newbie-ish question on exec statement

Jason Orendorff jason at
Tue Mar 12 03:45:01 EST 2002

Gabe Newcomb wrote:
> Specifically, what I want to do is build function
> names dynamically and call them (don't ask why).
> I have a feeling that something unexpected (by me anyway)
> is happening with the string I'm trying to pass in as the
> arg to my_function()--this is based on the response I'm
> getting from my function.

Well, it has to do with the number of backslashes you've got.
The following examples should both work:

  exec "t = my_" + "function('\\\\\\\\machine\\\\share')"
  exec r"t = my_" + r"function(r'\\machine\share')"

But it would be better to do it this way:

  fnname = "my_" + "function"  # build function name
  fn = eval(fnname)            # look up the function
  fn('\\\\machine\\share')     # call it

And there is a better way still, but it depends on why
you're doing what you're doing, and I'm not supposed to ask.

## Jason Orendorff

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