PRE-PEP: new Path class

Syver Enstad syver-en+usenet at
Thu Jan 8 10:22:06 EST 2004

Peter Hansen <peter at> writes:

> I haven't been following (either discussion) closely, but this
> sounds similar to some posts I read about a discussing involved a
> .reverse() method, and the apparent conclusion that .reversed()
> [note the 'd'] was more appropriate as it didn't imply that the
> object was being modified in-place, but that it was returning a
> reversed version of itself.  Same thing could apply here...

Good point, but what about asNormalized() or asReversed()? Or
as_reversed() or as_normalized() if that is the coding
convention. Doesn't that communicate the intent even better?


Syver Enstad

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