- need help
Nhi Vanye
- PHP to Python
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Porting a Python app to IRIX -- need help
Nhi Vanye
- python cgi problem
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Porting a Python app to IRIX -- need help
Nhi Vanye
- Doing a ps in windows.. (Is application XYZZY running?)
Chris Liechti
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
- list comprehension question
Bengt Richter
- question on slices
John Warney
- win32Extensions,win32com
Mark Hammond
- How to get a key from dictionary?
- When to use locks in a threaded Web-server
- How to get a key from dictionary?
Gustavo Cordova
- How to get a key from dictionary?
Michael Chermside
- Installing Piddle plotting 1.014 on a Macintosh. Problems.
Tom Loredo
- Doing a ps in windows.. (Is application XYZZY running?)
Andy McKay
- Indentation problem
Michael Chermside
- Indentation problem
Ben Caradoc-Davies
- pythonwin and raw_input
- files and reading from them
Delaney, Timothy
- Is it really so difficult to enable Tkinter?
Bart Meerdink
- [Tutor] How to get a key from dictionary?
- question on slices
Michael Chermside
- Programming Puzzle for you Experts out There
- Is it really so difficult to enable Tkinter?
David Ascher
- starting a python program from within xemacs
Marco Herrn
- Streaming XML-RPC?
Don Garrett
- Replacing excel: but with what ?
Jeff Hobbs
- Looking for bids
- Looking for bids
Emile van Sebille
- Random...
- How to get a key from dictionary?
Don Arnold
- list comprehension question
Neil Schemenauer
- Is it really so difficult to enable Tkinter?
Martin v. Loewis
- Python, CGI and PGP
Phil Edwards
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Peter Hansen
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Jeff Shannon
- Memory sizes of python objects?
Peter Hansen
- Stopping threads from the outside
Peter Hansen
- ht2html project at SourceForge
- Debugging on windows via print statements -- reliable?
Peter Hansen
- pythonwin and raw_input
Dimitris Garanatsios
- syntax to search ascii text file for unknown duplicate phone numbers ([2LJ2Ud5JyrXK+luOVRQpl
Peter Hansen
- forgetting state
Dale Strickland-Clark
- pythonwin and raw_input
Mark Hammond
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c1
Peter Hansen
- How to get a key from dictionary?
Peter Hansen
- list comprehension question
Peter Hansen
- Client/Server Tutorial?
Kragen Sitaker
- Doing a ps in windows.. (Is application XYZZY running?)
Bengt Richter
- Streaming XML-RPC?
Skip Montanaro
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
Wolfgang Strobl
- forgetting state
Neil Hodgson
- 2.2 open
Greg Ewing
- Doing a ps in windows.. (Is application XYZZY running?)
Wolfgang Strobl
- Question: recursion and scope
adina_levin at
- Indentation problem
- personel CDDB
- Indentation problem
Isaac To
- Indentation problem
Skip Montanaro
- starting a python program from within xemacs
Stephen J. Turnbull
- beginner question
- Memory Error while simulating matrix
- turning a python script to windows service
- Indentation problem
Isaac To
- personel CDDB
Jim Dennis
- turning a python script to windows service
Mark Hammond
- beginner question
Bengt Richter
- Client/Server Tutorial?
Irmen de Jong
- Python, CGI and PGP
Jim Dennis
- Client/Server Tutorial?
Irmen de Jong
- question on slices
John Warney
- beginner question
- reduce vs. for loop
m2 at
- Indentation problem
Tim Peters
- The OOM-Killer vs. Python
Andrae Muys
- starting a python program from within xemacs
Jim Dennis
- Indentation problem
Stephen J. Turnbull
- How to get a key from dictionary?
Jim Dennis
- [ZPublisher] how to install ?
- list element of a class with the for statement
- list comprehension question
Tim Peters
- list comprehension question
Tim Peters
- list element of a class with the for statement
- [Python-Help] How to get a key from dictionary?
Alex Martelli
- Difference between eval and exec ??
Thomas Weholt
- Difference between eval and exec ??
Raymond Hettinger
- win32com makepy problem
Gerrit van Dyk
- [albatross-users] Re: Python embedded like PHP
Dave Cole
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Martin v. Loewis
- reduce vs. for loop
Andy Gimblett
- running python on win2k
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Uwe Schmitt
- starting a python program from within xemacs
Michael Hudson
- Memory Error while simulating matrix
Skip Montanaro
- Random...
Anton Vredegoor
- Indentation problem
Skip Montanaro
- ht2html project at SourceForge
phil hunt
- list element of a class with the for statement
Anton Vredegoor
- running python on win2k
Syver Enstad
- implementing a constant singleton
robin and jim
- forgetting state
Sibylle Koczian
- implementing a constant singleton
Duncan Booth
- beginner
Kenéz Attila
- Python UK - April 4th and 5th
Paul Brian
- list element of a class with the for statement
Tjabo Kloppenburg
- beginner
Simon Brunning
- module for assessing gray levels of gray level bitmap?
Oliver Pust
- list element of a class with the for statement
Just van Rossum
- [ZPublisher] how to install ?
Gustavo Cordova
- Python UK - April 4th and 5th
phil hunt
- list comprehension question
Laura Creighton
- Python embedded like PHP
Kevin Dahlhausen
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
A.M. Kuchling
- Optimizations (was Re: reduce vs. for loop)
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
Thomas Heller
- implementing a constant singleton
m2 at
- Optimizations (was Re: reduce vs. for loop)
Just van Rossum
- Optimizations (was Re: reduce vs. for loop)
oivvio at
- I imaplib reliable?
Donn Cave
- list element of a class with the for statement
Luigi Ballabio
- keyword args - subclassing built-ins
arthur.siegel at
- Optimizations (was Re: reduce vs. for loop)
Gustavo Cordova
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
Eduard Smirnov
- question on slices
Michael Chermside
- reduce vs. for loop
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Is it really so difficult to enable Tkinter?
Bart Meerdink
- C API for modules
Edward C. Jones
- I am Tarage your new ruler
- Python Books Galore
Christopher Abraham
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
G. Sumner Hayes
- Tkinter -> spawn external cmd -> return stdout and stderr to back Tkinter
Fabien Hénon
- Python/Zope and Cold Fusion Interoperability Strategies?
Christopher Abraham
- C API for modules
Pete Shinners
- a website information gathering script
Scott Hathaway
- Python Books Galore
Gabe Newcomb
- Python, CGI and PGP
Phil Edwards
- Deeply embedded Python still alive?
Grant Edwards
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
brueckd at
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
David Ascher
- list comprehension question
Steve Holden
- Python and the Parrot
Gerard Braad
- Python Books Galore
Steve Holden
- calldll and threads...
- communication with a java applet
Boris Huart
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Cliff Wells
- Streaming XML-RPC?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- personel CDDB
Cliff Wells
- Streaming XML-RPC?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Difference between eval and exec ??
Jeff Shannon
- list element of a class with the for statement
Jeff Shannon
- TKinter question - A combo box / menu question
Paul Sage
- Indentation problem
Huaiyu Zhu
- running python on win2k
Jeff Shannon
- stop
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Huaiyu Zhu
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c2
Michael Hudson
- stop
- stop
Brian Quinlan
- Primes....
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Dean Goodmanson
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
Thomas Heller
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Jeff Shannon
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Cliff Wells
- Root access with python
Steve Holden
- urllib question. (asseumbling an HTTP post request)
Omri Schwarz
- Python and the Parrot
A.M. Kuchling
- re.split and lookaheads
Morus Walter
- running python on win2k
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Optimizations (was Re: reduce vs. for loop)
Paul Rubin
- How to get a key from dictionary?
Matthew Sherborne
- [development doc updates]
Fred L. Drake
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
A.M. Kuchling
- Primes....
Paul Rubin
- beginner question
Bengt Richter
- [Python-Help] Re: How to get a key from dictionary?
Alex Martelli
- hang in
Daniel Ortmann
- Most efficient unzip - inverse of zip?
Pearu Peterson
- [OT] Re: Programming Puzzle for you Experts out There
Ype Kingma
- PIL and saved images coming out all garbled?
G. Willoughby
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Emile van Sebille
- Most efficient unzip - inverse of zip?
Emile van Sebille
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Uwe Schmitt
- xml config file to python object
Thomas Guettler
- reduce vs. for loop
Bengt Richter
- Most efficient unzip - inverse of zip?
Christophe Delord
- The Python Way
- calldll and threads...
Mark Hammond
- Symbolic imports and manipulation of the namespace?
- reduce vs. for loop
Steven Majewski
- TKinter question - A combo box / menu question
Paul Sage
- Symbolic imports and manipulation of the namespace?
Martin v. Loewis
- Deeply embedded Python still alive?
Bengt Richter
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Cliff Wells
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Jeff Shannon
- Deeply embedded Python still alive?
Grant Edwards
- xml config file to python object
Andy McKay
- seek in a file
Andreas Penzel
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Jeff Shannon
- python on Sharp Zaurus
Dave Reed
- Logging tracebacks to MySQL (was RE: hang in
Nick Arnett
- How to get a key from dictionary?
Bengt Richter
- list element of a class with the for statement
Jim Dennis
- What am I doing wrong with urllib.urlopen() ?
Jose Rivera
- Symbolic imports and manipulation of the namespace?
Jeff Shannon
- seek in a file
Steven Majewski
- seek in a file
Neal Norwitz
- seek in a file
Jeff Shannon
- is'nt Tkinter a standard module?
Rajarshi Guha
- xml config file to python object
Martin v. Loewis
- is'nt Tkinter a standard module?
Martin v. Loewis
- What am I doing wrong with urllib.urlopen() ?
Jose Rivera
- C API for modules
John Machin
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
Ingo Linkweiler
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
Ingo Linkweiler
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
Ingo Linkweiler
- One tiny embedding problem, please
- python on Sharp Zaurus
Paul Rubin
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
Paul Rubin
- Where is an unbroke version of PyMagick?
- python on Sharp Zaurus
Dave Reed
- Symbolic imports and manipulation of the namespace?
Bengt Richter
- list of empty lists
Curtis Jensen
- Logging tracebacks to MySQL (was RE: hang in
- What am I doing wrong with urllib.urlopen() ?
Bengt Richter
- list comprehension question
Greg Ewing
- is'nt Tkinter a standard module?
Brian Moyle
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Greg Ewing
- radiobutton menu item problem
Steve Zatz
- running python on win2k
- xml config file to python object (fwd)
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- ht2html project at SourceForge
Peter Hansen
- list comprehension question
Peter Hansen
- question on slices
John Baxter
- Dealing with python version
Andrei Kulakov
- list of empty lists
Andrei Kulakov
- list comprehension question
- seek in a file
Bengt Richter
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
- Deeply embedded Python still alive?
Peter Hansen
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Geoff Gerrietts
- Most efficient unzip - inverse of zip?
Tim Hochberg
- list of empty lists
Carl Banks
- turning a python script to windows service
- win32process.CreateProcess inherit handles not working ?
David Bolen
- C API for modules
Edward C. Jones
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Kris J. Zaragoza
- What am I doing wrong with urllib.urlopen() ?
Jeff Hinrichs
- PyThreadState_DeleteCurrent()
Geoff Gerrietts
- Streaming XML-RPC?
Jeremy Bowers
- Looking for a python shell under linux like PythonWin
- python, cvs, win32 -- slightly ot
- python, cvs, win32 -- slightly ot
Hans Nowak
- Can I use python code to login a website?
- Tkinter: Why won't it work?
- reduce vs. for loop
Tim Hochberg
- Tkinter: Why won't it work?
- Looking for a python shell under linux like PythonWin
Fernando Pérez
- instrumenting Python code
Amir Michail
- list of empty lists
- reduce vs. for loop
Fernando Pérez
- instrumenting Python code
Peter Hansen
- python, cvs, win32 -- slightly ot
Neil Hodgson
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
G. Sumner Hayes
- PyThreadState_DeleteCurrent()
Tim Peters
- Python vs. C/C++/Java: quantitative data ?
Erik Max Francis
- Symbolic imports and manipulation of the namespace?
John Bell
- Symbolic imports and manipulation of the namespace?
John Bell
- Can I use python code to login a website?
John Bell
- Python Web Programming Book?
Simon Brunning
- Build python under VS.NET
Paolo Invernizzi
- os.fchown, avoiding a race condition
John Leach
- list of empty lists
Robin Becker
- Regex problem ...
- seek in a file
Andreas Penzel
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Uwe Schmitt
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Uwe Schmitt
- Tkinter -> spawn external cmd -> return stdout and stderr to back Tkinter
Eric Brunel
- Encoding when building XML via minidom? (...beginner needs advice)
Petr Prikryl
- Importing PYC
Franck Abella
- Python Web Programming Book?
Audun Tonnesen
- Most efficient unzip - inverse of zip?
kevin parks
- RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c2
Frank Patz
- calldll and threads...
- Python UK - April 4th and 5th
Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)
- Newbie: What the 'PEP' means?
Petr Prikryl
- Newbie: What the 'PEP' means?
Simon Brunning
- list comprehension question
Laura Creighton
- Where is an unbroke version of PyMagick?
- Python Web Programming Book?
Alexandre Fayolle
- C API for modules
John Machin
- [Python-Dev] RE: RELEASED: Python 2.2.1c2
Martin v. Loewis
- Python embedded like PHP
Jon Ribbens
- seek in a file
Jim Dennis
- Encoding when building XML via minidom? (...beginner needs advice)
Martin v. Loewis
- Newbie: What the 'PEP' means?
Petr Prikryl
- overwrite bytes in file
Oleg Broytmann
- Python UK - April 4th and 5th
Duncan Booth
- list comprehension question
Peter Hansen
- win32 problem interacting with word97
Andrew Brown
- re.split and lookaheads
John Machin
- Python, CGI and PGP
Jim Dennis
- Why does this work?
- Looking for a python shell under linux like PythonWin
Gerhard Häring
- starting a python program from within xemacs
Jim Dennis
- Primes....
- overwrite bytes in file
Neal Norwitz
- Python IMAP proxy
Gerhard Häring
- overwrite bytes in file
Alexandre Fayolle
- Random...
Wojtek Walczak
- overwrite bytes in file
Marcus Stojek
- instrumenting Python code
Skip Montanaro
- list comprehension question
Kirill Simonov
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
phil hunt
- Encoding when building XML via minidom? (...beginner needs advice)
phil hunt
- Random...
Chris Gonnerman
- Here is how you will recieve you Vacation at no cost,
987A8857 at
- Primes....
Paul Rubin
- seek in a file
Emile van Sebille
- ReportLab Toolkit 1.13 Released
Robin Becker
- Why does this work?
- reduce vs. for loop
Tim Hochberg
- Primes....
Paul Rubin
- Strange behavior
Brixi Tomáš
- list element of a class with the for statement
Tjabo Kloppenburg
- Tkinter: Why won't it work?
Tjabo Kloppenburg
- Strange behavior
Oleg Broytmann
- Why does this work?
Terry Reedy
- Random...
A.M. Kuchling
- (no subject)
- Why does this work?
Terry Reedy
- Random...
Steve Holden
- menu.add_command options
Paul Sage
William Levin
- location of gmpy, google
Skip Montanaro
- visual python
- list of empty lists
Curtis Jensen
- What am I doing wrong with urllib.urlopen() ?
Hernan M. Foffani
- instrumenting Python code
Skip Montanaro
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- location of gmpy, google
- instrumenting Python code
brueckd at
- visual python
Gerhard Häring
- menu.add_command options
Gustavo Cordova
- visual python
Paul Wright
- urllib threads?
Andres Jaime
- list comprehension question
Laura Creighton
- Tkinter: Why won't it work?
Brian Kelley
- instrumenting Python code
Skip Montanaro
- Importing PYC
Steve Holden
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
- instrumenting Python code
brueckd at
- instrumenting Python code
phil hunt
- Random...
phil hunt
- menu.add_command options
Eric Brunel
- Segregating Interpreter Sessions.
Michael Saunders
- instrumenting Python code
Steve Holden
- instrumenting Python code
Skip Montanaro
- Linux-related help
Susan Williams
- Random...
Erno Kuusela
- instrumenting Python code
brueckd at
- velocity of python,jython,java,jit
Xiao-Qin Xia
- Extending/embedding versus separation
- Traceback without __class__ attribute ?
Bertrand Geston
- instrumenting Python code
brueckd at
- interactive python shell
ian reinhart geiser
- visual python
Bertrand Geston
- Text to HTML algorithm.
Gustavo Cordova
- Memory Error while simulating matrix
David C. Ullrich
- Python Web Programming Book?
Jim Dennis
- The Python Way
Joel Bender
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Geoff Gerrietts
- urllib threads?
- wxPython and wxFlexGridSizer problem
Cliff Wells
- Python Web Programming Book?
Michael Hall
- Why does this work?
Jim Dennis
- os.fchown, avoiding a race condition
Jim Dennis
- Why does this work?
- Text to HTML algorithm.
David Mertz, Ph.D.
- turning a python script to windows service
Jeff Shannon
- The Python Way
Joel Bender
- os.fchown, avoiding a race condition
Martin v. Loewis
- Dealing with python version
Jeff Shannon
- Can I use python code to login a website?
- Tkinter: Why won't it work?
Jeff Shannon
- new to python...
- interactive python shell
brueckd at
- mutliple search and replace
Trung Hoang
- interactive python shell
Martin v. Loewis
- Text to HTML algorithm.
Martin v. Loewis
- win32 problem interacting with word97
Jeff Shannon
- Q: Sound production with python?
Lamy Jean-Baptiste
- 2.2 open
Kragen Sitaker
- thread-safe swap
Kragen Sitaker
- Linux-related help
- interactive python shell
ian reinhart geiser
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- problems with circular references
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Richard Walkington
- Text to HTML algorithm.
Steve Holden
- new to python...
Steve Holden
- new to python...
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- The Python Way
Gustavo Cordova
- The Python Way
Skip Montanaro
- Text to HTML algorithm.
Gustavo Cordova
- mutliple search and replace
Gustavo Cordova
- list comprehension question
Bengt Richter
- [Python-Help] Re: How to get a key from dictionary?
Matthew Sherborne
- Very small zlib/svg problem
Fedor Baart
- problems with circular references
Susan Williams
- I am Tarage your new ruler
Lou Moran
- problems with circular references
Terry Reedy
- thread-safe swap
David Bolen
- problems with circular references
- unicode experiments + questions
Irmen de Jong
- Regex problem ...
- Very small zlib/svg problem
Skip Montanaro
- Dealing with python version
Harry George
- unicode experiments + questions
Brian Quinlan
- unicode experiments + questions
Irmen de Jong
- DSN question
Jeremy Reed
- problems with circular references
Jeff Shannon
- velocity of python,jython,java,jit
Delaney, Timothy
- Why does this work?
Delaney, Timothy
- unicode experiments + questions
Martin v. Loewis
- unicode experiments + questions
Martin v. Loewis
- Dealing with python version
Chris Liechti
- unicode experiments + questions -- PythonWin??
Irmen de Jong
- thread-safe swap
- The Python Way
- unicode experiments + questions
Irmen de Jong
- Python & Poetry <was Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! ...(Mar 26)>
- Slice objects. How to apply them to strings?
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
phil hunt
- list comprehension question
James_Althoff at
- The Python Way
Skip Montanaro
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
phil hunt
- win32 problem interacting with word97
Chin Huang
- Why does this work?
Don Garrett
- Why does this work?
- Why does this work?
Delaney, Timothy
- instrumenting Python code
Bengt Richter
- new style classes and IDLE "grump"
Paul M
- Looking for a python shell under linux like PythonWin
Jim Dennis
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
- instrumenting Python code
Skip Montanaro
- new style classes and an IDLE "grump"
Paul M
- DSN question
Emile van Sebille
- mutliple search and replace
Emile van Sebille
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Shiv Shankar Ramakrishnan
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
- seek in a file
Jim Dennis
- IDiscMaster interface
Chris Gonnerman
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Shiv Shankar Ramakrishnan
- Sorting distionary by value
Jim Dennis
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
David Bolen
- instrumenting Python code
Bengt Richter
- RFC: logging module message hub and user interfaces
Richard Jones
- list comprehension question
Scott Widney
- Sorting distionary by value
Peter Hansen
- The Python Way
Tim Peters
- problems with circular references
Hans Nowak
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
A.M. Kuchling
- mutliple search and replace
Bengt Richter
- seek in a file
Grant Edwards
- Zope Install probs on Mandrake 8.2
Bo Vandenberg
- Extending/embedding versus separation
John Machin
- C API for modules
Paul Archibald
- Zope Install probs on Mandrake 8.2
Petri Savolainen
- interactive python shell
Fernando Pérez
- Image in a module question
- Zope Install probs on Mandrake 8.2
Bo Vandenberg
- Dealing with python version
Andrei Kulakov
- Image in a module question
Joonas Paalasmaa
- Inheritance workshop
Markku Sakkinen
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Random...
Sibylle Koczian
- problems with circular references
Jim Dennis
- Sorting distionary by value
John Machin
- unicode experiments + questions
Martin v. Loewis
- Most efficient unzip - inverse of zip?
Jim Dennis
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Gerhard Häring
- unicode experiments + questions -- PythonWin??
Martin v. Loewis
- Extending/embedding versus separation
- vwait in Python?
Ken Guest
- Weave...
Vincent A. Primavera
- webmin modules in python
- Very small zlib/svg problem
Oleg Broytmann
- Zope Install probs on Mandrake 8.2
Oleg Broytmann
- problems with circular references
Gordon McMillan
- problems with circular references
Steve Holden
- Random...
Steve Holden
- WIN32 Performance Data Helper problem
Mark Gash
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
A.M. Kuchling
- Very small zlib/svg problem
Skip Montanaro
- Declare list of large size
Corrado Gioannini
- Sorting distionary by value
phil hunt
- Moving files
Grant Foster
- Very small zlib/svg problem
Skip Montanaro
- Very small zlib/svg problem
Oleg Broytmann
- interactive python shell
Patrick K. O'Brien
- question on struct.calcsize
John Purser
- Pippy
David Brady
- Declare list of large size
Steve Holden
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Ken Peek
- question on struct.calcsize
Marcus Stojek
- vwait in Python?
Ken Guest
- Sendkeys without Scripting Host
Harald Schneider
- Extension Modules in C
Michael Saunders
- Dealing with python version
- calling a java application result into Python (JPE???)
Louis Luangkesorn
- Extension Modules in C
Skip Montanaro
- Pippy
Jeffery D. Collins
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Steve Holden
- The Python Way
Kevin Dahlhausen
- Image in a module question
Pete Shinners
- I am Tarage your new ruler
Ken Peek
- Sorting distionary by value
Steven Majewski
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Brian Quinlan
- problems with circular references
- problems with circular references
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Syver Enstad
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Syver Enstad
- vwait in Python?
Steve Holden
- problems with circular references
John Roth
- optional pass? (was Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26))
Stefan Schwarzer
- Extending/embedding versus separation
Bengt Richter
- IDiscMaster interface
Jeff Shannon
- vwait in Python?
Jeff Shannon
- Program termination problem
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Jeff Shannon
- Simple threaded web-server based on BaseHTTPServer?
Michael Ströder
- Extension Modules in C
Jeff Shannon
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
Trent Mick
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
damien morton
- optional pass? (was Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26))
phil hunt
- rexec: I don't seem to understand "nok_builtin_names"
Dan Moskowitz
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Dale Strickland-Clark
- ConfigParser -> Section name through Option value
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
David Ascher
- Sorting distionary by value
Jeff Shannon
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
Andrew Kuchling
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Charl P. Botha
- vwait in Python?
Brian Kelley
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Jeff Shannon
- Sorting distionary by value
David Bolen
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Laura Creighton
- ConfigParser -> Section name through Option value
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Default arg for dict() (was Re: Sorting distionary by value)
John Machin
- question on struct.calcsize
David Bolen
- Pippy
Chris Liechti
- Running zope as a WIN32 service
- rexec: I don't seem to understand "nok_builtin_names"
Chris Liechti
- question on struct.calcsize
John Machin
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Bengt Richter
- Weave...
Pearu Peterson
- mutliple search and replace
Trung Hoang
- - new script to help you document Python...
Skip Montanaro
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Steve Lamb
- Newbie Question about os.removedirs()
Robert Weisser
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
David Ascher
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
David Ascher
- Running zope as a WIN32 service
Emile van Sebille
- Newbie Question about os.removedirs()
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- mutliple search and replace
Gustavo Cordova
- mutliple search and replace
Carel Fellinger
- PEP262 - database of installed packages
David Ascher
- Extending/embedding versus separation
John Machin
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Emile van Sebille
- ConfigParser -> Section name through Option value
Greg Krohn
- Default arg for dict() (was Re: Sorting distionary by value)
Steve Holden
- Default arg for dict() (was Re: Sorting distionary by value)
Emile van Sebille
- Exceptions and modules / namespaces question
Preston Landers
- Exceptions and modules / namespaces question
Cliff Wells
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Steve Holden
- Sendkeys without Scripting Host
David Rushby
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Grant Edwards
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Cliff Wells
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
David Ascher
- Exceptions and modules / namespaces question
Emile van Sebille
- Image in a module question
- Exceptions and modules / namespaces question
Samuele Pedroni
- chat server
Henning Peters
- Exceptions and modules / namespaces question
Cliff Wells
- Sorting distionary by value
phil hunt
- Sorting distionary by value
phil hunt
- Python & Poetry <was Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! ...(Mar 26)>
Alistair Cockburn
- Why does this work?
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
Alistair Cockburn
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
- Sorting distionary by value
Jeff Shannon
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
phil hunt
- mutliple search and replace
Bengt Richter
- chat server
Chris Liechti
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
Gerhard Häring
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Syver Enstad
- Sorting distionary by value
Bengt Richter
- Sorting distionary by value
David Bolen
- Default arg for dict() (was Re: Sorting distionary by value)
John Machin
- Default arg for dict() (was Re: Sorting distionary by value)
John Machin
- Default arg for dict() (was Re: Sorting distionary by value)
Bengt Richter
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
- Sendkeys without Scripting Host
Mark Hammond
- vwait in Python?
Peter Hansen
- number of lines in a file
Joseph Youssef
- Simple threaded web-server based on BaseHTTPServer?
- The Python Way
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26)
- trouble getting pdb to work within Xemacs on windows 98
- mutliple search and replace
Bengt Richter
- Win32 Impersonation
- IDiscMaster interface
Chris Gonnerman
- The Python Way
- Python & Poetry <was Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! ...(Mar 26)>
Dan Smart
- Python & Poetry <was Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! ...(Mar 26)>
- ActivePython 2.2 released!
David Ascher
- Streaming XML-RPC?
Jim Dennis
- re.split and lookaheads
Morus Walter
- Sorting distionary by value
Terry Reedy
- multicast test program
Brian Lee
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
Artur Skura
- The Python Way
- Program termination problem
Eric Brunel
- Dealing with python version
Andrei Kulakov
- win32com client and McMillan installer 5.3b1
Francis Meyvis
- Anyone need a program written?
- chat server
Henning Peters
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Benjamin Schollnick
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Dale Strickland-Clark
- The Python Way
- win32com client and McMillan installer 5.3b1
Francis Meyvis
- chat server
Laurent Szyster
- Anyone need a program written?
Pearu Peterson
- ActivePython 2.2 released!
- chat server
Henning Peters
- Random...
Wojtek Walczak
- optional pass? (was Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26))
Alexandre Fayolle
- Program termination problem
John Roth
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
- Sorting distionary by value
Steve Holden
- win32com client and McMillan installer 5.3b1
Gordon McMillan
- Default arg for dict() (was Re: Sorting distionary by value)
Steve Holden
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Steve Holden
- Boa v0.1.0-alpha + unrelated question
Duncan Smith
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
Steve Holden
- Random...
Chris Gonnerman
- Anyone need a program written?
Steve Holden
- Default arg for dict() (was Re: Sorting distionary by value)
Chris Gonnerman
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Chris Gonnerman
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Anthony Baxter
- Python 2.2 chr representation errors with embedded C
Mark Szigety
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
Sandy Norton
- Anyone need a program written?
- number of lines in a file
Emile van Sebille
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
Michael Ströder
Christine Hall
- number of lines in a file
Mark McEahern
- Python embedded like PHP
Paul Boddie
- Python embedded like PHP
Oleg Broytmann
- Anyone need a program written?
Steve Holden
- Simple threaded web-server based on BaseHTTPServer?
Michael Ströder
- vwait in Python?
Brian Kelley
- Anyone need a program written?
- Function problem
Emile van Sebille
- Function problem
Drew Fisher
- Executing a specific function.
Michael Saunders
- Released product
- Linux-related help
Дамјан Г.
- Anyone need a program written?
Andrei Kulakov
- The Python Way
Peter Hansen
- Anyone need a program written?
Pekka Niiranen
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Peter Hansen
- chat server
Peter Hansen
- fails when building Python 2.2 on RedHat 6.2/alpha
Mike Carifio
- Anyone need a program written?
- multicast test program
Дамјан Г.
- Sorting distionary by value
phil hunt
- Executing a specific function.
Martin v. Loewis
- problem getting xmlrpclib example to work
Tim Lynch
- Executing a specific function.
Michael Saunders
- Stopping a thread from an imported file
- Default arg for dict() (was Re: Sorting distionary by value)
Steve Holden
- Anyone need a program written?
Jeff Bienstadt
- python2.2 LESS docstring'able
Pete Shinners
- optional pass? (was Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26))
phil hunt
- Moin/Boa
Glenn Stauffer
- Anyone need a program written?
phil hunt
- Anyone need a program written?
rasmussn at
- python2.2 LESS docstring'able
Martin v. Loewis
- optional pass? (was Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26))
Dave Brueck
- Anyone need a program written?
Brian Quinlan
- number of lines in a file
phil hunt
- Executing a specific function.
Martin v. Loewis
- Anyone need a program written?
Dave Brueck
- Anyone need a program written?
Peter Hansen
- Anyone need a program written?
Andrei Kulakov
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
Steven Majewski
- Problem with Tkinter
- problems with circular references
Michael Chermside
- Boa v0.1.0-alpha + unrelated question
Jeff Shannon
- [ANN] PYNOSPAM 0.1 (and some Embedded-Python-Questions)
Gerson Kurz
- Python 2.2 chr representation errors with embedded C
Bengt Richter
- Slice objects. How to apply them to strings?
Dale Strickland-Clark
- Newbie: List of instances?
Jeff Layton
- Sorting distionary by value
Jeff Shannon
- number of lines in a file
Jeff Shannon
- Python 2.2 chr representation errors with embedded C
Tim Peters
- Slice objects. How to apply them to strings?
Jeffery D. Collins
- Newbie: List of instances?
Bengt Richter
- optional pass? (was Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 26))
Tim Peters
- Newbie: List of instances?
Susan Williams
- Newbie: List of instances?
Peter Hansen
- Anyone need a program written?
Michael Kelly
- Linux-related help
Susan Williams
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
- fails when building Python 2.2 on RedHat 6.2/alpha
Tim Peters
- Win32 Impersonation
Michael Kelly
- Metakit vs. StandaloneZODB
- Default arg for dict() (was Re: Sorting distionary by value)
John Machin
- The OOM-Killer vs. Python
Remi Turk
- [XP] Code Complete: Things were Scary Back Then
David Brady
- Ooops, sorry, wrong list :-)
David Brady
- [ANN] PYNOSPAM 0.1 (and some Embedded-Python-Questions)
Skip Montanaro
- SIGPLAN Scheme Workshop
Olin Shivers
- Newbie: List of instances?
Jeff Layton
- Newbie: List of instances?
Jeff Layton
- string copying
Robin Becker
- Win32 Impersonation
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Steve Lamb
- Newbie: List of instances?
Susan Williams
- Python+wxWindows as Visual Basic replacement?
Robb Shecter
- number of lines in a file
John Machin
- "Don't Kill Opera" documentation release
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Bjorn Pettersen
- string copying
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- IOError on file close
Michael S. Fischer
- List problem
Jon Cosby
- string copying
- List problem
Bjorn Pettersen
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Cliff Wells
- Newbie: List of instances?
Peter Hansen
- [XP] Code Complete: Things were Scary Back Then
Peter Hansen
- Help with POST request.
Gustavo Cordova
- [XP] Code Complete: Things were Scary Back Then
Peter Hansen
- Breaking String into Values
robert garretson wright
- Slice objects. How to apply them to strings?
- Anyone need a program written?
Pearu Peterson
- List problem
Peter Hansen
- Ugly little issue with Tkinter - Pmw.Counter - datatype
Paul Sage
- Breaking String into Values
Gustavo Cordova
- Problem with Tkinter
Martin v. Loewis
- Python 2.2 chr representation errors with embedded C
John Machin
- IOError on file close
Martin v. Loewis
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (new proposal):
Ken Peek
- [XP] Code Complete: Things were Scary Back Then
Steve Holden
- GUI programming
Mark Nenadov
- string copying
Steve Holden
- string copying
Jeff Shannon
- GUI programming
Mark Nenadov
- Breaking String into Values
Terry Reedy
- [development doc updates]
Fred L. Drake
- Where's the "news" section on
Chris Wright
- [Python-Dev] [development doc updates]
David Abrahams
- IOError on file close
Michael S. Fischer
- List problem
Terry Reedy
- List problem
Terry Reedy
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (new proposal):
Cliff Wells
- Where's the "news" section on
Martin v. Loewis
- Breaking String into Values
Chris Liechti
- IOError on file close
Martin v. Loewis
- Python+wxWindows as Visual Basic replacement?
Jeff Shannon
- IOError on file close
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- string copying
Peter Hansen
- List problem
Peter Hansen
- Help with POST request.
Chris Liechti
- IOError on file close
Michael S. Fischer
- IOError on file close
Michael S. Fischer
- List problem
Jon Cosby
- List problem
Terry Reedy
- List problem
Terry Reedy
- Anyone need a program written?
Richard Jones
- Anyone need a program written?
Richard Jones
- Anyone need a program written?
Richard Jones
- List problem
Jon Cosby
- First post!
Zutroi Zatatakowski
- Breaking String into Values
Steven Majewski
- First post!
Geoff Gerrietts
- Breaking String into Values
Jeff Shannon
- Ang: Re: Random...
- string copying
- Function problem
Michael Hall
- string copying
Tim Peters
- table driven code [was: Breaking String into Values]
Steven Majewski
- string copying
Peter Hansen
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Steven Majewski
- Slice objects. How to apply them to strings?
Bengt Richter
- Ugly little issue with Tkinter - Pmw.Counter - datatype
Matthew Dixon Cowles
- Python+wxWindows as Visual Basic replacement?
David Bolen
- GUI programming
Umesh Persad
- ANN: cage 1.0 -- Cellular automata engine in Python
Erik Max Francis
- runtime location discovery
Geoff Gerrietts
- number of lines in a file
Bengt Richter
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Bjorn Pettersen
- Program termination problem
- thanks all! it's great
Trung Hoang
- execfile() - change python version?
Trung Hoang
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (new proposal):
Chris Gonnerman
- execfile() - change python version?
Peter Hansen
- Newbie: List of instances?
Bengt Richter
- execfile() - change python version?
Trung Hoang
- execfile() - change python version?
Trung Hoang
- python cgi design patterns?
Trung Hoang
- Newbie: List of instances?
Bengt Richter
- multicast test program
Erno Kuusela
- execfile() - change python version?
Peter Hansen
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (new proposal):
Bengt Richter
- Unicode with win32com and makepy
Tim Roberts
- decision tables Re: Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (new proposal):
Roman Suzi
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- string copying
Bengt Richter
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Chris Gonnerman
- Data type ideas
Joel Ricker
- Standalone CGI Server - Question for Group
Sandy Norton
- decision tables Re: Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (new proposal):
Gerson Kurz
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Christian Tanzer
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Christian Tanzer
- string copying
Tim Peters
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
David Eppstein
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Tim Peters
- When will your website be finished?
til1li.iili1i1li1_il at
- Data type ideas
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Unicode with win32com and makepy
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Robin Becker
- Client/Server Tutorial?
Kragen Sitaker
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Ralph Corderoy
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Paul Rubin
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Brett Cannon
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- GUI programming
- wxPython install problems on linux
- GUI programming
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
David Abrahams
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Mark McEahern
- GUI programming
Richard Jones
- [Python-Dev] RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Ralph Corderoy
- Problem with Tkinter
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- Problem with Tkinter
Martin v. Loewis
- GUI programming
Charl P. Botha
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
John Roth
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Dale Strickland-Clark
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
John Roth
- Data type ideas
John Roth
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Paul Rubin
- Data type ideas
John Machin
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Roy Smith
- Slice objects. How to apply them to strings?
Dale Strickland-Clark
- decision tables Re: Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (new proposal):
Roman Suzi
- List problem
Jon Cosby
- [Python-Dev] RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Dale Strickland-Clark
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Pearu Peterson
- [Python-Dev] RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- Data type ideas
Dale Strickland-Clark
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
David Abrahams
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (new proposal):
Dale Strickland-Clark
- [Python-Dev] RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Patrick K. O'Brien
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- [Python-Dev] RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- Problem with Tkinter
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Greg Weeks
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
David Abrahams
- Data type ideas
Edward C. Jones
- [Python-Dev] RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Andrew Koenig
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Andrew Koenig
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Andrew Koenig
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Andrew Koenig
- [Python-Dev] RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Peter Hansen
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
David Abrahams
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
David Abrahams
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Andrew Koenig
- [Python-Dev] RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Emile van Sebille
- [Python-Dev] RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- piddle on xdarwin
Adam C.
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Ralph Corderoy
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Peter Hansen
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Ken Peek
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
David Eppstein
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Syver Enstad
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- Stopping a thread from an imported file
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Ken Peek
- Another stab at a "switch/case" construct (for Python 3000):
Ken Peek
- getting infos from a website
Zutroi Zatatakowski
- getting infos from a website
Zutroi Zatatakowski
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
phil hunt
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
phil hunt
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Boris Qaré
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Terry Reedy
- Stopping a thread from an imported file
- getting infos from a website
Zutroi Zatatakowski
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
phil hunt
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Jimmy Retzlaff
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type: yes, but not as int subtype
Ype Kingma
- getting infos from a website
Chris Liechti
- Data type ideas
John Machin
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type: yes, but not as int subtype
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- list of functions
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Carel Fellinger
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
phil hunt
- CGI/modpython ???
gargravarr at
- string copying
phil hunt
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- string copying
phil hunt
- seek()
Zutroi Zatatakowski
- list of functions
- [ANN] PYNOSPAM 0.1 (and some Embedded-Python-Questions)
phil hunt
- C-API, Tuple return value refcounts
Eric Merritt
- list of functions
Chris Liechti
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Carel Fellinger
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
John Roth
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
John Roth
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
phil hunt
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type: yes, but not as int subtype
Paul Sidorsky
- CGI/modpython ???
Michael Hall
- CGI/modpython ???
Michael Hall
- Python embedded like PHP
Jon Ribbens
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- CGI/modpython ???
Michael Hall
- Subclass sadness (was Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type)
- CGI/modpython ???
Tim Churches
- ANN: SCSIPyTOOLS a library of Python tools to test SCSI and IDE disk drives
Samuel Schulenburg
- python cgi design patterns?
Trung Hoang
- web - recommended authentication?
Trung Hoang
- Most important extensions?
- [ANN] PYNOSPAM 0.1 (and some Embedded-Python-Questions)
Gerhard Häring
- list subscripting (nested lists)
les ander
- long integers
Erik Max Francis
- Subclass sadness (was Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type)
Andrew Koenig
- Subclass sadness (was Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type)
Richard Jones
- string copying
Peter Hansen
- seek()
Peter Hansen
- Most important extensions?
Peter Hansen
- list subscripting (nested lists)
Peter Hansen
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Peter Hansen
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Peter Hansen
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- Most important extensions?
Nick Arnett
- ActivePython 2.2 released!
David Ascher
- relational database?
Trung Hoang
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- Most important extensions?
Pearu Peterson
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type: yes, but not as int subtype
Martin v. Loewis
- relational database?
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type: yes, but not as int subtype
Martin v. Loewis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type: yes, but not as int subtype
Ype Kingma
- GUI programming
Dale Strickland-Clark
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Hernan M. Foffani
- long integers
Michael Hall
- Where is/What happened to ActivePython (PythonWin) 2.2 ?!
Jim Dennis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
John Roth
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Ralph Corderoy
- relational database?
- python cgi design patterns?
Michael Hall
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Ralph Corderoy
- [ANN] PYNOSPAM 0.1 (and some Embedded-Python-Questions)
phil hunt
- GUI programming
Charl P. Botha
- relational database?
Trung Hoang
- string copying
Steve Holden
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Peter Hansen
- relational database?
Peter Hansen
- string copying
- string copying
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Roy Smith
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
- Subclass sadness (was Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type)
- List problem
Jon Cosby
- Most important extensions?
- Most important extensions?
- List problem
Jon Cosby
- Possible to save router logs?
- seek()
Zutroi Zatatakowski
- string copying
Peter Hansen
- List problem
Peter Hansen
- C-API, Tuple return value refcounts
- Most important extensions?
Peter Hansen
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Paul Prescod
- Most important extensions?
Peter Hansen
- OT: Daylight savings time (was Re: Subclass sadness (was Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type))
Peter Hansen
- Possible to save router logs?
Peter Hansen
- Python embedded like PHP
Paul Boddie
- seek()
Zutroi Zatatakowski
- Most important extensions?
Hernan M. Foffani
- Most important extensions?
Chirag Wazir
- List problem
Jon Cosby
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erno Kuusela
- Thread blocking problem
- newbie question on lists, getting an error on basic addition
John Warney
- Possible to save router logs?
Chris Liechti
- Thread blocking problem
- newbie question on lists, getting an error on basic addition
- Most important extensions?
- Most important extensions?
- newbie question on lists, getting an error on basic addition
Emile van Sebille
- Most important extensions?
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- Tkinter + import question
Adonis Vargas
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Stefan Schwarzer
- string copying
Tim Peters
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
phil hunt
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- selecting files from MySQL
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type: yes, but not as int subtype
Ype Kingma
- Most important extensions?
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- Possible to save router logs?
Mikke M.
- memory usage
Zutroi Zatatakowski
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Emile van Sebille
- Replace high-bit characters in file.
Mikke M.
- New-style exceptions?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
- New-style exceptions?
- New-style exceptions?
Tim Peters
- New-style exceptions?
Michael Hudson
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
David Abrahams
- getting infos from a website
Quinn Dunkan
- Replace high-bit characters in file.
Brian Quinlan
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Gary Stephenson
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Pearu Peterson
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
John Roth
- relational database?
Michael Hall
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- newbie question on lists, getting an error on basic addition
John Warney
- newbie question on lists, getting an error on basic addition
John Warney
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- OT: Daylight savings time (was Re: Subclass sadness (was Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type))
Richard Jones
- Replace high-bit characters in file.
Chris Liechti
- Call for kjBuckets.c [was Re: relational database?]
Richard Jones
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Ralph Corderoy
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Martin v. Loewis
- OT: Daylight savings time (was Re: Subclass sadness (was Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type))
John Machin
- Replace high-bit characters in file.
Martin v. Loewis
- Replace high-bit characters in file.
Mikke M.
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type: yes, but not as int subtype
Guido van Rossum
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Guido van Rossum
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Pearu Peterson
- Cannot find what I'm sure is a simple command... please help.
A. Jones
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Terry Reedy
- ANN: bridgekeeper 0.0.1 - a Perl to Python source code converter
Hartmut Goebel
- Python/Linux
Robert Oschler
- Python quick setup URL for Linux setup?
Robert Oschler
- [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
David Eppstein
- Cannot find what I'm sure is a simple command... please help
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
- Cannot find what I'm sure is a simple command... please help.
- Python/Linux
- Python quick setup URL for Linux setup?
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Kirill Simonov
- Accessing CVS on SourceForge?
Samuel Schulenburg
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Magnus Lie Hetland
- piddle on xdarwin
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Streaming XML-RPC?
Magnus Lie Hetland
- [Python-Dev] RE: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Magnus Lie Hetland
- Accessing CVS on SourceForge?
Neal Norwitz
- OT Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Gary Stephenson
- multithreading and Tkinter
James Logajan
- Replace high-bit characters in file.
Mikke M.
- Cannot find what I'm sure is a simple command... please help.
John Roth
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Terry Reedy
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
phil hunt
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Raymond Hettinger
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Terry Reedy
- Python quick setup URL for Linux setup?
Robert Oschler
- Python/Linux
Robert Oschler
- Python/Linux
Robert Oschler
- Webware for Python 0.7
Geoffrey Talvola
- Most important extensions?
Raymond Hettinger
- __name__ on new-style classes
Gonçalo Rodrigues
- New-style exceptions?
Raymond Hettinger
- multithreading and Tkinter
- Cannot find what I'm sure is a simple command... please help.
A. Jones
- Python quick setup URL for Linux setup?
- Python/Linux
- Python/Linux
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?=
- New-style exceptions?
- Cannot find what I'm sure is a simple command... please help.
- Python/Linux
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?=
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Terry Reedy
- Python/Linux
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?=
- python name spaces
- chat server
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?=
- GUI programming
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?=
- PyOS -- was: Re: ANN: cage 1.0 -- Cellular automata engine in Python
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?=
- __name__ on new-style classes
Guido van Rossum
- Root access with python
Jim Dennis
- long integers
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?=
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- string copying
Carl Banks
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Erik Max Francis
- The fastest XML parser around
Andy Robinson
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
- Python socket problems
- PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Paul Rubin
- Streaming XML-RPC?
Jim Dennis
- Python/Linux
Gerhard =?unknown-8bit?Q?H=E4ring?=
Last message date:
Sun Mar 31 23:27:32 EST 2002
Archived on: Sun Oct 27 15:59:11 EDT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).