List/Tuple bug or feature?
sismex01 at
sismex01 at
Wed Sep 25 19:18:28 EDT 2002
> sismex01 at fed this fish to the penguins on Tuesday 24
> September 2002 03:12 pm:
> > It's one of python's features :-)
> >
> > For when you wanna write a long string, SQL for example:
> >
> > Query = "SELECT what, when, where, why "
> > "FROM t1, t2, t2 "
> > "WHERE = t2.id_t1 and t3.id_t2 = and t1.id_t2 =
> > " "AND t1.answer = 'OK'"
> >
> What's wrong with...
> query = """select what, when, where, why
> from t1, t2, t3
> where = t2.id_t1
> and t3_id2 = ...etc """
Hey, don't kill the messenger, I'm just explaining what
happened regarding the auto-concatenation of string
constants. If you don't like, don't use it.
But then, you did ask.
>>> query = """select what, when, where, why
from t1, t2, t3
where = t2.id_t1
and t3_id2 = ...etc """
>>> query
'select what, when, where, why\n from t1, t2, t3\n
where = t2.id_t1\n and t3_id2 = ...etc '
>>> unsightly amount of useless whitespace.
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