Mimicing intepreter import behaviour in embedded application

Syver Enstad syver-en+usenet at online.no
Sun Sep 8 12:45:19 EDT 2002

I have embedded python in a C++ application. Now I want python code running
in this application to reach modules in the same way as code running
in the standard interpreter. So I set up a test comparing the sys.path
variable under python and my application with the intpreter embedded.

Most of the two sys.path's are equal except:
Regular python:                   Embedded:
 ('d:\\devtools\\python22\\DLLs', 'D:\\devtools\\Python22\\Lib'),
 ('d:\\devtools\\python22\\lib', 'D:\\devtools\\Python22\\DLLs'),
This line is caused by the differing locations of the .exe files
 ('d:\\devtools\\python22', 'h:\\mydocuments\\Kode\\C++\\Applications\\pyexe'),
Here I miss the .pth file that I have for PIL.

Is there a way to more closely mimic "the real interpreter"?


Vennlig hilsen 

Syver Enstad

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