
Michele Simionato michele.simionato at poste.it
Thu Jun 10 16:30:58 EDT 2004

Jacek Generowicz <jacek.generowicz at cern.ch> wrote in message news:<tyf8yevdgoz.fsf at pcepsft001.cern.ch>...
> I'm pretty sure that Scheme allows you
> to do this without any restriction.

Indeed. I knew it was possible to redefine macros but I did not expect
it was possible to redefine "built-in" "globally" so easily:

 (define-macro (if c . args)

(display (if #t 'true 'false)) ;=> surprise

By "globally" I mean that everything that depends of "if" will be modified:

(display (when #t 1)) ;=> surprise

which is a recipe for disasters. So I see the logic of the restriction
in Common Lisp.

           Michele Simionato

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