GUI programming

Umesh Persad upersad at
Fri Mar 29 20:39:14 EST 2002

 I am doing an assignment using python -
making a turkish checkers game.

|                                                         |
|                                                         |
|                                                         |
|            checker board area                |
|                                                         |
|          text fileds and buttons area       |
|                                                         |

I wanted to have a user interface where
I can draw the game board as well as take
in text input below the board with some text
felds and buttons. I see there are many GUI toolkits
available. I am wondering which one should I use
(tkinter, wxpython?) that will be simple enough
to get me up and running qiuckly. Also are there
any examples that I can look at? 

Also, if any one is familiar with Tkinter,
how do I put up a window with a size
that I want? Also how do I place a canvas
on the window at a predefined size?

Thanks a lot,

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