Slogan: Getting Rich Overnight

val val at
Sun Aug 10 23:01:21 EDT 2003

    Hi Christian,
    If the slogan concept is set aside for awhile,
i independently came to the same/close idea of
'application-specific' or 'enriched' (in the spirit of IPython)
command line (CL),  a python-based one, of course.
The interactive mode you are talking about indeed provides
a unique *fast* feedback-driven capabilities for an app analysis
and running.
    I'm working (on and off) on a 'lawyer CL', 'dentist CL',
'project manager CL', etc trying to abstract a generic CL functionality
and the limits of the CL concept.  A command line in combination
with the PythonWin like intellisense and Python help is a very
flexible and powerful interactive environment.  It may combine
a purely CL facilities and quick GUIs fired from CL when necessary.
Such a CL may provide an interactive access to rich business
objects/methods and their functionality.
    A standard GUI is a great concept, but it has a fixed
structure which may become a highly complicated for real-world apps.
A well-designed CL actually splits a potentially huge GUI into
manageable and app-specific "time slices" (CL+GUI) driven by the
current output of the app.
    In some cases, a CL can be driven or evolve in a semiautomatic
mode displaying (for a user) only pre-specified or dynamically generated
critical elements of the application dynamics.  Thus, a CL design
(business objects accessed and their user control) may be highly
flexible comparing with a fully pre-specified (and thus too rigid)
program control.
    So, business objects' power under user fingertips seems to be a
powerful concept, indeed.  In fact, a living organism' functionality
in an environment is split similarly into stimuli (inputs) and responses
(outputs);  an output, in turn, can represent a (pre-specified)
sequence of responses potentially modifiable by the environment
(user inputs).  This way the virtual/autonomous users/agents can be
setup and configured with various degree of decision-making
capabilities beginning from simple user models ('beginner') and
finishing with sophisticated user models ('expert') with a
significant built-in knowledge of the application dynamics and,
therefore, potential responses.  So, a part of the app processing
gets transferred into a user model with control, monitoring,
debugging(?) and other 'who-knows' functions.
    Ok, enough nice dreams..
Interactive-ly y'rs,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Tismer" <tismer at>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 10:59 PM
Subject: Slogan: Getting Rich Overnight

> Dear friends.
> During a conversation with good friends and newly acquired
> Pythonista, we were discussing Python, what it is in essence,
> and what it is giving to us.
> The people were Dinu Gherman, Giorgio Giacomazzi,
> a promising newcomer in the Python noosphere, and myself.
> We were discussing how to advertise for Python, and Dinu
> spread some of the recent library enhancements, like
> - email package
> - XML parsers
> - distutils
> - add lots of other great stuff, here.
> Then, after a while of silence, Giorgio said something like
> """
> Well, right.
> But despite of the libraries, I was hit by pure Python,
> by the following, simply by using it interactively:
> There are these lists, these tuples, and these dicts.
> They are immediately there, at my fingertips. And this is
> a feeling that I never had, before. Especially these dicts
> are incredible.
> This was a feeling like 'getting rich overnight'.
> """
> I loved this statement very much, and I have to say, this
> is essentially my feeling for myself, since many years now.
> I could imagine that this might be a candidate for next year's
> Python congress' slogan. "Python makes you rich, overnight".
> Not by money, in the first place, but by multiplying your
> own capabilities, immediately.
> It needed the fresh experience of a newcomer to become aware
> of this, again.
> The ambiguity is obvious. On first reading, it will attract
> many. On second reading, those who are thinking "ahh, ohh, yes,
> not I understand" will remain. But that's ok for a good slogan!
> got rich overnight by Python!
> being rich since 1800 nights now - sincerely -- chris
> --
> Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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