Comment on PEP-0322: Reverse Iteration Methods

David Abrahams dave at
Fri Sep 26 19:46:08 EDT 2003

Alex Martelli <aleax at> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> Alex Martelli <aleax at> writes:
>>> David Abrahams wrote:
>>>    ...
>>>> Also, the idea of denying tuples the ability to reverse iterate seems
>>>> arbitrary and capricious.
>>> Sure, but so is denying them, e.g., non-mutating methods such as
>>> .index() and .count().
>> Not IMO. Immutability is a very useful trait.
> Sure, very useful indeed -- and why does YO suggest that add such
> NON-mutating methods would damage immutability in the LEAST...?

Sorry, I misread your reply.  I didn't know those were missing.

>>> At least we're _consistently_ arbitrary and capricious!-)
>> Not in this case.
> Some amplification would be welcome, because the above comment
> on immutability's usefulness is totally obscure to me in context.

My mistake; you were right as usual.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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