vim configuration help

Randall Smith randall at
Tue Apr 15 02:58:55 EDT 2003

I'm learning Python and I've been looking for a good IDE to use with it. 
    I haven't found an IDE that has text editing capabilities close to 

Much of my previous programming is with Emacs/PHP and I love the 
auto-indenting, tab-indenting, well thought-out key strokes, and the 
ability to ssh into a server and run Emacs.

I'd like to try out Vim while writing Python code (I'm using Webware). 
Right now, the default settings using color coding, have an 8 space tab 
and no autoindenting.  I would like to have a tab space of 2 or 4 spaces 
and have auto-indenting.

I have no idea how to configure Vim.  I'm a total newbie.  Can someone 
please help me get started.  I'm looking to configure Vim for Python. 
Autoindenting and 4 space tabs are high priority now.



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