idea for a much needed application
mike henley
rsrchstr at
Mon Sep 30 15:35:08 EDT 2002
no comment.
"TGOS" <tgos at invalid.invalid> wrote in message
news:7l0gpugn6lehtmj46a1e5a0stg2cfmreqa at
> On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 00:40:24 +0100 "mike henley" <rsrchstr at>
> wrote in
> >> To publish information, all you need is writing it into a HTML file and
> >> a server that hands out the HTML file when getting asked for it.
> >> You don't need any special languages, modules or applications on the
> >> server to publish your information, other than the ones already present
> >> on a web-server.
> >
> > "other than the ones already present on a web-server", exactly! i want
to be
> > ably to use whatever language, modules or applications i choose, and
> > the year use others, freely.
> You just put your HTML file online, how this is served to users
> requesting it is non of your business. Your webhost guarantees that it
> is served. It doesn't matter if the WWW server is Apache or Zeus.
> > if i choose perl, php, or even python, ruby or tcl, then i want to be
> > able to do that.
> Can use all these on my webhost. However, you need NONE of these to
> publish information and that's all you want to do according to your own
> words.
> > if i want to use mysql or something else that i prefer, then i want
> > to have the freedom to do that.
> Can use that, too. But again, not necessary for your described task.
> <snip>
> > Agree, if that's all you want, but beyond keeping some text online, it's
> > difficult.
> Keeping some text online (and/or some pictures) means publishing of
> information on the WWW.
> <snip>
> > my post is not about tim-burners lee or what he said.
> To quote yourself:
> >>> I remember a while ago reading about tim burners-lee and how his
> >>> vision of the WorldWideWeb as a medium where all can freely and
> >>> easily publish information has not materialized properly
> This vision is already reality, make a HTML file, say what you have to
> say and put it on some server. Information... published. His vision did
> not include the usage of any script or database, as these are not
> necessary to publish information.
> <snip>
> > my post is also not about the economics or politics of hosting;
> Of course it is. You demand to get something for free, others (webhosts)
> must pay for. How shall this work?
> Despite that, you already pay for your Internet connection, don't you?
> So when you publish something from your own PC, it's not for free
> either: You pay the fees for your dial-up account! And if anyone would
> publish from home through a dial-up account, these fees would raise
> noticeably very soon.
> > this sounds much like the open source vs proprietary software arguments.
> OpenSource is "free" software, but "free" like in "free speech"; not
> "free" like in "free beer". Nowhere is written that a service must be
> offering OpenSource software to you for free (without any costs
> involved). They can charge you whatever it pleases them. OpenSource just
> means that they will provide the source code for the software as well
> (the source code is not kept a trade secret). And often it means that
> you may use this source code in your own software, as long as it will be
> OpenSource again (GPL, but GPL != OpenSource; not all OpenSource is GPL
> software).
> <snip>
> >> IRC, ICQ, AIM... the list is endless.
> >
> > Yes, that is what my post is about, combining instant messaging presence
> > with dynamic DNS.
> Then you must create your own shiny, new instance message service, as
> the already existing providers like ICQ (belongs now to AOHell, doesn't
> it?) and AIM (always belonged to AOHell) don't allow you play with
> *their network*. They write the server software, they write the client
> software, they alone decide about the network protocol (at least they
> did for years, now they pretend to seek for open standards, all bullshit
> IMHO).
> So what you are looking for is not a new software, but a new SERVICE.
> How will this service be financed if it shall offer everything for free?
> AOHell can finance their free services, they make enough money from 12
> millions moron stupid enough to sign-up for the joke they call "Internet
> Access".
> <snip>
> >> Allow users to see your IP address when you are connected to an IRC
> >> network or to ICQ for example, then they can enter your IP address into
> >> their browser address bar and will get a webpage if you run a webserver
> >> and are not behind a firewall that blocks port 80.
> >>
> >
> > Perhaps it can be possible to do a little application to automate this.
> Perhaps users that are too lazy to copy/paste your IP address into their
> browser should go to hell?
> --
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