enum in Python

Scott David Daniels Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org
Mon Sep 8 19:17:07 EDT 2003

David M. Cook wrote:

> In article <KF67b.33$fd2.25 at newssvr23.news.prodigy.com>, Andrew Chalk wrote:
>>As a rank Python beginner I've used a dictionary, but presumably there is a
>>better way.
> I've seen idioms like 
> FOO, BAR, BAZ = range(3)
> used.
> Dave Cook

For 2.3 or after:

     class Enumerate(object):
         def __init__(self, names):
             for number, name in enumerate(names.split()):
                 setattr(self, name, number)

To use:
     codes = Enumerate('FOO BAR BAZ')
     codes.BAZ will be 2 and so on.

if you only have 2.2, precede this with:

     from __future__ import generators

     def enumerate(iterable):
         number = 0
         for name in iterable:
             yield number, name
             number += 1


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