Has anyone created a simple POP3 and SMTP server using TWISTED?

Kim Petersen kp at kyborg.dk
Tue Mar 18 07:07:39 EST 2003

Donn Cave wrote:
> Quoth Jp Calderone <exarkun at intarweb.us>:
> [... entering miserable thread that has gone on far past its useful lifespan]
> |>|> | If this is so, how does inetd work?
> |>|> 
> |>|> Doesn't.
> |>|> 
> |>|
> |>|   You're kidding, right?
> |> 
> |> Not at all.  Why?
> |
> |   Because inetd does work.  This is easily demonstrable.  I invite you to
> | connect to my ident port, for example.
> |
> |   Perhaps you meant that inetd performs poorly under some circumstances? 
> | Or is undesirable for some other reason?
> Perhaps we're not talking about UNIX, but rather BeOS, which neither
> supports the functionality required for inetd, nor is in any way intended
> to be used as a network server.  So, yes, something like that.

Hmmm, it seems to me that there is at least xinetd running on BeOS + 
from what i've google'd it seems that it isn't the only one....

You sure it isn't a question of resetting the BeOS equivalent to the 
close-on-exec flag on the socket (from Unix) ?

Med Venlig Hilsen / Regards

Kim Petersen - Kyborg A/S
IT - Innovationshuset
Havnepladsen 2
7100 Vejle
Tlf. +4576408183 || Fax. +4576408188

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