Giving the FAQ a more prominent place (UTB: Re: Comments on Python Redesign)

Gerrit Holl gerrit at
Mon Sep 8 10:00:06 EDT 2003

Erik Max Francis wrote:
> Tim Parkin wrote:
> > Perhaps the people who have commented on the site should realise it's
> > a proposal and a work in progress.
> Could someone remind me what need there is for a redesign in the first
> place?  Of all the Python-related efforts that one could put time into,
> this seems like one of the least useful.

What I *do* think, is that it would be useful to put the FAQ more
prominently on the site. Maybe posting the FAQ to weekly,
in a separate post, also helps. I don't really mind seeing questions
answered in the FAQ, but it will help because the FAQ is not very
easy to find.

(The FAQ actually _is_ linked from the front page of, but
 there are exactly 114 links on the front page: not exactly easy to find
 the FAQ between them, especially if you're new)


107. If the merchant cheat the agent, in that as the latter has
returned to him all that had been given him, but the merchant denies the
receipt of what had been returned to him, then shall this agent convict
the merchant before God and the judges, and if he still deny receiving
what the agent had given him shall pay six times the sum to the agent.
        -- 1780 BC, Hammurabi, Code of Law
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