jython - animation problem

Rob Hall blokeatiidotnet
Thu May 23 04:16:33 EDT 2002

Hi all.

Using Jython, I want to animate a rectangle moving across the screen, but am
trouble defining my old and new rectangle.  Here's what I have:

from java import applet, awt

...some code here
class MapArea(awt.Canvas):
      def __init__(self, controller):
            ... more code here
      def paint(self, g):
            oldRect = awt.Rectangle
            newRect = awt.Rectangle
            ....stuff to get the dimensions and coordinates
            oldRect.x = oldX
            oldRect.y = oldY
            oldRect.width = width
            oldRect.height = height

(51)     newRect.x = curX
            newRect.y = curY
            newRect.width = width
            newRect.height = height

            clip =  newRect.union(oldRect)
            g.clipRect(clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height)
            g.clearRect(oldX, oldY, clearWidth, clearHeight)
            g.fillRect(curX, curY, width, height )

The trouble is, when I run it I get the following error at line 51:

 AttributeError: set instance variable as static: public int

What am I doing wrong?


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