memory leaks in Tkinter

Edward K. Ream edream at
Tue Nov 26 21:07:04 EST 2002

> This wasn't intended as a jibe at Leo. The memory leakage really does bug
> me, and I think it's a programming error, not an underlying attribute or
> flaw.

Not to worry.  I welcome bug reports.  However, you have the best chance of
getting my attention by reporting them on Leo's SF site.  I just stumbled on
this thread because I've been looking into leaks myself recently, and I have
been wondering how to separate "real" leaks from data associated with undo.

> As we've discussed before, Leo chews up large chunks of memory when
> are expanded/collapsed, and even when the same sections of the outline are
> expanded/collapsed, the memory usage grows by significant amounts. I don't
> see how this relates to undo since there's no change in the text.

I don't remember this as a bug report.  Probably just my memory :-)  Anyway,
it's now on Leo's bug list.  I know Idle has a comment in its tree code
about leaking bindings, and Leo uses similar code.  I'm not sure what can be
done about it; I've looked at this code several times and inspiration never
seems to strike.

Leo 3.9 uses only about 5% of the memory previously used for undoing text
operations.  I was thinking that text undo was the only significant memory
hog; apparently I was wrong.  Thanks again for the bug report.

Edward K. Ream   email:  edream at
Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines

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