[OT] Keyboard layout, was Re: PEP318

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Fri Aug 13 07:58:32 EDT 2004

On 13-aug-04, at 13:39, Michael Hudson wrote:

> Sion Arrowsmith <siona at chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:
>> Roy Smith  <roy at panix.com> wrote:
>>> Sion Arrowsmith <siona at chiark.greenend.org.uk> wrote:
>>>> As someone who's just started using a Mac for the first time(*),
>>>> I'd like to add that it's not always plain-sailing on an English
>>>> keyboard.
>>> What's wrong with Mac keyboards?
>> No @, hence tangential relevance to PEP318 (and a point against
>> pies, before or after the def). Unless you can remember it's on
>> option-3.
> Huh?  On *my* mac <wink> @ is shift-2 and # is option-3.  And I live
> with the latter, and I type it far more often than anyone is ever
> going to type @ for decorators...
> Now, if someone would like to fix \ in place for the purposes of
> LaTeX, then you're really talking!

Use a real keyboard? On my powerbook @ is shift-2, # is shift-3 and \ 
is near return and left-shift :-)


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