Emacs and ELSE

Dialtone dialtone/#NOSPAM#\ at aruba.it
Sat Jan 4 20:49:05 EST 2003

Hi all. After reading the very long thread about Python editors under
linux (and maybe also under windows), I've been trying out Emacs (I
already know how to use Vim and GVim, and I may say I love them)...

The main reason I'm trying emacs is because of the possibility to
lauch the inpterpreter inside Emacs without external apps working and

Well... I've followed all the instructions in both

but I don't know if ELSE is working...
How can I know this?

anyway... I found only a sample.emacs file in my Xemacs/etc
directory... since I did not find anything else I started with that
one and at the end renamed it .emacs. It should be good anyway right?

thx for the answers.
try: troll = "Brain"
except TypeError, data: 
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