Obtaining two references to a COM server

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue May 14 20:30:22 EDT 2002

Lars von Wedel wrote:
> Hi,
> we are using Python as a COM client of an application
> and we want to start two server instances. This works
> fine in VB using
>  Dim anw As Object 'Das Anwendungsobjekt
>   Set anw = CreateObject("Parsival.Application.1")
>   anw.Visible = true
>  Dim anw2 As Object 'Das Anwendungsobjekt
>   Set anw2 = CreateObject("Parsival.Application.1")
>   anw2.Visible = true
> However, using Python Win32 extensions, 
>   Dispatch("Parsival.Application.1")
> will receive two references which point to the same
> object.
> Any ideas on this different behavior? How can we achieve
> the VB behavior in Python?

Try using:
   ob = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance("prog.id", None,\
   ob = Dispatch(ob)

and it should do what you expect.


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